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Roses and Reflections: A book about life, God, and love, and  everything in between
Roses and Reflections: A book about life, God, and love, and  everything in between
Roses and Reflections: A book about life, God, and love, and  everything in between
Ebook329 pages1 hour

Roses and Reflections: A book about life, God, and love, and everything in between

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About this ebook

This book contains messages of the most important things to us—life, God, and love. And other things affecting us—loneliness, fears, trials, doubts, and not understanding why. These messages can be used as a devotional, Bible study, or preaching.

Release dateApr 29, 2022
Roses and Reflections: A book about life, God, and love, and  everything in between

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    Book preview

    Roses and Reflections - Yvonne Bullis Guerrero


    Multitudes of women

    In our country

    In our world

    Live alone

    Separated, single

    Divorced, widowed

    They’re all here

    Striving to survive

    What happened

    Did they elect

    This way of life

    Or was it thrust upon them

    A story to tell

    Mostly sad,

    Abuses, unfaithfulness

    Hurting, so much pain

    To be alone

    A courageous state


    It’s necessities, poverty

    New life impending

    Adjustments made

    Protection gone

    Forcing decisions


    In heart, in spirit

    Happiness fades

    Depression sets in

    Life becomes hard

    Crying comes easily

    Frustration visits

    What more to bear

    A long, dark night awaits


    This too, she’ll know

    Hopefully conquering

    She’ll be standing


    Mostly about herself

    Will she make it?

    A great task is looming

    Experiencing, learning

    This life is mine

    What to do with it

    She realizes now

    The power within

    It was always there

    Unknown to her

    Life has changed

    Not expecting

    To be right

    A warrior, fighter she’s become

    The process was difficult

    Almost giving up

    A still voice cautioned

    Don’t give up just yet

    Too much suffering

    Too many tears

    The reward will surely

    Erase the past

    Being grateful

    A better person emerged

    Strong, determined

    Future looking bright

    Aloneness concluded its mission

    A new destiny born

    Bringing forth

    What was lost

    Hope stepping in


    To trust again

    To love again

    To live again

    I watch and aim as a sparrow alone upon house top. (Ps. 102:7)

    An Old Lady’s Prayer


    I’m an ol’ lady now,

    Walked, talked with you

    For nearly sixty-two years.

    A long way for an eleven-year-old kid!

    You’ve guided me,

    Blessed me.


    We’ve gone through thick and

    Through hell and back thin.

    Good and bad.

    Sweet and sorrow.

    So I kinda figured,

    I would stick around,

    And stay with you

    A little longer still.

    Why would I leave:

    Life for death.

    Light for darkness.

    Joy for sadness.

    Love for hatred.

    Health for sickness.

    Strength for weakness.

    Riches for poverty.

    Hope for desperation.

    Blessings for curses.

    Truth for deceit.

    Victory for defeat.

    I have it all,

    All is you.

    You’re in me,

    I do have it all.

    Why look back?

    Why go back?

    There is nothing.

    Keep me goin’.

    Keep me faithful.

    Obeying, serving.

    This will always be

    My gift to you.

    December 31, 2014

    Ps 118:1

    A Reminder

    I was thinking,

    One day,

    About my dreams

    And the great things

    I had hoped

    To accomplish.

    To be a famous name,

    Money would be part

    Of the game.

    Life goes on


    Time hurls by


    Where was I?

    Was I asleep?

    The great things

    Were never wrought.

    What happened to me?

    Did I allow my dreams

    To die, never to be?

    I questioned.

    I needed answers.

    God answered

    In a softly

    Spoken word.

    In my spirit,

    I perceived

    What he was trying

    To tell me.

    Have you been asleep,

    And not known?

    Your eyes heavy

    With big dreams and things

    You haven’t seen…

    You haven’t noticed

    You raised five

    Beautiful lives.

    Their talents offered to me,

    Changing lives,

    Beautifying my temple

    And my people.

    You did not know

    Of the man who

    Has loved you

    Through thick and thin.

    Forever embracing you

    In every storm,

    Holding your hand.

    Did you not know

    Of your spiritual family,

    Whose love and respect

    You have earned?

    There is nothing

    They wouldn’t do for you.

    Have you forgotten

    Those you have taught

    Liberating through the word

    From imprisonment

    Of all sorts?

    You placed the seeds

    In their hands

    To do the same.

    The people

    Who crossed your path,

    Received a kind word or two.

    A smile or hug from you.

    What about the ones

    You’ve fed and clothed,

    The hope you brought,

    When there was none?

    The young people,


    Whose dreams

    Helped come true?

    The Women,

    Mothers, grandmothers,

    Burdens you lifted,

    With teaching and counseling?

    What about the music

    You gave,

    Imbedded in people’s souls,

    To lift them up in praise?

    You have forgotten

    The tears

    Not shed in vain,

    For the lost and needy

    Of this world.

    Ah, and the laughter!

    You didn’t know

    How many hearts

    Were made merry

    For a brief moment.

    Bringing medicine

    To their troubled souls.

    Great things indeed!

    You have

    Given unselfishly,

    Loved unconditionally.

    These, my daughter,

    Are great, great things!

    Great things

    The world does.


    But done for publicity

    and pride.

    What good is a famous name,

    If it’s not in my book?

    You were busy, perhaps

    Desiring and sighing.

    For the great, great things

    Your heart heavy,

    Your spirit crying.

    You had not accomplished


    Or so you thought.

    Little things

    Are what count and matter.

    Things done in my name,

    Words spoken in my love.

    It is not the great things

    Done for whatever purpose.

    But all the little things

    Done with my blessing.

    I learned a lesson

    Doing the small things,

    That eventually add up

    To give me great joy!

    I need to take notice

    And not by pass

    The many opportunities

    To do my little great things!

    July 22, 2004

    He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful, also in much. (Luke 16:10)

    Though thy beginning was small yet thy latter end should greatly increase. (Job 8:7)

    Away From Home

    These past few weeks, away

    From my family, my house, my church,

    And away from you, I felt:

    Like a fish out of water

    Like a rainbow without colors

    Like a beach without sand

    Like a sky without stars

    Like a squirrel without a tree

    Like a hug without a kiss

    Like clouds without rain

    Like a sun without beams

    Like a tree without shade

    Like a flower without dew

    Like a child without a mother

    Like a ship without an anchor

    Like a sea without tide

    Like a clown without laughter

    Like a road without direction

    Like a song without notes

    Like a moon without shadows

    Like tears without joy

    Like leaves without wind

    Like a waterfall without a song

    Like a heart without a beat

    Like a whisper without love

    Like a sight without a soul

    Get the picture? Never again.

    Don’t leave me again!

    July 23 to Aug 10, 1998

    Port Arthur, Texas.


    Being A Father and Pastor

    Being a father and pastor means

    You will never be bored

    You will always be frustrated

    You will be surrounded

    By challenges

    So much to do, so little time

    You will carry immense


    You will step into people’s lives

    Making a difference

    Some will bless you

    Others will curse you

    You will see people at

    Their best

    And worse

    You will never cease to be

    Amazed at people’s

    Capacity for






    You will cry

    You will laugh

    You will know what it is

    To be human


    To be humane

    A Happy Father’s Day tribute to her father by his daughter, Vivian Guerrero Casillas.

    June 1999


    Christine’s Song

    You are a song in the Lord’s hands

    Sometimes your song

    Has been joyous

    Has been friendly

    Has been love and kindness

    Has been laughter

    Sometimes your song is




    But the Lord is cleansing

    The song

    Making it prepared and


    Your song will heal the


    Your son will heal the sick

    Your song will liberate

    The bound

    Your song will give love

    Your song will give hope

    Your song will give Jesus

    Let the Lord mold you and

    Renew you

    Wonderful things are

    Waiting for you

    Let the singing


    Now will I sing to my well beloved. (Isa. 5:1)

    Written for my niece, Christine, who lost her only son.



    The best time of the year.

    When hearts are merry

    A spirit of giving abounds.

    Seeing the multicolor lights,

    Holiday music,

    Programs, plays, dramas

    Add up to a merry season.

    We all get wrapped up

    Celebrating Christmas.

    We need to pause,

    Recognize the one who made Christmas.

    We hear it’s time for family,

    To appreciate friends,

    To enjoy each other’s company.

    Most of all, to love

    What we do at Christmas

    Should be done every day.

    Willing to help.

    Willing to give.

    Do we need a holiday?

    Show kindness to the homeless,

    Compassion to the desperate,

    Sharing our blessings

    Do we need a holiday

    To remind us of family,

    To appreciate them,

    Loving each other?

    Why do we not think of the poor?

    The ones with nothing to give.

    Empty tables,

    No Christmas cheer.

    The poor are among us.

    Homeless, fatherless,

    Lonely, the sick.

    They’ll surely be here,

    When Christmas is over.

    We remember

    A baby boy,

    J in

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