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About this ebook

The purpose of this book is to edify, inspire, and testify to God's people. However, the main purpose is to glorify God, to make His deeds known before His people (Ps. 105:1). God wants His people to know that He is still in the blessing business. He heals and deliver today as He did in the older days, in the days of the prophets. I gave God the glory for the manifestation of this book. God spoke to me early one morning as I lay in bed, awake and thinking. I was thinking about the goodness of God and how He had blessed and kept me in spite of myself. I thought about all the miracles that He had performed in my life. One miracle after another came to my mind. I heard God says, "Write them down." I was obedient and began to document them. At that time, I had no idea what God wanted me to do with them. I had listed many of the miracles""just listed them and not doing anything with them. Later, God instructed me to formulate them. He wanted them in a book form. The picture became clear. God wanted me to write a book. I was somewhat baffled because the extent of my writing was for college papers that was required for some of my classes. Anyway, I got busy and began the journey of formulating my testimonies into a book. I told God that He had to help me because I did not know how to write a book. This book was produced out of complete obedience to God. I trust God that you, the reader, will be bless by it.

Release dateOct 21, 2019

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    Book preview

    Testimony - Helen Gary



    Helen J. Gary

    Copyright © 2019 by Helen J. Gary

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    My Salvation

    The Sign of a Dove

    A Divine Visitation

    A New Church Home

    God Heals Diabetes

    An Educational Miracle

    Mass Removed from Left Breast

    Left Leg Extension and Healing of Left Ankle

    God, a Dentist for Don

    A Pregnancy Miracle

    Emergency Room Miracles

    A Hospice Nurse—God’s Choice

    Drug-Addicted Man Delivered from Crack Cocaine

    Trials and Triumphs

    And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death.
    —Revelation 12:11


    The purpose of this book is to edify, inspire, and testify to God’s people. However, the ultimate purpose and goal is to glorify God, to make His deeds known before His people (Ps. 105:1).

    I give God the glory for the manifestation of this book.

    God spoke to me early one morning as I lay in bed, awake and thinking. I was thinking about the goodness of God and how He had blessed and kept me in spite of myself. I thought about all the miracles that He had performed in my life. One miracle after another came to my mind. I heard God says, Write them down.

    I was obedient and began to document them. At that time, I had no idea what God wanted me to do with them.

    I had listed many of the miracles—just listed them, not doing anything with them. Later, God instructed me to formulate them. He wanted them in a book form. The picture became clear. God wanted me to write a book. I was somewhat baffled because the extent of my writing was for college papers that was required for some of my classes.

    Anyway, I got busy and began the journey of formulating my testimonies into a book. I told God that He had to help me because I do not know how to write a book.

    This book was produced out of complete obedience to God. I trust God that you, the reader, will be blessed by it.

    All scriptures used were obtained from the King James Version of the Bible.


    I appreciate and thank everyone who provided spiritual support and teaching that aided in my salvation.

    The late Bishop H. W. Goldsberry of Faith Temple Church of God in Christ, my formal pastor, who gave me a solid foundation in Christian living. He lived the faith that he taught and preached—the unadulterated Gospel.

    The late Elder Melvin Richmond of Holy Healing Temple Church of God in Christ. I will always be grateful for his miracle services and prophetic ministry.

    The late Apostle Richard D. Henton of Monument of Faith Evangelistic Church. I am so thankful for his television and radio ministry. I cannot put into words how his audio and video tapes ministered to me, especially on the nights when I could not sleep.

    Nola Jones, my sister-in-law and friend, who was responsible for me getting to church on the night that I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

    My children, Curtis Donnell and Sharon LaJean, who was patient, trusting, and supportive of me. They trusted God with me during my tests and trials and rejoiced with me during my triumphs.

    You, the readers, are one of the main reasons this book was written. God bless you all!


    This book contains personal testimonies that I have experienced during my walk and relationship with the Lord. God has been, and still is, so gracious to such a little one as me. He has shown His love to me in so many ways.

    The song writer said, When I look back over my life, and I think things over. I can truly say that I’ve been blessed. I’ve got a testimony. I can truly apply that statement to my life. I have some wonderful testimonies that I am going to share with you, the readers.

    My first testimony is me receiving Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

    God saved me and gave me the gift of salvation when I was a young adult. Shortly thereafter, He began to use me in the ministry for His glory. I was so happy with this new lifestyle that all I wanted to do was to please God. I had so much peace and joy on the inside. This was something I had never experienced before. I was so eager to do kingdom’s work that I told God that I was ready to do whatever He wanted me to do. I promised Him that I would go wherever He wanted me to go and would say whatever He wanted me to say.

    I made that vow, and I meant it from the very depths of my heart. God used me in many capacities of ministry.

    The book contains the portion of my ministry where God used miracles to heal and deliver His people. But first, let us briefly look at what a miracle consists of.

    What is a miracle?

    According to Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a miracle is an unusual event, thing, or accomplishment. It is an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs.

    Unger’s Bible Dictionary defines a miracle as a supernatural manifestation of divine power in the external world, in themselves special revelations of the presence and power of God.

    Both definitions include divine intervention, but Unger’s definition is more descriptive and includes a "special

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