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Daughter of Destiny
Daughter of Destiny
Daughter of Destiny
Ebook167 pages2 hours

Daughter of Destiny

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This is a story of an orphan who overcame and triumphed over adversity in her life. She had many premonitions, dreams, and visions that came to pass.

She is a great, extraordinary, gifted, unique visionary, and prophetess who has the ability to sense and discern what lies beyond her imagination. She can also interpret premonitions, dreams, and visions and watch them come into fruition.

You will learn that you are here on purpose; you are not an accident. God has a plan and a purpose for your life. Wherever you are, God knows your whereabouts""look up and reach up!

Release dateFeb 9, 2023
Daughter of Destiny

Jennifer Thomas

Contributor  Profile : Jennifer  Name: Jennifer Thomas   Location: Los Angeles  California , United StatesJennifer ThomasDr. Jennifer Thomas, PhD, stands as a luminary figure within the esteemed roster of developers and researchers shaping the DASH Diet. As a lead figure within The DASH Diet Collaborative Group, her contributions are marked by a blend of academic rigor, innovative thinking, and a profound commitment to advancing public health through nutrition science. With a distinguished background in nutritional research, Dr. Thomas brings a wealth of expertise to the table, informed by years of academic study and practical experience.Her role within The DASH Diet Collaborative Group underscores her status as a pivotal architect of one of the most influential dietary strategies of modern times. In collaboration with a world-class ensemble of doctors, registered dietitians, and fellow PhD nutrition researchers, Dr. Thomas spearheads efforts to refine and disseminate the principles of the DASH Diet, ensuring its accessibility and efficacy for individuals seeking to improve their health through dietary interventions.Beyond her academic achievements, Dr. Thomas embodies a deep-seated passion for empowering individuals to make informed choices about their health and well-being. Her dedication to translational research ensures that the insights generated by The DASH Diet Collaborative Group are not confined to academic journals but are translated into practical guidelines and resources accessible to healthcare professionals and the general public alike.Based at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Dr. Thomas operates at the nexus of cutting-edge scientific inquiry and real-world application, leveraging the center's multidisciplinary resources to drive innovation in the field of nutrition science. Her holistic approach to research encompasses not only the development and validation of dietary interventions but also the exploration of underlying mechanisms and the identification of populations most likely to benefit from these interventions. Dr. Jennifer Thomas, PhD, represents the epitome of a trailblazing researcher and advocate for evidence-based nutrition. Her leadership within The DASH Diet Collaborative Group underscores her commitment to advancing public health through rigorous scientific inquiry and the translation of research findings into tangible improvements in dietary guidelines and recommendations.

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    Daughter of Destiny - Jennifer Thomas


    Daughter of Destiny

    Jennifer Thomas

    Copyright © 2018 by Jennifer Thomas

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    My Early Childhood

    Traumatic Teen Years

    The Birth of My Children

    Transformation, Dreams, and Marriage

    My New Vocation

    More Dreams and Premonitions


    Know Who You Are

    Continuation and Your Destiny

    Adversity, Pruning and Miracles

    The Keys and Fatherhood

    Faith, Sowing, and Reaping

    Births, Deaths, and the In-Betweens

    A Memoir

    To my mother, Mrs. Joan Marie Thomas:

    I would like to thank you for giving me life and being the best that you knew how at that time. I want to mention that you were very young yourself when you had children, so I can relate, understand, and sympathize with you because you did not have the proper parenting skills to raise us. And I still love you unconditionally anyway.

    Now, Mom, I can honestly and truly see the circumstances that caused you to send my sister Lisa and me away as little orphans. Since your mother had passed earlier that year, she was no longer available to take care of us anymore. Mom, you knew that I had so much compassion for you. I sorely missed you. There were times when I didn’t have you, Grandma, or my father around to see about my hurts and cares. But through it all, I forgive you and my father for rejecting and abandoning me.

    I just want to thank God for loving me unconditionally. Mom, you’re still not here to see my hidden gifts and talents that my spiritual Heavenly Father has bestowed upon me. Mom, you can’t see that I was one of the chosen few to set examples in the world. You couldn’t see that I was adopted into the royal family as the Daughter of Destiny.

    I value and treasure the time that God has allowed us to spend together in this lifetime. I know that someday, my Almighty Father will allow us to meet once again in the spiritual realm. May God give your soul rest and peace. I love you and hope to see you one day.

    Once again, thank you, Mom, for rejecting me because this situation and circumstance has allowed me to love, embrace, cultivate, and be patient with my three lovely children, and for others around the globe.

    Mom, I dedicate this long-term goal, which happened to turn into a dream that my Heavenly Father made come true, but this one is for you, Joan Rove.

    Love you, Mom!

    She’s resting with no worry or pain. We shall see one another again.

    Rest in Peace

    In Loving Memory of

    Joan Marie Thomas

    January 12, 1952–July 4, 2005

    To my foster mother, M J.L:

    I would like to thank you for spreading your wings over me and opening the doors and welcoming me into your home. You loved me and embraced me as well. I know that your heart was heavily troubled and burdened down with other family members’ problems and issues, but you never grumbled and complained. You kept the faith and hope as well.

    You stood as a brave, bold, and courageous woman. You were not only a truly unique pioneer soldier who impacted and inspired others, you were also a faithful, loyal servant to the community by accepting and taking in the lost sheep (i.e. the rejected orphans).

    You were an awesome, compassionate, kind, incredible person. You found your purpose in life, and that was to love the human race. You weren’t a self-centered or selfish person. I truly would like to give great big thanks of appreciation for your loving kindness, efforts, and warm, embracing, gentle hugs.

    Love you, Mom!

    She’s resting with no worry or pain. We shall see one another again.

    Rest in Peace

    In Loving Memory of

    M J.L

    October 16, 1921-September 8, 2007

    My Premonition About My auntie:

    I had a premonition and a night visitation by the Holy Spirit one early morning. On September 8, 2008, in this dream, I literally saw my family member lying inside of a casket. This was a divine revelation to warn me or give me foresight of what was coming. Once again, watching my loved one asleep inside of her casket took me by surprise. Soon, I awakened to this Dream of Death.

    Wow, what a vision! It totally blew me away. Words can’t describe how I felt. I began weeping, crying, and praying for a particular individual my spirit showed me. I was amazed and a bit frightened with deep sadness, distress, and grief.

    Death once again knocked on my doors. What a premonition. Now, let me remind you this loved one was trying to reach me two weeks prior to the dream that I encountered, but there was no connection between us. She was admitted to the hospital, but no one ever called to give notification about the situation or her illness until several weeks later.

    Yes, the Holy Spirit visited me once again. We all must face death at one point or another, but it is totally different when your eyes can see things before they come to pass. It can be quite an emotionally distressing experience. Sometimes my heart is overwhelmed and filled with grief and sorrow. This dream was extremely hard to bear and accept, because I had just seen my mother’s death three years prior to this premonition, and we had to bury her. This was something that was beyond my ability. It was part of the master’s or the creator’s plans.

    Once again, when I received that phone call, I immediately rushed to the hospital because of the doctor’s prognosis. It was not good; the doctors weren’t expecting her to live even two weeks. I stood there by her bedside, expecting, hoping, believing, and still maintaining faith that my Jesus was going to work a miracle.

    Several days passed, and the doctors had to release her because there was nothing else that they could do. She was at the point of death, but I still had faith and believed that she was going to rise once again. A day came, and we watched her rise off her bed of affliction. The Lord had allowed her to start eating, talking, laughing, and standing again. She hadn’t taken any medication for approximately fifteen hours.

    I saw with my own two eyes the hands of the Mighty Creator working a powerful miracle, but then there was an incident that occurred and that unclean demonic spirit came back in and took her. She had an anxiety attack. She immediately started to ask for more medication once again. At this point, there was nothing else that we could do but watch and stand. She passed away that early morning— September 26, 2008.

    This was my mother’s baby sister. She was sent to be my angel when I was a little child. She attended to me at my bedside. I was truly grateful to be there along her journey in this life and to wash, feed, comfort, and minister to her until the very end. The Creator allowed me to be there as an angel to watch over her. She was a great aunt, sister, wife, mother, friend, and coworker. Not only was she a great person, this lady was very wise, unique, and a remarkable individual.

    I love you, auntie.

    We shall see one another once again in Heaven. Rest in peace my angel.


    Destiny and free will are terms that most of us use loosely. Many of us do not realize that we have the ability and power to change our circumstances in whatever situation we may be facing. In fact, we have full responsibility to do so. If we just sit back and wait on God to intervene in our lives, our happiness and fulfillment may be a long time coming—if it arrives at all. Dreams and Visions: The Struggles of a Young Black Woman is not the story of Jennifer Thomas. It’s the story of millions of young women across America, and across the world.

    Regardless of what we feel is our divine purpose in life, do we believe that we are placed on this earth for a divine purpose, and that we all have a right to safety, well-being, love, peace, and fulfillment? If so, then we will claim our God-given right and ability to make this a reality. We will not make excuses for the abuse and control that others attempt to have over our lives and our physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

    But the question then is how to gain such confidence and courage to claim such a moral victory. Just as faith is the foundation of our relationship with God, faith in ourselves is the light that leads us to what it is that we want out of life, and who it is that we want to become as a person. For I strongly believe that God has given us all the tools necessary to build a happy and fulfilling life. We just need to learn how to use these tools.

    Dreams and Visions: The Struggles of a Young Black Woman can serve as an inspiration to act on faith in your dreams and visions. They may concern the past, the present, and the future. Dreams and Visions: The Struggles of a Young Black Woman can also help you understand the importance of always working towards what you want, even if it seems so far out of reach. Time is something that we do not have control over. We can only control the energy that we are willing to put forth to make our dreams and goals a reality. The rest, then is left in God’s hands.

    There are decisions that we make in our lives that are clear-cut. Others are accompanied by great anguish and intense deep soul-searching. Nevertheless, I have come to believe that in our spiritual evolution as individuals, we mature to a place that decisions appear to us in one of two ways. They come either as an option of free will or of destiny. It is as if God or the Divine Universe in some instances, communicates to us that prosperity and good fortune (blessings) await us, regardless of which road we choose to take.

    But in other instances, there will be negative consequences for not deciding to move in a specific direction, or not to take certain actions that we spiritually have been urged to take. For there are reasons and purposes to be fulfilled that are far beyond our understanding or comprehension at that particular point in time. Yet all that matters is that after we have labored in our decision-making process that we eventually, in that clear moment of silent contemplation, choose to move in the preordained direction in which we have been prompted.

    Daughter of Destiny

    I am an evangelist.

    I am a prophetess.

    I am reborn.

    I have been chosen.

    Part 1


    Glory! Glory! The king of kings is coming!

    My God, whom I serve, happens to be the God of the whole universe. I am here to kneel down at his throne to continue to give him all the praise—to honor, love, obey, worship, adore, magnify, and testify—to his holy name. God is the father of the fatherless. I praise him for what he has done for me.

    My father taught me very well how to walk boldly and bravely. He shaped and molded me to be obedient and to develop character like a royal child. He also prepared me for this long life journey. He taught me to have compassion, to love others unconditionally, and to not be selfish and self-centered.

    Most of all, I truly want to thank him for giving me the privilege and the honor to receive talent, wisdom, knowledge, and to be able to recognize my main three enemies: rebellion, immorality, and financial corruption. God has allowed me to slow down and appreciate and understand what life is supposed to be like. Now, I can live effectively and productively.

    Our father did not create his people to hate, kill, and destroy one another. Blindness and ignorance will cause us to self-destruct, become distracted, to disobey, and to be disloyal to him and ourselves and others. Thank you, my God, to whom I will always give the glory. What a mighty God we serve!

    My Early Childhood

    In the Beginning

    It was 1:20 a.m. I woke up in a cold sweat. This was very unusual, given that on a weekly basis, I was used to receiving strong spiritual intuitions. I was in the bedroom then found myself looking at my reflection in the mirror. Before I knew it, I was making a pot of coffee then anxiously seated myself at the coffee table and rested my head on it. I could hear the footsteps of my husband steadily approaching. I lifted my head to reply to the words

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