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Unknown is a collection of short stories, all with different morals, different outcomes, and different people who go through scenarios that anyone can go through. Life is always going to be a battle, but we have to learn to use these battles to beat the war. No matter what, these characters take the battles into their own hands, leaving them with an ending unknown.

Release dateJul 11, 2022

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    Book preview

    Unknown - Serena Castillo

    Part 1


    My friends were all telling me that I was losing it. That I shouldn’t have stayed with him. I should’ve known better. Yet I didn’t believe them until he hit me in front of all of our friends. My heart dropped to the bottom of my feet. I knew that I was supposed to leave him right in that moment and be done with all of his bullshit. Guess what, I loved him. I knew that was silly. Stupid. Irrational. I thought he would change. I gave him space and time, but who knew? Who knew that he would do it again and again?

    It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen my fiancé. Well, ex-fiancé. It felt as if were in a real-life movie. I never thought I would have someone punch me dead in my face. At least I didn’t think it would be a man—my man.

    Let me backtrack for you all just a little bit. The two of us were together for five years. We moved in together after two years and were engaged right after we made five years. I thought we were about to settle down for the rest of our lives. He was one of my best friends and one of the most important people in my life. Starting a family was what we were planning to do right after our five-year anniversary. It had been hard for me to conceive. It led me into a deep depression; hiding it from him was on my to-do list constantly. I knew that it had been affecting him too. He just never admitted it out loud to me. Then things had suddenly begun to change.

    Tye, my ex-fiancé, was just promoted to a new position at his law firm. I thought it was exciting, but he was just stressed all the time. Every time I would try to calm him down, nothing worked. I even threw sex in his face at any chance, and he didn’t budge. I know females that would think he was cheating, but I trusted him. Even if he cheated on me, that was on him. If he told me or not, I would have wanted to work through it.

    I asked his best friend, Sean, if Tye told him anything about what was going on with him. To my surprise, he didn’t know anything. That was a little weird, but I didn’t press the situation. I let it go. I planned something special for Tye one evening. I cooked, set the mood, played some music, had the candles. When he was to come in from work, I had everything set for him. When he came home, it all came crumbling down.

    Tye entered the apartment, closed the door behind him, and looked at me. What is all of this? He wasn’t even impressed. Not a smirk, smile, nothing. Just a straight face, as if he was disgusted.

    It’s for you, baby. I picked up the glass of wine and walked over to him with my skintight red dress and my red-bottom heels, ready to have an intimate moment with him and maybe a night of passion.

    He smacked the glass out of my hand. The glass shattered all over the wood floor. I jumped back. Tye didn’t even say anything, nor did he look at me. As he walked into the bedroom, he slammed the door behind him. I stood there in shock.

    As I cleaned up and put the food away, once I finished, I laid on the couch, watching Netflix with my opened bottle of wine. I didn’t even know I fell asleep.

    The next morning, I woke up in the bedroom. The bright sun shined in my face. The bedroom door opened as Tye entered with a tray full of breakfast.

    I’m sorry for the hostility last night. I wanted to make it up to you. I cooked your favorite. Tye sat the breakfast on my lap, and I continued to sit up against the headboard. Tye positioned the pillows behind me for support. He started to caress my face with his lips, ending with a kiss on my lips. He then continued to tell me that he was going for a quick workout at the gym with Sean and would be back soon.

    Tye was a sweet guy when we first met, always picking me up after work, dropping me home from wherever I was, and making sure to see if I was well emotionally. I have bipolar disorder. My moods tend to change drastically when under pressure, randomly, and when I don’t take my medication for days—which doesn’t happen. I’ve learned to control and keep my emotions in check for the safety of myself and for others. I knew that not everyone can handle me. Sometimes I cannot handle myself. It’s all a working process, but Tye was an amazing partner when it came to my health. I know how to deal with change in emotions. I knew something wasn’t right on his end. He was never distant or stressed and didn’t take the time to talk to me. He was turning into someone that I didn’t recognize.

    Tye didn’t like to talk about his problems and emotions unless initiated by him. I always allowed him to bring the topic up first. This couldn’t wait. After he arrived home from the gym, while he was still standing in the mirror to our bedroom bathroom, I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tight, then I continued to ask him, Babe. Are you okay? I looked up at him.

    Why do you ask? Do I not seem okay to you? He looked at me as he turned around to face me, wrapping his arms around my body, caressing my hips, moving his hands to rest on my lower back.

    I just wanted to check in on you. I looked up at him, still hugging him tight.

    He pulled me in for a kiss. I’m good, babe. If something is bothering me, you’ll be the first to know, okay? I nodded my head and kissed him. He continued to turn on the shower, and I watched him as he finished undressing and got into the shower.

    Do you want to join me? he asked, smiling. I smiled back at him, undressing as well.

    Part 2

    Actions Always Speak Louder Than Words

    Two weeks felt like a lifetime. The story doesn’t even end where I left off before, so I’ll continue.

    Tye was coming home late for weeks before our breakup. I would be sleeping by the time he reached home, and I would have been gone already by the time he would wake up for work. I left him little notes before I left the apartment.

    One thing about me, I am very independent. I owned a studio. I rented out space to photographers, videographers, dance instructors, podcasters—anyone who needed a studio space for recording and rehearsals. My business was booming the last couple of months, leaving me unable to catch up on some paperwork that had been piling up. I don’t bring my work home with me, so when the chance comes around, I go in extra early to catch up. My time at home is for myself and Tye. The two of us made an agreement to never bring work home. Work stayed at work, home was for home.

    One night, Tye was home before me. Tye was at the kitchen table, working. If Tye knowingly was aware that he needed to finish up some work, he would stay late to finish if it was necessary, but bringing his work home, no. As I walked out the bedroom after putting my bag and coat down, I gave him a kiss. The liquor seeped from his pores.

    Have you been drinking? I asked as I stepped back abruptly.

    I have. He continued to read some documents.

    Why? Haven’t you been working? I leaned on the chair.

    I have, but I do need a break.

    So you left work early to come home and continue to work while drinking?

    Yes. I couldn’t concentrate at the office, so I came home to see if I can get into a different headspace.

    As I shook my head, I walked away. I was speechless and just didn’t care to entertain what he had to say. His behavior just wasn’t adding up to me. It was just a matter of time before he would break down.

    The next day, I went into work without speaking to him or leaving him a note. Sleep was a necessity for him at that moment. I went into the studio to do some work and handle some bank transactions. A few hours after handling my errands, my phone was ringing nonstop. When I finally stopped to look, Tye’s name was at the top of my notifications with fifteen missed calls and thirty unread messages. Everything went sideways when I finally stopped to return his call.

    Hey, what’s up? I said when he answered the phone.

    Why haven’t you been answering the phone? Where are you? Tye’s voice could be heard without an ear to the phone.

    I’m at the studio. I came here early do handle some paperwork and do some errands. What happened? Something wrong? As I closed my office door behind me, he started screaming.

    Who said I didn’t want to do something for you today? I stayed home for you.

    Why are you yelling? How was I supposed to know that you stayed home for me? I have stuff to do just like you do. I wanted to give you some space because last night you seemed stressed.

    Well, get home. Now! I have something planned for us. Tye hung up before I could object. I was in awe. As I looked at the phone, I shook my head in disbelief.

    I don’t know what’s going on with him, but I wasn’t about to go home and be around him alone like that. I stayed at the studio for a few more hours before leaving my assistant to finish the rest of the clients for the evening. Once I finally arrived home, as I opened the door, the lights had been dimmed. As I looked around, I continued into the apartment. The dining table was set, candles were lit, and the smell of pasta filled the air, and glasses of wine were filled next to two table settings.

    Part 3

    Till Death Do Us Part

    It was officially time to have our engagement party. We decided to have a small intimate party with some close friends at the apartment instead of something larger. Tye invited his groomsmen and best man, I invited my bridesmaids and maid of honor. Tye and I had many mutual friends, and we decided to keep them within our court, leaving our longtime friends as the best man and maid of honor.

    Tye and I cooked a big meal for everyone. Sean, the best man, and Kenzi, my maid of honor, came to help set up the decorations with us. The entire house was filled with red, white, and black of everything: glasses, napkins, tablecloths, balloons, and photos of the two of us. Sean helped in the kitchen while Kenzi and I set up the table.

    How has everything been with Tye? Kenzi whispered as she looked over into the kitchen.

    Things are okay. He’s really been acting different lately.

    I know, Sean has told me that he’s been out of character, even with him.

    It seems like he’s not telling any of us what is going on.

    I know, but I don’t know how else to go about this. We are about to get married, and he’s already going through these changes that I have no insight into.

    Kenzi grabbed my hand. It’s going to be all right. I think things just need to settle down. It might be the stress.

    I hope so because I cannot deal with my emotions and his too. We cannot have two crazy people. Imagine our kids. We both bust out into laughter, Kenzi touching my stomach.

    Tye and Sean started setting the food out. We heard a knock. It was time to get the party started. All of our friends started to arrive. Kenzi was the designated bartender for the night, and Tye and I started our hosting duties.

    The night was full of laughs, smiles, jokes, and so much love. In the back of my mind, I had a feeling that something was going to turn the night around. Tye constantly snuck off into the kitchen. Sean and I caught each other’s eyes and were shrugging our shoulders. After the third time Tye left the crowd, Sean signaled to me that he was going to check on him. That didn’t end well.

    Bro. I’m not talking to anyone like that, I heard Tye yell. Don’t accuse me of no bullshit like that.

    Why are you yelling? I am just trying to see what’s up with you, Sean continued in his low tone.

    You come in here, in my private conversation, and jump to conclusions.

    All I asked was if everything was all right, Sean continued to try to calm him down.

    Tye slammed the wine glass off the table. Bro, just leave me alone.

    I jumped up at the sound of the glass shattering. Kenzi and I ran into the kitchen to check on the two.

    Is everything good in here? We stared at Sean and Tye. His curious expression outweighed Sean’s confused demeanor.

    Yeah, babe, Sean is just bugging.

    Are you two okay? Are you hurt? I asked them both while I tried to grab Tye’s hand.

    He snatched it away before I could get ahold of him. Babe. What is the matter with you?

    His phone rang again. He looked at the phone, then at the three of us.

    Are you going to answer the phone? Sean asked him seriously.

    No. Tye put the phone in his pocket and stormed out the kitchen, toward the front door, grabbing his jacket, and left the apartment.

    I walked out the kitchen to where everyone else was mingling. Everyone was enjoying the night. The music had been very loud since Sean brought two of his large speakers over. I grabbed a glass and started mingling with my guests. Over an hour later, Tye returned. He walked into the apartment, angry. We all

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