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Really???: Man of Letters
Really???: Man of Letters
Really???: Man of Letters
Ebook327 pages5 hours

Really???: Man of Letters

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If God can't help me, nobody can. This is a discussion of areas where God is not limited to and really can do all things when we apply his Holy Word""the Bible. Finally, here is a book that includes areas often missed in Sunday services called "testimonies," such as miracles that changed many people's lives and made them look at the Word of God much more than just a religious book but a guide to what is going on currently and the undiscussed conversations offline.

Release dateJun 28, 2019
Really???: Man of Letters

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    Really??? - JABBAR



    Man of Letters


    Copyright © 2019 by JABBAR

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    A calling to prayer is one that requires an answer,

    for if it is negated, then blessing, miracles, and deliverance

    are not ever achieved unless we pray for them to come forth: We have not, cause we ask not.

    From the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your God,

    your words were heard: and I have come because of your words.

    —Daniel 10:12


    From the time a person accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, there is a relief from a life of stress, worry, and other things that affect us all. That is because we can cast all our cares upon the Lord Jesus Christ and he shall address everything. When you are in continued fellowship and love, one can prosper and grow under the strength of God’s love and guidance. Trust these words, and most importantly, trust God for he shall provide all your needs and his blessings endures forever. It’s not like the devil’s blessings, which are temporary in happiness, only to unmask the horror, which may abound after one accepts the devil’s blessings versus Jesus’s blessings.

    However, in all things, please pray and seek God’s face so you won’t go through so much unnecessary heartaches as you grow in reading the Holy Bible and remember this scripture: Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things shall be added to you. It’s the necessary energy to propel you into making moves for the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Even when you first wake up and go to the bathroom or shower, just utter a solemn thank you for allowing me to see this day. And trust me, a little prayer is as effective and powerful than as twenty minutes / two hours of trying to get your wish list granted. For God is not Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, or any other characters. He is real as the air you breathe. So please bear in mind that God is good all the time and all the time he is good. He wants you to go to heaven. That’s why he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and mine as well.

    The chapters therein are based on messages and lessons spoken or taught before congregations, study groups, meetings, and prayer groups all through different areas of New York City, and the information here has helped many to reach their full potential on their relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There has been many who have been saved as a direct result of the Word given from the pulpit, and that has heaven celebrating when an unsaved soul comes to Christ. The heavens rejoice: I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance (Luke 15:7).

    Let us begin.


    Chapter 1

    It was the year 2012 in the month of April that as a member of Bethel Gospel Assemble, I had a feeling of wanting to be in a different standing, for I had written papers and attached God’s Word to it and written many legal briefs assembled with case law coupled with God’s Word or a saying from a DVD of one televangelist or another.

    The time came when I was invited to Mission for Christ Holiness Temple, which is a smaller church, and I thought that it was cool. Also, when you’re invited somewhere, people treat or handle you differently. Back in the days, I came from BGA, Calvary Full Gospel Church and was a former member of Long Island City Gospel Tabernacle. So for me to be in fellowship with Mission for Christ was cool, and I liked certain things that came forth and the many personal talks I had with the Lord Jesus Christ to have a better impact on the people within the house of the God. It was a new spark to my soul from that day when I came there, even till now. I am considered a son,¹ a pillar in the house of God, and—most of all—made a lot of growth in wanting to just have fun with the Word and teach people things that many overlook. Like there are some scriptures that have a dual or triple meaning and can be misconstrued, when people see one avenue versus seeing all avenues. Because of this passion placed in my heart, it was fun, and as much as I liked having a closing argument in court and winning, God allowed me to share many tools to help his people move forward aggressively in their prayer lives. Teaching in the same area of where my mother taught at was a change in life and was fun. My first teaching was in April 2012, and I was at Mission for Christ and wanted to do something different and have fun to break the stage fright at the platform service that had me curled up at times. It was also this time in my life that I wanted to allow the Word spoken to impact folks for the rest of their lives and bring in stronger corporate fellowship there in God’s house, all the while speaking the Word, armed with many tools from college. This was the perfect opportunity that allowed God’s Word to minister through me and educate the congregation on valuable areas of God’s Word that many differ or notice and/or overlook. I went from being that guy who sat on the pews and listened to the Word to that guy who was delivering the Word with some things that the average person would not ever review or read and digest the true ingredients of its contents from a book. See, when I interned for the public sector, a judge shared with me that many people from certain backgrounds and cultures will not read a book, and we both agreed about that statement. Because of the Internet, many people are more ignorant based on the lack of due diligence, which in fact is every bit essential to apply before you believe the sources that are not credible and try to manifest them as though it’s holy or facts. Either way, it pays to pray; God has blessed me to see the difference and apply wisdom through it all because I have learned to trust Jesus Christ.

    It was four weeks before speaking at Mission for Christ when I was attending Bethel Gospel Assembly’s Bible study and critiquing my Sunday school teacher at this time, which gave a valuable ingredient that helped me go forward. I had reviewed four different translations of the Bible—the King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New International Version (NIV), and the American Standard Version (ASV) Bibles. They were showing me the same scripture, just paraphrased differently. However, this message needed an outline, tools from college for grammar and the Word of God. Let God guide me into all the necessary parts to be written, and speak before the congregation. Which is serious business! The scripture given to me in a text was a seed that ministered to me and allowed me to see God’s hand in and on my life. In fact, the message was never finalized even after e-mailing a copy to the bishop (currently, the pastor) and my aunt, a licensed minister, who texted me scriptures from different areas of the Word of God. This helped and was awesome. In fact, several chapters here came from speaking on various platform services.²

    Well, because I had prayed the prayer of faith and was determined to treat the presentation as a college PowerPoint presentation to get the passing grade, God had to ease up my aggressiveness with my writing and address some key pointers, which would prove beneficial to the text and the message that needed to be conveyed as well. The importance of this is allowing God to provide the tools, subject material, and for him to ensure the right people are present to receive it.

    Yet, it was not my will that was going to achieve such proportionate changes and bring a better heart in standing and being able to speak before a crowd. It was God’s will and Word that brought changes. For the message was one scripture, and since then, this current book is the first to come forth. I have enjoyed it to the maximum strength, and there is more to come in the future.

    I was shocked and prayed for a week, coupled with fasting, to get direction in which this was coming towards the final times that I was going to be in Sunday school at Bethel Gospel Assemble. I had been in two colleges for a period of seven years, one that taught me how to write in a hyper-technical business and legal style, and the newer college was a combination of MLA³ and APA styles of writing that would make things easy for many that was too busy to address the points needed to convey God’s love for his people. Also, at the time I was busy writing letters for clients and attending school, I was blessed to have a mother who was a part-time college professor and full-time teacher of twenty-three years. And most of all, she had obtained her minister’s license. So when God was getting ready to unveil his newest weapon, all of this experience gave me room to flow in the following years after all the changes that commenced and the challenges within the nation’s economy, which had men or women fearful about the fate of the future. But that’s where you stand on God and his Word, for it shall sustain you for the difficult times.

    I conducted my first teaching and was happy about it as fast as it transpired. See, when you are not used to public speaking, you would be nervous. That nervousness is really a sense of humbleness, which reflects the true you in life and shuns pride. With humility and love is how God shall walk you into overcoming nervousness. For we all get nervous at times, and sometimes it takes a change or challenge to get out of our comfort zone. Remember, it is God who has been preparing you to actually complete the assignment that may be assigned to. Your obedience affects the present and the future. However, you sincerely try your best not to be a laughingstock and more so be accurate with the material you’re presenting. It is current; but there are many times the audience can tell when the speaker is nervous. Yes, I was and more relaxed by the next time I had spoken on the scripture at that point. Now, the scripture that was given to me dealt with Nineveh, and the topic was figs and fig trees, which correlated to people, places, and things.⁴ Bear in mind that people, places, and things are major components that either take us on a path to destruction or lift us up to re-evaluate who, what, when, why, and where we are individually. We must take God into our choices and situations as we face life.

    Always prepare yourself to go forth and do things for God out of fun, seriousness, and—most of all—with humility when we learn to apply God’s Word. It will help you to recognize things in your life and the lives of others, not to judge people; but to love them as Jesus loves us. Keep this in mind as you go forth and enjoy all the things that I learned to apply from worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior who has blessed me to bring the very first message coupled with a current revision. Be blessed and let the Lord Jesus Christ guide you going forward in life.

    The text was taken from Nahum 3:12 from the NKJV:

    NKJV: All strongholds are fig trees with ripened figs: If they are shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater.

    NIV: All your fortresses are like big trees with their first ripe fruit; when they are shaken, the figs fall into the mouth of the eater.

    KJV: All thy strongholds shall be like fig trees with the first ripe figs: if they be shaken, they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater.

    The Connection

    People — can be in one’s life

    Places — People that bring you to areas, and when your path crossess an area of life that an ancestor or in-law or and spouse’s generational curse which brings both parties to a place their ancestor’s have been at in life.

    Things — habits, behaviors, and other things that contribute to and come from people and places (not limited to hosted or introduced, subject to peer pressure, even bullying in some cases (based on the maturity level of the individual. Discretion, prayer, and wisdom is tools to be applied as a reminder.))

    It is this time period applying these present examples that we look at the scripture regarding figs from the fig tree. We should know that the fig tree was cursed in the Bible.

    The Bible uses the fig tree and the figs as a component of various types of sin. For many think that as long as they do not:

    — murder or cause influence for an abortion

    — rob their neighbor and/or set up anyone else for enriching themselves and others by taking forcibly what does not belong to them and what was not earned by them honestly

    — disrespect their parents, caregivers, and/or elders, among a number of other sins they do not commit sin.

    The vast majority of men or women may say one of two statements: either this does not apply to me or I’m not as bad as them, and the list goes on, or I am okay and do all types of good deeds that would guarantee a position in the kingdom of God. It won’t. And some honestly believe that their good works, thinking positive, and like many others have shared in life: I think there is another way into heaven. These are all not true. Even praying for a deceased person’s soul to go into heaven will not help them at all. Only the choices made here on earth will decide where one spends eternity. In fact, the little things (the figs, people, places, and things]) are not always trying to help us renew our mind and produce correct thinking, living, and function as members of the church who have truly accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior.

    Well, in fact, we know that certain strongholds can be a great thing within one’s life when there is a presence of innocence that allows only good to prosper in life because of issues related to peer pressure, low self-esteem, and doing things to have bragging rights are prevalent within our society. It is wise to have a firm grip of wisdom and integrity, which is the best stronghold to possess in all matters of evil. So that way, one cannot be succombed to the evil strongholds that abound in areas of one’s life. Good must always triumph over evil and that’s why its esstenial to renew your mind daily, this is why and how as you read further on it shall be crystal clear on what you have need to do and how you have to clean your house up daily by repenting and having a heart as King David, a man after God’s own heart.

    Making sure that the little sins are repented for and sadly many overlook and become numb to little things: like not returning a borrowed pen back to the person you obtained it from.

    Let’s take a look at these ripened strongholds of temporarily good tasting figs of sin. The figs start out tasting good, and as time goes on, they start having some problems. I know, I have been there, and every day that God has sent me, I have had to seek his face and repent, even for the little sins. When we come to the throne of grace, we must ask for forgiveness from all sins, even the little ones and the ones we may have forgotten. Bear in mind that it’s the little sins that lead to bigger ones. Like growing up, a child tries to talk, walk, and feed themselves or you’re in the house and it’s dark. Here you are looking for a lightbulb in a closet that has a variety of different-watt lightbulbs—ranging from twenty-five watts, fifty watts, and seventy-five watts. What applies to you to resolve the issue of darkness around you? In life, sin can start in one’s life from a little thing such as lying,⁵ stealing candy or small change, along with other things that can lead nefarious behavior and other acts that are no good for a person, who has introduced you or others wrong versus living a good life, and there are some that show people how to live as a Christian gold digger,⁶ which have not been acting correctly with success in life. Then there are those who may figure out that the right way takes too long; so they feel that God needs some help or he forgot about them and their issue. It is a position of desperation coupled with self-destructive actions that have consequences, if they don’t make some serious changes in their life and change their ways; problems would affect all involved both close and far to them.

    This is mentioned for individuals that look at life in a paradigm shift who need Jesus in their life. But when a person does not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or they remain a backslider, that person will have a stronghold of sin on them, their choices, and everything that they put their hearts or minds to do. I am not saying that everything they touch will fall apart, no. But they will not receive all the necessary benefits afforded to them had they just surrendered his or her life over to Jesus Christ. Now for those lukewarm, undercover, and weekend-warrior Christians, God is not pleased with you not applying his Word to your life of prayer. Reading the Bible on Sunday’s is not giving you strength during the week.

    In the views spoken above pertains to living in a Babylonian and Roman Kingdom, although each person may give a few dollars to the homeless, some food to the hungry, and even others have similar acts of kindness. It feels good because I was you—meaning, in your very shoes. In fact, I was on a hot date when after dinner, both of us had doggie bags.⁷ I gave mine to a homeless man who was very hungry. It got me points with the lady, and it surely made me feel good at that time. But it wasn’t from the heart; it wasn’t genuine, and that deed did not make Malachi 3:16⁸ in heaven. In fact, it was an act of flesh and impression to jade another’s view of their thoughts of me with this one act.

    Not considering the true causes and effects on others based on choices rendered would lead them to wrong or right people, places, and things. And furthermore, all this shows is a lack of patience. For those that desire instant self-gratification on a dangerous counterproductive level that causes temporary success for a limited time. They act as though time is limited, and the behavior associated with it can be erratic compared to the normal ways of life obtained by studying and/or finishing school, applying for civil service exams (federal, state, and city), or entering private, nonprofit, and for-profit sectors for employment to obtain the necessary tools of life, like retirement plans and, most of all, furthering knowledge that one can pass on to their children (their personal legacy). Instead, those who self-gratify are ones that want to achieve short-term success on concupiscence thinking of building temporary connections with people, places, and things that are either a problem from the start or good for a short time. More so, they are social climbers with an agenda. They come from all ethnicities, and when these types of people are desperate, trust they will do whatever it takes to get the problem assessed. Whereas, many believers are drunk from the same cup as their unsaved counterpart. Sadly, it breaks my heart that many within the church have not pressed in to see Jesus’s face.

    In all of these things, there are actions that come from influence his own land; and I will cause him to fall by with the wrong people and, most of all, doing the wrong things⁹ in our lives only to have a temporary reward based on the fruits of the labor. See, it’s like a seed that was planted in the soil for a tree to come forth. Well, the people, places, and things associated with the individual tree can produce bad fruit to come forth, notwithstanding the power of influence of good fruit or trees for the contrary to occur. Yet it is a lot of times that the things that cling to all people, whether good or bad, are known as habits can lead to strongholds that leave marks and abrasions when left alone. These unchallenged, unfettered areas of life can create problems going forward, growing into a wide range of things. However, bear in mind that good deeds will not get you into heaven, and the Bible say, For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God guarantees you and anyone eternal life through Jesus Christ.

    The figs are a small token and component within this passage that symbolizes a sinful period of Nineveh, and it represents a spirit that works along with the minions of the second heaven where their kingdom of Lucifer or Satan, Belzebub, and Leviathan with various references that shall guide you on what to pray against and keep things bound up. For whatever is bound up on earth is bound in heaven, which is so true that once the word is spoken into prayer, God ensures its success. It even works when applied in all areas, excluding judgments to come forth in our time. However, when a nation has a wicked leader or administration in place with a heavy plan that would shock many, going forward is necessary to understand why the attacks are allowed to come forth. But prayer keeps the new issues that attack the US from taking root fully yet in all because of the people who want certain things to manifest contingencies of their hearts. The following samples of strongholds is in depth in Really: Part 2 or the Amended Version to this book, and a sample of that discussion shall be discussed for the basis of what is going on now and later so that you shall not be alarmed. But be at ease to see how the salvation of the Lord shall prevail in many people’s lives. Remember, God protects his own along while judgments commence across the world. There are blessings that come as the judgments come forth.

    The nation of the US was created pursuant to the following scriptures. The text of Isaiah 33:22 shows the three branches of government, and Exodus 18:20–23 shows the breakdown of the court system and the political structure of this great nation that God loves so much. Guess what, before the national anthem was created and composed, the songwriter wrote the song because it represents when the British attacked young America, and after countless bombs were launched to destroy where the flag was raised, those praying men, women, and youngsters at that time knew that they were protected from this offensive attack. Like Israel has and always will have Michael the Archangel to protect them even when America today turns its back on Israel. Israel shall stand, and no nation on earth shall be able to move it or its people from its land. And quiet is kept. Israel wins the last world war in which the US loses the Third World War in one hour, according to several scriptures in the Bible, which may shock many readers today.

    Yet let us go into the various strongholds and the countries that have these chief spirits ruling over them (with the assistance of human beings). Without no further delay, let’s begin.


    In this area of life, many people saved, unsaved, and backsliders alike really have not truly understood that the area of strongholds can be broken, like generational curses, and unnecessary dry seasons can lead to other problems later discussed here and Part 2 of Really??? In detail.

    The strongholds are the fig trees that have been allowed to grow without stopping. They have set their roots into the soil of the people’s hearts or lives like palm trees (whose roots are double the size of the actual tree). Here is where people can learn about this topic and how it supports the continued causes of different sins. That starts off small and innocent, then escalate into bigger areas of one’s life, leading into problems down the road, if not addressed. But many would ask how. It all starts from a host. The host is simple and innocent like that first time you drank beer, smoked a joint, had sex, and a wide array of first-time actions, which is the cause to graduate into heavier areas. For it is this action of Nineveh that has caused sin to take root and become a stronghold from the little sins to maturity. Nineveh repented and was given 40 more years before she was destroyed.

    First, we take a look at the city of Nineveh, which is one of the oldest and greatest cities of Mesopotamia and the capital of Assyria that was destroyed in 612 BC. See in Genesis 10:11–12. As we look at the following scriptures from 2 Kings 19:32–35, God warns the prophets about what is to come before he strikes on behalf of his people in Judah. Yet the king of Assyria was prepared to invade the country, and that’s when one angel was sent to slay one hundred eighty-five thousand men during the course of the night, thus causing the King of Assyria departed and went away; returned home, and remained at Nineveh, according to 2 Kings 19:36.

    The second time, the king of Nineveh wanted to attack the same city again and had threatened King Hezekiah. But King Hezekiah had prayed and cried out to God for deliverance from this evil man. So God sent a word through his Prophet Isaiah according to Isaiah 37:6–7, stating, "Do not be afraid of the words which you have heard, with which the servants of king of Assyria have blasphemed me. Surely I will send a spirit upon him,¹⁰ and he shall hear a rumor and return to his own land; and I will cause him to fall by the sword in his own land. This, in fact, relieved King Hezekiah for a moment. But when a letter came from a messenger in verse 14, he immediately came to the house of the Lord and spread it before the Lord, and he prayed, in verses 15–19, Have cast their gods into the fire; for they were not gods, but the work of men’s hands, wood and stone. Yet in in verse 20, he solely declares, O Lord our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You are the Lord, You alone. This means, he asked God for deliverance from this evil man from imposing his will on Judah, God’s chosen people. And in fact, this reply from God shows how awesome he is: He shall not come into this city, nor shoot an arrow there, nor come before it with shield, nor build a siege mound against it. By the way that he came, by the same shall he return; and he shall not come into this city, says the Lord. For I will defend this city, to save it For My own sake and for My servant David’s sake. These are from Isaiah 33–35. Read verse 36 to see what happens at Isaiah 37:37: Sennacherib king of Assyria deported and went away, returned home, and remained at Nineveh."

    However, in the Books of Micah 7:11–12 and Nahum 1, God is showing a

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