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Reasons For Atonement
Reasons For Atonement
Reasons For Atonement
Ebook110 pages1 hour

Reasons For Atonement

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Where are the good people? "There is none that doeth good, no not one" (Romans 3:12). We are here to bring to light the existence of God because he does exist. God's purpose for creation and the rebellion that threw everything out of alignment, thus giving birth to evil and the issues of sin. Why atonement? Because the wages of sin is death. Every being is responsible for atoning. However, responsible people believe in Christ and accept His atonement.

Release dateDec 20, 2017
Reasons For Atonement

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    Reasons For Atonement - Wendy Lindo

    The Missing Ingredient: Truth

    How to interpret the scriptures: here a little, there a little (Isaiah 28:9–10).

    The Word brought controversy, and the controversy was the life of men.

    The Word was God (John 1:1). By this, it’s understood that the word God—being a single, distinct, meaningful element of speech—was without beginning and without end. The aura of that word moved all thoughts into being, and one might ask, what is the aura of the word? The aura of the word is the Spirit of the word, this being the Spirit of God mentioned in John 4:23–24, God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. These thoughts became forms of knowledge because the presence of that word had driven imagination out of them (2 Corinthians 10:5) because it was real, thus leaving behind a common understanding that there is a God (John 6:63, Proverb 2:6). We abusing the word God and desensitizing ourselves away from it does not in any way, shape, or form take away from the soundness and profundity of that word, whether or not you are in or out of its presence.

    It is a delusion to believe that we choosing not to believe in God can make Him of no effect, for we shall clearly see how real He is when we are brought back to the presence of the word at our time of death, as the scriptures alluded to in Romans 3:3–4, as it is written, For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? God forbid: yea, let God be true but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings and mightest overcome when thou art judged.

    God is calling us back to the sensitivity of the word God, for it is written, Be still and know that I’m God (Psalm 46:10 and Deuteronomy 28:58–68). He added judgment to those who do not show reverence to the title and name the Lord Thy God, as it is written, If thou will not observe to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name, The Lord Thy God; Then the Lord will make the plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, and great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. To continue, God selected a body of knowledge that was to be an offering of love and chastened it into matter, forming blood and a body of blood called the Blood of Dedication—prepared to be offered as a sacrifice that, through love, would give birth to a lower order of life known as man. Ponder: the way, the truth, and the life of all men was in the testament of the blood (the will), as also was in Jesus our Lord (John 14:6), who performed the duty of love without rebellion.


    Let us first understand that we are created through two sources, which are inseparable: the father and son. As Jesus alluded to in John 10:30, I and my Father are one. When the father and son are not in alignment, everything is thrown out of place. Lucifer, being the first anointed cherub, was not in alignment with God. Therefore, because the word of the Lord cannot return to him void, he was still used for the source of our being because of the anointing. However, this created the perplexity of our existence. Lucifer became the devil through rebellion and had two lusts: the lust to be like God and the lust for vengeance. These lusts were seeds that eventually shaped our spirit and soul into being, as in James 1:15, which shows us that lust conceives and brings forth sin just like a seed.

    This reveals that lust has the procreative force to conceive and bring forth realities into existence, even as Jesus in some aspect made mention of in John 8:44, The lusts [plural] of your father ye will do, showing hereditary issues passed down by and through lust. It was out of these two lusts that our spirit-being and soul were formed. The lust to be like God led him to self-righteousness. The consequence of that action resulted in the existence of our spirit-being, being evil passionate. However, the soul came out of his lust for vengeance because he was brought to death by God.This was the testament in his blood that we were shaped by being formed out of the dust of his remains. Our being was made to be led by El (meaning God, as in Elohim or El Shaddai) representing existence and life. We were made to be led by the father and son, who are one with the Holy Spirit as the acting force (Luke 1:35). This is understood as God the Father, who called all into existence for His purpose (Romans 8:28) and the Son being the life provided for us to live in and by (John 14:6). It’s in the son that our core values are revealed, because of what we would have to deem within us as important, in order for us to perform the duty of His desire.

    Now that we have discussed how our being is created out of two sources, this paves the way for us to understand the reason for Lucifer. God anointed a body of blood and dedicated it to himself, calling it a cherub. This was an angel created to protect the presence of God from the sight of sin, because God is holy. The cherub’s name was Lucifer, whose duty was to protect God from the sight of sin by ensuring that the law was maintained. However, Lucifer’s divine purpose was to demonstrate his love for God when he received the call from God to come beyond the veil of his own flesh and to enter into the place of holiness within the suffering of his own blood. He was called into the highest glory to become the way, the truth, and the life of all men, which is the spirit of the world (the nature, John 15:13), as it is written, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (John 12:23–24 and 27–33, 1 Corinthians 15:35–40, 1 John 4:4). (These principles both relate to man and angels.) This is the glory of love, and he now being glorified as a spirit would present a firstborn church unto God, sanctified to worship Him. This is known as the agape sacrifice—a sacrificial death where the blood was dedicated by the donor to be used toward the creation of a people, sanctified as holy before and unto God. This blood seeing that it was dedicated to God was regarded as his blood because this was his principle of bringing life through love (John 15:13, represented as the blood for the altar). This is the wisdom of donorship, the providing of blood for the life of something else because of love toward God. God wanted Lucifer to bring forth a world through love, but Lucifer—through rebellion—brought forth a world through lust.

    You are probably wondering how we came to this knowledge being disillusioned from all that you grew up learning by the revelation you just received. Well, God explicitly spoke of it regarding Lucifer in Ezekiel 28:14, Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so [in regard to the angel that protects]: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of stones of fire. This is interpreted as Lucifer spent a lot of time in the presence of judgment learning the law (Exodus 31:18—communing with God), showing a relationship of the same mystery when God gave the law to Moses. It is written, "And the Lord delivered unto me two tables of stone written with the finger of God; and on them was written according to all the

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