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What's the Deal with Your Sign?: An Insight on Astrology
What's the Deal with Your Sign?: An Insight on Astrology
What's the Deal with Your Sign?: An Insight on Astrology
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What's the Deal with Your Sign?: An Insight on Astrology

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What's the Deal with Your Sign? An Insight on Astrology is the second installment to the series of Lamar J. Young's astrological publications. Written with universal appeal, this edition is a slight departure from the debut book What's the Deal with My Sign? as it delves deeper into the astrological science and critically examines each of the twelve zodiac signs. If you have a desire to know more about the natural order of things as well as human behavior, then What's the Deal with Your Sign? An Insight on Astrology is a must-read. Lamar's unique perspective in examining our world's four primary elements (fire, earth, air, and water) as well as his explaining the human ability to personify, called mode, or modality, is simply astonishing. Whether you are an old pro or a newbie to astrology, this book is sure to satisfy as it not only effectively describes both the human connectivity factor but also dissects a person's individual personality matrix. As one of the most comprehensive astrology books on the market, What's the Deal with Your Sign? An Insight on Astrology is the total package for anyone seeking to get the best out of themselves as well as others.

Release dateJul 1, 2017
What's the Deal with Your Sign?: An Insight on Astrology

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    What's the Deal with Your Sign? - Lamar J J Young


    What’s the Deal with



    An Insight on Astrology

    Lamar J. Young

    Copyright © 2017 Lamar J. Young

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2017

    ISBN 978-1-64027-145-6 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64027-146-3 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    While I have enjoyed astrology my entire life, it has not been for reasons or the pleasure of prediction or future telling. It is my unadulterated belief that humans do not have that ability, nor is it our inalienable right. My interest lies in the relationship between the natural elements and the characteristics each possesses. With that said it is important to note that this science is strongly rooted in the natural order of things and that a higher being is ultimately the mastermind behind the miraculous thing we call life. God is the reason this beauty exists. God, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Buddha or whatever you choose to call it is the driving force behind the balance in our world. Our higher being uses humans as a means to demonstrate the working relationship of these elements. Each element (fire, earth, air, and water) has unique characteristics that rely upon and enable the other. This ongoing movement and continual interaction is the manifestation of the harmonious dance we call life. Humans have not created this, nor have we completely understood it. In our constant quest to acquire knowledge and evolve, we get closer to the eternal spirit of God. This is our mission, and for this, I write and have passion for astrology.

    Zodiac Signs and the Seasons

    Nature drives astrology as there’s an inexplicable kinship between the environment and astrology. After learning and knowing the characteristics of each zodiac sign, you’ll be able to understand the connection between the zodiac sign’s personality traits with the northern hemisphere’s environmental seasons or time of year to which the signs occur. In other words, zodiac signs tend to have traits that are similar to the climatic and environmental conditions during that specific time of the year.



    December 23 to January 21

    There’s an extreme rush of bitter cold and blistery weather. There are major snowstorms that usher a sense of complete seriousness and the protection of family and resources. Extreme measures are initiated in an effort to guard oneself from life’s harsh realities. This is an aura of isolation, protectionism, and quiet during the harsh realities of the environment.


    January 22 to February 19

    This is the peak, or dead center, of winter. The days are clear, crisp, and sharply cold. There’s a sense of consistency whereby everyday appears to be same. Humans are indoors, where they find themselves stimulating their minds through often reading or surfing to web often. Although the Valentine’s Day holiday allows for the connection between human beings, the environment is unmistakably void of frivolous waist or warmth and tugs at your persistence to persevere and be vigilant.


    February 20 to March 20

    This is the transitional season whereby the environment begins the releasing of the cold wintery stillness. There are unpredictable and erratic weather patterns whereby the days seemingly are not the same. Temperatures vary, winds pick up, and things begin to thaw. There is a sense of change or restlessness in the air, which ultimately prepares people for the next phase.



    March 21 to April 19

    This time of year is where impatient and violent thunderstorms bring an immediate burst of fresh spring air. This is a period of stark environmental change where warmth, turbulent winds, and longer days occur, resulting in new growth and clarity. This is the complete and unadulterated break or departure from dormant activities like hibernation and stagnation. Budding of new life is evident.


    April 20 to May 20

    This is the full bloom or peak of spring. Aromatic Mother’s Day flowers are commonplace. This is where planting, germination, and cultivation are evident and reoccurring themes. Spring-cleaning, yard sales, and maintenance of the home are done. Fertility as well as the nurturing of gardens and property are commonplace.


    May 21 to June 21

    Warmer temperatures and longer daylight encourage frivolity, fun times, vacations, and desires to make shortcuts. Sunny days give way to a new season and consequently there’s a sense in the air that seemingly encourages excursions, eloping, and parties. Kites and drones are flown. There tends to be a positive aura in the air that leads people to think something better is about to happen.



    June 22 to July 22

    This is the height or peak of hot days and full moon sultry nights. This is the initial part of the planet’s northern hemisphere summer and longest days. Fourth of July patriotic activities and family gatherings in the familiar backyard are encouraged. Cookouts with family and friends are commonplace. There are feelings of wanting to visit the beach or any bodies of water.


    July 23 to August 22

    The undeviating intense rays of the summer sun and heat usher in a sense of consistency. This is the plateau of the summer season where temperatures are persistently high and all things related to summer are advocated. The hot hazy days of the season allows people of the northern hemisphere to be engaged and take full advantage of fun outdoor activities, such as amphitheater entertainment productions.


    August 23 to September 22

    The late summer, or Indian summer, gives way to an aura of planning for a major seasonal shift. Thoughts of gathering resources, preparation, and productivity are essential. Children are ushered back to school and people begin to think about the more serious side of life. The Labor Day holiday celebrates the notion of work and the last official vacation of summer. Light and festive colors are laid to rest.



    September 23 to October 22

    This is the beginning of the beautiful shades of the autumn season. The initial, or start, of the second half of our planet’s two major seasons. This is where the connection between the two major seasons or equinoxes is performed for both halves of the planet. For those in the northern hemisphere, reaping of the harvest and sharing of abundance with others are advocated, while in the southern hemisphere, rebirth and new life begins.


    October 23 to November 22

    The cooler and shorter days with spooky and colder nights are the height of the fall season. This time of year represents the most consistency of autumn or the dying season, where dark and chameleon-like activities are celebrated at Halloween. This is the midseason or plateau of autumn where the trees are at their peak of color. Issues of death, resources, and regeneration are addressed.


    November 23 to December 22

    This is the transitioning to the ultimate serious winter season. There is a tendency to have split feelings of celebration and solitude. The harvest advocated in autumn gives way to communal gratitude, which is demonstrated in the annual Thanksgiving holiday. After the Thanksgiving holiday celebration, there’s an aura of philosophical earnestness in preparation of the lifeless winter season.

    Is Astrology Empirical?

    When the topic of astrology is brought up, there are a significant number of people who have negative reactions as there’s a resounding attitude in our culture that this subject is fictitious or that it has a devious unchristian connotation. Upon the release of my first publication, What’s the Deal With My Sign? An Insight on Astrology, questions about the validity of this subject resurfaced as folks were torn between the historical negative reputation and quite frankly the seemingly entertainment value of astrology. In a society where primarily secular science is supported, astrology tends to fall into a barrel of whimsical fantasy jargon. Entertaining, it is. Whimsical and fantasy, well, that can be debated. In an effort to make this field of work more empirical, I conducted an eight-question survey. The data collected attempted to ascertain how folks would react in various situations and establish some sort of a narrative. All questions were multiple choice; six of which had four options while the last two questions offered three options. Questions 1–6 were aimed at identifying a person’s element. Questions 7–8 were to determine which mode a person belonged. There was a ninth question that asked the participant to provide his or her birth date. Seventy-seven people responded, and of this total number, six were Aries, five were Taurus, eight were Gemini, nine were Cancers, seven were Leos, six were Virgos, nine were Libras, six were Scorpios, four were Sagittarius, six were Capricorns, five were Aquarius, and five were Pisces.

    Overall, there were similarities and commonalities with people of the same sign, especially for the element questions. Although these particular questions did ask a person to choose a response that best described what he or she would do, however the element questions primarily dealt with and ascertained how a person felt

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