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Long Arm of the Law
Long Arm of the Law
Long Arm of the Law
Ebook234 pages3 hours

Long Arm of the Law

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About this ebook

Jackson Renner and Patrick McFarland are two of San Diego's finest, thrust into a past not their own as a test – to a time when the west was still wild, to fight a battle that is not their own for the future of mankind. To save a future that has lost the ability to defend themselves, they will face a relentless adversary who will do anything to win. The challenges before them will be both rewarding and heartbreaking, leading to an old–fashioned shoot–out. Will their training and skills be enough to overcome the challenges of an evil they have never faced before? Only time will tell.

Release dateMar 15, 2019
Long Arm of the Law

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    Long Arm of the Law - Jack Boon

    Chapter 1

    The sun was unusually bright for a San Diego morning. The marine layer that most often covered the city by the sea had burned off early to reveal a beautiful clear sky with light winds sweeping in off the ocean. The pleasant temperature in the downtown area had more people than average using the trolley to get to work, taking advantage of the weather for a stroll down the street for a little fresh air before locking themselves in for a day at the grindstone. The peaceful sounds of a bustling city waking up filled the air with hope, dreams, and expectations of another day closer to the American dream.

    The peaceful tranquility was destroyed by the sounds of explosions and gunfire as bank robbers attacked the downtown branch of A&J International Bank in hopes of making a little money. When the teller alarm tripped, the San Diego Sheriff’s Department responded in record time trapping the would-be bank robbers inside with fifteen hostages. The bank robbers had already killed two hostages and were threatening to kill another. The decision was made to have the San Diego Sheriff’s Primary Response Team make entry to rescue the surviving hostages.

    Okay, I want two sniper teams set up. Team one here and team two here, stated Captain Glover, pointing to the spots on his tactical map. Both sniper teams looked at their assigned locations.

    10-4, replied team one and headed for the rooftop of a business located at the intersection of Broadway and Front Street across the bank.

    Roger that, replied team two who headed for the rooftop of the Superior Court building overlooking the rear and side of the bank.

    Tension was high as Deputies Jackson Renner, and Patrick Paddy McFarland prepared to move through the steel security door onto the roof of the building across the street from the A&J International Bank. Both men checked the magazines of their M4 assault rifles, set their goggles over their eyes, and waited for the command to move. As members of the San Diego Sheriff’s PRT sniper unit, they were responsible for providing intelligence and overwatch security for the team getting ready to make an entry for the rescue. Deputy Renner had his sniper bag strapped to his back along with his tactical pack. The precision firearm protected and ready for immediate use. Deputy McFarland carried a Benelli Tactical semiauto shotgun with a fourteen-inch barrel slung on his back next to his tactical pack.

    Not the brightest bank robbers are they, Renner stated with amusement to his McFarland.

    No, they aren’t very smart. You think you might’ve noticed the detention center and a courthouse across the street from a bank you want to rob, McFarland replied with equal amusement.

    Why did you take off last night? Those two were ready to go. Abby, the blonde, was seriously into you, Renner stated.

    Look, she was cute and all, but I just wasn’t feeling it, McFarland told him.

    That’s too bad, she has this cute little tattoo next to her cooter of a Tasmanian devil pushing a lawn mower, Renner stated, holding his hands up like he was pushing a mower.

    I thought you were going to hook up with the brunette, what was her name? McFarland asked.

    Liz, and I did, Renner said seriously.

    Then how did you see Abby’s tattoo? inquired McFarland.

    Remember, I told you they were best friends. After you left, we headed to Mission Beach and— Renner started to say.

    PRT Lead, Sierra one and Sierra two, advance to hide, Entry team standby.

    Renner keyed his throat mike to acknowledge the order. 10-4.

    McFarland turned to the door and grabbed the doorknob turning it. Both men moved as a single unit through the open door. McFarland was the first man through with his M4 in the ready position to deal with any threats on the other side. Renner held on to the back of McFarland’s level IV tactical vest to ensure that they moved as one unit through the door. Renner used his M4 to cover their right flank as they advanced into the unknown. A blinding flash of light and deafening noise greeted them, followed by total blackness.

    Chapter 2

    The large office was decorated in rustic masculinity with an overly large rosewood desk as the centerpiece along with a chandelier of buck horns hanging from the rafters to provide artificial light after the sun went down. Maps and framed pictures hung from the walls. Several leather chairs and couches occupied the floor space. The office easily held the ten men that filled it. One man stood out above the rest. He was handsome in a classic sense with a strong jaw and broad shoulders. He kept his light brown hair close-cropped and sported a clean shave that he maintained every day by a visit to the barber. He looked at the assembled men from his perch on the front edge of the desk and said, I don’t care how you do it. I want those deeds.

    Major Crowley, what about the Palmers? Homer asked as he looked at the big man, wilting back a little as Major Crowley cast his cold blue eyes on him.

    Kill the little girl. That will send a message to the rest of town. Do what you want with her parents, Major Crowley replied with a casual wave of his hand, dismissing the idea and putting the little hairy thug out of his mind. Major Crowley found Homer to be a bore with his hairy everything. He had never seen so much hair on one person. Homer smiled to himself and touched the tip of his tongue to his lips in anticipation of events to come.

    I want the little girl, said a huge Hispanic man with a heavy accent.

    Whatever, Miguel. I don’t care. Potter, tell me again so I know you know what I want, Major Crowley said looking directly at the man named Potter.

    After we teach them land-office people a lesson, we find the deeds for the Strawbridge, Circle W, and the Broken L spreads, Potter repeated back to Major Crowley as he counted them off on his fingers. Major Crowley stood upright, suddenly causing the assembled men a moment of uncertainty.

    Good, don’t fuck it up, Major Crowley said and walked around the desk.

    Man, I can’t wait to get my hands on Mary Ellen Palmer. I’m going teach her a lesson ’bout sticking her nose up at me. She’ll never look down on me again, a dark-haired man stated with a genuinely lecherous look on his face.

    Major Crowley looked at the assembled collection of miscreants and thought, Not for the first time that they were almost too dumb to breathe and walk at the same time. How the hell were they going to complete this task? Potter was the smartest of the group, but that wasn’t saying much; but he had never failed an assignment before, so he should not have any issue now. Blackie, on the other hand, was more concerned with raping Mary Ellen Palmer than the immediate task. Of course, that was brought on by her own hand. She should have never rejected Blackie in the first place when he asked to spend some time with her. Mary Ellen Palmer refused the man just because she was married to that coward Claude. That was a big mistake. She should feel lucky it wasn’t Clint that had taken a liking to her. He most likely would have killed her and her family for that kind of an insult. Billy Waxton was the only real unknown in the assembled mix of villains. He was always unarmed and not all his horses ran the same direction. Major Crowley remembered something about an accident or sickness that left Billy mentally damaged, easily manipulated and willing to suffer almost any indignity Major Crowley’s men heaped on him. His mental deficiencies are the reason he is not allowed to carry a gun. Oh well, back to the business at hand, he thought.

    All righty then, get out of here and take care of business. We’ll wait for you at the Seacoast, Major Crowley said as he clapped his hands together and rubbed them back and forth happily.

    All the men field out of the office. Six headed to the land office. The other three followed Major Crowley toward the Seacoast Saloon where they would have a good view of the land office.

    Chapter 3

    Homer reached the door to the land office and pushed it open and entered without pause followed closely by his five cohorts, four of which spread out as they moved deeper into the room. Billy Waxton stayed by the door and watched events unfold while he quietly listened at the door for any unwanted guest. Billy liked the Palmers and didn’t really understand why his friends were so mad at them. Heather and him had played tag just last week up by the school, and Mrs. Palmer had given him an apple pie—apple pie was his favorite. Claude Palmer rose from behind his desk and met them as they crossed the room.

    What do you want? Claude asked, rising from his seat behind the desk and meeting the men halfway across the office. Claude held his hands out to stop them from moving deeper into the office.

    We came for a few things, Potter told him with amusement in his voice.

    Yeah, we came for a few things, said Parroted Blackie as he laughed and rubbed his crotch, looking directly at Claude’s wife, Mary Ellen—who was standing in the corner holding onto her daughter, Heather.

    Get out of here. Get out of here now, Mary Ellen said and pointed toward the door.

    Yes, I think you should go before things get out of hand, Clause told the assembled men.

    No, I think we are going to get what we came here for. You can make this easy or hard, doesn’t really matter to us, Potter stated as he stepped closer to Claude.

    Where are the deeds for the Strawberry, the Broken L, and the Circle W? Homer asked menacingly as he also stepped closer to Claude.

    I’m not telling you anything, Claude answered, taking a small step backward from the two men violating his space.

    Yeah, I think you will. Miguel get the girl. Blackie, LaBelle take care of Mrs. Palmer, Potter ordered.

    No, stay you stay away from them, Claude shouted and moved to intercept the men threatening his family.

    Potter drew his Remington Army 44 and struck Claude a glancing blow to the back of his head. Claude crumpled to the ground unconscious.

    Mary Ellen screamed, Claude!

    The desperate woman stepped in front of her daughter protectively while grabbing a letter opener off the desk. She held it in front of her threatening the three approaching men.

    Stop, she cried as she waved the sharpened piece of metal around threateningly.

    Oh no, she has a knife, mocked the one called LaBelle, putting his hands in front of his face, pretending to be afraid.

    Hahaha! Blackie laughed loudly. The rest of the group joining in.

    Miguel grabbed her by the wrist and wrenched the letter opener from her hand with little effort and threw it to the ground then passed her to Blackie and LaBelle.

    Stop, I said stop, let me go, Mary Ellen demanded as she was manhandled by the pair of bandits, trying unsuccessfully to squirm from their grasp.

    Mommy, Mommy, help meee! Heather cried as she curled into a ball on the ground, screaming and slapping at Miguel, who picked her up and carried her to the other side of the room. Blackie and LaBelle threw Mary Ellen to the ground on her back then knelt beside her to hold her down. LaBelle holding her shoulders and Blackie moving between her legs, trying to get a grip on her thighs.

    Let her go, Mary Ellen demanded and kicked at her captors, trying to escape their overpowering embrace.

    You see, Mrs. Palmer, if you don’t cooperate, we’ll hurt you, Potter said with glee in his eyes as he watched the shapely woman struggle to escape in an unsuccessful attempt to protect her child. He took great pleasure as he admired the shape of her legs as they flailed about, now exposed to his view as her skirt rose to her waist.

    What do you want? Mary Ellen asked in desperation.

    We’ll get to that in a bit, Potter answered and looked at the Claude, lying unconscious on the floor with the blooding running out of the head wound forming a puddle on the floor around him.

    Mary Ellen Palmer watched helplessly and pleaded as the two outlaws held her down by her arms and shoulders, smiling with sadistic joy. Across the room, an abnormally tall and muscular Mexican with a drooping mustache raised a machete to strike her daughter. Heather, who was cowering against the wall with terror, etched on her cherub face, her blue eyes pleading with the large man to show mercy. Her husband was unconscious and lying on the floor. Two men stood near him and watched the scene unfold before them with bemusement on their faces.

    Leave her alone. She’s just a child, cried Mary Ellen helplessly.

    You tell your husband the next time, it will be you who feels the wrath of Major Crowley, said one of the men holding her, the one who she knew as LaBelle.

    Of course, you won’t be the same as you were, said the black-haired man as he smiled and grabbed his crotch.

    Ain’t that the truth, Blackie, said Potter as his thoughts ventured into the upcoming games they were going to play with Mary Ellen Palmer.

    Chapter 4

    As Renner and McFarland moved through the doorway, they were instantly engulfed by a blinding flash of white light, followed by an impenetrable blackness and then total visual clarity. They stepped into a rustic office with wooden walls that was furnished in historic fashion and occupied by several people. Both deputies reacted the same way to the threat that met them on what was supposed to be an empty rooftop.

    Renner quickly targeted what appeared to be a heavily muscled, seven-foot-tall Hispanic male attempting to strike a little girl with a machete. He promptly fired two rounds, hitting the Hispanic male in the back of the head and behind the right ear, severing the cerebral cortex from the rest of the brain. As the Hispanic man dropped like a stringless marionette, Renner sidestepped to his right while sweeping the room to acquire a new target.

    At the same moment, McFarland’s attention was drawn to a white male with coal-black hair. He was of average size and holding his crotch with his left hand while pulling a pistol with his right hand from a holster slung low on his hip. McFarland shot the man twice in the chest and once below the left eye socket. A second man that was holding a woman to the ground was attempting to rise from his kneeling position and draw his pistol as McFarland shot him with a three-round burst into the chest, ending the man’s life in less than a second.

    Renner had acquired the two men standing over the supine body of a man bleeding from the head. The taller of the two men fired a shot at Renner with a single action revolver that filled the room with a deafening boom and thick black smoke. The shot was close enough that Renner could feel the heat of the bullet as it whizzed past his head and buried itself in the wall behind him. Renner squeezed the trigger twice on his silenced M4, sending two 5.56 rounds into the chest of the taller man who fell over backward in the throes of death. The shorter man had just drawn his pistol and was bringing it to bear on Renner, who was already on target and shot the shorter men in T zone. The location on the face that includes the eyes and nose forming a letter Tee. A cloud of red vapor appeared from the shorter man’s skull as he crumpled to the ground in a heap. Renner swept the room again, turning in a tight circle; and McFarland covered the corpses of the dead men

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