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15 Kingdoms
15 Kingdoms
15 Kingdoms
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15 Kingdoms

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Two sisters find each other in the midst of a struggle for power in a world struggling to find enough resources for everyone amid trash. They have to find a way to unite a world that loves being separate, in order to find true peace.

Release dateMar 16, 2021
15 Kingdoms

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    15 Kingdoms - Milani Rubio


    15 Kingdoms

    Milani Rubio

    Copyright © 2020 by Milani Rubio

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Grace Kingdom

    The Slums


    Girl with Red Eyes


    True History



    Taking Action

    Prologue Nevia

    The world Nevia was a beautiful, lush green planet; but the people were careless and didn’t see the need to keep their planet clean. Soon their trash began to pile up. The planet became a wasteland, and nations were reduced to slums. Necessities were so sparse that gang wars broke out for small things like loaves of bread. The slums were thrown into chaos, violence, and fear.

    Sixteen kingdoms rose up from the ashes and made a beautiful utopia within giant walls. The walls around the kingdoms kept out the trash and allowed the rulers to be exclusive and choose who would live within the walls and who would be kept out. There was peace among the kingdoms. There were some pockets of the planet that remained green and beautiful.

    Chapter 1


    One of the kingdoms was better off than the rest, for it was a coastal kingdom situated high on a cliff. It had many resources and was not surrounded by trash, for the people were very resourceful and recycled their waste. The name of this kingdom was Sigrunn. Envy began to rise in the hearts of many of the kings and queens, but they dared not wage a war with them, for they had a formidable army and great warriors. Some kingdoms came together to overthrow this kingdom and take their land by force.

    The day came when the kingdoms got enough resources and courage to try and take the Kingdom of Sigrunn. The attack started at dawn. Soldiers came from all sides, but the Sigrunn forces repelled them so fiercely that the people were able to escape into the mountains. The kingdoms that started the fight incurred so many losses that they couldn’t follow the people. So instead of annihilating the whole kingdom, they decided to focus on the royal family.

    The Sigrunn warriors lead the people to safety, while the king stayed as bait to lure the enemy forces into the castle. The knights of the king of Sigrunn were the best, so the invading army had no chance of killing the king; however, the queen and her baby princess were on the run and being chased. The queen was taken to safety and reunited with her people. The king and his knights were able to fend off all the invading kingdoms but decided to leave his kingdom and go into hiding in the forest so his people would live in peace.

    That’s when he announced to his knights, The Kingdom of Sigrunn is no more. We are now going to go live in the forest and live in peace.

    The knights didn’t want to cower from this threat but respected the decision of the king. They then set fire to the castle and to the kingdom. The kingdom fell, but the people lived on.

    The knight that had the princess was injured and got separated from the others. He knew he wouldn’t be able to elude his pursuers, so he made the decision to hide the princess and lead them away from her. He snuck into the Kingdom of Grace and hugged the princess for the last time.

    Please forgive me, highness.

    He took his headband and wrapped it in a cloth, wrapped the princess in a silk cloth, put her in a box, left her in an alley, and snuck back out of the Kingdom of Grace. He then led his pursuers away, sacrificing his own life for the princess.

    A woman named Bethany stumbled across a huge package in an alley while looking for a place where she can shoot up. She took the package home and opened it. Inside she found a baby girl about six months old wrapped in purple silk and a golden headband wrapped in a golden silk cloth. She fell in love with the child and decided to raise her as her own and called her Zoe.

    She forged a birth certificate and said that the child is hers and her husband George’s baby. She wrote a note, telling the truth about Zoe’s origins, taking the headband, putting them in a timed lock box, and set it to open when Zoe reached eighteen years old.

    She tells George about the baby, but George will have nothing to do with her.

    He is tired of all her lies and her drug addiction. He divorced her and started fighting for Zoe’s custody, so Bethany took Zoe out of the Kingdom of Grace and went out into the slums to teach Zoe all she could before Bethany died of a terrible sickness. Zoe was eight when Bethany told Zoe about the timed lock box and gave it to Zoe as her parting gift before she passed away.

    Bethany knew she was going to die so she called George and told him where they were. The next day when she died, the kingdom officials came and took Zoe to George; however, Bethany had never told Zoe that George was her father.

    For eight years, Zoe had known nothing but the slums and all the violence and corruption that happened there. She had witnessed what happened to girls when they were taken from their home and given to a man. She did not want that to happen to her, so she ran away from George and ran back to the slums, back to all the friends that Bethany had introduced her to. Bethany had told them that George was Zoe’s father, so they told Zoe who he was. But she didn’t know him—on top of that, he was a man. She refused to live with him alone, so she stayed in the slums with the family who had raised her.


    Years pass. Zoe is now seventeen and is an amazing inventor. She wakes up on a roof with a hoodie over her face. She takes it off and reveals there is a blue breathing mask tightly secured over her face. She checks her mask, stands, and looks over at her sky glider tied to the roof. She turns to look out at a world of trash.

    Chapter 2

    Grace Kingdom

    In the Kingdom of Grace, sixteen-year-old Jessie is tying on her rollerblades. She has on a blue tank top and blue jean shorts. She ties

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