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One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed
One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed
One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed
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One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed

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In a world filled with lies and deception, and we are being deceived. Jesus said and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (St. John 8:32) This book is the inspired truth, and is no lie. Written by inspiration of the holy spirit if Almighty God. But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration, (or breath) of the almighty giveth them understanding. (Job 32:8.) YOU AND I, AND ALL HUMAN'S ARE A BREATH OF LIFE; WE ARE SPIRIT.

Release dateFeb 5, 2018
One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed

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    One to One "The Invisible War" Revealed - Charles Davis



    The Invisible War


    (Ephesians 6:12) Our fight is not against flesh and blood . . .

    (1-Peter 5:8) And we have a powerful adversary . . .

    (For the weapons of our warfare

    are not carnal, but mighty through

    God to the pulling down of strong

    holds;) II-Corinthians 10:4

    We need the sword of the spirit, (Ephesians 6:17)

    Charles Davis

    ISBN 978-1-64114-512-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64114-513-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by Charles Davis

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America


    War in its essence sound like gloom and doom., And in essence it is. This book talks about war; And in the essence of this book, it gives hope, life, and peace, and understanding. This book gives enlightenment to the reader. It will open your spiritual eyes, and understanding, of the truth. And the truth will make you free. There are secrets in this book; Hidden knowledge that can only be seen and understood with the spiritual eyes. Once we believe; have faith and trust and obedience, in the word of God; He opens up our eyes to see into the spiritual world. And gives us joy, and peace, and power over our enemy.


    Like a parable; Like a puzzle:, Every page paints a piece of the puzzle, or picture.

    Seeds; the power of words.

    Spirits; evil, and good spirits.

    Fruits of the spirits, good and bad.

    Faith; what it is, and how to get it, faith in God.

    What we think, and how we think, has a positive, or negative effect on the outcome of our daily lives.

    We as humans are characterized, not judged; but characterized, by the fruits we put forth with our speech; the things we say, and do.

    The source is in our hearts; the real spirit man, or person. (The real you).

    Hate, resentment, anger, the desire to kill people is in the heart of man, not mental illness.

    The good fruits of the spirit of God in Christ, living inside of us who believe.

    The voices telling people to do evil deeds; where they (The voices) came from; and who, or what was speaking to them; and why?

    You the reader, will be blessed by reading this book with an open heart; and an open mind.

    This book is truth; and no lies are penned in its pages.

    You and your family will be victorious in life by believing The Words written in these pages.

    The invisible spiritual war revealed; you the reader will see through the eyes of the spirit. The spirit that is in you. (The Breath Of Life), made in the image, and likeness of almighty God:, who created you.

    To you the reader; (One To One). This book is inspired, written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And it is Truth. The Lord Jesus is truth.

    This book will bring the believer closer to the Lord;. And bring the unbeliever to the knowledge of the Lord.

    The evil that we are facing in our world today; an explanation of why we are seeing these things. And a look into the unseen, invisible spiritual world; and the invisible war that we are in.

    How to be victorious over our enemy (SATAN), and his demons:, How to be a winner.

    Evil voices speaking to people. Mental illness in the eyes of God is the same as physical illness; The Lord heals all manner of sickness.

    How to change; cure mental illness. The answer to this sickness, and replace it with joy, and gladness.

    This book deals with real issues; and has answers to all of the problems that we have. The answer to all the killings; and the evil, that is eating the human race like cancer.

    You will find in this book, scriptures that are repeated over, and over again; this is the way I was inspired to write. The Holy Spirit was directing my pen. Remember, this book is also written like a puzzle. Every page sheds light on the page to come; and light on the pages that you have been reading. The reader needs to read the entire book to see the full picture. And after the first, time reading it, you will want to read it again, and again. This book is also written like a parable; (The object of which is to set forth a spiritual lesson)., And a revelation of the invisible war that every human faces. God loves you, the reader, no matter who you are., What you have done in your life; God still loves you. Most of this book is what God says; And the answers that he put forth in his word. A puzzle reveals no picture until it is finished. Finish reading this book to see, (The full picture) the revelation.

    Author Bio

    I was born November 28, 1944, my parents Mr. and Mrs. John And Ella Davis; Tuscumbia Alabama. The parents of six children, three girls and three boys; My parents have both gone to be with the Lord. My oldest brother is gone to be with the Lord., And my two oldest sisters are with the Lord. Three of us left, my youngest sister, and my baby brother. I attended Sterling High School. During the time of segregation of the races; upon coming to Kansas City; Mo I met my kids mother; we got married, and are the parents of six children, we have 14 grandchildren, and three great grandchildren; we are divorced now. I am retired; now from ford Mo, Co. Claycomo, Mo. at Kansas City, 37.5 years there. I have practiced martial arts for 46 years. Now it’s just a form of exercise. I preached the gospel for 17 years in different churches, and the county jail, the city jail and leeds farm. I also preached at the old city union mission, previously located on 5th and grand, KC Mo. Over the years I have been on the back side of the mountain . . . then I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to doing what God called me to do.

    And When I made that commitment to the Lord. God spoke to my heart and said, finish that book we started back in the 1970’s. And the Lord inspired me to write this book. Every word is given to me by inspiration of God. This book is the truth. Inspired by the word of God. The Holy Spirit telling me what to write. It is not centered on me, but the Lord Jesus Christ, The center of all things. Every person who reads this book and believe the word of God; will be blessed; spiritual blessings will be yours just by eating the fruit written in this book. Your spiritual understanding will be enlightened, and illuminated. The word of God is truth, lies keeps us in bondage. But the truth, will set us free. (St. John 8:32). Jesus will liberate you from the bondage of evil spirits. And you will have a fuller revelation into the word of God. The Secret is revealed in the book. The secret that God will show you, the reader.

    Guns, mental illness, killing people, 9-times out of ten it’s a spiritual condition. In describing the problems we face today, and using the term mental illness, it is really nothing more than a figure of speech and in most cases a very poor one. The scriptures speak plainly about two problem areas.

    (A)Organically caused problems. _______________

    (B)Problems that stem from sinful attitudes and behavior. _______________

    God’s word never mentions any third source of problems that could be called mental illness. (Unless it’s Demons) Remember some physical illness may have Non-Organic causes For example—worry may cause ulcers, fear may lead to paralysis, these are usually called psychosomatic illness. They are genuine bodily problems which are the direct result of inner physical difficulty. Illness caused by mental stress must be distinguished from illness as the cause of mental stress. Mind to stress, cancer causes stress.

    Apart from organically generated problems The mentally ill Are really people with unsolved personal problems. People won’t face their sin. (Psalms 58:3) (Jeremiah 17:9-10) It’s not that they can’t face their sin, it’s that they won’t. We have the authority of God’s word, to handle mental illness, if we are born again. God has given us that authority in Christ Jesus. And Jesus Christ is our model. And the Holy Spirit is our principal counselor, and guide, St. John 16:7-15 Jesus told his disciples that he would send another counselor like himself to be with them to teach and guide as he had previously done. (Read St. John 16:7-15). God works through his word. And the fruit of the spirit is the result of his work and our obedience to him. One of the principal works of the Holy Spirit is to regenerate the soul of man, and to sanctify him. And to bring him (Man) into spiritual maturity. We need to conform to God’s word, the Holy scriptures.

    Only the word of God, or a word from God himself can properly tell us how to change. Only in the bible alone can we find the true description of man, man’s plight and God’s solution which is in Christ. Only the word of God, the scriptures can tell us what kind of person we must become. Only God can command, only God can direct, and only God can give us power to effect the proper changes that will enable men He redeems to renew the image corrupted by the fall. The bible is God’s basic text book for living. The bible contains All things pertaining to life and Godliness." II—Peter 1:3

    St. John 3:16 The answer

    This is how we combat mental illness.

    Q. What is mental illness?

    (1) Is it organic malfunctions affecting the brain that are caused by brain damage by accident, tumors, gene inheritance, glandular or chemical disorders through drugs maybe called mental illness. Or can we say that there is some other form of mental illness? Could it be spiritual in nature.?

    (2) be aware that a vast number of other human problems have been classified as mental illness for which there is no evidence that they have been caused by disease or illness. The secular world, those who don’t trust in the Lord, and those who have not received Jesus into their hearts, looks at the things we face differently. The bible, God’s word is complete for all of our problems. Which includes mental illness. From the time I was a child my parents took us to church and taught us about God and the Lord Jesus Christ (II-Tim. 3:15-17)

    God’s divine power has granted us everything pertaining to life and Godliness. Since the scriptures are God’s revelation to man they are profitable to us, (II-Tim 3:15-17). To equip us for teaching, reproof, correction and discipline in the way of righteousness. Paul says here that the scriptures are Holy. And Because the scriptures are uniquely God’s they possess a unique power, the power to lead unconverted people or (sinners) to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. And for those of us who have experienced this salvation we have the power to do four things.

    (1) Teach—set in motion the norms for faith and life. To show us how to live the word of God.

    (2) Reprove, rebuke—To bring a conviction of wrong doing. I-John 1:8-9

    (3) Correct—To set us straight again after reproving us, the scriptures sets us straight again to walk in the path of righteousness

    (4) Discipline—Discipline is a process, it is something that we work toward, the bible continues to work with us structuring our lives in a daily discipline

    To work Godliness. Being obedient to the word of God. (Luke 9:23) To get people out of the web of sin we must give them direction from God’s word about repentance, confession of sin and reconciliation. People want the problems to go away, but they don’t want to deal with the root cause, which in most cases is sin. Most of the time, they don’t want to be obedient to God. But we have to walk with God every day. Psalms 1:1-3 says V.(1) Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the unGodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. V.(2) But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night: V.(3) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

    Most, of the time mental illness has it’s roots in man’s sinful nature, (Spiritual) man is made in the image and likeness of the Holy God who fashioned him from the dust of the ground, man is a creature who bears God’s image and likeness. Man you are a spirit being. A spirit being with a soul. The world worships science, psychology, and psychiatry. Psychology grows out of a set of presuppositions which are violently opposed to God’s word, the scriptures. Psychologist, and psychiatrist, most won’t tell you thus said the Lord. We have to be very cautious in accepting conclusions of secular psychology. That it don’t contradict, or alter our Christian thinking. At this point I will solve a mystery for you. You will have to keep reading to understand what this mystery is about.

    Bad things that people harbor in their hearts guilt, resentment, anger, hate, materialism (money), fear Job 5:2 says for wrath (anger) killeth the foolish man, and envy Slayeth the silly one. Stress, laziness, no desire for truth. Depression. Depression is called the common cold of the soul. These are the works of the flesh evil works, below are the fruits you get from sin. Galatians 5:19-21 says, now the works of the flesh are manifest, (made known) which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, (impurity), (v 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies (v21 envying, murders, drunkenness, reveling, and such like: Of the which, I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. V.22-26 The fruits of the spirit of God, in Christ, is Love, Joy, peace, longsuffering, Gentleness, goodness, faith, V.23 meekness, temperance: v.24 and they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust.

    The Spirit of Man

    V.25 If we live in the spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. V.26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. These things was written for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, and Lord, of their lives. The Lord gives us insight into all of these spirits 2-Tim. 2:7, when God talks about the heart of man, he’s not talking about that muscle in your chest, that pumps blood through your body. God is talking about your spirit, the very center of our being. The real you.

    Let’s talk about the spirit of man.

    Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: And the inspiration (or breath) of the almighty giveth them understanding. (or enlightenment) I-John 5:20 and we know that the son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

    Proverbs 20:27 says, The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord. Searching all the inward parts of the belly. Man is a spirit, living inside of a human body. I-Peter 3:4 our spirit is called The hidden man of the heart The inward man. He is hidden to the physical, or the natural man. (He is invisible.) Roman 7:22 says, our spirit is called The inward man. The term inward man, and hidden man is God’s definition of the human spirit. Man is a spirit. Man has a soul, man lives in a body. If man wants to contact the spiritual world, or realm he does it with his spirit. And with his soul, he contacts the intellectual and emotional realms, and with his body he (man) contacts the physical realm. With our spirit—we talk to God, and only with our spirit. Man’s soul is the—intellectual and emotional part of him. The

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