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The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon
The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon
The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon
Ebook65 pages52 minutes

The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon

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An idea can change your life...

A written idea can change the world...

The human mind has been studied for centuries and yet we know so little of how it works and its limits.

Philosophy is probably the only tool that explains not the limits, but shows the horizons of its potential.

Poetry, the artifice d'amour.

The key for the heart, the muse, the art of philosophy, expressed in articulated words, is combined with perfection and graciously implemented in this book by the author.

Release dateNov 22, 2022
The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon

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    The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon - Kelvin Ponce


    The Sparkling Star in the Shining Moon

    Kelvin Ponce

    Copyright © 2022 Kelvin Ponce

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 979-8-88654-192-2 (hc)

    ISBN 979-8-88654-178-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents




    About the Author

    To my parents, my mother especially for supporting me in every action I do. Even so, she manages to attempt understanding with the eternal love she gives me, which is unmatched.

    To my father, from whom my fortitude comes. I thank you for being there in the times I feel alone. I wish to pay you with the gratitude only a son or daughter can give.

    To my sisters—Stephanie, Carla, Jennifer, and Felicia—our blood does not connect in which it binds but rather in the bond we naturally give to one another.

    And to my family, who is outside in borders that can never block the support between us.

    Lastly, to my friends, my brothers-in-arms, the comrades with whom we battle every soldier's fight with legendary ideals. I wish you the best of life—the same as you have done to me.

    And to you my humble reader, the volume of selections is from my written English, for I am an American author and so many other things I wish to be or already am, and it begins now…and closes with a little poem of my own. This I chose more for the title than for any merit of rhymes and meter. So bear with me—I hope you consider the art I pride myself in to be the work of art I hope it to be, and so to inspire.

    I hope my goals motivate you to start your own in godly ways that we've given by omnipotence itself. We're all able to move and spin the world with our own bare hands. Free will has been decided to exist universally and not in concept, so why not use it?


    This is not a book to read and leave on the shelf—this beautiful job of art will be your loyal companion for the rest of your life.

    I was part of the process that led to this jewel of literature, inspiration, and amazing philosophical new concepts.

    Kelvin knows how to combine the most sophisticated terms to express deep concepts with magisterial precision and accuracy in a way that inspires life and gives a new context of God and how he interacts with us. He contrasts other philosophical lines with respect but is firm in what he believes in.

    So you are invited to get deep, live, and experience what it's like to be in a genius mind that, in so many ways, has been misunderstood, just like Tesla, Einstein, and Nietzsche—all beautiful minds with great ideals and a childlike soul.

    May your time reading this book be wisely spent to understand Kelvin's amazing work.



    I am thankful for those before and upon me to help me get to the state where I can write this. For a debt can never be paid, neither in retribution. But to even get to write my first book, I am truly in your supreme debt, and you have tried seeing something in me through this book. Even so, I have a love for what I do. My passion is so strong that it will be the one who can speak a word in my behalf and encourage me through these dark times. For even within my struggle with what I will be attempting to pass off as a writerly mind, I will always need to hear from the very depth of the souls inside myself, and if this truly is the path to the stars, so be it. So even at those moments when your own journey turns out be somewhat darkish, please do know: without your light I would be a cauldron rather than a journey, a soul unable to move an inch without you leading. And you are humbly in my eternal gratitude, in so to contribute to my life's work for the thirteen years I've been on earth. And so more to come.


    For a cause

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    Live life

    To express

    Not to impress.

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