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God's ALMIGHTY Blood
God's ALMIGHTY Blood
God's ALMIGHTY Blood
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God's ALMIGHTY Blood

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Let God’s Spirit show you His plan, the foundation and blueprint for mankind, to take back what the enemy has stolen. God’s Almighty Blood and God’s Almighty Blood Study Guide together, can help to open up the way to go deeper into relationship and understanding the heart and plan of God.

Written especially for today, God’s Almighty Blood reveals the Father’s heart, His meticulous plan for each individual to find identity, purpose and fulfillment. Do you long for a fresh revelation of God Himself? Would you like to know the desires and passions of God’s heart? The eyes of your understanding will be opened as you study and meditate on God’s divine plan found in His Blood Covenant.

Often Jesus used an earthly concept to graphically impart understanding and comprehension of a spiritual concept. Human blood, with its many functions gives a dynamic blueprint of the lifegiving supernatural power in Jesus’ Blood, to subdue, take dominion and reign with Him. The helpful companion, God’s Almighty Blood Study Guide, brings maximum insight and revelation of the power to bring activation, utilization, consecration, and joy into a believer’s life. The essence of our Christian life comes from power found in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Eternally alive and active, such enormous power is available to overcome Satan with a victorious testimony and life yielded unto God.

Release dateJul 27, 2022
God's ALMIGHTY Blood

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    Book preview

    God's ALMIGHTY Blood - Catharine W. Avant


    God's ALMIGHTY Blood

    Catharine W. Avant

    ISBN 978-1-68526-252-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68526-254-9 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2021 Catharine W. Avant

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents

    Why Study the Blood?

    Covenant That Transcends Time

    Cast Down, Not Forsaken

    Called to Sonship


    Into His Image

    God’s Covenant Manifested

    Our Amazing Blood

    Redeemed from the Curse—Part 1: Transportation and Protection

    Redeemed from the Curse—Part 2: Communication and Temperature

    Understanding Blood Covenant Language

    God Honors His Blood Covenant

    Holy Communion

    The Gospel’s Glorious Design

    Modern-Day Examples

    This book is about the strongest power in the universe, power that is available to live in and operate through you. To receive this power, you must go through the straight and narrow gate. This gate is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living and True God. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me," said the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living and True God (John 14:6).

    Basil and Val Carpenter

    To a very endearing couple, Basil and Val Carpenter. Spending time in their presence brings tremendous enrichment to one’s life due to their pertinent knowledge of the Word and their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Both were born and reached adulthood in Rhodesia. Rhodesia, their original homeland, is today called Zimbabwe.

    Completing his education, young Basil began his career working in the department of justice. It was during this time he made the most important decision of his life: he became a born-again Christian, a commitment that stands out as being the motivating force in Basil’s life. Accomplishing the Roman-Dutch qualifications, Basil was appointed magistrate judge. Shortly thereafter he married Val, his sweetheart and lifelong helpmate. Val, the mother of their four children and a science and math teacher, has complimented and constantly been engaged with her husband in the joint call of God upon their lives.

    After serving seven years as magistrate judge, they decided to emigrate to South Africa, believing this would create opportunity to earn a higher income, providing for the family’s future needs. Living in South Africa, Basil completed the first half of his MBA, then served in various leadership roles in business management and marketing. During this time, Basil also worked part-time as a paramedic for the South African Red Cross. It was in this season of their lives that the Holy Spirit directed them into leadership roles as organizers of South Africa’s charismatic renewal. Through God’s gifting and anointing, Basil became the lead prophet. Obeying God’s call, this couple entered full-time Christian ministry, pastored a church for a period of ten years, as well as aided in planting other churches.

    Afterward Basil and Val returned to the marketplace where, until his retirement, he served in business administration, management, and as an in-house legal counsel. In retirement, he earned a Christian MBA and served for a time as a Christian business consultant. In 2007, Basil and Val obeyed the strong leading of the Holy Spirit to leave their home, but this time it included leaving three of their four grown children. They were to move to the United States, sponsored through their grown daughter, an American citizen, and to take part in the awakening of the American church and nation. Val and Basil are South African citizens, living in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Their family, at present, includes eight grandchildren and a new great-grandchild.

    The Lord is using this couple to prepare the body of Christ with intercession and teaching for the mighty harvest of souls coming into the kingdom. Val is an indispensable part of this ministry team with foundational spiritual teaching that supplements and compliments Basil’s anointed prophetic teaching and astounding scholarly knowledge of the Word of God, Hebrew, Greek, and history. The Holy Spirit has placed within this couple an apostolic, prophetic, deliverance, and teaching anointing that flows in godly wisdom. Those who know Basil and Val recognize within them the love and wisdom of the Father. You will witness this yourself by the many times they are referenced in God’s Almighty Blood.


    I am most grateful to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and His ever-present help. I honor Him as, above all, the most wonderful teacher and stand amazed at how He has orchestrated and given witness. I pray every word gives Him the glory He deserves.

    Over the years, there are many loved ones who have given of themselves unselfishly and devotedly to make this book possible.

    I am grateful to my husband, Bill, who unselfishly gave of his support and our time together, giving me time to devote to research and writing.

    My sincere gratitude goes to my daughter Emily, for the years of her extraordinary patience and devotion as she labored so meticulously over the design of this book, its cover, the manuscript, and the many changes I’ve made. It has been a labor of love.

    I appreciate all the assistance given by my daughter Mary Elizabeth for all the many ways she helped to bring this book to publication.

    I am so very grateful for the encouragement and input of my dear friend, Suzanne Kvammen, for volunteering to proofreading the manuscript.

    Any endeavor, in order to be successful, must be undergirded with prayer. I want to thank my faithful prayer partners in Alabama and South Carolina. Truly this was a group endeavor, and each person contributed in their own special way.

    Introduction: Simple Things Become Profound

    Simple Things Become Profound

    It was the kind of clothing you would pick up with two fingers because you’re not exactly sure if it is safe to touch. Frankly, I was annoyed that now it was dingy yellow, covered with every imaginable kind of stain and dirt. I recognized what had been a brand-new white T-shirt. As I examined it and placed it in the washer, I remember thinking, What a waste of my money!

    As the busy mother of four, I was simply doing the wash. But later, thanks to Clorox and detergent (No! This is not a commercial!), when I pulled it from the dryer, I marveled at this same T-shirt; it was amazing, again just like brand-new!

    This is like the Blood of Jesus, I silently reasoned.

    The Holy Spirit prompted, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they are as white as snow" (Isaiah 1:18).

    I could feel a rush throughout my body. It became revelation to me, because of the Blood of Jesus, this is how God sees me, white as snow!

    This dynamic yet common illustration changed my life because it led to long hours, even years, of Bible study, seeking to gain insight into what the Blood of Jesus accomplishes in our lives. This simple and ordinary experience sparked a deep abiding appreciation and reverence for the powerful Blood of Jesus.

    You see, the devil wants you to see yourself as that dirty, stained T-shirt. When you do, it is difficult to let the Spirit of God or the anointing of God flow through you; but when you see yourself as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus carrying His purity and holiness, it gives you confidence to act upon the Word of God and the direction of the Holy Spirit.

    As I studied the Bible, I began to notice many times Jesus took something in the natural and compared it to something in the spiritual. This led me to study human blood, its functions, and accomplishments. I became amazed at the similarities of the work of blood in the human body compared to the spiritual accomplishments of the precious life-giving Blood of Jesus Christ in His body (the church). This comparison presents a revealing picture of the accomplishments of Jesus’s powerful Blood and captures the victory promised: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death" (Revelation 12:11).

    The truth displayed in the achievements of the Blood of Jesus will set you free of old mindsets and give you a deeper understanding of who you are in Christ. Understanding the functions of the Blood of Christ Jesus releases, by faith, the greatest power in the universe. Comprehending the truth of what His Blood covenant has achieved, and is attaining, will set you free to be all that God has called you to be. Knowing and perceiving the energy Christ’s Blood contains in the world today will help clarify your identity in Christ Jesus and activate His kingdom on earth. The Bible says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Christians desperately need to walk in the revelation of what Jesus has secured for us through His Blood.

    It is my recommendation you read God’s Almighty Blood slowly and methodically while meditating on each scripture reference to receive the fullest revelation. In order for you to gain maximum insight, I have composed the companion God’s Almighty Blood Study Guide. In the name of Jesus, I cover you with the precious Blood of Jesus as you read and study this material. I trust the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you into all truth for He truly is the greatest teacher of all. 

    Chapter 1

    Why Study the Blood?

    The essence of our Christian life comes from the power found in the Blood of Jesus Christ. Life comes through, receives power from, and is centered in the Blood sacrifice of God’s Son. Do you long for a fresh revelation of God Himself? Would you like to know the desires and passion of God’s heart? Study and meditate on God’s divine plan found in the Blood and the eyes of your understanding will be opened.

    Being a visual learner, I studied human blood with its many components, functions, and purposes; then I began to examine and to compare it in the light of the spiritual achievements of the Blood of Jesus. Jesus set this example as He often taught by giving earthly pictures to bring understanding and clarity to heavenly concepts. The pearl of great price, the manna in the wilderness, and the prodigal son’s return are earthly occurrences that symbolize great spiritual truths. For example, in Matthew, the first book of the New Testament, Jesus gave over twelve examples. Examples begin with His words: "the kingdom of God is like" (Matthew 13). Giving an earthly example of a spiritual concept yields understanding about the kingdom of God.

    For the believer, acknowledging the spiritual accomplishments of Jesus’s Blood, compared to the physical functions of human blood, opens a whole new world of understanding. It is like going outside for the first time on a clear night, away from all city lights, looking up into the heavens, gazing at the beauty of the many heavenly bodies, and trying to contemplate the vastness of the universe.

    Personally, this study of human blood—what it accomplishes in the human body compared to the Blood of our Savior and what it has accomplished for His body, the church—has given me a deep awareness of my spiritual authority in Christ. It has increased my faith, given me peace of mind, courage, and confidence. It has made me feel alive with vision and purpose, and it has added tremendous power to my prayer life.

    Studying the Blood and its life-giving power truly helps us understand the thoughts, purposes, and plans of God’s heart. Thus it leads us into a more intimate walk with the Lord. Andrew Murray, author of The Power of the Blood of Jesus, explained the Blood as a revelation of God Himself (Murray, 11). For those of us who want to know God, this in itself should be ample motivation. But a study of the Blood reveals much more.

    Not only does studying the Blood of Jesus bring revelation; it is functional and applicable as it continuously renders life, health, and prosperity for believers. Understanding its function and use places within our grasp a weapon of infinite power.

    If you were considering giving your adult daughter a revolver for her protection, you would first make sure she was knowledgeable of how it works. After she has gained a healthy respect and appreciation for its power and effectiveness, you would want her to gain skill and confidence in her ability to hit the target. So it is with the Blood; we must acquire respect, appreciation, and reverence of its power. This will give us confidence in its effectiveness to take down and destroy the forces of evil. Our faith, in what the Word teaches us about the Blood, gives us confidence in its ability to hit the target in the spiritual realm.

    The Blood is a mighty weapon in prayer and declaration to bring forth conditions for salvation, healing, deliverance, protection, provision, and alignment to God’s plans and purposes; thus, it brings order out of chaos. Putting our faith to work, by applying the Blood of Jesus to a situation or person, opens up an avenue in prayer and spiritual warfare that brings victory and God’s will on earth as in heaven. As in the Old Testament, in obedience, the children of Israel applied the blood of a lamb to the doorpost and lintels of their homes. Supernaturally they experienced this delivering, healing, and protective power (Exodus 12).

    Christ followers, as New Testament kings and priests (Revelations 1:5–6), are called to enforce God’s will upon the earth. Simultaneously exercising their covenant rights, privileges, and duties, they utilize this most powerful weapon, declaring God’s divine protection and purposes on earth as it is in heaven. During times of peril, there have been many modern-day testimonies of people who obeyed the Holy Spirit’s leading, applied the Blood in faith, and God granted marvelous deliverance.

    Believers need the revelation and appreciation of the supernatural power available in the elements of communion and the miraculous provisions that are manifested in this holy act of obedience. When the children of Israel ate the Passover meal, there was "not a feeble one among them" (Psalms 105:37). This kind of supernatural strength should be expected if we believe the elements to be what they represent.

    Today the church believes that we have entered into the time of the last days before the return of Christ. We must utilize the Blood’s power, especially as Jesus’s return draws nearer.

    Therefore be glad (exult), O heavens and you that dwell in them! But Woe to you, O, earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in fierce anger (fury), because he knows that he has [only] a short time [left]! (Revelation 12:12 AMP)

    Revelations 12:11 tells us how God has prepared the way. He expects us to be victorious. We are made overcomers by His Blood and our testimony to its effect. We must envision and have confidence in its mighty working power. If there ever was a time to learn of its benefits, capabilities, and power, it is now!

    And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death. (Revelation 12:11)

    John Osteen, author of Unraveling the Mystery of the Blood Covenant, expounds upon this purpose of the Blood and our part in this covenant:

    You don’t overcome Satan by your tenacity. You don’t overcome him by your good works. You don’t overcome him by your goodness. You don’t overcome him by your holiness or righteousness. You don’t overcome him by your mental agility. You overcome him by the Blood of Jesus Christ. (Brim, 87)

    Yes, now is truly the time the cleansing power of the Blood needs manifestation in our nation. Sin affects the whole; sin affects the nation. The sin of one man, Achan, caused the children of Israel to be defeated by the enemy (Joshua 7). There are continuous warnings in God’s Word which America needs to heed.

    So you shall not pollute the land in which you live; for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the bloodshed in it by the blood of him who shed it. (Numbers 35:33 AMP)

    Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God, He made man. (Genesis 9:6 AMP)

    What does this say about abortion in our land? Let us look at two other scripture references, and you decide if you think we need to devote our time and energies to understanding and receiving the benefits of the Blood of Jesus. Without the intervention of the Holy Spirit and faith

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