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REALITY: The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil
REALITY: The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil
REALITY: The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil
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REALITY: The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil

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This book talks about how God and Satan are the rulers of good and evil and how good and evil are the rulers of right and wrong, even though good and evil is spiritual and right and wrong is physical. It talks about how there is an opposite of everything, like male and female or right and wrong. It talks about how men ruled the world in the beginning and women will rule the world in the end. It talks about our souls, good and evil spirits, and the spirit of truth. If you look closely in this book, you will see that we are not our own but are bought with a price of good or evil.

Release dateJan 23, 2019
REALITY: The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil

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    REALITY - James McCurry



    The Physical & The Spiritual, The Good & The Evil

    James McCurry

    ISBN 978-1-64416-258-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64416-259-0 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2019 by James McCurry

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Beauty, Lust, and Love

    Beauty, lust, and love are all a part of our heavenly Father’s design. Each is different and plays its own part. Beauty is something we can see and something we can feel physically. It is also a part of lust and love that we cherish spiritually. Lust is something we can see and feel both physically and spiritually in beauty, but love is only what we can feel. Lust belongs to Satan and love belongs to God.

    Hate can be created in lust and can lead to destruction. Hate can also be created in love, but it will lead to a stumbling block to correct the problem. Love will not necessary hate because it belongs to God. There is beauty that comes from the inside out, which is God’s love. There is beauty that comes from the outside-in, which is Satan’s lust. It is up to us to choose who we serve. Lust is a part of evil and evil can lead to destruction because evil belongs to Satan. Beauty can be vain because it can be used in a lustful way. It can be used by the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and by the pride of life. The beauty in love can only be used for the purpose of good, because love belongs to good and good belongs to God.

    These designs are created for the purpose of our understanding and guidance. We are guided by many things and designs. Beauty, lust, and love are three of the most important designs for mankind. The need is the most important design of them all for mankind. The need helps control the want which is temptation. Beauty and lust are what we want for but is not necessarily love. Love is the need that is a part of good. Temptation is the want that serves beauty and lust. Too much temptation or the want in beauty or lust can lead to destruction. That is why it is so important to have the need stop temptation or the want from going too far. That is why it is so important for the need to have a stumbling block to keep temptation or the want from destroying beauty or lust.

    Beauty and lust are necessary for mankind, even though they belong to Satan. Beauty or lust can lead to destruction because of the want or temptation, but God’s need, love, and good help keep the beauty or lust from destruction. For example, we may want to have sex with a person that we are not married to. This is temptation and the want. But God’s law says we must be married before we commit this act and only to the person we are married to. If not, we will be committing adultery or fornication, which is a sin in the sight of God, which is a part of evil and belongs to Satan. In other words, in God’s law, the need is he or she must be committed and married to that person in order to save the beauty and lust and to keep the child from being born out of wedlock. The need can keep beauty and lust working together and create God’s love by this design.

    When the want or temptation overpower the need, it can create evil and destroy the beauty, lust, and love of God’ law. This will also destroy the beauty, lust, and love of Satan’s law, which is vain and evil. This is why it is so important to serve the need in God’s design and law, that beauty, lust, and love might be saved. Satan’s design and law of beauty, lust, and love is vain and evil in which can lead to destruction, but God’s design and law of beauty, lust, and love is to serve the need which can lead to peace. Satan’s beauty, lust, and love can lead to fornication, lying, hate, murder, rape, adultery, cold-heartedness, a false sense of God’s love, and so many other things that is led by evil temptation. God’s design of beauty, lust, and love is a pure heart of love that comes from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. God’s temptation is the good temptation which we might be able to follow after the righteousness of God and lust after the goodness of God’s law that leads to peace.

    We are born into the world, both physical and spiritual.

    We are to learn more about the physical, in order to learn more

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