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Dewey Does the Comeback: Book Three
Dewey Does the Comeback: Book Three
Dewey Does the Comeback: Book Three
Ebook97 pages52 minutes

Dewey Does the Comeback: Book Three

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The Comeback introduces former MLS pro soccer player Tab Ramos as Dewey Does's soccer coach in this page-turning adventure. In an effort to help Dewey Does learn about his father, Fussie Fran, Trevor Sparks, and friends agree to hold a game-filled sleepover at the house of Dewey Does's new friend, Big Bang. In the conclusion of Heroes Start as Kids book series, what can possibly go wrong?

Release dateNov 28, 2018
Dewey Does the Comeback: Book Three

John Cooper

John Cooper is an author and historian of the Tudor period. He studied at Merton College Oxford for his BA and doctorate, and is now based at the University of York. The author of Propaganda and the Tudor State and The Queen's Agent, John has worked as a historical consultant for the BBC and Starz, and is a popular public lecturer on the history, art and architecture of Tudor England. Most recently, he has led a series of projects investigating the Palace of Westminster, the lost chapel of St Stephen and the House of Commons. John is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, joint editor of the journal Parliamentary History and became Director of the Society of Antiquaries of London in 2021.

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    Book preview

    Dewey Does the Comeback - John Cooper


    Another Day

    Icould hear my grandpa’s voice, Time to wake up for school, Dewey.

    I opened my eyes. Grandpa was sitting on the edge of my bed. He was rubbing my back and smiling at me. How about cakers for breakfast?

    Grandpa knows cakers are one of my favorites. Sure! I was trying to figure out why Grandpa was there. Where’s Mom?

    You must still be asleep, boy. Your mom’s on a business trip. You know that. It’s just us guys.

    Oh yeah! I forgot.

    Get the cobwebs out of that brain of yours. It’s another great day. As Grandpa left my room, he said, Breakfast in ten minutes!

    I pushed my covers off, swung my legs around, and put my feet on the floor. Then I just sat there. Boy, did I feel tired. Usually when I wake up I feel real good. You know, like I’m ready to go, like I’m ready to smell the new day. I didn’t feel that way today.

    I looked around my room, and everything seemed to be the same as it always is. All my sports stuff was just where I’d left it, which means it was all over the place. So why was I so tired? My eyes finally came to my dad’s picture that I keep on my clothes chest, and it all came back to me.

    I never knew before that being upset about something could make you tired, but I guess it can.

    Holding Dad’s picture with both hands, I really looked at it. I really need to know the truth, Dad. You’d want me to know. I know! I know that!

    I began to feel better, like I wasn’t so tired now. Everything was going to be okay. I was going to be all right. I was going to figure this thing out. Even if Dad was a bank robber, well, I loved him, and I knew he loved me.


    Cakers and the Count

    Some people call ’em pancakes, and some people call ’em hotcakes, but Grandpa and I just call ’em cakers, and boy do we love ’em.

    Grandpa makes them better than anybody I know. He even makes them better than Mom. Even she says that. Grandpa always makes mine small. I like them better that way; I don’t know why. I guess because that’s the way he’s always made them for me. I guess a person just gets used to something being a certain way and doesn’t want it to change.

    That’s sort of the way I was feeling about my dad right now. But to tell you the truth, I probably knew more about cakers than I did about my dad.


    Yesss . . . He said it real slow and long like that. That’s just the way Grandpa talks some of the time.

    We were both about halfway through with our cakers, and I didn’t have much time before I had to leave for school, but I figured it was a good time to start learning more about my dad.

    Grandpa, before Mom and I moved here, when I was little, before we lived here and we lived with my dad . . . what was that like?

    Well, you lived in a big city, Dewey. It was different!

    I mean was it good?

    Grandpa put his fork down on his plate and leaned back. He did that leaning-back thing a lot when he was thinking about something. It was just something he did, and it was okay with me, except it gave me a clear view right into Grandpa’s nose.

    Grandpa’s nose was full of hair. I mean it was like he had another head in there or

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