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The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl
The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl
The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl
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The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl

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The first book introduced you to the Style Chicks. The second book introduced you to the Archangels. For this third book, they've saved their best adventures for last. Eight new stories featuring a two-part story and the origins of the Archangels. For the last time, if you're ready? Let's Do It to It and Rock!

Release dateApr 29, 2020
The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl

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    Book preview

    The Final Adventures of Fashion Girl - Roby Graham

    Chapter 1

    You might wonder why there is a question mark at the end of this story’s title; it’s because the Prom Queen, who changed her evil ways in The Joker’s Queen from the first book, might go back to being evil again. However, this time it’s not Fashion Girl she has a grudge with. It started innocently enough when Fashion Girl, whose turn it was to run errands, shopped for groceries and supplies for the Mystique Boutique and was returning home after the errands were completed.

    No sooner did she pull up to the front door when Victoria came out to the Glam Mobile II and said, I’m glad you are back home, Fashion Girl. Sandy is here and waiting in your study to speak with you. She’s been crying and hasn’t stopped since she got here. I think something very bad has happened, but she said she would explain everything once you got home.

    Fashion Girl said, All the errands are done. Unload the car, and I’ll see what’s wrong with Sandy. She didn’t waste any time in going to her study to find out exactly what the matter was. Not knowing what to expect, she opened her study door to find Sandy, as Victoria had said, crying her eyes out and not stopping.

    Fashion Girl asked, Sandy, what’s wrong? Vicki didn’t tell me anything.

    Sandy answered, That’s because I didn’t tell her. I waited to see you. Fashion Girl, Batman fired me from my job and as Batgirl.

    Fashion Girl said, What? Why?

    Sandy replied, It started three days ago. Batman and I were dealing with the Joker once again, but this time his crazy girlfriend, Harley Quinn, was with him. She slipped by me and got the jump on Batman. I got away unharmed. He got injured, but he wasn’t hurt badly, and he went to the hospital as a precaution. When he got out last night, he called me and informed me that he was through with me as Batgirl. To make matters worse, when I got into work this morning, my desk was cleaned out, I was given severance pay. I broke down in tears. I hopped on the first plane here, and here I am.

    Fashion Girl said, Sandy, we both know what kind of villain the Joker is, but that bitch Harley Quinn, she’s crazy.

    Getting angrier by the minute, Sandy replied, Daphne, I have a good mind to become the Prom Queen again and give that caped creep a lesson he’ll never forget!

    Fashion Girl said, Sandy, I told you what would happen if you go back to be the Prom Queen again.

    Sandy replied, I know, Daphne, but this time it’s not you or the others I have a beef with, especially now that Cindy is a Style Chick.

    Fashion Girl asked, Speaking of Cindy, have you spoken to her about this?

    Sandy answered, No, I haven’t. But I should.

    Fashion Girl said, Sandy, will you give me a chance to get Batman’s side of the story? Let me talk with him, and if I can’t convince him to at least give you your job back, if he wants to have a new person to be Batgirl, I will understand. However, if I can’t get your job back at Wayne Industries, you’ll have a home and a job here with Style Incorporated.

    Grateful Sandy replied, Thank you once again for your generosity.

    Fashion Girl said, No, I’m not being generous. I’m doing the right thing, and I can always use a good PR person. I think Cindy needs to get in on this. Together we will both solve this matter for you. And if we fail and you still want to become the Prom Queen again, I won’t stop you.

    Sandy replied, Thank you, Daphne. I’ll give you and Cindy a chance to talk with Batman, but if he’s still stubborn, he’s made another enemy.

    Now here is a scenario to end all scenarios: Fashion Girl will have to deal with a fellow hero in a way she never thought of before, where she may have to be the bad guy to prevent a true enemy from reemerging.

    Chapter 2

    Fashion Girl wasted no time. She went into the command center alone and contacted Cindy at Belphora Manor. Cindy wasn’t available, but Wendy of the Junior Style Chicks was. Fashion Girl asked, Wendy, where is Sephora? It’s important that I speak with her.

    Wendy answered, I’m sorry, Fashion Girl. I haven’t seen Sephora or Belle K at all today.

    Fashion Girl said, Wendy, when you see Sephora, have her contact me immediately. I can’t tell you why, but it’s important.

    Wendy replied, Sure, no problem, Fashion Girl—

    Before Wendy could say anything further, Sephora and Belle K both arrived at the mansion. Wendy continued, Sorry, Fashion Girl. Sephora and Belle K both came back. I’ll get Sephora right now.

    Wendy told Sephora of Fashion Girl’s urgency. Sephora came to the screen and said, Hey, Fashion Girl. Wendy told me that you need to speak with me urgently. What’s wrong?

    Fashion Girl answered, It’s something I need to tell you privately.

    Sephora asked Belle K and Wendy to leave the area. She then asked, Okay, Daphne, level with me. What’s so important that you needed to tell me privately?

    Fashion Girl answered, Cindy, your mom is here in Colognia. She was fired today from her job in Gotham City, and Batman also fired her as Batgirl. She wants revenge by becoming the Prom Queen again.

    In shock, Sephora replied, What? Daphne, you’re kidding me, right? My mother renounced being the Prom Queen six years ago. I want to hear it from her.

    Fashion Girl said, Okay, Cindy, I’ll get her. Fashion Girl came back with Sandy a couple of minutes later and had Sandy talk with Sephora.

    Sephora asked, Mom, please tell me that Daphne is making things up about you wanting to be the Prom Queen again. Is this true?

    Sandy answered, It’s half true, Cindy. I want to get my revenge for what Batman did to me, but Daphne is confident that she can persuade him to reconsider. I’m going to give her that chance. She wants you to help too. Cindy, I am so proud of you for all that you have accomplished, and I don’t want to do anything to change that, but I must become the Prom Queen again to teach Batman a lesson.

    Sephora, in tears, asked, What does Fashion Girl want me to do?

    Fashion Girl answered, I’ll tell you, Cindy. Your mother wants you and me to go to Gotham City to reason with Batman. If I can’t convince him, your mom will become the Prom Queen again. But I have given her a job with Style Incorporated. As for being Batgirl again, it’s up to him.

    Sephora said, I’m not crazy about this, Mom, but if you feel that revenge is more important to you than me, Johnny, the twins, and Dad, then go ahead! Get your revenge, and I hope you choke on it! Sephora out!

    The call ended abruptly as Sandy said, I guess that went well.

    Fashion Girl replied, Obviously Cindy is angry, but can you really blame her? I remember Greg once telling me how he, Johnny, and Cindy were hoping and praying for the day that you would give up being a villain.

    Sandy replied, Now I feel bad. Cindy’s right you know. I caused them lots of grief over a misguided belief. Of course, I know now that you couldn’t have had anything to do with my sister’s death. I was in shock when Cindy told me that your ‘Aunt,’ Velma, was responsible for killing your mother and all because of jealousy. Daphne, go to Atlanta. Go to Cindy and help me explain this to her. Go as the Phoenix, but go to her please.

    Fashion Girl said, Okay, Sandy, I’ll go, but I want you to remain here until I get back. Macy, Vicki, and Godiva will keep you company. I’ll be leaving now.

    As Fashion Girl left the command center, she told Victoria, Godiva, and Macy to keep an eye on Sandy but to not ask her any questions. Fashion Girl went to the back of the mansion. She raised her arms, crossed her wrists, and said, STYLE ME AS THE PHOENIX! In seconds, Fashion Girl underwent an amazing transformation and became the Phoenix, leader of the Archangels. She took off into the sky heading east toward Atlanta.

    Chapter 3

    As the Phoenix, Fashion Girl could fly even faster than the Glam Mobile could. When she arrived in Atlanta, she came in through the back, startling the others. She said, Sorry about coming in this way. I must speak with Sephora right away.

    Belle K replied, Sure, Phoenix. I’ll get her, but I don’t think she wants to talk with you. I don’t know what this is about, but she left the command center, went to her room, slammed and locked the door. She’s been crying ever since.

    The Phoenix said, All the more reason I need to talk with her.

    Belle K replied, I don’t know, Phoenix, but I’ll try.

    Belle K went to Sephora’s door, knocked, and said, Sephora, Fashion Girl is here as the Phoenix. She wants to talk to you. May she come in?

    Sephora replied, I don’t care if she flew around the world. I don’t want to talk to her!

    Belle K said, I know whatever you two talked about might have gotten a little heated, but she did come all this way to talk. Please give her that chance.

    The Phoenix added, Don’t make me break this door down. Come out and talk with me, and that’s an order!

    Sephora unlocked the door, opened it, and replied angrily, Oh, so now you’re ordering me around, huh? What’s the matter, Miss Thang? You’re getting too important now that you’re the Phoenix.

    Just then the Phoenix slapped Sephora in the face and said, Don’t you ever talk that way with me again! I came across the country to help not hinder! Your mom went through a terrible ordeal. Her world has been turned upside down, and instead of being compassionate or sympathetic, you told her off!

    Belle K asked, So that’s what’s wrong. You can tell me, Phoenix. What happened with Sephora’s mother?

    The Phoenix answered, I promised I wouldn’t tell another Style Chick about this. She didn’t talk to Vicki, Godiva, or Macy. Let’s go into your room, Cindy, and now that you know Belle, I’ll explain everything to both of you.

    After more than half an hour, both Belle K and Sephora understood what was happening. Belle K said, Sephora, you can tell me anything you feel you need to talk about. I wouldn’t have said anything about this.

    The Phoenix added, Cindy, I think your mother said what she said out of anger but not toward you or me. She feels that Batman did wrong, and she wants to get even. I guess if I was her, I’d do the same thing.

    Sephora’s tears dried up, and she replied, I’m sorry for snapping at you, Daphne. I just can’t forget how our lives were turned upside down when Mom became the Prom Queen.

    The Phoenix asked, Sephora, do you know why your aunt became the Prom Queen, and why your mother took her place?

    Sephora answered, I’ve always wondered why, but I never asked because I didn’t want to bring up bad memories.

    The Phoenix said, I’ll give you the Short version. Your aunt was badly scarred in an auto accident on the night of her senior prom. She underwent several surgeries, but her looks were damaged forever. Two drunken actresses caused the accident. Your aunt became the Prom Queen and was getting revenge on all actresses by throwing acid in their faces—

    Before the Phoenix continued, Sephora replied, I can’t believe it.

    The Phoenix continued, My mother heard of this and stopped her cold. Your aunt went to prison. She remained there until she was killed by another inmate in a failed jailbreak. When your mom heard this, she came here to confront my mother to find out what happened, only to find out that she too was killed in an ambush by my so-called Aunt Velma. Your mother assumed your aunt’s role after I became the new Fashion Girl when I turned eighteen, and we both thought that we had something to do with their deaths. You know the rest after your mother tried to team up with the Joker.

    Sephora replied, That’s an amazing story, but how do I know that my aunt died in prison and your mother was killed?

    The Phoenix said, Ask your mother if you doubt me. I’m telling you the truth.

    Sephora replied, Okay, Daphne, I guess I was wrong. Again I’m sorry.

    The Phoenix said, I’m sorry also for slapping you, but you needed to know this.

    Sephora asked, What do you want me to do?

    The Phoenix answered, I promised your mom that we would handle this together. We will leave for Gotham City in the morning. Neither Batman nor any other member of the Justice League knows that you and I are Archangels. I think we can get him to reason. If we fail, I promised your mom that if she still wants to become the Prom Queen again, I wouldn’t stop her.

    Sephora said, I guess that’s reasonable, but I’m still not thrilled about her doing this. I thought this nightmare ended years ago.

    The Phoenix hugged Sephora and replied, Cindy, you heard your mom tell you that she’s very proud of you, and she doesn’t want to retarnish that.

    Belle K asked, Is there anything I can do? Sephora is my friend, and she shouldn’t go at it alone even with you here.

    The Phoenix answered, For now, Belle, just keep this under your hat, okay? This is something that Sephora and I must do alone.

    The Phoenix spent the night in Atlanta, and at sunrise the next morning, Sephora assumed her identity as Whirlwind of the Archangels, and the two flew north toward Gotham City.

    Chapter 4

    Before approaching the grounds of Wayne Manor, the Phoenix and Whirlwind changed back to their more normal appearance as Fashion Girl and Sephora. Confused, Sephora asked, Just exactly what are we doing here? I mean, why go through the trouble?

    Fashion Girl answered, I promised your mom that I would speak with Batman, get his side of the story, and take it from there. Keep this in mind, Sephora, if it weren’t for Batman’s arch enemy, the Joker, and if he hadn’t tried to form an alliance with your mom, she wouldn’t have changed her ways. More importantly, you might not even be a Style Chick, much less an Archangel. So before we go up to the front door, promise me that you will have an open mind.

    Sephora said, I promise. But I’m still not thrilled with the idea that my mom might become the Prom Queen again.

    The two walked up to the front door of the massive mansion that is Wayne Manor. Fashion Girl rang the doorbell. Moments later, Batman’s butler, Alfred, answered and said, Miss Fashion Girl, this is a surprise. What are you doing here?

    Fashion Girl replied, I’ve come to talk with Batman about what happened with Sandy Bates. Alfred, allow me to introduce Sephora, one of my Style Chicks and Sandy’s daughter.

    Alfred said, Pleasure to meet you, Miss Sephora. Batman is upstairs in his room, still recovering from his injuries. I was about to bring up some coffee for him. May I offer you some as well?

    Fashion Girl replied, Of course we’ll have some.

    Alfred said, Very well, miss, but first let me announce your arrival to Batman. Excuse me, please.

    Alfred went upstairs to announce to Batman Fashion Girl’s arrival. He came back down minutes later and said, Batman will see you, miss, but he’s not in a good mood.

    Fashion Girl replied, Not to worry, Alfred. All I’m here for are answers. I’m not here to judge who’s telling the truth or anything like that. I heard Sandy’s side. Now I want his.

    Alfred said, Very good, miss. I’ll prepare coffee and refreshments for you. If you will once again excuse me please.

    As Fashion Girl and Sephora went upstairs, Sephora said, That Alfred seems very nice and so polite.

    Fashion Girl replied, He’s more than that. He’s a gentleman’s gentleman. Batman is lucky to have him.

    Fashion Girl knocked on Batman’s door. Batman told her to enter. When she did, she noticed his left leg in a cast. She asked, How are you feeling, Batman?

    Batman answered, Except for this cast, I’m fine. What brings you here?

    Fashion Girl said, Didn’t Alfred tell you? I’m here today to get your side of the story about what happened with Sandy Bates.

    Batman replied, He did but I wanted to hear it from you. Who’s the young lady with you?

    Fashion Girl said, This is one of my fellow Style Chicks, Sephora. She is also Sandy’s daughter and aunt to my children.

    Batman replied, Nice to meet you, Sephora.

    Sephora said, Likewise. Fashion Girl told me that if the Joker hadn’t tried to team up with my mom, I probably wouldn’t be a Style Chick today.

    Batman said, Fashion Girl is right about that. Now, Fashion Girl, as for my side of the story. As Batgirl, Sandy and I tried to stop another one of the Joker’s schemes. That girlfriend of his, Harley Quinn, was there too. She was too quick for Sandy, and she struck me in the foot with her hammer. No offense, Sephora, but I fired Sandy because she’s too old to be Batgirl.

    Sephora replied angrily, My mom’s not that old. She’s not even fifty yet!

    Batman said, Think about this: will Fashion Girl continue to fight crime when she’s in her forties? Fifties? Sixties? She knows that once her daughter turns eighteen, she will pass the torch onto her.

    Fashion Girl asked, In a way, that makes sense, but why did you fire her from her job as a PR person?

    Batman answered, I fired her because I like her. I really do, and it would seem awkward if we still worked in the same office.

    Fashion Girl said, That’s really not a valid reason for firing anyone. Besides, I know you own the company, but how much time do you really spend there when you’re not having activities with the Justice League?

    Batman replied, You’re right, Fashion Girl. I’m not there most of the time. When I’m not with the Justice League, I endeavor in philanthropic work.

    Sephora asked, Okay, I understand why she messed up with Harley Quinn, but firing her from her job just doesn’t seem fair. She’s a good, dependable worker. She shows up on time, is never late from lunch, and is willing to stay later to get the job done. That’s what I’m upset about.

    Moments later, Alfred brought up a tray of coffee and snacks. He set it down on a nightstand. He poured three cups and left.

    Batman asked, Fashion Girl, where is Sandy now?

    Fashion Girl answered, She’s in California at my mansion. She went there yesterday so upset that she wouldn’t let the others help her until I came home from running errands. If you don’t want her working with you, she has a job with me at Style Incorporated. She’ll stay with me at my house until she gets her affairs in order.

    Batman said, Alfred also told me that he didn’t see the Glam Mobile in the driveway. How did you get here?

    With Fashion Girl stuttering to answer, Sephora replied, We flew here in the Freedom Flyer. Vicki is waiting for us at the airport.

    Fashion Girl said, Thank you for your time and coffee. Get well soon, Batman, but Sephora and I must go now. We need to head back to check on Sandy.

    Batman replied, Thank you for coming. It was a pleasure to meet you, Sephora. I’ll have Alfred give you a lift to the airport.

    Fashion Girl said, Thank you, Batman, but that won’t be necessary. We came here in a cab, and we’ll leave the same way. But I will leave you with a friendly warning. Sandy told me that she has a good mind becoming the Prom Queen again after you fired her as Batgirl and from her job. I told her not to do anything rash until I spoke with you. If she wants to do this, I’m not stopping her. I think you can add her to your already long list of enemies. Think about it.

    Fashion Girl and Sephora left without saying a word to Alfred.

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