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Wings Of Grace: A Heart That Speaks
Wings Of Grace: A Heart That Speaks
Wings Of Grace: A Heart That Speaks
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Wings Of Grace: A Heart That Speaks

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"How I carried you on eagles wings and brought you to Myself." (Exodus 19:4)Wings of Grace will cause you to soar higher than you ever imagined. This book will take you to a quiet resting place where you can be alone with God and get to know His warm and tender heart.You'll get to know the Holy Spirit and begin to experience the favor of God, a word of encouragement and inspiration. Your faith will begin to expand, and you will find God's power for your everyday life.From this book, you'll receive revelation from God to help you value, gain knowledge, and understand the Bible. You will learn not to exchange the grace and truth God provides for a lie or for the opinion of others. Wings of Grace will carry you right into faith, and as you press in, your prayer life will be transformed, and you'll learn to conquer all your fears. The Anointing of God's Presence will draw you into God Himself, with His loving arms wrapped around you.Wings of Grace was written with you in mind to receive the Master's healing touch that will free you and heal you.

Release dateJan 4, 2021
Wings Of Grace: A Heart That Speaks

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    Book preview

    Wings Of Grace - Liboria Arcuri


    Wings of Grace

    A Heart That Speaks

    Liboria Arcuri

    ISBN 978-1-0980-5547-9 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-7846-1 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-5548-6 (digital)

    Copyright © 2020 by Liboria Arcuri

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Scriptures marked KJV are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain.

    Scriptures marked GNB are taken from the GOOD NEWS BIBLE (GNB): Scriptures taken from the Good News Bible © 1994 published by the Bible Societies/HarperCollins Publishers Ltd UK, Good News Bible© American Bible Society 1966, 1971, 1976, 1992. Used with permission.

    All other scriptures taken from NRSV and MSG. All rights reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1 - Grace Embraced Me

    Chapter 2 - Love Is Unreasonably Committed

    Chapter 3 - Summoned to Appear

    Chapter 4 - Go Higher with God

    Chapter 5 - Faith and Power

    Chapter 6 - Who Am I?

    Chapter 7 - Healing Is God’s Will

    Chapter 8 - Holy Spirit and Fire

    Chapter 9 - Shackles Come Off When the Armor Comes On

    Chapter 10 - Light to Pierce the Darkness

    Chapter 11 - Hope Renewed

    Chapter 12 - What about Eternity?

    Chapter 13 - Grace to You

    Chapter 14 - Supernatural Transformation


    Wings of Grace is written as a testimony of my faith, a heart that speaks and tells of His glory. I was healed and delivered from depression by the grace and mercy of God. This is a series of teachings and powerful principles about how to walk and live a life of faith and about the supernatural power of God, as well as messages on grace, the Holy Spirit, faith, healing, walking in the Spirit, and much more.

    Simple and easy to read and study from, it will build your faith and increase your capacity to learn and can walk you through difficult times.

    Hearing from God and persuaded by His Word, both my husband and I, moved by the Holy Spirit, obeyed God’s instructions to begin prayer meetings in our home.

    Taking Him at His Word, we reached two or three who are gathered in my Name, I am in the midst of them, and to do what God expects of us according to Mark 16:18, They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover, and according to James 5:15, The prayer of faith will heal the sick.

    The Ministry of the Holy Spirit, the promise of God dwelling in the midst of His people, and John 8:31 says, If you continue in My Word, you are truly My disciples.

    Introduced to the Peace, Freedom, and Healing Ministry in the Catholic Church and to the Celebration of the Eucharist, we began attending regularly and became involved from 1995 to 2004 as one of the members of the prayer team, praying for people who after the service needed prayer. We were also blessed to meet a couple who prayed for us and guided us, and we began joining them regularly as they received people for prayer in their home. Around this time we were also introduced to the Healing Ministry of the Catholic Charismatic Movement.

    Our healing ministry and prayer meetings began on September 11, 2001. Today we are known as the Faith and Worship Center, otherwise known as Domenico and Liboria Arcuri Ministry. We are laity, ministers known as the lay ministry who serve God and do what the Gospel commands us to do. We have had pleasure in serving God and have seen the Holy Spirit and the supernatural power of God move in our midst with many signs and miracles as we laid hands. Whether for inner healing or physical healing, many have been healed. We’ve been blessed with many families, young men and women, and children attending our meetings, people of all ages from everywhere.

    A special thanks to my husband Domenico and my children and to all who have been with us all these years. Especially to those who have served and worked closely with us. To the people God placed in our path, and thanks to Father Lou Cerulli of the Peace, Freedom, and Healing Ministry. To Cliffelene Young and to her husband, Leo. To a good friend Nadia Jahier and to her husband, Pierre, and Father Mckenna.

    With gratitude in my heart to Josie Marabella, who has been loyal and faithful in all her years of service since the very start of this ministry. A very special thanks to Chris and Victoria Lucia for their service and for their faithfulness. To Victoria Lucia, the one responsible for typing the book and helping make its completion possible; for the hours and days of patience to stay close to me while all this was being prepared.

    I want to express a word of faith and encourage the Lay Movement, those of you who recognize the call of God go and do what God is telling you to do, it will be worth it in the end. Follow the Holy Spirit, I believe with all my heart that this is the love of God for His people and the rhythm of His Grace that we may live days of heaven here on earth.

    Ephesians 2:8 says, For by grace, you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.

    Faith connects us with God. Faith is the foundation, our pathway to peace, the road to well-being, prosperity, and deliverance.

    Faith in God empowers us to walk in love and to seek the Lord, study His Word, and to keep His Commandments of love.

    God’s Word has all the answers and His Word is final.

    My heart goes out to the sick and suffering, and I pray for all to know that God never gives up on you. He is able to do so much more and can do what medicine cannot do. Remember to take His Word; it is life to those who find it and health to all their flesh. To those intimidated and oppressed, I assure you of this one thing: faith and love rests on One Person alone; His Name is Jesus.

    Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, is faithful and true.

    I thank the Lord for His steadfast love toward those who fear Him and for His faithfulness and Almighty Power, Christ at work in us.

    Through God’s grace and gift of faith we’ve all been given the greatest opportunity and privilege to receive from God His plan, a plan that compels Him every day, calling His children, the small, the weak, the great and the strong all challenged to live a life of faith in which no one can boast, except to boast and proclaim the Good News and saving grace He offers and to proclaim His salvation to those around us.

    This is a book to be read by all. No matter what the denomination you belong to, faith unlocks the door through which the Lord comes in to live in you.

    I pray that as you read this book the Holy Spirit will guide you, increase your understanding, and open your heart to seek the Spirit of God and go beyond, beyond the world with all its limitations, and let the Holy Spirit lead you to read the Living Word of God, which will impact your life with truth and the good news of prosperity, healing, and deliverance. Learn the Word of God and your authority as a believer under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Become a learner and learn lessons for aligning your faith with God’s promises, which are timeless and life-changing.

    Chapter 1

    Grace Embraced Me

    Isaiah 61:1–2a says, "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour."

    The Lord has anointed me to preach liberty.

    I pray you find joy as the Holy Spirit continues to provide answers to any questions you might have and come to know the Holy Spirit more personally. If you are suffering with some infirmity, sickness, or disease that is life-threatening, Jesus Christ can heal you and make you well again. You can never go too far that He cannot reach you. His Anointing will set you free and loose you from captivity, and chains will be broken.

    God loves you.

    Know in the depth of your heart that whatever is going on, God loves you and will take care of it. Remember that the Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Be strengthened and encouraged to read your Bible daily; as you do, the Lord will bless and fill your heart with His Word.

    I pray the Lord do for you what He has done for me, reviving and renewing my faith daily. Twenty-five years ago, I had a tremendous conversion that changed my life. Jesus has continued to draw me closer each day and has poured His divine love into my heart, and, touched by His love, nothing stays the same. Healing me of depression, muscle inflammation, constant back pains, fear, a broken heart and many other weaknesses, Jesus delivered my soul from bondage and imprisonment.

    He is faithful and true.

    He remains faithful and true to both myself and my faithful husband in the Lord of fifty-two years. We have three children, two boys and a girl. Two of the three are married and we have seven grandchildren. Called and chosen to serve the Lord, after having heard from the Lord, we began serving Him in our home, receiving people for prayer and hosting prayer meetings. We have continued to follow Him faithfully and to hear and to do what He tells us to do. We are blessed to have the privilege of serving God, being used to pray for many people with many different needs, and many prayers have been answered. People have been forgiven, set free, healed and delivered, prayed for daily, and as a result many hearts have changed and their lives have been blessed.

    I found grace in God’s eyes knowing that I matter to Him.

    Isaiah 53:4–6 says, Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted Him stricken, struck down by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the punishment that made us whole. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have all turned to our own way, and the Lord has laid on Him the inequity of us all.

    Something about my life that might help you receive healing and wholeness.

    Born in 1950 in Cattolica Ereclea, in Sicily, Italy, I was the youngest of five children. We immigrated to Montreal, Canada, in 1954. We left Italy and sailed across the ocean, my mother, brother, and two sisters, where we met up with my father and oldest brother, who were already in Canada. I grew up in a nonpracticing Catholic home. Whatever I learned about the Catholic Church I learned in school as a child. I knew nothing about faith or God’s promises or the kind of faith that moves mountains. I had no knowledge of the Word of God. As far as I was concerned, they were only stories. I heard about God and knew that He was somewhere out there in heaven, and was under the impression that only priests with white collars had access to God. However, as a child, I was taught in school the importance of attending church on Sundays. And if I wanted to go to church on Sundays, I would go by myself.

    My parents had immigrated to Canada and were very hard-pressed to make ends meet, to shelter, feed, and clothe the family. They were the kind of people with extraordinary strength, who came prepared to work hard and long hours for a living. I was left alone most of the time. I continued to go to Church out of habit till about the age of fourteen. Suddenly I stopped going. I never really learned much, or thought much of it after I stopped attending. Then I met my husband and was married in a Catholic Church at the age of sixteen. Moving on with life, I had three children and still no relationship with God. I knew nothing much about God, except to do for my children and to follow the same traditions and obligations my parents had laid down and passed on to me. I was baptized, had my Communion, received the Sacrament of Confirmation and Marriage, and so I did the same for my children.

    Growing up as a little child I was often alone. Growing up I was exposed to many things that created a lasting effect and that hurt me and developed in me a sense of I don’t matter—nothing really matters—I can forget this ever happened to me. Like many people, I thought I understood about forgiveness, repentance, or the true meaning of letting go. So I was prepared to live with this by suppressing thoughts in order to forget it. And that was not the answer. I was often sick and had several operations while the children were growing up. I was often in the hospital for tests because of sickness and back pains. Years have passed and my children are now grown up.

    Calling on God

    Have you ever been desperate? I recall falling at the feet of Jesus in desperation, crying out to God knowing I could not live the way I was living any longer. I started searching for answers in all the wrong places. I was seeking for answers which led me into a continuous path of sin and into breaking all the Commandments. What do I mean, a path of sin and breaking all the Commandments? I must have broken all of the Commandments according to God’s Word. I argued the fact that I had my own rules and regulations about how my family and home should be run. I was an unbeliever with a rebellious nature that I did not then know or recognize I had; I argued the fact that I was a good person.

    Having a rebellious nature, I said things like, I hadn’t killed anybody, or lied, which is the reasoning of people who are not born-again and do not submit to God, but as you continue to read you will have more understanding. This kind of thinking is wrong. Does it ring a bell with you? My answer to that is that you are breaking the First Commandment. You shall have no other God before Me. Also, we are warned by God’s Word that says, I the Lord Your God am a jealous God and won’t tolerate idols. Here are some examples of turning to other gods: seeking fortune-tellers and psychics, reading horoscopes, and so much more. Idolatry brings sorrow, leading you to do wrong and sin against God by opening the door to the forces of darkness and the ruling spirits of this universe.

    Whether I or other people who are not walking with God fully understand it or not is not the question, this is still considered sin and rebellion in God’s eyes; breaking any of the Commandments gives Satan a place of authority, which is the case of most people who are not under God’s authority. This was something I did not understand then. (You can read and learn more about rebellion and the occult further on in this book.)

    I still recall the day that I fell at Jesus’s feet with all my heart and soul, that’s when Jesus heard my cry and changed my life forever. He came into my heart and showed me His brilliant light, exposing my sinful nature, and I realized how real God is. He helped me understand something about myself and my life that I just wanted to forget and bury deep inside about how right I thought I was. God had a plan already set in motion to forgive, to heal me and set me free from the pain and sin that I wanted to bury within. Telling myself it didn’t matter became harmful and poisonous to my health, and to the future plans God had for me.

    I was a wife and mother of three beautiful children. I recognized the darkness in my life, I knew I had sinned, was far away from God, and had fallen short of His Glory. I felt alone, lost in this world I lived in. Nothing in my life made any sense before my relationship with the Lord.

    Dark and confused in the error of my ways and without God I felt crushed and broken inside, like being trapped in my body and hidden from living life. Life had become just a mere existence, yet I knew in my heart that there was more. All along, God was working something wonderful in me and was there and still cared for me. Although surrounded by my family and children, I still felt alone and forsaken in this universe, but I could not escape from God.

    Psalm 139:7–12 says, Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your Presence? Even the darkness is not dark to You; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to You.

    Because of the darkness I suffered through many dark nights, I cried myself to sleep over and over again, night after night. In silence, still distant from God and full of pride, I realize today that I couldn’t accept the fact that I had failed and this felt like layers of guilt and condemnation and heavy darkness over me. Yet, through all of this, and I know it doesn’t make any sense, I had an awareness, a real sense of how close God really was to me, because even as a child I remember hearing that God loved me, could hear me, and knew that He touched me, but I still felt guilty and condemned.

    Hebrews 4:13 says, And before Him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the One to whom we must render an account.

    I knew it was time to get real with God and that no creature is hidden before Him and all are naked and laid bare to the One to whom we must render an account. I kept on crying out desperately, If You’re there, please, please God light up my life so I can see where I’m going. I kept calling to God to light up the road like a runway lit up at night for the airplane to take off. I cried to the Lord so I could get on the path and see my way through and out of the darkness.

    It’s not what I had been through that mattered anymore but what Jesus, Son of God, had done for me.

    Job 33:27–28 says, I sinned, and perverted what was right, and it was not paid back to me. He has redeemed my soul from going down to the Pit, and my life shall see the light.

    I felt a sense of knowing that if anyone could do it, He could, and He wanted to. My constant prayer to the God of all the universe, the Creator who made me, to the God of my life, was, Forgive me, Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, I have sinned and have done wrong and perverted what was right. However, evil was not paid back to me. He answered me, He redeemed my soul and healed me, and I saw the Light. He drew me near with His love and showed me mercy; He redeemed me and lifted me up.

    Transformation happened at the feet of Jesus. His tenderness and compassion were not withheld from me. It seems far out and unusual, but God is not an ordinary man like us; He is God and He is out of the ordinary. I hadn’t begun to see anything yet, now the runway was all lit up and I was on the runway about to take off, and I saw Jesus holding out His hand to me. My journey of faith began, and what looked like a bitter disappointment, God changed the ordinary and made something new and beautiful out of my life. He changed the darkness into light.

    God displays His splendor and His beauty to me and illumes my path. Psalm 34:18 says, The Lord is close to the broken-hearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. It’s not what I had been through that mattered anymore but what Jesus, the Son of God, had done for me. God knew how to make my life more meaningful, and Jesus had something life-changing ahead for me. He showed me that I was not created to merely exist but that He loved me and cared about the heartache and pain that I had carried. It wasn’t a salvation prayer I prayed or anything like that, or the snap of a finger. Grace found me and God showed me that I could go forward because God, who sees everything, knew how to deliver me and change the cry of my broken heart and my crushed spirit and cause praise to spring up from within me.

    Isaiah 61:3 says, To provide for those who mourn, to give them a garland instead of ashes. The mantle of praise instead of a faint spirit.

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