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Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church?: Please Do Not Be Tricked and Left Behind!
Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church?: Please Do Not Be Tricked and Left Behind!
Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church?: Please Do Not Be Tricked and Left Behind!
Ebook30 pages17 minutes

Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church?: Please Do Not Be Tricked and Left Behind!

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Dear Reader,

I really thought I was a Christian! I did Christian things. I went to church on Sundays and contributed to the offering. I followed my religious teachings, observed required religious holidays, said a blessing before meals and obeyed the Ten Commandments. I believe in God; did good works and I love Jesus! Oh, and did I mention, I did good works! I was Mr. Goody–Two–Shoes, a Mister Nice Guy.

A lover, not a fighter kind of person.

However, I had an unexplained hunger, spiritually. Something was missing from the picture and I needed to find out what it was. So I started a "Search for Truth," a personal quest, you might say. I trusted in a scripture "seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you."

I even challenged God's existence and our purpose on earth in a prayer. I said aloud, "God, if you are real, I want to know what the true relationship is between God and man, and what the true relationship is between man and man, because where that intersects is where I want to be, in my life."

Was He real? Would He respond? What would He tell me? Wow, boy, did He!

He responded first with "There's a way that seems right to a man, and appears straight before him but the end of it are the ways of death!" (Proverbs 14:12). I likened that to a boxing glove punching me in the face. No beating around the bush, right? It definitely got my attention!

I share the results of that search. What I learned, and the answers to my questions.

I found out that I was playing church and if the rapture happened, I would have been left behind.

Very truly yours,

DJ Redding, RN

Release dateSep 9, 2021
Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church?: Please Do Not Be Tricked and Left Behind!

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    Book preview

    Are You Really a Christian or Just Playing Church? - D.J. Redding R.N.

    The search for truth

    If the Rapture happens on a Sunday, the title of this book would have described me! I would still be sitting in a church pew and wondering, Why am I still here?! I would have been hurt and shocked that I was! I figured I was heaven-bound. After all, I considered myself to be a reasonably good person. I never murdered anybody. I believe that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exist. I attend church as regularly as possible. I tithe financially, as best I can. I try to do good works when the opportunity arises. I follow most of the spiritual guidance provided by my religion and I love Jesus. I even considered joining the clergy! So I am good to go, right? To heaven, that is. I would have thought so, but I would have been tricked, left behind, hurt, and still headed to hell. Why? I really felt that something was missing from the church picture. I was spiritually lost and didn’t know it. I felt there was something more and I was determined to find out what it

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