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Following Christ Through Being a Discipler
Following Christ Through Being a Discipler
Following Christ Through Being a Discipler
Ebook105 pages41 minutes

Following Christ Through Being a Discipler

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About this ebook

This is his follow up book to Following Christ Through Being Discipled. Following Christ through being a discipler is the next step for those who have discipled. Being an effective discipler comes with understanding how Jesus discipled the original twelve.

I believe, as my original home church did, that one-on-one discipleship is personal, accountable, and the most effective way to make disciples.

Yes, Jesus taught in groups; but as you will see, each of the disciples were different. They were all individuals with different backgrounds, personalities, needs, strengths, and impacts on the church. Jesus interacted differently with Peter than he did with John or James. He did not treat them all the same, he interacted based on who they were and their individual needs.

We are also all different with different backgrounds and needs, as will our disciples. This book also walks through how we, as followers of Christ, can make an impact on the church today. The future of the church depends on us carrying on what Jesus started.

Release dateNov 18, 2021
Following Christ Through Being a Discipler

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    Book preview

    Following Christ Through Being a Discipler - Casey Smith

    Lesson 1: Rules of Bible Study

    Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.

    —2 Timothy 2:15

    Being a discipler means that you are responsible for the material you share beyond that which is in my Following Christ Through Being Discipled. book. You are encouraged to write down notes and verses that come to your mind about a lesson you are teaching. We just want to make sure what we are teaching is biblically sound.

    Therefore, I feel it is best to just review through the rules of Bible study as we begin. If you have not gone through the study, here you go.

    In our Following Christ Through His Word study, there are fifteen rules we need to follow. Here is the review of those rules:

    Rule 1: Context Factor

    The first rule is always the most important to follow. It is too easy for anyone to take a verse, passage, or even a book out of the context it is written in. When looking at the Bible, be sure to observe who is writing, who are they writing to, and what they are writing about.

    For example, in James 1:1, we see who James is writing to: the twelve tribes scattered abroad. It is obvious that he is writing to the twelve tribes of Israel or the Jews. Unless you are a Jew, this book does not personally apply to you. Yet you can get some great teaching and understanding from

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