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Rubberband Girl
Rubberband Girl
Rubberband Girl
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Rubberband Girl

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Rubberband Girl by Nichol Vagrosky


Release dateMar 19, 2021
Rubberband Girl

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    Book preview

    Rubberband Girl - Nichol Vagrosky


    Rubberband Girl

    Nichol Vagrosky

    ISBN 978-1-64003-387-0 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64003-388-7 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2020 Nichol Vagrosky

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents

    God Weeps…


    Little Red

    And So It Begins…

    My Spirit Is Broken…


    The Why And The Big Lie

    I’m Dying

    Please Don’t Make Me Go

    Why Me?

    I’m Pregnant

    He Promised

    I’m Finally Normal

    Running Again

    I’m A Winner

    Where Is God?

    I Can’t Move

    I’m Wrecked

    I Fight

    I Win

    Life Starts Over


    Running Again

    You Can’t Change

    He’s The One

    I Followed His Voice

    I Am Rubberband Girl…

    I dedicate this book to my three beautiful children who are undoubtedly the biggest accomplishment in this life of mine. Thank you for loving me.

    To my precious best friends and fellow survivors. Thank you for loving me and encouraging me to share my story with an intense purpose.

    God gave you all to me and you know who you are.


    Inever pictured myself to be an author. I never envisioned that I would even attempt to write a book. I have since learned when God lays something on your heart, it is undeniable that it must be brought to completion. The journey that led me here, was not an easy one, but it was a purposeful journey indeed. Looking back now… I see that NONE of it went to waste.

    So, here I go…

    As I have walked deeper in my relationship with the Lord, I hear Him loud and clear. I know that my purpose is to help women and men who have experienced abuse, abandonment and tragedy. It is to speak into the lives of people who have bought into the lies of the enemy regarding their self-worth. It is for the women and men who have been bound up in a self-waging war, an incredibly painful war against themselves because of what might have been imposed upon them. Or maybe life just happened. I’m here to say that you didn’t deserve this abuse. You didn’t cause such an offense. You didn’t ask for abandonment. You didn’t choose your upbringing. You didn’t deserve any of it. No matter what, God did not want this for you.

    This is a story about triumph from multiple tragedies and miracles that I went through. It’s about redemption that I have seen, first hand. This book that covers everything from raging abuse, rape, divorce, sickness, hopelessness and back to the most amazing love, forgiveness and faith. This book was meant for you to read and for you to understand that no matter where you come from, no matter what lies you have been told, no matter what you’ve gone through, you have the power of the Christ within you to do anything and everything. I learned through my journey that glorifying God in all of my efforts, the words I speak into my life, and my choices are the fundamental necessities to find a happiness and peace in which we all seek.

    We are not promised this happiness, peace or joy. In fact, we are promised to have troubles. And troubles, you will have. I know I have had my fair share.

    Nevertheless, after all of the hardships and pain in which I have experienced in this lifetime, I am finally experiencing the joy and peace God wants for me. It took almost four decades for me to figure out the secret and to realize that I am not a hopeless loser. But I lived in that lie for all of this time. Knowing Christ, living for Him, trusting Him and loving people as I am called to do, changed the game. The peace and joy that has finally come, are simply bi-products of doing such.

    Why Rubberband Girl?

    I originally started writing this book in 2008 after experiencing a devastating tragedy. It was titled I Quit! You Wish!… It was going to be a book about a triumph after a heartbreaking family tragedy involving my children. It was nothing less than vengeful. I wanted to show them that they were wrong when they had said that I was a going to be a failure and that I was a incapable loser. That I would make nothing of myself or my life. I, therefore, started to write from my heart. What I didn’t understand back then was what scripture clearly says about our heart.

    Jeremiah 17:9:

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

    My heart was clearly deceived, hurting and unwell by wanting to prove something to others. To prove them all wrong. When people get BIG, God gets small. We are to focus on glorifying the Lord, and honoring Him, not people.

    What happened to Peter when he took his first step into the water? The minute he took his eyes off the Lord, he sank. That is exactly what we do when we put our eyes on things and people in this world.

    I have spent most of my life trying to impress people and to please them, even at my own expense. I can say without a doubt in my mind, to no avail at times and that yielded failure in my eyes. If they weren’t happy, I felt like the ultimate failure.

    For many years, I couldn’t write. I didn’t feel inspired. Something was not right.

    After a few years, in 2013, I opened up my abandoned manuscript and read it… I no longer saw myself in the writing. I actually couldn’t believe what I had written, albeit minimal in effort.

    I had been transformed. I was almost embarrassed of what I had written! What was I thinking? I had written something to the tune of making a bet with God and this certain bet, he might just lose. God doesn’t ever lose. How spiritually immature was I to say such a thing?

    I didn’t write in this book for years and I now know why. It was clearly not God’s

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