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The Garden of Neom: Book 2
The Garden of Neom: Book 2
The Garden of Neom: Book 2
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The Garden of Neom: Book 2

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It's about temptations that confront all of us. Will this farm facility add to the sanctuary of Purgatory or just become a bigger target for dark creatures in the domain of space? Resnik once again attempts to stem the onslaught of strong emotions that have the power to save or destroy. Can the City in Space endure? Will its people triumph or continue to become victims?

In Book 1: Purgatory by Robb tells the story of Resnick Clayborn and an ability he refers to as, "the spirit" which allows him to communicate with a mysterious force that guides him. With a team of the world's greatest minds following this guidance, they have created a city in space. Mankind now stands in the space between Earth as we know it, and the infinite beyond.

In Book 2: The Garden of Neom, Robb has continued the narrative to create a believable near-future that blends science fiction and fantasy around religious and mythological themes. Civilization has achieved the dream of off-world colonization, and now stares into the uncertain future that intergalactic space travel will bring. While some see the dawn of a new age of enlightenment, others seek to harness this awesome new power in order to reshape society forever. When mankind attains mastery of this world, will he accept guidance from a higher power, or will he enthrone himself against it?

Release dateOct 19, 2022
The Garden of Neom: Book 2

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    Book preview

    The Garden of Neom - Robb Kesselring


    The Garden of Neom

    Book 2

    Robb Kesselring

    ISBN 979-8-88616-271-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88616-272-1 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Robb Kesselring

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents










    The Crew


    Getting Ready

    Riding High

    The Last Night with You

    The Garden


    Green-Eyed Monster


    The Beach







    Taking Care of Business


    Killing Time, Together





    Game Time


    Finishing Up

    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to those who like stories with interesting allegories. My intention is to take you on a new journey into a not so distant realm.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to the people who helped make it possible: my beloved wife, Sandy; my best friend, John; Gary Bader; and my book manager, Alisha.



    Neko has fire in her catlike eyes. The expression on her face is like nothing I'd ever seen before. Her gaze is focused and intent. She has the look of a predator about to pounce, her intent directed on her prey. I can see clenched fists and slightly bent arms. I know from experience she can be dangerous and capable of inflicting harm if she so chooses. She's still in the doorway, and I feel at any sudden moment she will launch. She's looking directly at Hera, who still has her arms around me.

    I'm feeling surprised and embarrassed. Adrenaline is pulsing through my brain so fast it's as if this awkward scene in my office is in slow motion. Hera now has her eyes open and is looking at me, looking at Neko.

    What is it? she exclaimed. As Hera let loose the arm that's around my neck and started to turn around, she gasped!

    Neko's long legs are in gear. The backs of my own legs are against my desk. My cell phone is still in my hand. I put my free hand between myself and Hera to move her out of harm's way and as fast as humanly possible, then moved myself between Neko and Hera.

    The large size of my office gave me just enough time to raise my hand in front of me. With my arm fully extended, and my fingers splayed, I aimed for Neko's face. It worked! She stopped in her tracks. My hand blocked her vision and put an obstacle in her path. She gave up her pursuit of Hera with the palm of my hand on her face.

    "Resnik, who is this?" asked Hera.

    Neko, meet Hera. She's our new farm facility director. Hera, meet Neko, my…uh, girlfriend.


    Hera's beautiful face went from brown to reddish brown in seconds. She placed her fingers over large lips to hide her mouth. I'm sorry, she said, talking behind her hand. I-I didn't know.

    Neko gave her the once over, looking her up and down. Resnik's girlfriend was beginning to come down from her own adrenaline rush, which allowed her to relax just a bit. Neko scrutinized Hera with her eyes. Both women are about the same height. Both have brown eyes. That's where the similarities cease.

    When Neko first stepped into the doorway of Resnik's office, she noticed a lean yet very shapely feminine figure. Short, curly hair was in contrast to the taller man with lots of blond hair. A butt with just enough size to be really noticeable was another prominent feature of this stranger who was just embracing her man. As Resnik had moved Hera to the side, Neko was now able to see the front of Hera. Neko's eyes went directly to Hera's mouth, then to her substantial breasts.

    This made Neko very upset. She had always been self-conscious of her own smaller breast size and was pissed that Hera's chest was so tightly pressed up against Resnik. Finally, Neko looked at Hera's lips. She tried not to stare but found it difficult to take her eyes off of them. They were big and beautiful and had her boyfriend's mouth on them. She couldn't bear the possibility of Hera's tongue touching Resnik's.

    Neko is a woman of few words, yet all words seemed to evade her. She could not deal with Hera. Neko's large eyes were reddening and watering up. Resnik put his cell phone down and attempted to put his arms around her. She quickly raised her own arm to block him. Without saying anything, Neko turned away and walked out of the office. Resnik wanted to run after her, but he recalled previous life experiences that allowed him the wisdom to let her be for now. He decided to give Neko some time and space.

    Hera removed the hand covering her lips. She faced Resnik with a remorseful look on her face.

    I didn't mean to cause problems, I just felt drawn to you.

    Drawn to me? questioned Resnik. His expression was slightly stern.

    Yeah, like we have many things in common and maybe a connection?

    We do have things in common, but I should have told you about Neko. I'm the one who is sorry.

    Well, I didn't ask, responded Hera. I guess I was hoping you shared a similar outlook.

    What do you mean?

    They say opposites attract, and you—though we have common thoughts—are so different from me. I think that's sort of exciting. Plus, you're handsome, she continued.

    Will this get me fired? Hera said with shock as if just now coming to this conclusion.

    Not even close, stated Resnik now with a reassuring demeanor. You're allowed to be impetuous. Maybe not all of the time, though. He gave her a wink. We'll just keep everything very professional from here on, handshakes instead of hugs, okay?

    Hera reluctantly agreed; she then paused to think. I felt something.

    That's normal, Resnik said matter-of-factly.

    Not what I felt. It was like I became washed over with calmness, I still feel it. I haven't been at peace for a long time. I think it came from our embrace.

    That's possible, I've been given the power to heal.

    But I'm not sick or injured.

    I can also aid in the sanative repair of emotions.

    In that moment, Hera came to terms with the notion of wanting, even needing, more of what he had. She decided to play it cool.

    Can I talk to your girlfriend or something?

    Just give it some time. You'll know what to do, concluded Resnik.

    Thank you for your kindness and grace. I'll, uh, just do handshakes from here on.

    A quick handshake, and Hera left.

    Resnik put on a good face in front of Hera, but inside he was actually upset with the way she surprised him. Admittedly, he was somewhat flattered that Hera was taken by him, but his heart belongs to Neko. Resnik will remain true and exclusive to the relationship with Neko. Hera had tainted that special connection. He didn't even know how much damage they'd inflicted upon Neko's heart.

    He was also disappointed with himself. Guilty feelings were troubling him. He had allowed Hera to kiss him, surprise or not. He could tell himself She caught me unaware, I'm blameless, but the fact is he allowed it to happen, if only for a second or two, enough to remember the feel of her lips and even what she tasted like. He could even describe the smell of her scent. His eyes had also closed for a moment.

    In his heart, Resnik felt he shared some responsibility for the passionate embrace with Hera. He was sad about the whole thing. When he was younger, an awkward or embarrassing interaction could be blamed on his social processing disorder. The SPD made it difficult for Resnik to figure out people in social situations. However, he was no longer young and naive, though it was obvious the indulgent behaviors of his past could still haunt him. He knew Neko had never been in love before, and Resnik treasured her affections toward him. What a shock for her to see another woman holding and kissing him. Would she deem it as a betrayal?

    Could Neko's heart recover from witnessing that interaction? He wanted to rush over to her condo and console her and talk to her, but he also realized that she probably needed time. A short text will have to suffice for now. He'll send one and anxiously wait for a response…that may never come.


    A little too bold once again. Her ex-husband had criticized Hera abundantly about compulsive behavior. She has a habit of doing (without first thinking). The ex would overuse that expression. He indicated that, in his opinion, that kind of behavior led to narcissism. She couldn't get those comments out of her mind. They still brought emotions to the surface. Mostly anger and sadness. Hera couldn't quite forgive him for not understanding her. She realized that selfishness got the better of her at times. It just didn't help to be criticized.

    She would tell friends, He's intimidated by my work and independence. Though some of that was true, the chip on her shoulder told a different story. It was telling her to be defiant. Why should she be ashamed of wanting something and going after it? After all, that's how she came to be in Purgatory. That's how she became well-known for designing farm-related techniques in limited conditions. She has a right to be how she is. Her skills help people.

    Hera was more disappointed than embarrassed concerning her encounter with Resnik. In her heart, she felt like her need more than justified her behavior. She has become very lonely since the divorce. Knowing that Resnik wasn't married presented an invitation. He must be lonely as well, and she liked him. He's easy on the eyes, Hera thought to herself.

    Plus, he holds great status related to the City in Space. And we could make a great team, she thought to herself. In Hera's mind's eye, her lonely heart had chosen him. Who else could be like him in this isolated city? She had been married, she missed companionship. Lack of physical intimacy and touch had left a void in her life. The simple act of not sharing a bed at night added to her loneliness.

    At times, solitary life becomes depressive. Doubts would creep into her mind. Different emotions presented themselves. Am I good enough to be with someone? Am I worthy of real love?

    Hera knows she is beautiful. She knows she has the goods. The kind of stuff guys like—but is being sensuous enough? Will someone love her for her without judging and criticizing? Withal, can she ever find someone worthy of her own love?

    I think Resnik could, she said to herself. I could tell during this kiss. The forbidden kiss.

    Hera was fascinated with him. Long blond hair, light skin, tall, and muscular. They were both farm kids. She longed to really get to know him and spend more time together. Hera's ego was telling her that Resnik would eventually feel the same way. While waiting for the shell of Neom to be completed, he was really all she could think about. Him and this new place she was living in.

    The comfort of a handsome man would greatly ease Hera's emptiness. Being by herself was tough, especially in this foreign environment. The city is wonderful yet new to her. Almost nothing is familiar, at least until she can get her hands in the dirt. Until then, she'll look for ways to win Resnik's heart—and possibly usurp his relationship with Neko.


    Neko's heart was cracked today. Not quite broken but hurt deeply. She was confronted by a situation that had never entered her mind. All her life, she was focused on work and honor. Being in love is a new thing. Being confronted with jealousy, anger, and disappointment were strange to her. She was unprepared for these feelings, and it pissed her off. She wished they would just disappear. She couldn't get the image of the voluptuous woman holding and kissing her man out of her head. Neko didn't know Hera, but she kind of hated her.

    Dwelling on that image, Resnik's hands came to her mind. Besides the top of his head, that's all she could see of him. They were loose, hanging by his sides. The only thing they held on to was a cell phone.

    Was this normal? thought Neko to herself.

    Deeply kissing wasn't her forte. She assumed all men would hold the girl they meant to kiss, though, right? She knew that Resnik would anyway. He might even touch her in special ways while they were kissing.

    That has to mean something, Neko once again pondered.

    She was starting to get a little curious. Her anger toward Resnik was cooling off a small amount. Was he maybe an unwilling partner in that exchange? Was Hera initiating the embrace? Did she catch Resnik off guard? Do girls even do that? She'd never seen that happen but felt it probably does. If that was the case, which in her heart she wanted to believe, then all of Neko's anger should be put upon Hera.

    She didn't know exactly how long they were kissing. She'd only been in the doorway for a moment. Finding out what really happened would have to wait. Neko was simply too upset to resolve anything now. She would think about maybe sharing her questions about the deportment of her boss/boyfriend with him later. She stepped onto the deck of her condo, looking upon the city she designed, Purgatory, the City in Space. Neko's thoughts began

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