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Emotional Winners
Emotional Winners
Emotional Winners
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Emotional Winners

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About this ebook

An emotional winner is a person who has made mistakes and learned from them. We talk things through and move on to become a better person.

Anyone can accomplish this if they want to. It's okay to show your feelings and emotions to one another as long as they don't hurt you or others. When being honest, it isn't necessary to use hurtful words. There's a way to say things without being unkind. Our words can scar those around us. Scars are hard to hide unless we cover them. This includes emotional scars as well as physical ones. Still there will be sensitivity in the scar. These poems show feelings about events in our lives. They also describe tangible things in our world around us.

We can make things beautiful when we say them poetically.

Release dateDec 7, 2021
Emotional Winners

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    Book preview

    Emotional Winners - Genevieve Votra


    Another great force that can do good

    Often a force much misunderstood

    It can hurt you it can kill you

    To stand out in it you’d be a fool

    Putting a needed ingredient into our ground

    There the nitrogen can be found

    Into the garden there we do sow

    Making what’s planted fast to grow

    More apt to be hit by a passing car

    And maybe even a falling star

    Into the earth it pounds and pounds

    Then we hear thunder making its sound

    It’s a beautiful thing to see in the night

    To be awake and see such a sight

    It shows some of the awesomeness

    With which we’ve been blessed

    Yes lightening can be a frightening thing

    Causing some to cry others to sing

    There’s no better time to spend together

    Just holding hands and watching the weather

    Ali and Bre

    Two of the sweetest baby girls you ever did see

    The names of these two sweeties are Ali and Bre

    They bring greater joy than I’ve seen in a while

    Not a day that goes by that they don’t make me smile

    Two little girls with red locks of curl

    They dance and run and even twirl

    Never have I seen two more delightful

    They are bright and sharp and even insightful

    I try so hard not to be bragging

    But inside my heart it keeps on nagging

    They’re so precious and dear to me

    I’m pretty sure they always will be

    They play with their kitchen and then their dolls

    Climb up into big chairs where they look so small

    The gate in the doorway can hardly contain them

    Investigating every place they have not been

    Going to the garden in their stroller

    One day they’ll be walking when they’re older

    They’ll learn about planting and weeding and how to grow

    Gramma will teach them just how to sew

    They’ll be Daddy’s little helpers and Mommy’s too

    So much to learn and so much to do

    There’ll be the bike races around the big mill

    Ali and Bre coming down the first hill

    They sleep in the night beside one another

    Without a big blanket and just a small cover

    Their monk monks are right there too

    For comfort and security they will do

    Something New

    Some people think they have nothing to spare

    With all that they have they don’t even care

    There are those who have nothing but terrible pain

    I hold some accountable with much disdain

    There are also those who hunger and thirst

    That makes the deal seem even worse

    They cry out in famine no relief in sight

    Crying the children with all of their might

    Those who have more could stand up and share

    Cannot even imagine why they will not spare

    My heart so does ache with all that we take

    It’s like we don’t realize all that’s at stake

    There will come a time when we all have to answer

    No excuse will work with our Master

    He sees all he knows all he pays all their dues

    When it comes to our reckoning what will he see in you

    It’s not so simple as going to hell

    No life in the grave does there dwell

    He’s a God of love so he does not torture

    There will never be those who live in a fire

    When he said to Adam to dust you return

    There was no mention that you will burn

    That thought never entered into his mind

    You simply won’t be that’s the great fine

    Black Sheep

    It’s hard to know where I should go

    I’ve been told some things but even so

    It seems impossible for this to be

    You’re such a good person it seems to me

    You were beaten and abused at a very young age

    Those acting like that should be in a cage

    Your legs split wide open with a cord in hand

    Who would do that what kind of a man

    Not wishing to meet his every command

    At fifteen years of age you took your stand

    Kicked to the curb to grow on your own

    So many wild seeds by you would be sown

    You once told me your Dad taught you well

    How to treat woman and put them through hell

    A life full of drugs and alcohol and women

    Through all of this you did not give in

    The worst thing in your life came in two thousand and ten

    Left for dead by the roadside cut and poisoned

    Your tongue half cut out they left you there dying

    Because to be good you were trying

    It was only by chance you’re still alive

    The cops just happened to be on a drive

    They sounded alarm and called the rescue

    So you are still with us and made anew

    I think of all the things you have been through

    Wondering why this conclusion they come to

    I don’t see a black sheep in my mind’s eye

    Only someone treated with cruelty and time


    When God said let there be light

    Sun for the daytime and moon for night

    Because there was darkness around the world

    The waters were deep and in a swirl

    The sun does cause an illumination all round

    In twenty-four hours, it’s touched all the ground

    The moon does make possible along with the stars

    A light for all mankind to see where they are

    Take care of the earth and make the plants grow

    It will make you more seeds that you are to sow

    The ground will yield plenty for all to be filled

    It’ll be fertile to cultivate easy to till

    The sun will warm you and also the soil

    Work won’t be difficult you’ll not have to toil

    I’ll give you great yields out of the ground

    All that you grow will be nothing but sound

    The light that I give will also inform you

    Helping you see what I am too

    This light will come from my power within

    It’s Holy Spirit I have to give

    There will be great knowledge to help you to see

    What things are possible and can come to be

    To be my children, you must be loyal

    If you are not then it will be spoiled

    For all generations, there is a great plan

    Nothing can stop it, it’s meant to stand

    Interruptions may come and disturb for a time

    But my will is forever and oh so sublime


    Large and small, I love them in their flight

    And on occasion there will be a fight

    Most of the time, it’s complete cooperation

    Forming their lines for migration

    Searching for food on the ground

    Often times, none can be found

    Some in the air for their food, they search

    Diving into the water, that’s on the earth

    Much better fishers than you and me

    It’s their great eyes that help them see

    Into deep dark waters, they do dive

    Up they come with food to survive

    There are the flower pollinators too

    Helping things grow for me and you

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