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Eternal Paradise: Love Lasts Forever
Eternal Paradise: Love Lasts Forever
Eternal Paradise: Love Lasts Forever
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Eternal Paradise: Love Lasts Forever

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Welcome to a new and fresh version of the vampire. There are vampires capable of love, compassion, and kindness. They do not change or become ugly. Eternal Paradise introduced you to Keaka and his maker, Brianna. They find one another along the beautiful shores of Hawaii one balmy night under the stars. They patiently and consciously grow their relationship until at last Keaka intentionally chooses to make the change to the life of a vampire. Their lives together are happy and simple until an evil darkness from Brianna’s past invades their lives. This is a story of love, commitment, determination, and resourcefulness. Keaka embraces his new life and develops extraordinary skills as a vampire to challenge and destroy these evil forces that have overrun their harmonious lives. He does so in a fast-paced, easy-to-read format all the while keeping you intrigued and entertained. Good reigns over evil even in the world of the undead. Enjoy the adventure.

Release dateJan 17, 2022
Eternal Paradise: Love Lasts Forever

Jack L. Roberts

Jack L. Roberts is the author of more than a dozen biographies for children and young adults. For more than 30 years he was an editor and writer at Children's Television Workshop (producer of Sesame Street and The Electric Company) and Scholastic, Inc. More recently, he has written several science kits for Teacher Created Materials' Discovering Science Through Inquiry series, including kits on Rocks and Minerals, Biomes and Ecosystems, and Earth and Space Science. Jack divides his time between Key West, Florida, and West Hollywood, California.

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    Eternal Paradise - Jack L. Roberts


    Eternal Paradise

    Love Lasts Forever

    Jack L. Roberts

    Copyright © 2021 Jack L. Roberts

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-3199-9 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-3200-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two

    Chapter Twenty-Three

    Chapter Twenty-Four

    Chapter Twenty-Five

    Chapter Twenty-Six

    Chapter Twenty-Seven

    Chapter Twenty-Eight

    Aloha! I would like to thank God first! I would like to give special thanks to my angel, Brianna Lincoln-Chong; my son, Oakland Ljay Roberts; and everyone who believed in me while this book was in progress until its completion. Especially to every person who reads this book that I have been blessed to have completed. This is the first original novel that takes place on our island of Oahu the fiftieth state of the United States of America. Whether they like it or not, thank you so much. I appreciate you.

    To Page Publishing and my agents Mark, Elliot, and Andrew and to my current agent, Kendall, who helped bless this author’s dreams into reality.

    Chapter One


    Old Waikiki on the island of Oahu, year 1795

    Kamehameha the Great ruled the islands of Hawaii. It was a beautiful dawn. The sun was coming up over Diamond Head Mountain. To surf at 6:00 a.m. when the sun rose was one of the many blessings to be grateful for if you live in Hawaii, especially if there were four-foot waves rolling in. Now, that was a bonus.

    I am Keaka LaCoste, and I love to longboard. To drop on a nice wall of surf weaving up and down, going to my right, oh yeah, what a feeling! Being free, being a part of that wave you were riding, it is so addicting. After you had finished riding it, you wanted to do it again, always chasing that perfect wave. To tell you, from my experience of longboarding, there is no perfect wave, just good surf sessions. Each wave was different, so there is always a different feeling. Just enjoy each wave you ride. That’s the best part. Oh, and the size of the waves, that makes a difference too.

    After an hour or so, it was back to reality and off to work. I worked on the shipping docks, unloading cargo for a general store. I did that four days out of the week, and the other couple of days of the week, I drove a horse and buggy. I took people from here to there for a nickel, like an early version of a taxi. The money was not much, but it came in handy during the week. I did not have to live broke while I waited for my pay at the end of the week. I get to meet a lot of different people too, and at the end of the day, whether unloading or driving, if there were waves, then that was where I would be. I would surf until the sun set on the west side of the island. It was such a magnificent view from my surf spot in old Oahu. Some days, I would watch the sun come up and be out there again to see it go down. Couldn’t get much better than that, right? That pretty much summed up a typical way of life for me. It seemed like it was yesterday.

    Chapter Two


    Well, my life was going as good as it could be. I was happy. I was alive, in good shape, and I was not starving. I got by okay.

    Fifteen years of age, that was when my life changed. My mother left us when I was six, so it was my dad and me. My dad was sixty-five when I came into this world. So when I was fourteen, he was seventy-nine. My dad passed that year. He died of old age in his sleep. He always said that was the best way to go. Before he died, he taught me well. He taught me about God and how to survive. Good old Dad, I missed him a lot.

    I am five feet, seven inches, and I weigh around 150 pounds. I have dark-black hair, fair skin, and dark-brown eyes. My body’s built slim, not bony but not fat. My chest stuck out more than my stomach. Working on the docks and longboarding kept me in shape. I was strong and had a nice six-pack going.

    It was a summer evening in June. A swell had just come in, and the waves were consistently rolling in at about three to five feet. I was out catching set after set, and I was having the time of my life. When I came in, that was when I saw her standing on the beach with her feet in the water. She was gorgeous, five feet six tall, and slender. From far away, she could have passed for a little girl, but up close, she was all woman. When I looked into her eyes, I could have gotten lost in them. Her eyes were wise, yet her body looked like that of an eighteen-year-old. Her breasts were firm and full, the perfect size for her body. She had long, black hair tied back in a ponytail that hung down to the small of her back, just above her beautiful backside. She was wearing a black cotton gown. She held the bottom of the skirt in her hand, and her slim pale legs were shining in the moonlight.

    When the surf was good, I came in around 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. The moon took the place of the sun for me, giving me enough light to see the white crest of the waves. That night, I walked out of the water with my board under my left arm. She held out her hand to greet me.

    Hello. You look like you were having a lot of fun out there, but are you not afraid of the sharks coming out this late in the evening? You don’t know predators feed at night.

    I was gaping in awe of her. She was beautiful. I was in a trance just listening to her voice.

    Are you okay?

    I shook my head yes and extended my hand to greet hers. I brought up her hand to my lips to kiss the back of it. I could not pass up the opportunity to kiss such a beautiful hand. Her hand smelled like plumeria flowers.

    Oh, I am fine, thank you. Good evening to you, Ms. Sharks. Me, I do not care. I have too much fun out there to care. I do not think about it. I figure if it is my time to go, then it is my time to go.

    I feel the same way.

    About sharks?

    Oh no, I mean I feel the same way about life. That is how I like to look at life. I want to live and experience everything I can.

    In the moment, right?


    My name is Keaka LaCoste.

    Nice to meet you, Keaka. My name is Brianna Sabratini.

    Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Brianna Sabratini.

    Miss Brianna. She corrected me softly, flirtatiously, smiling all the while. Please call me Brianna.

    Okay, Brianna. What is such a beautiful lady like you doing on the beach alone at night? You should not be so far from town alone at night.

    I’m used to being alone, and I am capable of caring for myself.

    She was still smiling, but at that moment, I saw a glimmer or red flashing in those eyes of hers. They were the eyes of a predator, glaring. Then the intensity was gone. I almost jumped back in alarm, but I caught myself, blinking my eyes several times just to be sure I was not seeing things.

    We walked to my carriage where I had a bucket of fresh water to rinse myself. I dried myself off and turned around to see her staring at me. This time, she had a wide grin on her face.

    Is something on my back, or is there something on me somewhere?

    Oh no, I am sorry. I did not mean to be rude. I was just admiring your physique in the moonlight. You have a very nice body.

    She was licking her lips as if she was hungry for me. My face turned as red as it could get. I was in shorts. Lucky for me, it was cold and dark, or she would have seen that my shaft was trying to break out and say hello to this sexy woman.

    Thanks for the compliment. Longboarding keeps me in pretty decent shape I guess.

    That is what you were doing? It seems like a lot of fun. I would like to try it.

    If you are serious, I could teach you.

    Of course, I am serious, but I can only learn at night. During the days, I have to care for a family member. When they go to sleep in the evening, I can meet you so you can teach me how to longboard. That is, if you do not mind?

    No, I do not mind at all, but longboarding at night might be difficult for you. It is really hard to see especially if there is no moon or if it overcast and there are no stars, plus you have to use your senses to feel a lot out there. It can get quite tricky.

    Is it because I am a lady? I have excellent night vision, and I am very strong. I would like to try it, so please, let me be the judge of whether it is too hard for me or not. If I do not like it, then I will stop and come back to shore.

    Suit yourself. I have an extra board you can use. When would you like to start?

    "Tomorrow evening at six thirty would be fine for me. Does that suit your schedule?

    Yes, six thirty is fine with me. Okay then, tomorrow evening. Do you need a ride home tonight?

    Why, thank you. You are fine gentlemen for such a young man. How old are you?

    I’m fifteen years old.

    "Well, your parents are doing a fine job raising you. They must be wondering where you are, out so late.

    "No, there is no longer anyone to worry about me. I live alone now. My mother left when I was very little, and my father just recently passed.

    I am sorry to hear that. Well, your dad would be proud of the gentleman you have become.

    She reached over and kissed me on my cheek. My whole body burned with a fiery sensation. It felt wonderful. Whew, I shook it off and walked over to my buggy. We boarded my carriage and started back toward town.

    I live just before you get to town. We have a little flat out there.

    How long have you been living here in the islands?

    We just arrived in Honolulu a few weeks ago.

    Where from?

    Paris. It is such a horrid place.

    That is where you are from? I have read about Paris and other places in France and in Europe. There are so many interesting places there.

    No, I am not just from Paris. I am originally from Italy, but never mind about me. That was a long time ago, and I wish to forget about the part of my life.

    I understand wanting to forget about things. I am curious though. May I ask you how old are you? You make it seem like such a very long time ago, but you look no more than eighteen years old or so. I hope you do not mind if I ask a lady her age.

    "Why, thank you, Keaka. I do not mind if you ask about my age. I am twenty years old, but much has happened during my lifetime, and it seems as if it has been much longer.

    By then, we had reached her neighborhood and were pulling up to her flat.

    Thank you for the ride home. Would you like to come inside for some refreshment or perhaps some liquor? That is, if you drink it.

    I would very much like to come in and join you for refreshments, but I have to work tomorrow. I start early in the morning, so I have a long day ahead of me. Thank you for asking though. That is very nice of you and quite tempting, but I really do need to get on home.

    All right then. If you are sure, you must leave. So tomorrow evening we will start with surfing lessons, right?

    Yes, of course. Meet me at the beach, same spot.

    Once again, kissing her hand, this time to say good night, then a rushing sensation through my entire body at the touch of her. I liked this woman, and I looked forward to meeting her again tomorrow evening.

    Chapter Three


    She was right. That evening, she learned how to longboard. She was a fast study and strong too. Once she got used to paddling and ducking the waves to get out, she started to have fun. The waves were great, and the swell was dying down, so the surf was only one to three feet, good conditions for learning. We came in around 9:00 p.m.

    That was so much fun!

    You are a fast learner. I am glad you enjoyed it. The waves were not too big. That is the only downside to longboarding. Sometimes, the waves are perfect or the waves are too big, and usually, there are no waves at all. So when the waves do come in, you have to get out there and catch all the good ones that you can.

    I hope we can do this again, Keaka.

    Are you kidding? I would love to do this again. Being with you beats surfing alone.

    Thank you so much. Every time I rode a wave, I felt like I was flying through the night. Wow, it felt good. I like the rush of adrenaline I got coming down the wave.

    We dried off and then started back to her place. When we reached her house, she turned to me, looked straight into my eyes, and said, You have shown me how to have such incredible feelings. I have never felt anything like it before. I want to at least show you my gratitude. Please come in for some refreshments or some liquor. I will not take no for an answer this time.

    I could not look away. Then I heard myself saying, Yes, thank you. I would like that very much.

    She released me from her gaze, turned around, got out of the carriage, and started to walk toward her flat.

    Do you drink liquor, Keaka?

    I blinked and then stepped down to follow her.

    I, um, I drink sometimes.

    She turned around and smiled at me.

    We are going to be really good friends, Keaka. There is no need to impress me. You have impressed me enough to last a lifetime. Believe me.

    Okay then. I have never tried liquor. It is too expensive for me.

    She laughed and gave me a hug.

    See, it is okay to be honest with me. I think tonight is going to be interesting.

    She licked her lips the same way she did last night. It sent heat exploding all through my body. I was lucky the towel around my waist was loose because my shaft was swollen with the intensity of arousal.

    Her flat was furnished very modestly, nothing fancy. It was homey but dark. Only a few candles lit the hallways and the living room. I was not sure if I should be there. It was a little bit eerie as if I could feel the presence of something or someone unknown.

    Are you sure this is okay? I could go if it is too much trouble.

    Do not worry. My servants and my grandmother are asleep. It will be okay. Please stay.

    Okay then.

    I looked around at the house. I was beginning to feel a little more comfortable as I got used to the low lights and

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