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Getting to Know God for Strangers
Getting to Know God for Strangers
Getting to Know God for Strangers
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Getting to Know God for Strangers

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I was led by the spirit to write this book. On my journey in life, I have had my ups and downs. I remember when I was a young man. I was carefree, did not have a worry in the world. I had my strength and that was all I thought I need. I was strong, like a flower when the sun heats the morning dew. I had the job and all that came with it. I was doing good as a young man. I had been raised in the church as a child, and now I was of age and independent, had my own place, and no one could tell me what to do anymore. I even had the nerve to tell God I was too young to come and serve Him. I had everything a young man could ask for in the palms of my hand. I would go to the parties, stay out late—all the things that young people do. Little did I know what was lying ahead. I started getting hit with the storms of life. I was like a sheep caught in the dark in the forest. It took me years to get back on the track my mom started me on when I was a little child. I have been back on the trail for over thirty years. I know what it is to be in darkness and believe everything is all right. I kept stumbling along in this life in the dark. I really thought I was seeing things clearly. I have a high tolerance for pain, so I stayed in darkness longer than I had anticipated. Life pain was taking a toll on my life. Those things I thought were fun took more pain to have the fun. This life I loved did not love me anymore. One day I saw some people getting out of their car and going up the steps to the church. I said, “Lord, if you would change my life to be like them church folks, I will serve you the rest of my life.” You know, it is said that the deeper that you were in darkness, the more loyal you would be to God. Now I’m in the light. I see with insight, not as much with eyesight over the years. I come to see some things that require our immediate attention. This can’t wait. We have been brought to the light so we can show others how to get to the light, and there is a lot of work to do as a child of God. It is our responsibility to carry out God’s will. We can’t push it on the next person. We have to step up and do it. This book can help people to learn to treat people like they would like to be treated, and it gets you to know about the Lord. You can practice this in your daily life. I’m a new creature. Old things I don’t do any more. I thought that my old behaviors would be with me all my life until I was shown the light. Now I must share the light and show others how to get here.

Release dateOct 12, 2021
Getting to Know God for Strangers

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    Getting to Know God for Strangers - Deacon Gregory Harris

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