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Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2: The Potter's Hands
Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2: The Potter's Hands
Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2: The Potter's Hands
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Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2: The Potter's Hands

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To my readers, I have always loved lighthouses. In fact, I have gathered a small collection over the years. I was also fortunate enough to be able to see seven of them while on vacation with my two sisters at Old Orchard Beach in Maine. They are even more majestic than their photos. They remind me of safety, clear paths, assurance, and help to find the way.In my poems, I have followed the same message. Some of the poems tell of finding hope in the darkest news you receive-"An Unexpected Journey," "Time to Say Goodbye," and "His Garden." Some of them are humorous-"Bambi and Kin in My Front Yard," "Goodbye Romance," and "Into the Woods." Some are patriotic-"God Bless Our Heroes," "Tribute-Memorial Day," and "My Flag."All of them are really poems of praise to the Father of all creation. His splendor and majesty are everywhere you look. His creation is so magnificent you can't help but to rejoice and thank Him for giving us so much beauty to enjoy.My poems are my way of saying thank you to the Lord of all. They were written with much prayer and thought. As you read them, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did in writing them. And as a breast-cancer survivor, I must say that God is good!Thank you so much, and God bless.MaryAnn

Release dateApr 12, 2021
Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2: The Potter's Hands

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    Book preview

    Soul Music Volumes 1 And 2 - MaryAnn Zilko

    Soul Music

    Poetry is the music of the soul

    Once it captures you

    You are lost in its control

    From somewhere deep within you

    The song slowly comes into view

    A poet paints a picture

    Without using a brush

    As rhyme and reason tumble forth in a rush

    You can capture the moment

    Or draw upon the past

    Allowing your fondest hopes and dreams

    To make a statement that lasts

    Each time the music plays

    A new story unfolds

    Bringing to life the treasure

    You invite all to behold

    August 2003

    All She Needs

    She didn’t ask him to move mountains or gather any stars

    She didn’t ask for the moon or any expensive cars

    She didn’t need furs, diamonds, or gold

    She only needed him to have and to hold

    She only wanted him to always be there

    To love and want her and show her that he cared

    She thought that when they married, they had found their dream

    But, as each year went by, life wasn’t what it seemed

    They had become strangers living in the same place

    With a house big enough so both could have their space

    Now, as they’d grown older, they needed more than they did before

    They couldn’t settle for the silence and coldly be ignored

    Her heart was aching for the man whom she wed

    Her body still longed to share their marriage bed

    This test that they were going through,

    She hoped won’t break her heart

    And, if it was not too late, they could make a brand-new start

    June 1997

    Angels Unaware

    V is for VALUABLE

    O is for OUTGOING

    L is for LEADER

    U is for UNSELFISH

    N is for NEEDED

    T is for TREASURE

    E is for EARNEST

    E is for ENDLESS

    R is for RELIABLE

    As the letters in the word explain

    You see your work is not in vain

    No one can fully understand just how much you do

    But we want you to know we cannot do it without you

    You do so much for everyone and still you offer more

    At times I’m sure you wonder, Is this what my life is for?

    You may not be told often enough

    But surely you have guessed

    To have such wonderful volunteers

    Any organization will be truly blessed

    April 1995

    An Unexpected Journey

    I’m among many millions of women who have ventured on this trip

    Wishing that this was a part of my life, that I would rather skip

    It doesn’t seem real when the results are first heard

    A tumor…we think…surely you’re mistaken, why this is absurd

    Then reality hits and the world starts closing in

    The world of doctors, hospitals, and medicine…

    Dear God, where do I begin

    Feeling sorry for myself has never been my style

    But deep inside I felt as though I was on trial

    I took care of my body, what did I do wrong…

    What didn’t I do right

    Do I have the strength…will I be able to fight

    We almost lose charge of our lives when medicine takes control

    We become like children and must reverse our established roles

    We are told where to go, what to do, and who to see

    All the while, inside we’re screaming…why can’t I just be me

    Not a statistic for a survey, not a number on some chart

    I need to feel loved and cared for, I need to share my heart

    But, I’m afraid to share my condition with all who are dear

    Because, even without saying it, I can see in their eyes the fear

    Fear that they may lose their wife, their mother, or their friend

    Fear that they are helpless and can’t control the end

    My children can’t help me, even though they try

    But, each is secretly praying…please, don’t allow my mom to die

    My husband is bewildered and simply can’t see, that for once

    He can’t understand, it’s not about him, it’s all about me

    Having my faith to cling to and keep me in control

    Has made this journey easier and played the most important role

    My Father watches over me and loves me more than I can say

    He is always there for me and has taught me how to pray

    He holds me close and comforts me and wipes away each tear

    He assures me of His Presence and takes away my fear

    Bless me, Father God, and give me Your strength to carry on

    Bless my family and friends and thank You

    For each new day that dawns

    Give me Your joy to share with friends and

    Your peace to ease their pain

    And every day I will thank You and praise Your most holy Name

    January 1999

    A Friend

    A friend is one who cares when you are feeling sad

    A friend is one who rejoices when you are feeling glad

    A friend can lift you up when you are feeling down

    A friend can just listen when there’s no one else around

    A friend can cry with you when you are in pain

    Just to help you through it with nothing else to gain

    From the days of our childhood and all the years since then

    I am most blessed to still call you my friend

    May 1997

    A Quiet Celebration

    I celebrate in my heart on this Independence Day

    You see, my Dad was one of those, who came from far away

    He was only twelve when he left his home behind

    Coming to

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