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A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences: A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?
A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences: A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?
A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences: A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?
Ebook217 pages3 hours

A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences: A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?

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About this ebook

Throughout history, there have been stories about extraordinary, unexplainable, supernatural events. You may have read one of these stories, or you may have seen a story on television or heard one from a friend or relative. When you heard the story, you probably thought it was a fantasy or the person telling it was a fake, a fraud, a weirdo, or a phony. If you read the story in the Bible or in a book, you may have thought that stories about supernatural events do not occur in modern-day society. In this new age of science and reason, there is a logical, scientific explanation for everything, right? But is it possible that even today, in our modern society, there are regular people, who are not psychics or mediums or spiritualists, who have had premonitions, sent telepathic messages, witnessed healings, seen deceased loved ones, seen spirits and ghosts, witnessed objects or paintings inexplicably fall from walls just before a critical moment, and experienced other events that scientist simply cannot explain?

In this book, Bernie Brown, a twenty-nine-year retired prosecutor, interviews ordinary people who say they have experienced a supernatural event. Each event is critically reviewed with a scathing analysis to assess credibility and legitimacy. Was it a supernatural event, or was it an event that can be explained by logical reasoning, consistent with the ordinary laws of science and physics? Each case is subjected to a prosecutor's analysis for truth and veracity and an evaluation of the probability that a jury of one's peers would validate or invalidate the legitimacy of the supernatural event. Along the way, Bernie describes his own list of personal supernatural events and subjects them to the same critical, common-sense analysis as all other cases. You will be shocked by his stories and the stories he has heard and surprised by his verdicts. In the end, your concept of truth and reality will be expanded, upended, and redefined; and your perception of the realm of human possibilities will never be the same.

Release dateDec 16, 2022
A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences: A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?

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    Book preview

    A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences - Bernie Brown


    A Prosecutor's Analysis of Personal Supernatural Experiences

    A Collection of Fascinating Stories Awaiting Your Verdict--Fact, Fiction, Fabrication, or Fantasy?

    Bernie Brown

    Copyright © 2022 Bernie Brown

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7916-8 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7917-5 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Ordinary People with Supernatural Experiences

    Method of Analysis

    Another Dimension Just Beyond Our Senses—Could It Be Possible?

    Constructive Skepticism

    The Verdicts

    Life or Death—Mama Cries Out in the Middle of the Night

    The Verdict

    Looking Him in the Eye, Should She Tell Him She Dreamed His Possible Death?

    The Verdict

    A Holy Picture Crashes Off the Wall

    The Verdict

    Aunt Cleo, Aunt Erlene, Amber Walker, Tito Sisnett, Pam Clark, And Danny Schultz—All Saw Dead People

    The Verdict

    Just a Shooting Star or a Message from the Afterlife

    The Verdict

    The Pastor and the Evil Force

    The Verdict

    Saved by His Momma's Voice

    The Verdict

    His Daddy Dies in a Dream Then His Daddy Dies for Real

    The Verdict

    Did I Kill Mr. Buns?

    The Verdict

    An Angel, a Divine Intervention, or Just a Lucky Encounter

    The Verdict

    A Lion Roars in the Night

    The Verdict

    People Who Swear They Saw a Ghost

    The Verdict

    A Voice in the Light Said, Call Him, Call Him

    The Verdict

    Can Prayer Cause Supernatural Events—Healings and Prophesies?

    The Verdict

    Overwhelming Tension and Irritability—And Then I Caught Her Burning My Hair

    The Verdict

    Prophesy, Prognostication, Mental Programing, or Plain Lucky Guess

    The Verdict

    Touched by an Invisible Force

    The Verdict

    A Powerful, Inexplicable Feeling to Go the Other Way

    The Verdict

    A Powerful Unexplained Feeling to Go Home

    The Verdict

    Tongues, Spiritual Language, or Gibberish

    The Verdict

    Using Mental Telepathy to Control Human Actions

    The Verdict

    The First One to Come to You in This Form

    The Verdict

    Déjà Vu, Had Ron Been There Before?

    The Verdict

    Could I Have Predicted the COVID-19 Coronavirus?

    The Verdict

    A Psychic Interview

    The Verdict

    A Chance Encounter—She Was Born with a Veil over Her Face

    The Verdict

    Does Anyone Hear Me—Prayer, House Noises, and Confirmation

    The Verdict

    A Bird's Eye Confirmation of the Afterlife

    The Verdict

    Saved from Danger by an Invisible Tap on His Arm

    The Verdict

    Tormented by Demons or Simply Delusional

    The Verdict

    Attacked by a Telepath

    The Verdict

    Is There a Portal to Another Dimension, and If There Is, How Do We Enter It?

    The Verdict

    Did Jesus Know Something That We Don't Know?

    The Verdict and the Conclusion or the Beginning of a New Area for Scientific Research


    About the Author


    This book would not have been possible if there were not courageous people who were willing to come forward and share their stories, even in the face of possible disdain and humiliation. Some people fearing retribution, shame, and laughter have asked that their identities remain anonymous. Others have boldly come forward with a virtuous commitment to the veracity and significance of their experiences. My thanks go out to all these people, who agreed to share their stories without any form of compensation, remuneration, or reward, so that the truth may be known about extraordinary, unknown, unacknowledged events that are regularly occurring in our world. Oh, and I would be remiss if I failed to acknowledge the most beautiful woman in the world, my wife Gloria.


    This book is not like any other book that you have read. It is an analysis of purported supernatural events. During my lifetime, I have experienced unexplainable events and have encountered others who profess to have experienced events that cannot be explained by current-day, conventional scientific wisdom. In this book, we will evaluate these stories. We will examine the credibility of each of the declarants. I am a retired prosecutor, and I will delve deeply into each story from a prosecutor's perspective and from the perspective of a juror evaluating a case. Would a jury of twelve citizens believe the story is true, and would they believe it was supernatural? I will analyze each event and will reach a verdict regarding the believability of each story and whether it should truly be characterized as supernatural. And then I will discuss possible, feasible, logical explanations for each event. Each personal supernatural event will be evaluated with a critical and circumspect eye.

    Many of the events are from my own personal experiences, and others are personal supernatural experiences as told to me by family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and colleagues. The process for locating people with supernatural stories was quite elementary. I found people who had stories to tell by asking one question, Have you ever had a supernatural experience? I asked this question while attending social events, weddings, meetings, parties, dinners, and anytime I was around one or more people. Most people looked at me like I was crazy. If I asked ten people, nine out of ten would say, No, I have never had a supernatural experience. But then, there would be that one person who would say, Yes, I had an extraordinary experience that was totally incredible and unexplainable.

    I listened to and evaluated each story. Some of the stories could not be characterized as supernatural because they were explainable by current methods of scientific analysis or were not really extraordinary or not credible. But there were other experiences that made me stop and say Wow, experiences that, if true, cannot be explained by mere coincidence. I will lay out all the facts; I will give you my proposed verdict, but you will judge each case for yourself.

    It is important not to focus on my writing style. What is important here is the substance of the experiences. Did they really happen? Should they really be characterized as supernatural? These are important questions because the answers to these questions will affect our perspective of the world and how we proceed in the future. The answers to these questions can and will impact our destiny.

    Just in case it is not obvious, it is important to note that this book examines the experiences of people who are not involved in occult practices. This book looks at everyday people who have had unexplainable experiences in their lifetime. They are not psychics, tarot card readers, palm readers, witches, Ouija board readers, people who practice aeromancy, phrenology, or any other form of paranormal activity. They are just regular people who have experienced unexplainable events in their lifetime, and I am one of them. For the sake of fairness, I have also included interviews with two church pastors and two psychics. I felt it necessary to seek out and include their input because, in theory, they should possess the most knowledge and experience in the area of supernatural phenomena.

    The spectrum of supernatural events described in this book is broader than other books you have read. It includes stories of premonitions, prophecies, spiritual encounters, ghosts, answered prayers, evil forces, and more. The purpose of this book is to evaluate these experiences of everyday people, like you and me, and to analyze their origins and authenticity, logically and realistically. Is there another dimension of existence? Are their angels? Is there mental telepathy? Can some people predict the future? Are there parts of the brain that scientists will someday be able to activate that will put us in contact with innate supernatural abilities? Can a valid case be made for the existence of paranormal activity? These are the questions we will explore in this book. I believe our analysis is legitimized by our approach, which is nonsecular, logical, and impartial. Ultimately, we will conduct hundreds of podcast interviews, and we will create a worldwide (Internet) library of purported personal supernatural events that can be shared, reviewed, and analyzed from a scientific, agnostic perspective. This analysis will spearhead the next frontier in human development.

    We will evaluate the honesty and veracity of each declarant. To corroborate the validity of the statements, many of the persons providing testimonies in this book may be subjected to scathing cross-examinations and future lie detector tests conducted by certified examiners. By verifying and compiling these alleged supernatural experiences in a single location, we will begin to understand this aspect of the human phenomenon, which has heretofore been dismissed and left unresolved by the scientific community. At the very least, we will ascend on a quest to discover things beyond the current boundaries of human understanding. After you have read this book and heard the numerous personal accounts of unexplainable, supernatural experiences given by people with no promise of remuneration and no reason to lie, you will be convinced that there are events that are occurring in the world today that are beyond our realm of human understanding. And hopefully, you will join me in the pursuit of truth and understanding of things beyond.

    What Is a Supernatural Event?

    At the outset, we must define the term supernatural event. I define a supernatural event as an act or occurrence that cannot be explained by current scientific understanding. There must be a physical manifestation that verifies the event is beyond human explanation. For example, a verified accurate prediction of a future event is something that is beyond conventional understanding. Another example would be a confirmed telepathic connection between two persons that are miles apart. A third example would be an interaction with another dimension of existence (a.k.a. spiritual encounter) or a person who is miraculously healed of an incurable disease without any available medical explanation. Thousands of people may have had such experiences, documented and undocumented. But even if only a few people have ever had a verifiable experience, or even if there is only one person, we need to do our best to understand how and why it happened. The ramifications for mankind and human development are unfathomable.

    When I ask people if they have ever had a supernatural experience, almost all of them say no. In fact, most people are frightened or intimidated by the concept of supernatural phenomena. They don't want to believe that there may be something beyond the realm of human understanding, and it seems to shake their mental foundation. When you tell them a story of a supernatural event, many people will immediately dismiss it as impossible, untruthful, or explainable by some other means of pure chance or coincidence. Others will simply say it was the power of God or angels or the devil. This creates an interesting paradox that makes it difficult to logically analyze the phenomenon. Many scientific, logical-minded people will readily dismiss these events as impossible. They will close their minds and refuse to accept any possibility of authenticity. Others, who believe they are true, may simply proclaim them as the work of the devil and thereby refuse to consider other alternative explanations. The same dismissive analysis may come from those that believe they are acts of God, followed by the same refusal to consider alternative explanations. Ultimately, the entire gamut of fears, human emotions, philosophical beliefs, religious ideologies, and personal predispositions confound the ability to subject this material to pure logical analysis. Still the potential for advancement and understanding of supernatural events is far too critical to simply abort the effort to understand how, why, and if these events are facts or fiction.

    Even if you have never had a personal supernatural experience or heard of anyone else that has had such an experience, that is not a valid reason to dismiss the experiences as bogus or impossible. There are many things that you have not personally experienced but are nonetheless real parts of human existence. You may have not personally seen the rings of Saturn or the eye of a hurricane or radiation, but you know these things, and many other things that you have not seen do, in fact, exist, because you have been told by reliable people and people who personally experienced them that these tangibles and intangibles are real.

    There are also many things that were once unexplainable or invisible or previously thought to be supernatural that now exist and can be explained. You cannot see electricity or radio waves or cell phone signals or natural gas or even air, but we know they are real, and we now understand how they work. Not too long ago, mankind thought the world was flat and that you would fall off the earth if you went too far in any direction. Just a few hundred years ago, mankind could not conceive of cars, airplanes, cells phones, space travel, and galaxies millions of miles away. Now all these things are part of our natural lives and are easily explainable. Hopefully, in the near future, the same can be true for what we now call supernatural events, and you and I will have served as the impetus that made it happen.

    Ordinary People with Supernatural Experiences

    I must reiterate, and I cannot overemphasis that this is not a book about psychics or mystics or mediums or card readers or religion or palm readers or people who profess to be prophets or any other groups that claim to be in contact with spirits of deceased people or practitioners of any occult activities. This is a book about ordinary people like you and me who have had supernatural experiences or know others who have had these experiences and have no reason to make them up. Actually, these events are more credible because they do not come from anyone with a purpose for financial gain or fame or notoriety. They come from ordinary people who have had supernatural experiences and simply want to tell the story of what they experienced.

    Some of the supernatural events described in this book may suggest and support a spiritual influence or even godly intervention. However, in my analysis of events described in this book, I will search for a logical explanation rather than a religious-based explanation. The most feasible logical explanation may, in some instances, support the existence of divine intervention. The ultimate quest is to seek the truth. Hopefully, no religious organizations or establishments will be offended by this analysis. The purpose is not to validate or invalidate any particular religious belief. There is no desire for war or hate or argument or anger. Once again, the sole pursuit is truth in the determination of cause and effect. If we discover the truth, then we may be able to create future supernatural events, which can lead to miraculous discoveries of mental telepathy, connections with other beings on other plains of existence, connections with God, and premonitions and predictions that surpass our current understanding of space/time dimensions.

    It is possible that supernatural events may be the best evidence of the existence of God or of a spiritual plain of existence. A frequent argument cited by an atheist is if there is a God, why doesn't he intervene and why does he allow human suffering? A catalog of verified supernatural events may constitute physical, persuasive evidence that God or supernatural forces have intervened in hundreds or possibly thousands of cases. The evidence that mankind has been searching for to prove the existence of God or supernatural forces may have been right in front of our faces for thousands of years.

    Compiling, documenting, and verifying these incidents will support a thorough analysis of all the data. I can personally attest to the supernatural events in my life, and there may be thousands or millions more that are regularly

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