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A Real Cure for Arthritis
A Real Cure for Arthritis
A Real Cure for Arthritis
Ebook135 pages2 hours

A Real Cure for Arthritis

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This book provides accurate information to maintain maximum good health with a minimum of prescription drugs and unnecessary surgeries. This is also to encourage people to help one another, especially help senior citizens and children!

Release dateMar 1, 2021
A Real Cure for Arthritis

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    A Real Cure for Arthritis - Leo D. Salsbury


    There are more than forty million (40,000,000) people in the United States alone that have some form of arthritis.

    There are at least a half dozen or more advertisements on television every day that claim to reduce the swelling of joints and reduce pain of arthritis. They make all sorts of claims and use celebrity athletes to convince us to buy their products while they make millions of dollars on things that only treat the symptoms of this disease. However, their claims stop short of using the word "cure."

    It would seem that all the people suffering from arthritis, spending all that money for treating their symptoms, would be really happy to learn that there really is a cure for this debilitating disease.

    Arthritis can’t be cured by rubbing or spraying something on the outside. A cure has to come from inside after the cause has been found and dealt with.

    I have always tried to help people, especially people less fortunate than myself; so finding a real cure for arthritis is especially important and rewarding for me.

    About ten (10) years ago, some of my friends and I formed a little study group. Two days a week, we meet at 9:30 a.m. at my little apartment, usually just four (4) or five (5) people. I make a big pot of coffee, Annie brings homemade cookies, and we read a scripture from the Bible to start the day off on a good note. We share past experiences and accumulated knowledge. The people in our group come and go. We have had an artist, architect, auto mechanic, real estate broker, college students, teachers, and a retired gas company executive, just for examples.

    Our objective is to help one another and to help people that need help. We visit people in hospitals and elderly shut-ins, and Annie takes meals to those who are in need. We also help one another!

    We don’t waste time arguing about politics, religion, or anything else; we thank God for Google, the internet, and the Bible. We do the research.

    I have written this book, not to make accusations or be a troublemaker, but simply to help senior citizens be aware and learn prevention and not be subjected to unnecessary surgery, radiation, or chemo-therapy or having more and more unnecessary drugs that only treat symptoms, are toxic, have side effects, and do not cure anything!

    I have a lot of admiration for doctors and nurses. I only speak negatively of the ones I have had bad experiences with over the years. I am especially grateful to the doctors and nurses that save lives in emergency rooms and paramedics that have saved my life several times.



    Logic and common sense—based on scientific proven facts and accumulated accurate knowledge, not opinions or speculation.

    Doesn’t it seem strange that all the money and time invested in all the research over many years no one has ever discovered the real cause and/or cure for arthritis, or its prevention?

    When I tried to talk to my doctor, he didn’t want to talk about it. He only said You can’t call anything a cure until it has been tested on one thousand people for ten [10] years and left the room. (I changed doctors.)

    When my friend, Spencer, told me he had arthritis, I was wishing that there was some way of helping him. So, just out of curiosity, I googled, Is there a cure for arthritis? The answer: The Mayo Clinic says there is no cure for arthritis. That was what Spencer’s doctor told him as well, no cure. I googled again, What causes arthritis? The answer: Advanced age, overuse, and too much calcium. After reading a lot of books written by Nobel Prize winners in medical research and using a little common sense and Bible knowledge, I came to the conclusion that none of these things are completely true.

    We know that our bodies were designed to last forever, new cells replacing old cells on a regular basis, cell respiration (to be explained later). So, advanced age could probably be considered a contributing factor, but not the basic cause. In a life span of seventy to eighty years, we will flex our fingers more than twenty-five million (25,000,000) times. As for too much calcium, that is wrong as well as you will learn as you continue reading.

    I guess the medical profession, in general, would just assume that the Mayo Clinic was correct. So, for me to say that arthritis is caused by a calcium deficiency might seem completely wrong. I had to figure out what caused the calcium deposits in Spenser’s finger joints and knee joints. His finger joints were swollen and painful, and he couldn’t bend his fingers to make a fist. He already had surgery on his left knee and was to have surgery on his right knee as well. His doctor was prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs, but they were not helping, and there were side effects!

    Then I read that our blood has to maintain a pH of 7.4, and even a slight variation can be fatal. Our brain knows this, and when we don’t take in the right kind of calcium in the right amount in our diet, our brain recognizes this and has to get calcium from somewhere to keep us alive, calcium being an acid neutralizer. The calcium, to maintain an alkaline blood pH, is taken from the soft tissue of the synovial membrane, causing a mineral deficiency. pH stands for potential of hydrogen, and it’s measured on a scale of 0 (100 percent acidic) to 14 (100 percent alkaline). A healthy person with perfectly balanced pH has a reading of about 7.4 in the blood and 7.0 or 7.2 in tissues; 7.4 is better still.

    Our bodies can’t absorb and process vitamins and minerals efficiently if we have an acidic pH. Studies have shown that abnormal cells thrive in an acidic environment. Dr. Otto Warburg stated that these abnormal cells would actually self-destruct in a healthy alkaline environment. High acid levels can limit our body’s intake of oxygen needed for cell respiration.

    The calcium deposits in our joints are not from too much calcium like the Mayo Clinic says but from abnormal calcium metabolism due to insufficient and incorrect forms of calcium. The body needs adequate amounts of soft tissue calcium (mono-ortho calcium phosphates) before it can build and maintain healthy bone and joints.

    Plant-derived vitamin C powder helps produce collagen for joints and also to strengthen the immune systems. MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane, a derivative of sulfur, the third most abundant mineral in our bodies, is stored in every cell of the body. It is nonmetallic and enters the bloodstream almost immediately and has no side effects. It is sometimes called the forgotten nutrient. The body uses MSM to continually create new healthy cells to replace old ones, so sulfur plays a part in tissue respiration. This is important to ensure that nutrients are delivered into the cell, and toxins and waste products can exit the cell. We found that MSM with vitamin C can help in breaking up and dissolving calcified joints. The highest concentrations are found in the joints, hair, skin, and nails. Taking sulfur as MSM makes our nails and hair grow faster and healthier and stronger.

    Heat can be applied to the joints. Heat acts as a catalyst which causes toxins to liquefy and pass into the bloodstream where they are transported into the organs of elimination, urine (bowels, lungs, and skin), thus out of the body with the help of the lymph system that doctors don’t seem to understand. They keep surgically removing lymph glands unnecessarily!

    Lymphedema is the abnormal buildup of fluid in the soft tissue due to blockage in the lymphatic system. We need to strengthen the lymphatic system and keep the fluids circulating properly by exercise and give it help by reducing the intake of toxins and unhealthy foods—that is, hard-to-digest meat, too much cooked food, junk foods, pasteurized drinks, and soft drinks. People that exercise on a regular basis have a 30 percent less chance of getting any illness. So, the problem seems to be not too much calcium but rather the wrong kind of calcium. The wrong kind of calcium can migrate to the soft joint tissues and form deposits. The tissues become calcified, and the cells and/or joints cease to function normally, arthritis!

    Calcium is a metallic mineral in its normal state, limestone, and our bodies cannot absorb metallic minerals efficiently. Years ago, there was a product sold called dolomite. People used to take it thinking that it was a good source of calcium. I recently googled dolomite, and the answer was A type of limestone, rich in magnesium and calcium carbonate, possibly unsafe, could be contaminated with aluminum, arsenic, lead, mercury, and nickel metallic minerals. You can only imagine all the side effects listed. The magnesium is metallic, and a probable cause of arthritis and calcium carbonate is only about 5 percent absorbable by our bodies.

    It seems that at some point, coral was technically classified as an animal, not plant. The controversy goes all the way back to Aristotle!

    However, marine coral calcium with its many ionized minerals taken from the sea, taken with an ample supply of vitamin D, preferably from exposure in the sun allows calcium to be absorbed into the blood and helps to maintain alkaline P.H.

    Ionized magnesium plays a role in supporting optimal bone density and maintenance of blood glucose levels. This helps in the cure of arthritis and cell respiration, getting glucose and oxygen into the cells.

    Plants take in metallic minerals, and they become ionized, reduced in size naturally and can be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine and pass into the bloodstream during the digestive process. That way, the stomach doesn’t have to produce acids to break down metallic minerals and cause possible stomach damage and use energy that could be used for healing.

    Coral is a plant that takes in minerals from ocean water and processes them naturally, making them ionic. Marine coral calcium is harvested below the surface of the ocean water, not coral that might have broken off in a storm and washed up on some beach and dried out. The coral calcium I take and recommend comes from a unique location near Okinawa, Japan, and has over seventy ionized minerals. Dr. Linus Pauling said, All illness can be traced to a mineral deficiency. (The island of Okinawa was the location of the last major battle of World

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