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Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death
Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death
Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death
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Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death

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Transition, Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death is the real-life experiences of dying patients, primarily in a hospice setting. These experiences are measured for accuracy through the scientific method. Most importantly, these experiences are validated by biblical information. Information and events which fail testing against biblical standards are not considered evidence of eternal life. The result is a fascinating, life-changing book, presenting these facts: There is life after death, and there are only two destination choices; life in heaven through Jesus, or life in hell apart from Jesus. The author urges you to choose wisely.

Release dateMay 23, 2019
Transition: Deathbed's Compelling Evidence of Life After Death

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    Transition - Luther Allgood


    Deathbed’s Compelling Evidence of Eternal Life


    Luther Allgood

    ISBN 978-1-64300-858-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64300-859-2 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2018 Luther Allgood

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books, Inc.

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Table of Contents


    Theme Page for Transition

    My Reason for Writing This Information

    Angel Etiquette as Taught by a Child

    Most People Just Slip Away

    Using the Scientific Method to Argue Validity of Continued Existence of Life After Death

    The Preacher’s Transition

    My Friend

    The Tamale Man, the Camden Man, and Upstairs Annie

    Heaven, hell, and Political Correctness

    The Residence of the Holy Spirit

    Consider the Evidence!

    How Transitions Differ from Near Death Accounts

    Using Transition Events and Other Visits from the Savior in Evangelism

    Other Examples of Deathbed Spiritual Events

    The Conclusion of the Whole Matter




    Preface 5

    Theme Page for Transition9

    My Reason for Writing This Information14

    Angel Etiquette as Taught by a Child20

    Most People Just Slip Away27

    Using the Scientific Method to Argue Validity of Continued Existence of Life After Death33

    The Preacher’s Transition45

    My Friend56

    The Tamale Man, the Camden Man, and Upstairs Annie61

    Heaven, hell, and Political Correctness66

    The Residence of the Holy Spirit79

    Consider the Evidence!82

    How Transitions Differ from Near Death Accounts85

    Using Transition Events and Other Visits from the Savior in Evangelism96

    Other Examples of Deathbed Spiritual Events106

    The Conclusion of the Whole Matter116




    Divine intervention. That’s a term used with many occurrences. I will tell you of divine intervention in my life. Divine intervention is how this book was written in the first place.

    I was not a person involved in doing the will of Jesus in the first forty years of my life. Frankly, what I wanted for myself trumped the needs of everyone else. I fretted over making money, getting rich by having oil struck on my land, or God just making wealth magically appear. I thought, due to the prosperity preachers on television, that was God’s biggest attribute.

    I went to church, hoped I was saved, and did profess Christ as Lord and Savior. Yet I did not do the will of God. In short, I played Christianity. Then divine intervention hit!

    My wife, Cindy, had been an RN for several years. She was much happier in her profession than I was in the grocery business. One day, out of the blue, I decided, for no tangible reason other than monetarily, that I could be an RN too. I thought better income was my driving force, but it was God’s idea for me to become a nurse.

    Just as God allowed Joseph to be imprisoned for thirteen years in Egypt, just as Moses fled into the wilderness from Pharaoh’s house for forty years, just as Paul spent the first part of his life hating and persecuting Christians, I spent the first thirty-seven years of my life being nonproductive for the Lord. Such a big change was divine intervention. God had a project for me to accomplish for Him, and I didn’t have a clue what it was.

    I got the nursing degree and almost immediately saw a female patient declare a visit from Christ, then die. This was supernaturally superior to anything I could have seen before, and it never left my mind. Yet a dry spell of eight years separated me from any new encounters with this type of death event.

    In 2001, a friend and fellow employee at the health department, B. A. DeWoody, invited me to an event that would change my whole life for Jesus Christ. He took me to a Promise Keepers event in Dallas. (He tried for three years before I agreed to go.) The Holy Spirit was overflowing that arena!

    For weeks following that event, I think I could have microwaved a potato by holding it in my hand by the power of the Holy Spirit! I began to understand life from the Jesus perspective and wanted everything I did to glorify the Lord God Almighty. I had been changed forever; divine intervention phase two had struck.

    In 2006, I went to work at a local hospice agency. There I witnessed a man who was evil, change his behavior by accepting Jesus as Lord, and died smiling, which none of my fellow hospice workers could believe happened to this man. Yet when he died, I was there to pronounce his death, and to hear his family minister say he accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord only one day before his death. This was followed by many other death events where patients saw angels and Jesus or struggled in horror, attempting to break free from the trip to hell.

    I began to chronicle these events as they occurred just to try to reason them out using the Bible as a litmus test for reality. If the event correlated with scripture, I marked the scripture down with that event. If it was not backed by scripture, I scrapped it as due to other influences such as medications, electrolyte imbalances, etc.

    The time came when family members, friends, and fellow health-care workers encouraged me to write a book to lend spiritual inspiration to others. I began to hear the Holy Spirit speaking to me about sharing Bible-reinforced transition events with others. Maybe this information would lead others to a saving relationship with the Lord and Savior. Maybe some grief over loss of loved ones could be diminished by this book.

    So here it is. Years of transitional events, each studied relative to scripture and discussed with others in healthcare and Christian ministry. May you benefit by reading this book and pass it along to others. Like a good Bible tract, God’s information never fades; we just pass it on to others.

    A very special thanks goes out to all the people who made this book possible. First, I must thank my wife, Cindy. She read my manuscript over and over, giving suggestions to make it easier to read. She encouraged me from the first thought of putting my experiences to paper. A godly woman is indispensable at such a time as this.

    I want to thank all my fellow employees who related spiritual situations to me over the years at hospice, and to Thomas, Serena, and Scott Larkin, who made corrections and helped put pages of notes into print on the computer.

    I also thank my entire family for their patience with me as I discussed the book with them. To my son, Benjamin, and his family, I thank you for your steadfast faithfulness to God; and to Aime, my daughter, because she and her husband, Chase, are strong in the Lord. You are all inspirational.

    I thank Reverend Andy Channer for giving me eight years of education in the faith, my first Bible commentary, the story about his wife and her grandmother, and much biblical knowledge over forty years.

    Thanks to B. A. DeWoody, who introduced me to the Holy Spirit through Promise Keepers.

    Thanks be to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. There is none other like You. Jesus has been patient and used me as just another version of Balaam’s donkey to bring His eternal touch to people’s hearts and minds.

    Chapter 1

    Theme Page for Transition

    Transition: tran’sish(a)n Noun: The process or period of changing from one state to another. Verb: Undergo or to cause to undergo a process or period of transition.

    "Time is filled with swift transition, Naught of earth unmoved can stand. Build your hopes on things eternal, Hold to God’s unchanging hand!"

    Source: From the Heavenly Highway Hymnal

    Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand

    (Definition attributed to Wikipedia)

    Every facet of human existence is a transition from one point to another, a beginning point moving forward into the next point. Every person must first be born. This newborn will progress to a toddler—our first transition of life. The toddler transitions to early childhood, early childhood to adolescence; from adolescence to the various stages of adulthood; from adulthood until death.


    In 1995, I graduated from a local nursing school. I became an RN for nothing desired beyond making a decent living for my family. Of course, I did have a reason to change my career from my previous occupation, management in grocery retail. I felt that surely nursing was more rewarding than the grocery business. It was surely more financially rewarding!

    Until 1995, I had never worked in any capacity as a health-care worker, so this was uncharted territory for me. I found out one thing: A person knows absolutely nothing about sick and dying people until he comes face-to-face with illness and death. I was blindsided by symptoms a nurse must address. Symptoms fit at least three categories: physical, spiritual, and mental. Caring for each facet of a human being is crucial and each is intertwined with the other. It is impossible to care for physical needs, ignore the other parts of the person, and see wellness result from that care. As the coordinator of a hospice facility for the last six years, I have become very aware of the need to care for the total person, body, mind, and spirit.

    Nurses, doctors, and others in this industry pay attention to this fact to varied degrees. If a person becomes emotionally sick, depressed, for example, they can often become physically ill from nutritional deprivation. If a person is too depressed to eat, then becomes malnourished, just addressing dietary needs will not solve the problem.

    Similarly, a person who exists in a vacuum of spiritual nourishment certainly can become physically ill. Yet so many healthcare professionals fail to connect physical illness with spiritual inadequacy in a patient’s life. (Spiritual illness can lead to mental illness).¹

    Here is an example of this phenomenon: some years ago, we had a patient in our facility with prostate cancer with metastasis (cancerous growth to other parts of the body). To be sure, the man was dying, yet his overall quality of life due to physical health was not what it could have been. In other words, he was not as sick as his daily behavior indicated. This patient appeared angry and withdrawn most of the time. He refused company except for his sister. He did not treat her with kindness during her visits.

    Our chaplain picked up on the patient’s need for spiritual assistance, such as prayer and allowing the man to voice concerns, yet the patient acted as if he was asleep whenever the chaplain came into the room. As soon as the chaplain left, the man opened his eyes again.

    One day, however, this patient told his nurse that he wanted to see the preacher. However, the chaplain was away seeing patients in a nearby town. The nurse asked me what we could do, so I went into the patient’s room. I explained that the preacher was gone at this present time and asked if I could help him. He was eager to talk, which was out of character for him. He stated, I am scared to die. I don’t want to go to hell! He said, I want to go to heaven when I die.

    I sat at the bedside and explained, as simply as I could, how trusting Jesus for eternal life works. I explained a person must tell God they are a sinner and repent of these sins. I told him this means you must cease

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