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Bloodlines of the Ages
Bloodlines of the Ages
Bloodlines of the Ages
Ebook114 pages1 hour

Bloodlines of the Ages

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I wanted to show in my book that reality is all relative, that our minds in a large part make our reality, and that no one could tell us any different. And when we have great trauma, our minds are the ones that take over and make it make sense for us.

Release dateNov 7, 2019
Bloodlines of the Ages

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    Bloodlines of the Ages - Adam Chaney


    Bloodlines of the Ages

    Adam Chaney

    Copyright © 2019 Adam Chaney

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2019

    ISBN 978-1-64584-338-2 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64584-339-9 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    The dragon fires were burning bright that night in the hearth of the wind, and this is where our story begins.

    To my father, my mother, and my son.


    To my mother and my son for their support.

    Chapter 1

    The History

    In an agelong past, in time that has been lost to history, there is an age of balance.

    A bat flies across a desert sky and into a cave deep in a large cavern system. In one of the large cavern, we see a room set up with a bed and a dresser and a wooden chest. There is also a rug on the floor; the pattern on the rug is that of a golden-colored griffon. There are also several trunks scattered around the room. Lying on the old rickety wooden bed is an old man snoring like a grumpy old bear. He is covered in spiderweb and layers of dust, as is the rest of the cavern room.

    The man you see lying there will soon wake up, and at this point, he will be your guide. The snoring stops, and he wakes up.

    "Hello there, I have been waiting for you. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Bruce Silverman. I also apologize for the cobwebs and dust, but I have been asleep for a very long time. How long have I been asleep, you ask, well, let me see, what year is it now? 2005? Well, you don’t say. I guess then I have been asleep for a very long time. I think, if my calculations are correct, 230 million years. What! Impossible, you say? Hahaha, don’t misunderstand me, my friend. There are things that even in this time have yet to be understood. You see, there are other planes of existence and physical matter that cannot exist there but spiritual matter can. While my body has rested here, my spirit has rested in the mists of time, and I have kept up with all the changes that have taken place over the eons of time. As for my body, well, you see, in this cave system there is a mineral (lazurite) that slows down the decay of organic matter, which preserves it, but the process will not stop completely. I think the rate is about ten thousand to one—that is to say, for every ten thousand years outside of this place, one year passes in this place. However, it is now time to learn why I am here and what this is all about. To do that, I must take you back to the beginning.

    "In the beginning of time, you see, the first stage of life was mineral, and then the plant, and then there were the insects that formed shortly after the plants. The two quickly formed a bond. Then the animals were formed, and then man, or at least what would one day become man. You see, once the stages of human have been reached, you continue from one life cycle to another. Now, you see, man took their names from nature, from the animals, mainly from their families, or clans as they were called in those days.

    "There were ten clans in the beginning. Five of the clan were positive; they were more kind and more likely to help and to build. The other five clans were negative; these clans were more likely to be unkind to everyone except for themselves and were only interested in doing harm to others and were destructive in everything they do. However, in nature that is the balance, the negative and the positive sides of life. But when this gets out of balance, things start to get real bad. The five clans that were positive were the eagle, fox, bear, wolf, and the hawk. The five clans that were negative were the snake, raven, shark, horse, and the black bear. These ten clans kept the world in balance for a while, and there was peace but would not last long.

    "Eons ago, on a cool morning, there was a great battle between the clans. At sunrise, the armies gathered five thousand strong on a hill. On one hill the positive clans would fight under the banner of the golden griffon; the negative side on the other hill fought under the banner of the hydra. In the middle was the battlefield. Both armies rode many different animals and beasts. At that time a bond had been formed between humans and beasts. Some of the beasts were very large and some no bigger than a lion. There was even a bond between humans and dragons in these days. The riding of beasts and dragons was a very common thing in those days.

    "The armies had divided themselves into waves the same on both sides. Each wave was fifty strong men. A total of one hundred waves on each side. The first wave of fifty on each side road down to do battle. The battle would rage on the ground between men and beast. The battle also raged in the air between human and dragons, and other beasts of the air joined in. The battle raged day and night as one or two waves on each side rode down and did battle with the others while the rest lay in waiting in the hills. There they rested until they were needed in the battle. This type of battle is civilized, not like the battles of today, battles without honor. The battle in the air was between the giant ravens, giant hawks, giant eagles, giant griffon, and the dragon, also giant bats and all manner of birds.

    "Great aerial feats took place: barrel rolls, areal jousting, riders would jump from beast to beast along the way. There were barrel rolls, step dives, sharp turns, mighty roars, screeches, and growls. The riders would jump from beast to beast striking along the way as they ran across the backs of the other beast in a row, and when he would get to the end, he would dive off the back of the last beast with backflips and roll and at the right moment, lunge out, and strike the enemy. As soon as his rider had left his back, the beast would follow him because after the strike was done and the rider started to fall down, his bond beast had to be there to catch him, or he was dead. So while the rider was doing his rolls and flips, the beast would follow him and keep his eye on him.

    "The land battles were just as impressive. The beasts were slashing, roaring, snarling, and growling. The rider would flip and roll and strike. The rider would do trick riding hanging off the side of the beast to hide himself and, at the right time, roll upright in the saddle and strike.

    "The rider would jump from his saddle and hit a hill with both feet and propel himself toward his target and strike; the bond beast would be right behind so the rider could climb aboard again. With the clash of sword and shield, the battle raged on for six days and nights. It came down to the seventh day and last wave of attack. The leader of the negative army was Jonathan Bitter Beck. And the leader of the positive army was Samuel Golden Hawk, a very good friend of mine. The land rider and the aerial rider had their own armies and their own weapons and equipment suited to the task and their type of battle. The land rider would often have heavy hides as their armor and even heavy metal plates hanging around the necks of the beast. When fighting on land, being heavy was a benefit, while the air riders would have lightweight leather armor and very little or no metal plate. The last wave and their leaders rode down to do battle. The fate of the world would be decided on this one battle. The two waves clashed in a mighty, thunderous roar. Sounds of swords and shields, the screaming of battle cries, and roaring of the beast were louder and greater than any other day before it. One side or the other would get the upper hand over the other before the day was done. All day long they fought alongside their beats. They had sword and shields; as the sun started to set, the two leaders made their way toward each other. There in the middle of the battlefield, the two leaders

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