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When It's Right, It's Right!
When It's Right, It's Right!
When It's Right, It's Right!
Ebook170 pages2 hours

When It's Right, It's Right!

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About this ebook

Miss Katy Williamson and her Maine Coon cat, Chester, moved from an apartment in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to the country just outside of the small town, Sweetwater, Oklahoma.

Dave Middleton, owner of the "Garden and Landscape Store" in Sweetwater, Oklahoma, has become a very good friend to Miss Katy and Chester. Dave helps Miss Katy find the hidden oak stairway in her yellow Victorian home that leads to a third-story room.

The two intruders who broke into Miss Katy's home have escaped. No one knows where they are.

Chester made a promise to his friend Foxy Gent to help find what or who walks amongst "Dark Woods" along the Cedar River frightening all the animals and birds on Halloween night. The people of Sweetwater, Oklahoma, had discontinued traveling through "Dark Woods" when they had hayrides because of what they have seen and heard in "Dark Woods" for the past two years.

Dave and Miss Katy are on the Ferris Wheel at the Springville, Oklahoma Fair. Dave asks Miss Katy if she will marry him.

Will the two intruders break into Miss Katy's home again?

Will Chester be able to solve the mystery in "Dark Woods" on Halloween night?

What will Miss Katy's answer be when Dave asks her to marry him?

If Miss Katy says "yes" to Dave's question, what lies ahead in Miss Katy's and Chester's future?

Release dateApr 26, 2022
When It's Right, It's Right!

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    Book preview

    When It's Right, It's Right! - J. Eileen


    Miss Katy Williamson and her Maine Coon cat, Chester, moved from an apartment in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to the country just outside of the small town, Sweetwater, Oklahoma.

    Dave Middleton, owner of the Garden and Landscape Store in Sweetwater, Oklahoma, has become a very good friend to Miss Katy and Chester. Dave helps Miss Katy find the hidden oak stairway in her yellow Victorian home that leads to a third-story room.

    The two intruders who broke into Miss Katy’s home have escaped. No one knows where they are.

    Chester made a promise to his friend Foxy Gent to help find what or who walks amongst Dark Woods along the Cedar River frightening all the animals and birds on Halloween night. The people of Sweetwater, Oklahoma, had discontinued traveling through Dark Woods when they had hayrides because of what they have seen and heard in Dark Woods for the past two years.

    Dave and Miss Katy are on the Ferris Wheel at the Springville, Oklahoma Fair. Dave asks Miss Katy if she will marry him.

    Will the two intruders break into Miss Katy’s home again?

    Will Chester be able to solve the mystery in Dark Woods on Halloween night?

    What will Miss Katy’s answer be when Dave asks her to marry him?

    If Miss Katy says yes to Dave’s question, what lies ahead in Miss Katy’s and Chester’s future?

    Chapter One

    Yes! Yes! I love you with all my heart and want you to be the love of my life forever and ever, Miss Katy answered with joy in her voice.

    Dave placed the diamond ring on her finger. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed on the lips for the first time.

    It was a two-CTTW diamond engagement ring in fourteen-karat yellow gold. A true signature of Dave’s commitment, this diamond engagement ring is Miss Katy’s dream come true. It is crafted in a precious fourteen-karat yellow-gold fanciful design, featuring a spectacular one-carat diamond in the middle flanked by one-fourth-carat diamonds in two rows on each side of the one-carat diamond. It is definitely an on-trend sparkly look from every angle that Miss Katy will love and cherish forever.

    As Dave and Miss Katy walked off the Ferris Wheel platform, many friends showed excitement and congratulated them on their engagement.

    If I didn’t know any better, it seems that everyone knew you were going to ask me to marry you tonight, Dave, Miss Katy said with a smile.

    Well, I did tell Scott and Peggy along with Sheriff Jesse and Deputy James, Dave said. Word might have gotten around to others. You know how things spread in a small town like Sweetwater.

    Yes, I do, I will never know how they kept it quiet from me, Miss Katy answered, laughing softly.

    Well, that’s the thing, when the citizens of Sweetwater are told to keep a secret, they do a fabulous job in doing just that, Dave said, winking his right eye at Miss Katy.

    I’ll remember that, Dave, Miss Katy said, giving a wink with her right eye as she looked toward Dave.

    Well, Chester, are you ready to go home? Miss Katy asked as she took Chester from Sheriff Jesse.

    Thank you for all your help, Sheriff, Dave said as he shook his hand.

    We are so happy you were found in that old barn outside of Oklahoma City, Miss Katy said.

    The Sugar Creek Country Church Ice Cream Social and the Springville Fair would not had been the same without your presence, Dave added.

    Dave drove Miss Katy and Chester to their home. He walked beside Miss Katy up the steps to the front door.

    I’ll pick you and Chester up at nine o’clock in the morning for church tomorrow, Dave said.

    We will be ready, Miss Katy answered. You are planning on staying for dinner, aren’t you? Miss Katy asked.

    Yes, I wouldn’t miss an invitation eating your delicious food, Dave answered.

    I thought I would call my parents and ask if they would like to come for dinner, Miss Katy said.

    That is a great idea! Dave exclaimed. They haven’t seen your new home yet, have they? Dave asked.

    No, they haven’t, answered Miss Katy. I have been so busy furnishing the house, polishing the oak woodwork and floors, hanging curtains, helping at the library every Wednesday afternoon and the church Ice Cream Social in July, I kept putting it off. I think this would be a good time to ask Mother and Father to come and meet you.

    I think so too, Dave said. I’m sure Chester will love seeing them also.

    This has been a very busy day. I rode that Ferris Wheel two times and then I watched it go around and round and round while Dave and Miss Katy rode it a third time without me. I was getting a bit dizzy like I did in that hardware store when that paint can was shaking back and forth in that noisy machine. But I was able to control myself. I didn’t want to vomit all the goodies I ate at the fair while Sheriff Jesse was holding me. That would have been a very embarrassing experience for a Maine Coon Cat like myself, Chester thought to himself as Miss Katy carried him to his cat bed in the sitting room.

    Well, Chester, you rest while I call my parents, Miss Katy said.

    Miss Katy dialed the number on her telephone.

    Hello, this is the Williamson residence.

    Hi, Mother, it is Katy!

    Hi, Katy, your father and I were just talking about you and Chester, Mother Williamson replied. I hope everything is well with you both.

    As a matter of fact, it couldn’t be better! Miss Katy exclaimed. I know it is late, but I was wondering if you and Father could come down tomorrow for lunch.

    It is a three-hour drive, dear, and we would have to miss our Sunday church services, Mother Williamson answered.

    Just this once, please, Mother. I have something very important to share with you and I want you to see our new home, Miss Katy said.

    Let me ask your father, hang on, Mother Williamson said. John, Katy wants us to come for lunch tomorrow and see her new home, what do you think? Mother Williamson asked.

    Sure, it’s been quite a while seeing Katy and Chester, Father Williamson answered. Tell her we will be there by noon.

    Your father said it would be fine, Mother Williamson said. We will be there by noon.

    Thanks, Mother, and thank Father too, Katy replied joyfully. I am looking forward to seeing the both of you.

    We are looking forward to seeing you and Chester and that beautiful house you have been talking about, Mother Williamson replied. You don’t need to go to a lot of trouble with your lunch preparation. Your father and I are not hard to please.

    I will keep it simple, Mother, Miss Katy answered. I can’t wait to see you and Father. I love you and tell Father I love him too.

    I will and we love you too, Katy, Mother Williamson said.

    Miss Katy hung up the phone and picked Chester up. She began twirling around in a circle.

    Grammy and Grampy are coming, Chester! Miss Katy said with great excitement in her voice.

    Grammy and Grampy are coming! Yippee! I wonder what they will bring me? thought Chester as he jumped from Miss Katy’s arms and gave out a loud meow and did his fancy twirl.

    Time for bed, Chester, we have lots to do tomorrow before Grammy and Grampy arrive, Miss Katy said as she walked to her bedroom with Chester following.

    Chapter Two

    Miss Katy and Chester got up early on Sunday morning. She browned chicken legs and thighs in a skillet. She then placed them in a large stainless-steel sheet pan and covered it with aluminum foil. She put the pan in the oven on a low heat so the chicken would continue baking and stay warm while she and Chester were at church. She then prepared her mother’s potato salad recipe and individual dessert dishes of fresh blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, and pineapple chunks. She mixed a honey sauce together and placed the salad, fruit, and sauce in the refrigerator.

    There, Chester, dinner will be ready when we get home from church, Miss Katy said. That honey sauce will be very tasty after I drizzle it over the top of the fruit.

    Come on, Chester, I need to groom you, Miss Katy said as she picked Chester up and placed him on his grooming table.

    I just love it when Miss Katy runs that rake comb through my hair and then that magic finger brush, there is nothing like it. What a way to start my day, Chester thought as Miss Katy brushed and combed his beautiful, thick orange coat of hair.

    There you go, Chester, you can play with your catnip toys while I get ready, Miss Katy said as she lifted Chester off the grooming table. Dave will be here at nine o’clock sharp.

    Chester scampered to the sitting room to watch cartoons and play with his catnip toys. He was very careful not to roll over his toys. He did not want catnip to drop on the beautiful, padded bench he would be sitting on at the Sugar Creek Country Church.

    Miss Katy wore a blue and white checked dress with a white belt and white sandals. The last thing she put on was the beautiful diamond ring Dave had given her the night before when he proposed to her on the Ferris Wheel at the Springville, Oklahoma Fair. As she was walking out of her bedroom and through the paned double doors, she heard the bell on the front porch ring. She opened the door and saw it was Dave.

    Hi, beautiful, are you ready to go to church with me? Dave asked.

    Yes, let me get Chester’s leash, Miss Katy answered. Chester, ride, Miss Katy said loudly.

    Chester ran for his collar from the peg of his white cupboard and brought it to Miss Katy. She placed the collar around his neck, snapped the leash on, and walked to the car where Dave was waiting with the passenger door open.

    As Dave, Miss Katy, and Chester walked into the Sugar Creek Country Church to be seated by the usher, Jim, a lot of whispering could be heard. Miss Katy had a very good idea what everyone was whispering about. After the church service, many of the people walked up to see Miss Katy’s diamond ring and congratulated both of them on their engagement. As they walked out of the church, they shook hands with Pastor Mike.

    Well, I hear there is a wedding in the future, Pastor Mike said in a joyful voice. I hope you consider having the wedding at the Sugar Creek Country Church.

    I am having my parents over for dinner today and want to discuss it with them, Miss Katy said with excitement.

    Let your parents know they are always welcome to attend our services at Sugar Creek Country Church, Pastor Mike answered.

    As Dave drove the car to the back of the house, Miss Katy carried Chester to the kitchen and opened a can of chicken and gravy. She poured it in

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