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The Prayer of 9-11
The Prayer of 9-11
The Prayer of 9-11
Ebook74 pages57 minutes

The Prayer of 9-11

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How does one forget that sunny morning in September 2001? You don’t have to be from New York to feel the effects of that vicious act on American soil that changed history. What you must have is compassion. How does God let something of this magnitude happen? Is God in control? The Prayer of 9/11 is an in-depth look at every verse pertaining to chapter 9, verse 11 from Genesis to Revelation. The answer to many of these questions are found in the Bible.

The force behind this devotional is that we should remember that God is always in control and His glory can also be found in suffering. I can assure you God did not create the world and then left us. You will find in the pages of 9/11 that through his Holy Spirit, God will enlighten you to many of the mysteries of that September morning. You just need to look for it and open your heart. Never forget that morning when many of our loved ones and heroes were taken from us. Moreover, never forget that life has no meaning without the coherent harmony of divine redemption.

Release dateOct 8, 2021
The Prayer of 9-11

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    The Prayer of 9-11 - Ron Mitchell


    The Prayer of 9-11

    Ron Mitchell

    Copyright © 2021 by Ron Mitchell

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Old Testament ScriptureThe New King James Version

    New Testament ScriptureThe New King James Version

    The Question of God

    The Morning After


    I have always maintained that the words thank you are the most inept ways of showing ones appreciation. It’s okay when someone holds the door open for you or picks up something that you dropped. How do you express gratitude to those who have saved your life literally! Therefore, I dedicate the Prayer of 9/11 to my family and friends who encouraged me to follow my dream and passion. To the policeman, fireman, nurses, doctors, and all the first responders who ran into burning buildings to save lives never once thinking that it may be a one-way trip. Thank you hardly seems adequate, but it will have to suffice until something better comes along.


    Katina Williams looked out the second-story window of her bedroom at the makings of a brilliant day. The weatherman boasted of mild temperatures, giving her house in the upscale section of Brentwood in New Jersey a warm feeling of love and security. From the bedroom window, she caught the reflection of her husband, Chad, putting the finishing touches on his tie. Katina felt the baby kick in the swell of her belly and couldn’t wait to celebrate the birth of their first child less than a month away.

    She and Chad had been married a little over three years, and the glitter of love still remained strong. Chad came out of the bedroom looking just as regal as one would picture a corporate trader. His dark brown suit made the curls of his thick blond hair appear even lighter. After three years of marriage, Katina still found him incredibly handsome. Once again feeling the bulging swell of her pregnancy, she thought back in the day they met. She was working as a stockbroker for Goldman Sachs when Chad entered her office for the first time.

    Today was her husband’s thirtieth birthday, and she was determined to make him a surprise party among friends and family. She made a mental note to call her in-laws in New York City and remind them to come early. Her parents were driving in from Long Island and bringing most of the food, including Chad’s favorite dish of Swedish meatballs in thick gravy. As much as Katina tried, she couldn’t grasp the technique of her mother’s specialty. Two couples from Chad’s office were also coming, bringing the birthday cake and champagne. Katina’s younger brother, Nick, a youth pastor in Inglewood, was coming with his new bride to bless the evening. A few errands into town to pick up, film and party favors were all that remained. Katina wanted to get it done early because as of late, she tire so easily and looked forward to her afternoon nap.

    She thanked a merciful God for the beginning of a beautiful day as her husband walked up behind her. His strong hands felt the joy of his first child as he kissed his wife goodbye. He had an early morning meeting with his partners and prospective clients in their office at nine o’clock sharp. This was the big one Chad had been working on night and day for more than a year. If this merger went through, his name would be on everyone’s lips within days. They both exchanged I love you’s as part of their marriage vows—never to leave without rejoicing over their love no matter how busy or upset they are with each other. It was just a silly little thing they did like trying never to go to bed angry because you never know what tomorrow would bring. After all what could go wrong? It was Chad’s birthday, a beautiful day, September 11, 2001.

    A man should die as he has lived, in his final moments, he should be surrounded and comforted by those he has always loved.

    The Longest Ride

    Lest We Forget

    Like every American citizen, my heart was shattered by the horrifying images of the Twin Towers imploding on the morning of September 11, 2001. Many people of my generation will tell you exactly where they were and what they were doing when President Kennedy was assassinated.

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