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Reflection to Rebuild your Identity
Reflection to Rebuild your Identity
Reflection to Rebuild your Identity
Ebook80 pages1 hour

Reflection to Rebuild your Identity

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How satisfied are you with your Christian walk? Is it the abundant life Jesus promised you in John 10:10? Or are you still struggling with the same old issues you have been for years? Let's get to the bottom of what the issue could be! In this book, you will learn what your identity is and how to walk in it by reshaping your mind with the word of God in practical ways that you may never had thought about. We will cover: - identifying why - identity - changing our identity - and how to start believing your identity This book is a great way to challenge you to help you grow into the more abundant life and to walk in that power and authority that the Holy Spirit offers YOU! Remember you cannot fail without your consent and you cannot win without your participation. So be bold as you can dream to be for the LORD and be courageous as the one you always hoped to be.

Release dateDec 2, 2019
Reflection to Rebuild your Identity

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    Book preview

    Reflection to Rebuild your Identity - Andrew Grussing


    Reflection to Rebuild your Identity

    Andrew Grussing

    ISBN 978-1-64458-771-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64458-772-0 (digital)

    Copyright © 2018 by Andrew Grussing

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Who Are You?

    What Is Identity?

    Where Does Our Identity Come From?

    A Few Verses about Identity

    The Different Identities You Walk In

    Identify Yourself

    Identifying Why

    How to Overcome Our Former Identity

    Identity Change

    Starting the New Foundation of Your New Identity

    Building upon the Foundation

    Constructing Walls

    Unseen Things in the Walls God Defines Who We Are According to His Purpose:

    Hanging Drywall and Painting Key Biblical Truths about Every Person

    Final Touches Identifying Saints

    Believing Your Identity!

    Allowing the Spirit of the Lord to Have His Identity in Us

    Review Questions

    About the Author


    Do you know what you are created for? How can you tell me what you are made for when you didn't create yourself? How can you tell me that you were put here on this earth to do this or that, when you haven't asked the creator himself? If you were an inventor of something awesome, such as a chair, and if someone picked up this chair and said, Well, I think this is a ladder, and used it as a ladder or anything else other than a chair, would it fully reach its potential?

    Or let's think about something else—a treadmill. Let's say you knew for a fact it was a clothes hanger because that is how you've seen it used in the movies, at a friend's house, or even at your house. But it was made for so much more. It had many possibilities for you to use it. But you only saw it one way and used it one way. How would you know how to really use it unless you read the owner's manual about it?

    Same with you. How do you know what you are here for unless you read your owner's manual about yourself? What is your owner's manual? It is the Bible! You can only fully understand your purpose if you ask the One who created you. Yes, your Father in heaven.

    I believe this book will help you ask some questions you may have never asked yourself or been asked before to figure out who you are. Your true function is something you have to find out from God, but your identity is something you need to walk in and work on.

    So who are you?

    Who Are You?

    Where does your identity come from? What makes up your identity? Can you change what you think your identity is? The most important question of life is why are we here? That is the great all-inspiring question that everyone asks themselves. The other question that I believe is just as important, if not more important, is who am I? Do you really know who you are? Can you explain who you are to a group of people if put on the spot? Is it hard to answer that question in an interview? Why is this one question so hard to answer?

    America is filled with self-help books, too numerous to count, along with millions of talk shows about making you a better you, and there is always that nice friend or family member willing to help you out and tell you your issues and how to fix them. Thank you, everyone, for helping me with me! But that is not their job. Their job is to find out who they are, and your job is to find out who you are. Let's get to it.

    Can you truly find out who you are through them? Has it worked? Are you the person you always wanted to be? There are so many questions because without someone challenging our thinking and ideas, how can we ever know what we truly believe or know that we know? See, with identity comes a ton of questions that we need to get through to get to the real issue. The real issue is that you have a gap in your heart, a missing part of your brain, and you just want to fill it with something. That is why there are so many gurus who can help you do that. There are so many billionaires that help you do that with stuff. That is why car dealerships will never go out of business, because we are trying to fill that gap with stuff, things, and anything else that we think will make us feel good about ourselves.

    But does it? Do you truly feel complete with that new car? That new phone? That new house? That new wife or husband? That new whatever-it-is that you need to make it better? Or does it wear off, become old, the same as the one you had? We identify ourselves in many ways, which we will go over later. Have you ever really thought about it? How long does it last until the next model comes out?

    How can we have a temperament where we are satisfied and no longer need to be filled with stuff? I believe it is by understanding who you are in Christ and who Christ is in you! So how satisfied are you with your Christian lifestyle?

    That is the whole idea behind this book. As I continue to grow in my Christian walk with

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