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Heartless in the Bronx
Heartless in the Bronx
Heartless in the Bronx
Ebook285 pages3 hours

Heartless in the Bronx

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Dr. Trevor Knight wishes only to put the madness of Richard Ignatius Palmer behind him and settle into the normalcy of the average man. However, Dr. Trevor Knight is far from average-a chess master in a chess game, between evil and good. The recent horror of StoryTown Cemetery still haunts his dreams. However, it appears that Mr. Richard Ignatius Palmer has left a legacy to our intrepid crime solver that is not easily managed, a fortune born from evil, now used for good. Evil is not confined to the West Coast, and when the phone rings with Detective Darbo Larson of the New York City Police Department on the other end, it soon catapults our crime-fighting psychiatrist into the ancient world of sacrificial appeasement. Legacies have responsibilities, and finding truth sometimes means people close to you are put into imminent danger. Friends die. The hunger of evil is un-appeased. Evil feeds on all levels of society. In the cold mean streets and abandoned places of the Bronx, the harvest for the present evil is bountiful. The homeless and destitute have no place to hide from it. It penetrates the dark and hidden places, places only the forgotten know. Pray, Dr. Knight, and do not lose heart.

Release dateMar 5, 2020
Heartless in the Bronx

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    Heartless in the Bronx - Joseph Lange


    The following story is a work of pure fiction. Any similarities whatsoever to any person, place, or event past or future are purely coincidental and in no manner are reflective of actual facts or persons known or unknown.

    One last thing…be careful out there.

    —Excerpt from chapter 60 of The Portland Autopsies

    What is the issue you need help on?

    I am investigating a series of homicides over here, homeless mostly, but the strange thing is the victims are missing their hearts. I think it’s more than just a madman doing this, Larson said.

    Detective, Knight asked, do you believe in evil?

    Yes, Dr. Knight, yes, I do, Larson replied.

    After a short moment of silence, Detective Larson heard the words he had called to hear.

    I will help you, detective.

    Chapter 1

    With the death of Richard Ignatius Palmer, a relative calm had returned to the life of Dr. Trevor Knight. He had settled into a period of controlled chaos in the role of chief of psychiatry for UCSF, and his reputation continued to grow.

    It was not long before the world understood that the ending of the reign of terror of the now infamous Richard Ignatius Palmer was not the result of solid police work or the cooperation of multiple agencies, but through the efforts of a brilliant mind, of a certain Dr. Trevor Knight.

    Knight, ever the pragmatist, sought nothing and declined all interviews. He simply wanted to return to his work and be left alone.

    Although the press continued to extol the law enforcement’s involvement in the successful resolution, behind the doors of those in the know, Dr. Trevor Knight was recognized as the true force behind the demise of the evil that had tormented so many for so long.

    The day had ended, and Knight returned to his rented apartment. It was located halfway between the UCSF campus and China Basin, where Knight had assisted on his return from Wisconsin. Not the oceanfront home from the past but given the things that came with that residence, Knight was satisfied with it.

    In the past few months, since Detective Larson from the New York Police Department (NYPD) had requested his assistance, things had transpired in Dr. Knight’s life that would continue to amaze him.

    The letter that had arrived from a very prominent law firm in the San Francisco area informed him that he was the sole benefactor of the estate of Richard Ignatius Palmer—six hundred million dollars, not including the multiple properties located across the country.

    At first, Knight was going to decline it considering all that had happened. The estate would be settled within sixty days, and with it was the end of his apartment life, the end of normalcy as Dr. Knight would know it. However, it was all in the hands of the attorneys; and until it was finalized, Knight would continue in his role at UCSF.

    I should get back to Wisconsin and see Grandma, Knight thought, as he busied himself for the day. She will be happy to see me, and I can do so much now, pay her back for all she has done for me.

    He remembered how his grandmother had paid for his tires on his car when he was going to college. In addition, there were so many other things she had done for him.

    I will make things right soon, he thought. Help my family with the farm.

    Knight had been in contact with Detective Larson since the initial call. The facts of the case were disturbing indeed. The dead included ten homeless subjects, all located in the various depressed areas of the Bronx.

    At first it was national news, but after the fifth killing, nothing further was mentioned save for a short blip on the news. After all, these were throwaways of society; no one cared if a homeless person disappeared—just one less on the streets.

    Those poor people, Knight thought. I have been blessed so much, and these poor people live on the streets and are preyed upon by such evil.

    The most disturbing fact of these killings was that victims had had their hearts removed from their chests. In addition, according to the autopsies, a single large cut under the rib cage allowed access to the heart, which was not cut out; it was ripped out.

    These people were alive as this monster tore their beating hearts from their chests. God, what evil is loose over there? Knight thought.

    Arriving to UCSF, Knight went to his office and prepared for the day.

    Good morning, Dr. Knight, Suzy Hoo chirped from her desk.

    Good morning, Knight replied. How are you this fine day?

    Very well. Thank you. Did you have a nice weekend?

    Yes, actually I did. I am kind of packing a few things, thinking of moving from my apartment.

    Really? Hoo responded, with a bit of concern evident in her voice. What are you thinking about? Buying a home? she asked.

    Perhaps, Knight replied. Lots going on. Things up in the air right now.

    Sitting at his desk, Knight went through the mail and quickly noticed an envelope with the NYPD return address. Opening it, he found the latest autopsy report sent to him by Detective Larson.

    Taking a deep breath, Knight began to read the findings:

    Male, black, approximately 62 years of age, generally emaciated condition, large entrance cut under left rib cage, heart removed from force only, no indications of severing by any instrument.

    Knight put the report down and could read no further. Whatever was going on in the abandoned areas of the Bronx would not be stopped by even the finest of the NYPD’s force.

    Knight felt a tightening in his chest and recalled the words spoken to him by Pastor Andreas.

    Dr. Knight, only Jesus can cast a demon to hell. His apostles, in those times, in his name, but no longer. The world is theirs, from the day that they were cast from heaven until the day of Christ’s return, when they will all be cast into the lake of fire. What you have done is cast it out, loose again onto the world. It will seek another body, another opportunity, to do its evil bidding. Perhaps more evil than Palmer ever could be.

    If I have done this, if I unleashed this evil, then I must stop it. Knight sighed.

    Knight reached over to the phone and dialed the number Detective Larson had given him.

    Detective Larson. How may I help you?

    Detective Larson, this is Trevor, Dr. Trevor Knight. I received your report on the latest homicide. I am going to fly out to see you. I believe I need to be there and walk these areas. I plan on leaving in a few days and will call you when I arrive. Is this acceptable?

    Of course, Dr. Knight, Larson replied. I will look for your call when you arrive.

    Hanging up the phone, Knight rose from his desk and made his way down to the hospital chapel. Entering, he knelt down and prayed silently.

    I don’t know what the future will bring, but, dear Lord, if I have released this evil upon those folks, guide me and strengthen me to face it and vanquish it. I pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.

    Knight proceeded back to his office and took the scheduled appointments that were on his calendar. He knew his concentration was not as it should be, as he could not get his mind off the evil that was loose on the East Coast.

    His last appointment was a diminutive woman, in her late seventies, with anxiety and depression, Mrs. Clara Justmen. Sitting across from her, he patiently listened to her concerns and how it had gone since he had last spoken to her. Her voice was almost imperceptible and soft, yet Knight listened as best he could.

    Then she simply stared blankly at Knight, not saying anything, just blanking staring.

    Mrs. Justmen, Clara? Knight asked softly.

    Then a voice came from her, deep and menacing, a voice that shook Knight to his very core.

    "Con ganas de conocer te, Dr. Knight." (Looking forward to meeting you, Dr. Knight.)

    Knight stared in disbelief. Gathering his emotions, Knight replied, "Esperando conocerte también!" (Looking forward to meeting you as well!)

    Within a moment, his patient continued with her concerns as if nothing had happened.

    The day ended and Dr. Knight, still shaken from the event, made his way to his apartment. His days at UCSF might well be ending.

    Chapter 2

    The next morning, Knight arrived to his office and, after a fitful night’s sleep, had made his decision. Picking up the phone, he dialed the number.

    Dr. Gray. How may I help you?

    Dr. Gray, Dr. Knight here, just wanted to see if you had time to chat this morning?

    Certainly, Dr. Knight, I can meet with you now if you are free.

    Very well. I will meet you in your office in about ten minutes then, Knight replied.

    Hanging up the phone, Knight gathered a few documents and made his way to Dr. Gray’s administrative wing.

    Knocking on the office door, Knight was greeted by Dr. Gray. Please, sit down, Trevor. What can I do for you? Gray asked.

    Well, first, I wanted to tell you how much I respect you and thank you again for giving me this position. If it weren’t for your trust, I don’t know where my life would have gone, Knight said.

    After a moment, Gray, looking over his glasses, asked, And, Dr. Knight? Gray said, Conversations that start like that generally have unhappy endings, unhappy for me at least.

    I need to be away from work for a bit, Knight said. I understand that the past occurrences and my being absent from work have caused some staffing problems for you, and with staffing still an issue at China Basin, it troubles me to again tell you I need to go.

    Are you requesting a leave then? asked Gray.

    No, Dr. Gray, Knight replied. I am informing you that I will be leaving UCSF.

    The silence was difficult for both of them to deal with. Finally, after a moment, Dr. Gray rose from his desk and extended his hand. I realize you are a complicated man, Trevor, and I understand the past year has been extremely difficult for you. Have you given this deep thought?

    Yes, Dr. Gray, I have. And I need to tell you that my resignation is immediate. I need to be in New York at the end of the week. The situation there is grave, and they need my immediate assistance.

    You are leaving us for a different employer? Gray asked.

    Absolutely not, Dr. Gray. I am completely happy and appreciative of what this campus has done for me. However, I am needed on an emergent basis by the folks in New York City whom I am going to be working with.

    Working with or working for? Gray asked.

    Working with, Dr. Gray. I have been asked by the New York City Police Department to help with their investigation involving the killing of the homeless in the Bronx. They have worked to a standstill and requested I help them in profiling whomever is involved in this evil.

    And you can’t help them from here? You can’t review things and still stay with us? Gray asked.

    I’m afraid not, Dr. Gray. You see, I need to see the locations; I need to access the environment in which the killings occurred.

    Then, Dr. Knight, I accept your resignation and wish you nothing but the best and safe travels. It has been a pleasure, and thank you for all you have done for our organization. And if you ever feel drawn to return to us, it is simply a phone call.

    Thank you, sir, Knight replied and turned to leave.

    Arriving back at his office, he could not help but notice his secretary peering up from her desk.

    You’re leaving me, aren’t you, Dr. Knight? Hoo asked softly.

    Yes, Suzy, I am afraid that I must, Knight replied. You have been a faithful friend through all of this, and I will miss you dearly. My resignation has been accepted by Dr. Gray, and I will be leaving immediately.

    Why so soon? Hoo asked. Can’t you stay for your thirty days?

    I’m afraid not, Suzy. I have to catch a flight to New York yet this week, so I must leave now.

    Will I ever see you again, Trevor? I mean Dr. Knight? Hoo asked, her eyes now tearing up.

    God willing, yes, Knight replied, giving her a big hug.

    I will send you my address in New York, and you can forward any of the things I have forgotten. Could you do that for me?

    Yes, of course, Hoo replied. I will have things ready for when you contact me.

    I will leave the apartment keys on the table, and here is an extra set in case you want to stop by and check on things. I will contact the landlord and inform him that I am leaving and that I will continue to honor the lease.

    Knight gathered up the files from Detective Larson and his few belongings and turned to leave.

    Looking back at his secretary, he smiled and said, Goodbye, Suzy Hoo.

    She smiled, wiping a tear, and replied, Goodbye, Dr. Seuss.

    Knight did not look back and taking the elevator to the main lobby hurried to his vehicle.

    He looked out the window for one last look at the magnificent facility that he had called home. Almost choking up, he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway that would lead him to his apartment and on to the airport and…his destiny.

    Chapter 3

    I should call Grandma, Knight thought as he carried his luggage into the airport. She will be upset if I don’t, and she needs to know I am going to New York.

    Getting his ticket to LaGuardia Airport, Knight seated himself by his gate and waited. Picking up his phone, he dialed the number.

    Trevor, is that you?! the voice on the line asked excitedly.

    Yes, Grandma, it’s me, Trevor, Trevor Knight. How are you?

    Oh, I know it’s you, Trevor. My caller ID says so. His grandma laughed. How nice of you to call me.

    It’s good to hear your voice, Grandma. And guess what. You’re not going to believe this! Knight exclaimed.

    You got a raise? Is that the good news? You met a girl? You didn’t meet a guy!

    No, slow down, Grandma, Knight said, laughing aloud. I’m at the airport and flying to New York City.

    New York City! Are you attending a conference over there? You be careful over there, honey, because those people are mean in New York City.

    Not exactly, Grandma. I am going there to assist the New York City Police Department. They have a situation they want me to help them with.

    Did you take vacation? What about your practice? How long will you be out there?

    After a considerable amount of silence, Knight finally had the nerve to break the news.

    Grandma, I quit UCSF and will be assisting the police department for a bit.

    Trevor, you quit as the head of psychiatry at UCSF to work with the cops! You know what happens when you work with the cops! Why, Trevor? How will you live out there? Are they paying you? Do you need me to send some money to you? God, Trevor, I am so worried now. You know what happened the last time you got involved with those cops. You were almost killed! Do you remember that, Trevor?

    Yes, Grandma, I remember, Knight replied. Relax, Grandma. I am fine. I don’t need any money, and I will be fine. I will just be out there for a little bit, and maybe I can fly in to see you soon.

    Oh, that would be wonderful, his grandmother replied. Let me know when you get there and tell me where you are staying so I know you are okay. And don’t get involved in any of that evil stuff, okay? No more demons. Promise me.

    I will be fine, Knight said reassuredly. I will let you know how things go, Grandma. I love you.

    I love you to, honey.

    Knight hung up and soon saw the plane getting ready to be boarded. He gathered his things and prepared to board.

    Seating himself, it was soon apparent that the flight would be a long one. A couple with a screaming kid sat in the seat behind him; it was not long and Knight could feel the foot in his back.

    Across the aisle, a woman was busy stuffing her face with potato chips and slurping a soda.

    The plane isn’t even in the air! Knight thought. When that estate settlement comes in, no more flying commercial!

    Knight closed his eyes and tried to make the best of things. He drifted slightly off to sleep but was soon awakened by the engine hum as the plane began its decent into LaGuardia.

    Feeling the landing gear touch down, Knight was just happy to have arrived sane. Gathering his luggage, he prepared to deplane as they taxied to the gate.

    We hope you have enjoyed flying with us. Welcome to New Your City, the pilot said over the intercom. Enjoy your stay.

    I will just enjoy getting off this plane, Knight whispered under his breath. Leaving his seat, he made his way to the gate and headed to the taxi lane.

    Seeing a Quicksilver cab, Knight hurried to it; and the driver yelled, Where to, Mac?

    1776 Eastchester Road. The Residence Inn, my good man, Knight replied, happy to finally be in New York City.

    In typical tourist fashion, Knight looked out the taxi window marveling at the city before him.

    First time in the city? the driver asked, in what appeared to Knight as broken Iranian.

    Yes, first time, Knight replied.

    Business or pleasure? asked the cabbie.

    Business, I’m afraid. I never go to many places for fun, except to my grandma’s place in Wisconsin.

    The driver just smiled and, as Knight hung on for dear life, made his way through rush-hour traffic to 1776 Eastchester Road.

    Paying the driver, Knight made his way to the front desk of the hotel. Seeing a young woman looking at him from behind the main desk, he announced his arrival.

    "Hello, I am Trevor. Trevor

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