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Phases: My Story... As I Remember!
Phases: My Story... As I Remember!
Phases: My Story... As I Remember!
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Phases: My Story... As I Remember!

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Phases is a compilation of events in chronological order as to my life from a child "as I remember" through maturity. It highlights incidences that were very dear to me which impacted my development as a young woman struggling to find her way as a mother to her two children--the arousing relationships and her dire dream of becoming a college graduate, which she did at fifty-five years, even graduating with a 3.0-plus average! Featured also is her new life in Barbados where she resided for four years.
Release dateAug 1, 2022
Phases: My Story... As I Remember!

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    Phases - Winsome Bancroft



    My Story... As I Remember!

    Winsome Bancroft

    ISBN 978-1-63903-064-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63903-065-1 (digital)

    Copyright © 2021 by Winsome Bancroft

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    The Little Girl

    Coming to America

    Life Away from Home

    Me and My Little Girl

    The Men!

    Back in Church

    Things Can Change Quickly

    For Better or for Worse

    When You Have Given Your All

    A Flawed Opportunity/A New Day!

    As I Look Back!

    Conclusion: Time to Make a Move

    Time to Make a Move

    Things to Remember!

    About the Author

    Dedicated to my Dear Grandmother. The late Edna Maxine Murray.


    In life there are a set of principles and phases that we must go through. Biblically, you are bound with the destiny that God has designed for you. As a Christian, I am reminded that the plan of God is never to hurt or harm me and you; and that he (our Heavenly Father) will supply all of our needs. I cannot say my life was harder than anyone else. However, what I can say in reflection is that everything or anyone that I encountered has impacted me one way or the other along this journey of life. We do not get to choose life roads! Yes you may have a choice as in a job offer, or you may be dating multiple men and one pops the question. You choose a career path or a college major in a specific discipline, but mostly it's up to your life experiences that will prepare you. These life phases I have now come to realize is an integral part of my existence, which has molded me into the woman I am today. My experiences have taught me that some people can be uncaring, mean, and downright self-serving. Nevertheless, I have chosen love over hate and see the glass half full rather than half empty. I have no doubt made many mistakes of my own, often compromising my health and sustainability. I am forever grateful for being able to have children and have been blessed to mother two of the most sensible, kind, caring adults. They have made me so proud! I thank my mother who sacrificed her own desires, just so me and my dear siblings would have had. There were times when she gave especially me, her last! My life could have taken many roads, but I have survived the path that was mapped out for me, and have listed many of my experiences in a chronological order. Last but in no way least, God blessed me with a wonderful husband, a Capricorn like me and a true soul mate! I am a better woman because of him! The following are excerpts from my life story; as I remember!

    Hope you enjoy reading Phases.

    Phase 1

    The Little Girl

    My recollection started at age five. A little skinny brown girl with two large puffs, I remember living at Hardie Terrace, a street named after my great-grandmother's family. It was off Hope Road and right across from Jamaica House, residence of the prime minister of Jamaica.

    The Hardie's were quite established. My grandmother, the late Edna Murray, was political secretary to the Right Excellent N. W. Manley, prime minister of Jamaica, working in his constituent office in the 1960s. A picture signed to Edna, by Manley and JFK, in 1965 went missing at her repast; why would anyone take such a remarkable piece of memorabilia?

    I remember the big house; I remember the staff; I remember going with my mom every Saturday to buy fresh-baked sliced Virginia ham at a little food mart at the foot of Beverly Hills.

    My Great-grandmother had to have her fresh-baked ham. She was quite beautiful too. Her hair was soft and silky and her skin like olive and smooth. She must have had some Irish/German roots. It would be quite interesting to use a DNA kit to see exactly what mixes are in my blood line. My mother's dad I was told, was a very tall Indian man with long red hair.

    I remember the milk truck, the snow cone man, and the hot-steam whistle-blowing peanut man who came down our street. Peanuts, he would declare. Hot peanuts, he would whistle.

    I remember my great grandfather's coffin lying in state in the front room. I remember the beautiful picture of the last supper with Jesus and his disciples, a staple in the living room. I wonder where that picture ended up? I remember our house being transformed into a voting station at election time and people leaving with their finger dipped in ink, an indication that they had cast a vote. This process now antiquated. Who would walk around today with a blue-inked pointer finger? I remember going across the street to look at the soldiers standing guard at the prime minister's residence. One afternoon, I watched as our German Shepherd Rex, got knocked down and jumped right back up again; talk about cats having nine lives. Rex had 10! I remember going with my grandmother to visit Sir Clifford Campbell, then governor general.

    Grandma was quite a respectable woman! I remember the neighbors at the end of the terrace, the Irons family—part of their landscape was a dark gully (tunnel), which was maybe one quarter mile long. This path was like a fork which led into two different directions. It was scary, wet, and dark. This shortcut was used by many. Rape was rampant, but we were fearless. One area led to an opening that many used as a track, which ended up in front of Ardenne High School. My mom attended Ardenne High too! I wonder if in her time, she ever used that track. She acknowledged she did not.

    I remember the nice housekeeper. I remember peeping through the window and seeing my mom and step-dad tied up in ecstasy. I remember the flogging that ensued after they saw me peeping. I remember the tall dark Indian gardener. I peeped on him

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