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Zoobu: Peace among Enemies
Zoobu: Peace among Enemies
Zoobu: Peace among Enemies
Ebook47 pages38 minutes

Zoobu: Peace among Enemies

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The title Zoobu stems from twelve years in the making, until such a time as this in which we are living in today. Where people and religion appears to be going backwards instead of forward, where we should be teaching love for one another instead of hate. Hopefully, this book will allow the reader to think about the love and relationship of family and their fellow man.

Release dateNov 27, 2018
Zoobu: Peace among Enemies

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    Zoobu - Johnny Carr



    Johnny Carr

    Copyright © 2018 Johnny Carr

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc

    Meadville, PA

    First originally published by Christian Faith Publishing, Inc 2018

    ISBN 978-1-64028-819-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64028-820-1 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America



    It was during the monsoon season, the worst the African Kingdom had ever seen. The rain was greatly needed for the land was very, very dry; however, the high raging rivers and the bountiful showers from the heavens could cause many dangers for the young of the land. It is here, our story begins.

    Early in the cool midst of the morning after the monsoon rains had finally begun to cease, the young lion cub, Zoobu, of the Southern pride, had awakened from a peaceful night sleep to a cool morning breeze.

    It’s then that his childlike instinct leads him from the warmth of his family’s embrace to play, as children tend to do. Unknowingly to him, the rains have made the slopes very slippery, and as he plays, he loses his balance and falls from the top of his home into the raging river below.

    After slipping and tumbling from the ledge, Zoobu splashes into the river. Being a young lion cub, he does not yet have the strength to escape the grasp of the raging river and its tideful swirls; therefore, he is carried downstream. Crying for help and grasping for breath, Zoobu struggles holding on for dear life. As he is carried further and further downstream and his cries go unheard, Zoobu soon enters the shallow swampy region of the river also known as the Domain of the Crocodiles.

    His chance for survival is almost zero, as the Nile Master begins hunting for breakfast. Zoobu has become exhausted and too tired to fight anymore, allowing himself to be set as an easy target for the crocodiles. Now a little further down the riverbank a, Hyena Matriarch is teaching her young cub, Toefu, about the dangers of the water and the crocodiles place in it. However, while his mother is teaching him, he sees Zoobu and the croc slithering in the water nearby.

    Toefu screams, Mother, look, a young lion cub! And a croc is after him. Momma, Momma, please save him? Please!

    The Matriarch looks at her son’s gentle face and says to him, Son, I cannot help him. He is a sworn enemy of our clan. The less lions we have, the better our survival. However, seeing the passion of his heart, her motherly instincts took over. She darts into the river, snatching Zoobu from the clenching grasp of the crocodile.

    The croc snarls and says, Dang, lost my breakfast again, slithering away.

    Carrying the young cub in her mouth, her natural instincts as a hyena begins to take over and she thinks about snapping the young cub in two. Toefu pleads with his mother not to kill him, but to keep him and help him find his family. In the meantime, he’ll have someone to play with. The Matriarch reacts in peace and drops him at her son’s

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