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The Flywheel of Life and Leadership
The Flywheel of Life and Leadership
The Flywheel of Life and Leadership
Ebook185 pages2 hours

The Flywheel of Life and Leadership

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About this ebook

This book is for those who want a comprehensive approach to both life and leadership. It highlights key principles and practices to deal with the hectic, interconnected, and demanding world we live in.

The first principle is seeking balance. Pursuit of a professional career at the expense of everything and everyone else, can lead to a shallow victory. Fighting for this balance requires a plan, introducing efficiencies, and becoming a corporate athlete.

Next, your ability to overcome all the filters that exist between you and the truth is dependent upon building relationships at all levels of the organization and demonstrating you really do care about your people.

Finally, you need an operating model that has a clear definition of winning and focuses the organization on the few things that will make the biggest difference.

Underlying these principles is leading your organization with a heightened level of discipline leading to habits allowing you to both lead and inspire others.

The authors share examples on how these practices apply at all times and across various situations including in times of adversity. The time to start preparing for the eventual curveball of life is not when it is leaving the pitcher's hand; it begins with how you live and lead each and every day.

Release dateSep 7, 2022
The Flywheel of Life and Leadership

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    The Flywheel of Life and Leadership - Ed Rapp


    The Flywheel of Life and Leadership

    Ed Rapp

    Copyright © 2022 Ed Rapp with Anju Jain

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    All proceeds from sales of The Flywheel of Life and Leadership will be donated to Answer ALS (

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6631-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88654-028-4 (hc)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6632-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents




    Getting to Know Me


    Make a Plan

    Define Your Vision

    Agree on the Values

    Set Your Personal Calendar

    Dinner With the Family

    Hobbies and Fun Activities

    Remember Your Significant Other

    Efficiency Will Set You Free



    Travel Time


    Technology Management

    Be a Corporate Athlete




    Mental Fitness

    Filter Information

    Be Grateful

    Practice MCR (Mind-Controlled Relaxation)

    Tying It All Together


    Show You Care

    Unpack Your Bags

    Get Your Hands Dirty

    Be Predictable

    Simultaneous Lift

    Tying It All Together

    Operating Model

    A View from the Outside In

    One Definition of Winning

    Granular Understanding Leading to Choice

    Cascade and Cadence

    Culture and Talent

    Tying It All Together

    Discipline Leading to Habits

    Workings of the Mind

    Goal Setting and Action Plans


    Daily Prescription


    Tying It All Together

    Hitting the Curve

    Key Takeaways

    Appendix 1

    Appendix 2



    I used this photo countless times during my days at Caterpillar to illustrate a critical point that applies to this book. I am growing into the shoes of what it takes to be a good human being and a good leader. I do not profess to have all the answers. This book simply captures where I am in my personal journey.

    I want to thank the review committee for their unfiltered feedback and guidance and Jenn for her creative support. You will see references to authors who influenced my perspective and leaders who molded me. I have been guided and shaped by so many.

    The creation of this book was a true team effort in collaboration with Anju. While the framework was built on my background and experiences, Anju’s research and experience as a writer is what helped make it all possible. For me, she is not only a coauthor but also a dear friend.

    Lastly and most importantly, a thank-you to my wife, Ann; our children Jay, Ali, and Stef and their spouses; and Da Boys—our four grandsons—Cole, Eli, Leo, and Brody. When I was diagnosed with ALS, my doctor said, This is a tough disease. You will need a strong support network. I told him, We have that one covered.


    We often ask ourselves if it is truly possible to have it all. Can I be a successful parent, spouse, leader, employee, and friend and be happy while doing it? This book helps explore exactly that and come away with proven lessons that work. I’m currently a leader with Caterpillar and had the pleasure of working in Ed Rapp’s organizations for large portions of my 30 year career. I was blessed to have Ed as a mentor, sponsor, and friend throughout my career. Today, I still live by many life and leadership lessons he instilled in me. Because of Ed’s teachings, I have risen through the ranks and also found time to have a successful marriage and raise two wonderful daughters. Ed’s approach and lessons have helped me have a rewarding life and career.

    Ed has been gone from Caterpillar for more than six years now. But he is still one of the most popular speakers for leadership engagements and inspirational discussions inside and outside Caterpillar. His lessons on balance, relationships, and having an effective operating model along with his amazingly disciplined approach permeated our company and continue to inspire audiences. Not many weeks go by without me hearing someone quoting from his leadership lessons. Ed not only believes in these concepts but also lives them every day. His exceptional success at Caterpillar, and now with Answer ALS, is a testament to how these elements lead to breakthrough results, foster amazing relationships, and make a positive impact on others. Ed once sat at my kitchen table when I was contemplating returning to work after my second child. He helped me see I could come back if I created a vision, set the parameters of what was important to me, and planned my personal life with the same rigor as my work life. I did come back, part-time at first, but then full-time later. Ed’s lessons create success not only for him but also for those around him.

    Balance, relationships, and a clear operating model are at the heart of his leadership and this book. Striking a balance is one of the toughest concepts, but the book provides excellent ideas on how to make that happen, using discipline and setting priorities. I remember him calling me out of the blue one day to ask if I had time for lunch. He told me to bring my teammates. Even as an Executive Office member, Ed took the time to get to know people at all levels of our company. He invited employees to impromptu lunches, worked alongside them, and made the extra effort to help people find career and personal success. These relationships serve as multipliers in creating breakthrough success.

    The book also discusses the need for a clear operating model and definition of winning. These elements are at the heart of any winning team. I remember working with Ed when we started the new operating model to improve one part of our business. He led his team to define success clearly and then identified expectations of how we should run the business to get there. He didn’t just give us a presentation and leave. He first created a document that we could reference, and then consistently checked in, assuring we all understood, and made sure we celebrated success. That rigor allowed us to run our portion of the business every day, delivering our piece of the overall plan. When a team has clarity on the definition of winning and knows how they need to work, the power of the flywheel can be harnessed. The result is you get acceleration and results. This book shows true success stories using this model.

    When Ed left Caterpillar after sharing his Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) diagnosis, we wondered what would happen to this bright light and exceptional leader. Yet, it didn’t take long to see another shining example of this man’s principles come to life. Most of us would have seen Ed’s diagnosis as an impossible obstacle. But he shows us that with balance, relationships, leveraging an operating model, and approaching life with rigor, positive energy, and discipline, you can hit the most difficult curveballs out of the park. I can’t think of a better person to write a book on life and leadership because Ed has proven this works around the world, and in multiple industries and scenarios. The topic of life and leadership is huge. This story is about bringing together simple but effective elements with a disciplined approach. It’s a recipe to become a brilliant leader and have a successful and fulfilling life.

    I can assure you, the model espoused in this book has stood the test of time. Thousands of employees I have worked with, can vouch for its effectiveness. We all carry so much of it with us every day. Thank you to Ed for shining his light on all of us and for sharing insights with everyone who reads this book.

    Kristin Girard

    Vice President of Distribution

    Caterpillar Inc.

    * * *

    In early March 2018, about a dozen people sat around a table at a restaurant in downtown Baltimore. They were neurologists and neuroscientists from top-tier institutes, business executives from Fortune 100 companies, experts in machine learning and artificial intelligence—all hardworking, top-of-their-game, successful individuals. As we waited for our entrées to arrive, the discussion turned to the intensity of the week. It was Thursday evening, and for the past four days, we’d been together in a hotel conference room, reviewing data and plans for our shared endeavor—Answer ALS. For two hundred years, researchers have been trying to crack the nut that is ALS, a devasting neurological disease. We had come together to do things differently, to apply our collective knowledge, formulate and execute a plan that we all hoped would be the beginning of the end for ALS. I was feeling content with how the week had passed and the progress we had made, but I was also spent. Most of us know how these types of meetings and conferences go—you’re on all the time.

    Since we were on the subject, I ventured a comment about the importance of striking a work-life balance. I don’t remember my exact words, but it was something along the lines of, I think it’s important to balance a week like this with some recovery time—a couple of days to totally unplug and reset. I looked up and saw some surprised faces. But there was one person who met my gaze and nodded in agreement—Ed Rapp. He took my point, which for a moment I thought might have sunk the conversation along with my colleague’s view of me as a hard worker, and added to it: I think that’s right, Emily. You come back stronger and more focused. Coming from someone like Ed, that comment carried weight.

    When I heard he planned to write a book on the subject, I was thrilled. Working with Ed over the past number of years, I recognize how learning his method and philosophy has been hugely helpful, not just to the Answer ALS program, but also to me personally. I’m a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins, a wife, and a mother to two beautiful, rambunctious boys. My husband is a physician with his own practice. Life is full. Like many of us, I often wonder, Am I doing this right? Am I meeting my family’s needs? Am I crushing it at work? In The Flywheel of Life and Leadership, Ed provides guidance for being the best you, in the workplace and at home. The book is a collection of commonsense advice and strategies that can greatly impact your ability to get things done and embrace life. Relating through examples from his own life and experiences, Ed shares the attributes and methods that led him to become an admired leader, first at Caterpillar and then at Answer ALS.

    In a wonderful analogy that emanates from his career with the construction and engineering giant, he conveys core concepts of the book as elements of a flywheel—a mechanical device designed to increase a machine’s momentum, provide greater stability, and give a smooth release of power, qualities as essential to any leader as they are to a machine.

    The leadership flywheel embraces three principles: balance, relationships, and operating model. For each, Ed walks us through the core concepts so we had a firm understanding of the required components. This often requires the reader to take time to think through their own situation, putting pen to paper to clearly define their goals and priorities. Ed asks, What is your definition of winning? In other words, what gives your life meaning? He argues that a clearly defined vision inspires focus and commitment, simplifies our decisions, and increases the potential for success in all aspects of life.

    Not by chance, balance and relationships are covered first. The journey to effective leadership starts with self. Are we in balance mentally and physically? Are we building and maintaining relationships that are most important

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