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Playtime Is Over: Brace Yourself Like a Woman-Man
Playtime Is Over: Brace Yourself Like a Woman-Man
Playtime Is Over: Brace Yourself Like a Woman-Man
Ebook269 pages4 hours

Playtime Is Over: Brace Yourself Like a Woman-Man

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Playtime Is Over: The book that is long overdue yet very much needed is finally here. Too often many people live a life that becomes one big lie after another. I have learned by living that it's one thing to lie to other people, but it's a terrible thing to lie to yourself. For many years some people have allowed their life to continue on in this state of "deep sleep," which is destructive not only to themselves but to others as well. This book is not to a race or creed of people, but to a type of people: To people that know that there is more to life than the things that they are seeing and doing. To people who know that there are issues and topics that need to be talked about (yet) not many people seem to want to talk about them. To people that are so fed up with the sexual sins and perversions of these times that they just want for someone to address the topic from a real honest perspective.Well, that is what I am here to do, talk about the sexual sins and perversions that are over running the world we live in. Healthy sexual relationships were designed to be a good thing, performed within the union of marriage between two (consenting) married adults. What we are allowing today in a lot more ways than one is for contamination to settle in. Men and women are leaning to their own understanding and doing (by choice) whatever they are big and bad enough to do. Some people (not all) live their life in silence about a lot of these topics, because they don't have anyone to talk to about them. Nowhere to turn for real, honest conversations about this issue. For the most part we spend time on the surface of these issues. Well, within the pages of this book we will go past the surface and bring some clarity in a lot more areas than not, so consider your realities and know that help is here. So, brace yourself like a woman/man because "playtime is over!"Warning:Once you start reading this book, it will be hard to escape the truths in these writings, so much to the point that you will be challenged to change for the better or remain in the same condition that you were in before you started reading this book. Overall... "The choice is yours." I invite you to read, receive, and reevaluate your life as you know it so that you can live a life free from the things that may be holding you captive, and start living a life that matters even more; not only to you but to others. Life is more than living for the here and now, live for the eternal...come and dine.

Release dateNov 24, 2020
Playtime Is Over: Brace Yourself Like a Woman-Man

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    Playtime Is Over - Derek Anderson

    Removing the Flat and Fitted Sheet

    Everyone has a story…

    When you hear the words playtime is over, what does it mean to you? Even if you have to stop before you get started, put the book down and really think about what playtime is over means to you. Once you find that out ask yourself, what is the playtime that needs to be over in your life?

    (Put the book down and think about it.)

    Good drivers put everything that is going to be used in the right position and perspective before taking off in the car they are about to drive. That is called PMCS, preventive maintenance checks and services. From checking the engine fluid levels as well as the air pressure in the tires. From gas in the tank to adjusting the rearview and side-view mirrors. No reasonable person would just jump straight into an unfamiliar car, start it up, and take off without first knowing that the basic safety measures are in place. The same should apply to the seriousness of you jumping into this unfamiliar vehicle you are about to drive for the first time. For the next few days, weeks, and for some, even months, I will ask you to look into the mirrors of your life, and make the proper adjustments that are needed, in order to continue safely down the road of life. So I ask you again; what does playtime is over mean to you and speak to you as a person living in this day and time? This is not a trick question and there is no right or wrong answer(s). What it means to one person may be a totally different thing to another. When I hear the words playtime is over, some of the things that I hear echoing in my heart and mind are the following:

    Playtime is over…

    in general

    in the home

    in the streets

    in school

    in the workplace

    in relationships

    in the church and religion

    during incarceration

    in the entertainment industry

    in sexual matters

    in singleness

    in marriage

    These are just a few of the things that it speaks to me, and I am sure it speaks just as many, if not more things, to you the readers. I believe that the things I will share with you will change your thinking for the better. Out of all the things that I have named, there is one element that you can find in all of them through one of them, and that is playtime is over in sexual matters. We can agree to disagree, but if we would (all) be honest about it, no matter what playtime is over means to any of us, if it were not for sex, none of us would be here. Don’t stop reading the book just because your belief system may be different than mine. At the end of the day, all the things we say and do will reveal the depth of our relationship with (or without) God and others.

    In scripture, the created was told to be fruitful and multiple and replenish the earth, but some people got so closed-minded that they forgot the key element of being fruitful and multiple, and replenishing the earth—yes, sex is one act that’s required to be here and function in the other areas of what playtime is over makes you think about. While playtime is over should have some serious meaning to all of us in one area or another of our lives, please do not think that I am implying that you should not enjoy life. I’m not saying you should do all work and no play (but enjoying life is not the kind of playing I am speaking of). I am speaking about the kind of playing in the areas that people play manipulative mind games in, to the type of play that people do who are deceptive, and in turn think it’s funny to do hurtful things to others. I am speaking to the things that leave a person in worse condition than they were in before they came in contact with deceitful people. Some wake up with the thought in their mind to do hurtful and harmful things to others; some even go to great measures to assassinate a person’s character and image, at the expense of playing with another person’s emotions. The more I write, the more I think of all the damaged and hurt people that I come in contact with on a daily basis. Which most of them have been hurt and damaged at the hands of a manipulative, self-pleasing person that was looking for ways that they could please themselves, while ruining others. So that’s an area that playtime needs to really be over in.

    Let me share a few things about me just to get you comfortable with consuming this teaching. I have lived in Ohio, California, Pennsylvania, and Georgia, to name a few. These were the main places, but I have been in and out of many other cities and states in between. During the course of my traveling, I was fortunate enough to see and hear a lot of things that had playtime written all over it, and have talked to a lot of people whose lives had playtime written all over it. I have also talked to people that were victimized by someone else playing games, with this being the universal statement that most of them have said to me: If others would have just been open and honest with me, I would have never gotten involved with certain people, gone to certain places, nor put myself in the mist of certain situations. I have seen people do others so bad that they have left a person scarred for life; I have a saying I use to say which is,

    Everyone has a story, but not everyone wants to tell it.

    I use to say that to people, but after living just a little while longer, and learning some very important things about people and life, I have found out that, yes, everyone does have a story, but what I have learned is not everyone knows how to tell it. A wound and a scar can leave you silent in areas that you would normally be talkative in, and after going through enough life-altering events, most people will shut down on others in and around their life. Some shut so far down that they have things to say, but they don’t trust saying them, nor do they know where to begin to say them. I pray that by the end of this book that those that are bound become free from the chains of hurt and pain. And for those who are not bound and hurt, I pray that you know how to recognize the issues in another person’s life, so that you can be used to make a difference in their lives. We all have something that the next person needs in the way of positive knowledge and information; it is a matter of being obedient enough to share that which we have learned with others. Even if you do not see yourself in the pages of this book, you will see someone that you do know through life experiences in these pages. If you see yourself or others within, I pray that you don’t let pride stand in the way of you and your change, or them and their change. I want this to be a comfortable read in your hands, so find out where you fit in, and make up in your mind that no matter what happens along this journey, that you are coming out of the pages of this book a better person than you were before you started reading this information.

    At this point, the focus should be transformation in each and every one of us, in the different areas of our lives that need to be adjusted for the better. I want each person to have changing for the better as the focal point, for starters, and as you feel comfortable, set your personal goals concerning you but including others. The wisdom that is packaged in the pages of this book comes from the principles of life experiences of believers as well as unbelievers, but they are being disseminated to you from a person that now lives a God-fearing life. (I say that now) because I have not always been a believer or saved and walking in God’s truths. I was not raised in the church or near the preacher, but I do know that the things I am sharing with you will be helpful to the lives of those that can bear witness to what I’m saying. Some things may make you feel uncomfortable and, at times, maybe even exposed, but they are needful things that have to be addressed. Nothing that I say will be coated in sugar—yet it will be poured out in your bowl of life, in love.

    My friend Kelly asked me, why would you share some of the things that you do, and what do you want the outcome to be? My answer is the same: so that the generation we live in can decide to live with the truth and so that the end results can be long-standing and make a difference in others’ life for a lifetime. I don’t know the present condition of everyone reading this book, but what I do know is, I will not give you my personal opinion about what I think, I will only share with you the wisdom of the Bible that can change your whole life if you allow God to take a front-row seat in your heart and be the final authority. I ask that each one of you respond to the truth that hits you in a responsible way, and do not let outrage cause you to be offended by the truth that is spoken within the pages of this book. I have made up in my own heart and mind that I will not go another year watching others continue to damage people, without speaking to the issues that leave others feeling voiceless and broken. My objective and my mission are to leave you in better condition than you were in before I met you. If you are not in better condition than you were in before I met you, then my mission and job isn’t accomplished. This is not to say that everyone that is reading this book is in a bad or broken state of mind, but it is saying that no matter how well you are doing right now, there is always room for improvement in some areas of your life.

    With that being said, I pray that I have quieted that judgmental and raging spirit of those who are looking for negative things to point out about this writing. Just because people will be people, some of you are saying in your hearts, who is he talking to? I am not hurt or broken. Who does he think he’s talking to? He must be talking about himself. And who does he think he is? Is he implying that I am doing bad and need help with everything? (That is not what I am implying.) Someone else is saying, Oh, so he is not including himself in the equation of people that have issues? He must have more problems than us, since he is writing this book. (I am included in the equation), and yes we all have our own unique set of issues going on in our life. But what I am saying is that I have been put here on this earth to solve a particular set of problems, and now at this season of my life, I am saying what has been placed in my heart to say. Who would have thought that I would meet two people in the same day, with the same name, that would encourage me to make sure my voice is heard? The first one was Alexus that worked at the Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI). She was the most understanding TSA Representative I could have encountered after losing all of my Identification while waiting to fly out to Georgia. She had to send me through the rigorous process of questioning me to make sure I am who I say I am. the whole time I was telling her about the manuscript that God has me putting together, and that I just made up in my mind to speak the truth no matter what. she told me that after losing all of my ID, credit cards, and other things in my ID holder, that I have the right temperament. She said keep that spirit, because God is going to bless the work that I am doing. I told her that her professional manner in which she has treated me will not go unnoticed, and that I would speak about her kindness in my writing. So, I thank you Alexus for telling me to keep doing what I do even when events happen that would silence me. She also told me that I am one of the most peaceful persons she has encountered while going through this whole screening process to get cleared to fly. The second situation was while on a flight back from Atlanta Georgia to Baltimore MD I had the honor of sitting next to Alexus, the president of shooting stars learning loop, who gave me some words of wisdom as she proof read this section of the manuscript. She said "remove the section talking about who isn’t your target audience. Keep the focus on who your target audience is. What a blessing she was to me at that moment. You never know who you may be sitting next to in life, but God knows. That seat was originally my friend Derick’s seat that was flying out of Atlanta with me, but he got the airlines to print him out another seating arraignment because the middle seat 6E would have left him to closed in. leaving me to encounter a divine appointment with Alexus, which not only helped me to stay focused on who my target audience is, but staying true to what’s in my heart. So, my target audience are the people who were less fortunate, no matter the race, creed, or color. This is for the educated that don’t mind coming down to the entry level and learn to relate to the folks from the projects, high-rise, or low-income housing areas. This is to people all over the world living in all types of conditions. (As I always say) Too many people already know how to make others feel less than wanted and needed, so I do not want to add to the weight of those that are hurt and misunderstood; I want to encourage those who think that all hope is lost.

    It doesn’t feel out of place to me when following what the Spirit of the living God is speaking to me. What will seem out of place is the fact that this will not be formatted in the traditional manner of book styles. In light of all that is going on in the world right now, I have to tell you that you are somebody special, with or without a job, spouse, child, or house to call your own. This applies to those who are single, married, widowed, and/or divorced. This is for the folks that go to church as well as those that are un-churched, those that are learned and unlearned. It is also for those that believe in God as well as those who do not believe in him.

    You may be asking, what does this have to do with Everyone has a Story? (And it does). Your life and story is just as important as the life/story of the people in your everyday life: From the doctor to the homemaker, the volunteer to the judge, the janitor to the lawyer, the homeless to the homeowner, the teacher and all others, whether in an untitled position or titled position. I say again, everyone has a story, but not everyone knows how to tell it. And not everyone will tell it. Most of us have been told by others: be careful what you share with people. Because they will use the very thing you share with them against you. If you live by that logic, you will live a very closed-in life, and eventually fear and suspicions will set in, which will have you run the risk of living a life that becomes closed in and empty (because it forces you to live a lie); never really letting people know who you are from the inside out, but only from the outside, and never sincerely letting other people in. no matter what your story is you have one. Singular in the sense that your story is unique in and of itself, your story comes from your own life, and no one else can tell yours quite like you. Plural in the sense that you have many stories wrapped up in all the pages of your life, when combined, becomes one big story, coming from the different pages and stages of your life. As long as you continue to have breath in your body, you have a major story to tell. For one reason or another, most people will go to the grave with their stories buried on the inside, never to be told by them personally. Do you want your story told by those that have been left behind trying to tell the story for you? Do not allow family secrets to keep you from telling your story. There are things that have been kept in my family for years, that have gone to the grave, leaving family members torn by the pain of the past secrecies.

    If I were to poll everyone reading or listening to this book, how many of you would say that people really know your story? Who knows the accurate and true events of your life? If possible, do not go through life only to have lived and died with your stories buried on the inside of you. There are treasures and hidden jewels of knowledge and information on the inside of you that should be used as a gift to those still living, if only you would open up and share them with the world. I challenge you to tell your story and get every good, bad, or misunderstood story from the inside to the outside. There are things in you that need to stay aboveground, long after you are dead and gone. Never allow selfishness to have you think that everything you learn is just for yourself. The life lessons and applicable things we go through, learn, and experience are things we can use to make someone else’s life more meaningful. Never think that you got to where you are in life on your own, nor start to think that you have accomplished and can accomplish everything on your own. Everybody needs somebody, but not just anybody, the right bodies. My friend Renee told me that before her mother Halen passed away (rest in peace), she always use to tell her you can’t live in this world alone that God didn’t make us that way to go through life all by ourselves her mother had a lot of Godly wisdom and insight, and said that God didn’t put families together that always get along with each other, but he created us to love people regardless of our differences. You really should pause for a moment right here and think back on all the areas of your life where you thought that you could do it all on your own, and later found out that you couldn’t…

    Take a moment to reflect.

    Now that you’re done reflecting, were you able to see where the hand of others was in your life? Are you able to accept the truth that it wasn’t you doing it all by yourself? Thank God that it is never us doing it all by ourselves. People need people and are positioned to help others along the road of life. You must keep in mind that not everyone wants to do their part in helping. Some go through life and do what the younger generation call doing you, which is doing whatever pleases self and doing you along every single step of the way. Our stories will have power/strength in them that will change people’s life long after we are just a memory in the minds of people in this world. Many people were taught to keep their own secret/private closet to themselves, and that they should never let anyone in, and they protect that same closet as to not let anything out as well!


    I want to dispel the myth that I have heard others teaching, which speaks of keeping everything on the inside: Please know that you can help more people in sharing your story than you can by keeping your story untold. Not only will I speak on the importance of letting people into your life; I will practice what I preach and let you into the places of my life that others think should be reserved for close family and friends only. By me sharing, I pray that it will allow others to come forward and breathe. It will let you see that I have gone through real-life experiences that you can relate to, and by doing that, I hope others will see that everyone goes through something. Some of the things we all go through are, to some degree, similar in nature. I believe that by me sharing in the way that I will, that it will break down the walls of defense and separation in others’ lives. Too many times we leave thick fortified walls up in our lives for many different reasons. Some walls are left up due to setbacks, life events, disappointments, and many other reasons, to include misunderstandings. It is a sad but true testament to say that not many people recover from a hard blow thrown by life. Some people do fall down, but don’t be so closed-minded that you overlook the fact that some people get pushed or knocked down also. Not everyone has the strength to get back up again on their own.

    If the truth be told, some people do not position themselves to have the right people around them to help them get back up again. As time passes by, some people are reminded of their own personal storage box, full of different things, that weigh them down. It can be difficult to identify the things that weigh you down, due to them being buried in the personal storage box, with other things on top of them. Most things that happen to you in life gets stored away in one manner or another: either in your conscious mind or your subconscious mind. Certain things come along every now and then, and it reminds us of what is held in our heart and head. If you are not careful, you can go through life as if nothing has ever happened to you, when all along things do exist but they have been filed away, never to be dealt with. Much like we do with things we no longer use in our homes. We store things away in boxes and containers, as if they no longer exist. As time continues to pass by, those things lay dormant and sometimes even forgotten, until someone or something comes along and reminds us of those things filed away. Those times of our life causes others to start rummaging through our things (our thoughts put away) in our heart, head, and mind. We all have our own secret/private closet(s), or at one time or another, have had our own secret/private closet(s). By pulling these words out of my heart and into the pages of this book, my goal is to move into the category of I had my own personal secret closet(s) that I didn’t want anyone in.

    People who went before me are the ones that taught me not to let anyone in my personal space. Since God and his word, I have learned to be transparent in the barricaded areas of my life because I now know how helpful it will be to others. If not opened up to others, secret closets will go to the grave, only to leave a lot of things unanswered for others in your life. I now

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