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Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You
Getting to Know You
Ebook66 pages1 hour

Getting to Know You

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Talented was ahead of her time, but she was not ready for what her older sister, Ann, had planned for her. Their parents were divorced. Their dad was never around. To make matters worse, their mom had become an angry alcoholic that spent little to no time with them. They were left to fend for themselves. When Ann gave her the opportunity to do what she was doing, Talented may have bitten off more than she could chew.

Getting involved with The Organization was the obvious choice at the time. They were selling drugs, toting pistols in shoot-outs, and going to jail in their early teens. It didn’t matter to them. They had more money than the average adult with a full-time job.

Zo was forced into manhood at the age of eleven. His father was suddenly killed, and he became the man of the house, taking care of his mother and younger twin sisters. His older cousin, Man, was already involved with The Organization and got him to join as well.

The Organization is a very powerful and elite group of people. They always get who and what they want. Although not together, all four of them were raised in violence. They became very violent and familiar with jail and lawyers. As teenagers, they find themselves in situations no adult should be in. They have to kill or be killed.

Release dateFeb 16, 2022
Getting to Know You

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    Getting to Know You - Talented Evans

    Meet Her

    Talented was the envy of all young girls her age. On the outside looking in, she had it made. A wealthy kid that was very intelligent and went to high school at the age of twelve. She was happy to be taller than her older sister and look older. No one had to know she was that young.

    She had enough on her plate. Being late to class because she was smoking and drinking caused enough bad looks. She didn’t need the extra that came with the nerd jokes. She sat in the back of class, tried to go unnoticed and stay out of trouble.

    The truth is, her life was forever changed early on. She didn’t give a damn about anyone, didn’t care how anyone felt. She did what she wanted to do, when and how she wanted to do it. She was only concerned with going to college and having a better life. No one was going to stand in the way of that.

    They lived in a gated community where gossip spread like wildfire. Stay-at-home moms that did nothing but drink wine, pop pills, and talk about each other. Everyone knew her situation. Their mother and father were divorced. He left her for a lady he met on a business trip.

    Although their mother, Mae, gained the house, two cars, and enough alimony and child support to make your jaw drop during the divorce, now she had to work after buying groceries, paying utilities, pool, yard, appliances, and car maintenance around that big-ass house, along with tuition and expenses for two kids in private school. Let’s not forget, clothes and recreation to keep up the same lifestyle. She was blowing through some money real quick.

    Talented and her older sister, Ann, had everything a kid or teenager could want, that was all thanks to themselves. Once their father left the home, their mother became an angry drunk. She didn’t physically beat on them, but she spent very little time with them. That time was spent talking to them like animals.

    They asked Mae many times to move to a smaller house. She refused yet continued to blame them that she was still in that neighborhood. Her pride would not allow her to pull her kids out of the most prestigious private school. She was not moving to a neighborhood that was not behind a gate, and public school was not an option. She had to prove to someone, other than herself, that she could have the same life, with or without her kids’ father.

    Mae had a degree in law. But she hadn’t practiced in over fifteen years. She had to start at the bottom again. When she was home, she was drunk, dizzy off pills, or both. Breakfast was cereal or pop tarts. School lunch was deconstructed lunch-meat sandwiches. She let the housekeeper and chef go, so dinner was obsolete. She made sure food was available, every bill was paid, and their life appeared unchanged. Other than that, they were on their own.

    Ann was three years older and had already been taking care of Talented. She told their mom to only buy school uniforms, and they would eat lunch at school, along with taking care of their dinner. After hearing that, their mother started coming home from work and going to her room with takeout. A couple times a month, they would have new shoes and school uniforms, along with supplies and some cash in their room when they came home.

    Talented didn’t go without. Their mom made sure there was food in the house, and Ann gave her extra money for lunch. She was tired of school lunches, pizza, burgers, and frozen meals. At twelve years old, she got a cookbook and started cooking herself dinner. Whenever she needed something to cook with, she left her mom a list before school, and it was there when she got home.

    Before long, Talented was cooking dinner for two. It only took a couple nights of dinner with Mae before she started her usual bullshit. Taking a couple bites of her food, she began, Little Ms. Smart-ass has to be good at everything. You’re too stupid to see. All this showing off only makes you look like the jackass you are! Always looking for a place to fit in because you’re too pathetic to be yourself! Talented just grabbed her plate and went to her room. From that point forward, that’s where she ate dinner every night.

    Ann was only fifteen but hardly ever home. Talented didn’t know what she was into, but she was sure it was illegal. She always had plenty of money. Although Talented was only guaranteed to see her in the morning before school, it was Friday night, so she decided to leave her a plate in the microwave, along with a note on the refrigerator: Dinner is in the microwave (Sis).

    At about three that morning, Ann woke her. While eating her food, she asked Talented, Do you want to take a ride?

    Surprised and excited at the same time, Talented whispered, Hell, yeah!

    As she hopped out of bed to get cleaned up, Ann added, Wear dark colors and tennis shoes. She then said, Thanks for the food. It’s delicious.

    Sitting in the back of a

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