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The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army
The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army
The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army
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The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army

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In the action-packed, drama-filled, politically incorrect sequel to The Last Man, The Last Man: Rise of the Pink Army picks up a few weeks after the events of the first book, with the introduction of various new characters and new theaters to the war. One thing becomes obvious to our antiheroes, everything comes with a price. Ian still continues his quest to become the man and leader he was born to be while slowly realizing that morality in this war is a sham; he understands this now completely, but is there anything left of the boy who would once jump through flaming hoops to help others? Mandy now faces a paradox, a powerful new ally who threatens not only her leadership of the Pink Army, but her relationship with Ian. From rocky beginnings in Ireland to war winning triumphs in North Africa and the Middle East, the battle between the Femtheists and the Pirates has now entered a new level of brutality and intensity, including a cliff-hanger that will leave readers on the edge of their seats waiting for the final bout.

Release dateApr 15, 2019
The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army

Sean Williams

Sean Williams is a girl dad to his two daughters, Davynn and Cameron, and a boy dad to his son, Ethan. He is also the founder and CEO of The Dad Gang, a conscious social community of dads on a mission to redefine, revolutionize, and reshape the image of Black fatherhood. Visit him and other dope dads online at

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    Book preview

    The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army - Sean Williams


    The Last Man Rise of the Pink Army

    Sean Williams


    Copyright © 2019 Sean Williams

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    New York, NY

    First originally published by Page Publishing, Inc. 2019

    ISBN 978-1-64462-624-5 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64462-625-2 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Island Nation

    For the Glory of Japan

    Operation Exodus

    A Much-Needed Rest

    Returning the Favor

    Birth of the Pirates

    A Femtheist Meeting

    Noburu’s Genius

    Japanese Training Is Not Normal

    Departing the Rising Sun

    An Uninvited Guest to My Tent?

    Springtime for Germany

    The Black Widow Campaign

    New Toys

    Remember, No Russian

    I & I

    Final Training

    The North African Theatre

    The Planning of a Wicked Coup

    The European Theater

    The Middle Eastern Theatre

    Battle of Gods

    To my mother and father, who never gave up on me no matter how bad I screwed up; and to my best friends, Andy and Kenny, who stuck by me during the hardest time in my life so far.

    Also special thanks to the following people:

    Megan Cunningham

    Muriel Palanca

    Elena Maximova

    Jamone Coco-Loso Hopkins


    Anna Marie Loring (cover)

    and Josh Triggs of 3MI Photography

    First Pink Army Squadron 1.

    Chapter 1

    The Island Nation

    It was funny how easy killing becomes after your first success, so easy; almost like bungee jumping off a bridge into a deep canyon. At first, it was so utterly terrifying that the very thought of even attempting it tied your stomach in knots, but after you took the plunge and realized how much of a thrill it was, your thirst became unquenchable, and all you could do was look for bigger and better ways to take that next jump. In war, you learned how becoming a harbinger of death was so easy.

    Mr. Ian.

    Yes, Jace?

    I apologize for the intrusion, but our convoy we will be entering Tokyo Bay in five minutes. Everyone is gathering on deck.

    All right, let me suit up, and I’ll get up there to you guys.

    I dressed up with my distinctive red tiger camouflage—carefully harnessing ES along with my M14 rifle and M4, even though I did not have an ounce of ammo left. All of it was spent during the raids on those fucked-up islands. I stepped toward the wall to grab the beautiful katana, shimmering blackish-silver under the lamp, and then latched it in its sheath to my side, grabbed my garrote, and exited my living quarters. I walked up to the deck of the barge and peered out, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Rising Sun country.

    A soft hand entwined itself in mine. How was your rest?

    Well, I’m not dead, so I’d say that it was about as good as it can be, Mandy.

    Just then, each and every vessel in the convoy came to a creeping halt as it docked in any available space. The two brothers, K alongside A—who was now sporting a fully grown beard, which I thought was pretty cool—approached us.

    Time to go, said A.

    Finally, that fuckin’ trip took forever. I thought I would die of old age before I ever saw Japan.

    You know, K, your complaining really doesn’t help.

    Just ignore him, Ian, said Mandy as she departed the vessel.

    Once the majority of the men had departed and stood on dry land, massive crowds of Japanese people surrounded us. Men, women, and children—they all looked at us like we were a new circus spectacle. Many even took the opportunity to snap photos with their various devices, which left my men and me very bewildered.

    Doc pushed his way through the line of men still pouring out of the ships, paused for a second, and then asked us, What is wrong with these people? Is this some kind of weird East Asian custom or something?

    No, I think they all know that we are American men and are probably surprised that we’re not extinct.

    You may be onto something there, Ian. I was not able to gather much on the boat ride over, but what I do know is that communication and intelligence between the Americas and the outside world has been rudimentary at best.

    That’s good work, A.

    I stepped toward the massive Japanese crowd and yelled, Who’s in charge here? I received no answer.

    Although I knew many of them understood English, I still told Mandy to get me an interpreter. She pulled a Japanese man forward, who repeated my question, to which he also received no response.

    Finally, out of nowhere, one section of the crowd began to part, and each person standing bowed their head after taking a few steps back. A small man, just barely over five feet, approached me.

    I am General Noburu, supreme commander of all Japanese military operations. You must be Ian. I have heard lots about you. Please, come, we have much to discuss. However, only bring those who you have deemed absolutely necessary to your leadership along with you to the palace.

    All right, A, Doc, Mandy, and K, you three are coming with me to the palace. Isaiah and Jace, stay here with the rest of the men.

    General Noburu informed me, Your men shall be well taken care of. We have plenty of geishas here in Tokyo.

    Geishas! Isn’t that just another word for Japanese prostitute? asked Mandy.

    Well, yes and no, it could just be a woman to keep them entertained, or in other circumstances, the term has come to include sexual services in modern times. Am I right, A?

    Yeah, Ian, you pretty much hit the nail right on the head with that one.

    It’s vile and reprehensible, that’s what it is.

    Relax, Mandy, this might be the last piece or pieces of ass they ever get.

    What the hell are they going to pay them with?

    "I’m sure with shit they salvaged from the islands or the convoy of vessels. Here, let me sing you a little song from what used to be my favorite cartoon, South Park, and maybe then things will make sense to you on why our men must do this. Guys, give me a beat."

    Several men started clapping in unison.

    I started singing Chef’s famous song on hoes, and when I got to the part about a prostitute being like any other woman because they all trade something for sex, a deep Japanese accent interrupted me.

    I hate to interrupt this romantic serenade, but please, we must get going. The entire world is going to shit, and we have no time to waste.

    And with that final order by Noburu, we split off, and the four of us followed him. After a five- to ten-minute walk, we reached a beautifully crafted building that combined Western-style housing with traditional Japanese architecture.

    Welcome to the Imperial Palace of Japan.

    All five of us entered, following closely behind the general. A and K stopped to look at some photographs, and the general came over to explain them.

    Here, you will find great amounts of Japanese history. The photos you see before you depict some of Japan’s greatest moments, like this one, honoring the forty-seven Ronin or this one portraying the brave two hundred thousand soldiers who fought valiantly in the Great War.

    What about those over there? asked Mandy.

    We also display some of the darkest days in our nation’s history, such as the outrageous disrespect showed toward the empire at the Treaty of Versailles and the utter humiliation and shame that engulfed our country after our defeat in World War II.


    Yes, Ian?

    Earlier you mentioned the world was going to shit and there was no time to waste. How is that possible since the Femtheists only control North and South America?

    All four of us looked on with curiosity as it seemed I had just asked the million-dollar question.

    General Noburu stared out a window for a few seconds, took a puff of his Cuban cigar, and began his rebuttal. Typical Americans, thinking that only their problems are the ones that ever matter. The world used to dream of a planet devoid of US tyranny. Unfortunately, no one had any idea of the consequences of a world without the United States.

    Tell me, General, what else is going on?

    For starters: with no US deterrent, Russia, in its efforts to rebuild the Soviet Union, has marched almost unopposed through Eastern Europe and Northern Asia, swallowing up territory left and right. With no American military force to continue squeezing Al-Qaeda on two fronts, they began a vicious onslaught against India, and those two hated rivals stand on the brink of all-out nuclear war. Without the funds and weaponry of the United States going to Israel, it is now fighting a war against so many enemies that it simply cannot win. Boko Haram now controls all of Northern Africa. With no US dollar to compete with the growing Russian threat, the European Union collapsed, and almost all the countries have turned to an isolationist policy. Oh, and speaking of money, without the United States, China has become a black hole with a seemingly endless depression.

    And how about you, General, what has become of Japan since the Takeover?

    After the departure of the Marines and the Seventh Fleet to combat the Femtheist threat in vain, our country was in need of a new strong military alliance as Russian aggression began to raise concern. We found that in South Korea, and just like our new best friend, we reinstated mandatory military service and the draft. Unfortunately, a few months after the departure and extinction of the US military, an emboldened Pyongyang leadership seized its opportunity to invade South Korea. We have been at war, fighting alongside our ally, ever since. We are winning but suffering heavy losses every day. Now, Ian, let me ask you a question.

    Okay, go ahead.

    Why have you and your squad come here? You don’t strike me as the cowardly type who would venture all this way just to hide from the Femtheists.

    I seek to build the greatest fighting force this world will ever know, capable of crushing the Fem-bitches. But in order to do that, I am going to need help. Your country has a long, proud history of warriors. I would like a good amount of those warriors to join us.

    Mandy added, I am also raising an all-female army to help us win this war. I request some of your women to join my army.

    Hahahahaha! That is a joke, right? snapped Doc. Newsflash, little girl, we don’t need your fucking female army. The Femtheist army has done enough damage.

    Listen, Haji, for the last time, I am not a Fem, and you are gonna need all the fuckin’ help you can get to win this war. So why don’t you just shut your damn mouth?

    I’m not Muslim, you little slut. I’m Catholic, so don’t call me Haji.

    Enough, both of you, shut up, I said. So what do you say, General, can you help us?

    I think I can help out all of you, including you, Mandy, with your female army.

    Great, thank you very much, General Noburu.

    Of course, you will have to do a favor for the nation of Japan first.

    Fine, we’ll do whatever you need. Now, did anyone see where the brothers ran off to?

    There they are, in the sparing courtyard.

    So what is this favor? I asked as the four of us made our way into the courtyard.

    A and K stood in the center of the yard fighting with the wooden samurai swords. I called for them to come over. When they arrived, Noburu began to debrief all of us.

    Twenty days ago, a military headquarters was overrun in Seoul by the KPA. Thirty-six top-ranking South Korean and Japanese political and military officials were kidnapped and sent to Yodok Gulag. Seeing as how you all have extensive experience breaking out of abominable camps, this should be easy. I shall send with you some of my finest soldiers available.

    A asked, I’m sorry, did he just ask us to break in and free people from Yodok Gulag?

    I think he did, A, responded K.

    No way, bro, sorry, General, but I am going to sit this one out. I could be banging one of those Japanese girls right now, see ya.

    A, you are not going anywhere.

    But, Ian, that shit is crazy.

    So, General, tell me, what will we get in return for this mission?

    This rescue mission will allow us to pound the DPKR into submission and end this war: we will train your savage-like men and turn them in to warriors. You will receive one million Japanese men to your force as well as two hundred thousand Japanese women for her army. Do we have an agreement, Commander Ian?


    Good, now I suggest you all go rearm and get something to eat before suiting up. The chopper leaves in the morning.

    We began to exit the courtyard until Noburu called out, Ian, stay for a bit and spar with me before you join the others.

    Chapter 2

    For the Glory of Japan

    The others scurried out of the courtyard, but I turned around and accepted Noburu’s challenge. Noburu took his cigar from his mouth and threw it onto the ground. He then picked up two hollow wooden swords and tossed me one.

    I can see from your traditional Japanese katana that you have some experience with a warrior’s blade. Well, why don’t you show me your true power?

    I placed my weapons off to the side, and we both assumed fighting stances. A warm salty breeze swept in from the bay as we both stood across the yard facing each other in silence. After a few tense seconds, we both charged at each other; each blow with the wooden swords was blocked by the other and quickly followed up in vain with a counterstrike.

    You are strong, Commander Ian, but I wonder if you have the endurance to keep up this strength.

    With that, he caught me in the side of the face with a right hook and finished the combo by spinning around and using the wooden blade to strike me in the back of the neck.

    I stumbled down to one knee as I backed away, but what was really bothersome was, my tremors began to flare up violently.

    He turned away from me and asked, This disease you have, does it come out this bad when you are on the battlefield?

    Sometimes, but it’s a necessary weakness I can deal with.

    You think it is a weakness? He walked over to me and kicked me in the ribs. I rolled over on my back, and he took his sword and sliced it downward, but I blocked the blow with my sword. He leaned in close and said, We play whatever shit hand we are dealt in life. Then, grabbing the back of my trembling neck, he asked, You have had this since birth, am I correct?


    Your disease is not your fault, Ian, it is your parents’.

    With that sentence, rage burned through my eyes, and I immediately shoved him off of me then pounced on top of him so I could repeatedly punch the side of his face, harder and harder. I grabbed the wooden sword and plunged it straight down toward his gut, but he rolled out of the way and stood up.

    There we go.

    What? I asked.

    The second I mentioned your parents, you unlocked your true potential. He came at me again with another series of strikes, and I returned the same amount of aggression until we stood at a stalemate, face-to-face, with our swords trying to overpower the other one like two men in an arm-wrestling match.

    We need to find out how to unlock that potential at all times. Tell me, what about your disease angers you?

    That I got stuck with something I did not deserve.

    Wrong, millions of people have shit that is way more fucked up than yours will ever be. Go deeper.

    That I can never cure this.

    Who gives a shit? Go deeper!

    And with that, he backed away and swung wildly at my stomach, which I easily dodged, but this was only a diversion tactic to get me in range for the roundhouse kick to the back of my head immediately followed up by a hook kick to the opposite side of my head.

    Fine, it is all the things said to me and the way I was treated before the Takeover by almost everybody.

    Now, that’s what I want to hear, because you walk like a Tyrannosaurus Rex and tremble like the common meth fiend.

    My inner rage flared up again, and I performed a leaping front kick that knocked the general off balance, which I followed with a clubbing blow to his shoulder.

    Taking heavy breaths, he said, If you can harness that energy, that strength, that raw emotion and rage without ever letting it go away, even for a split second, you will possess a power that none of your enemies can match.

    I swung my sword horizontally, but he caught it with his left hand and forced it up vertically in his grasp while taking his sword and swinging it to my neck but stopping it in motion as soon as it touched my skin. You just lost your hand and maybe more, Noburu.

    Tell me, Ian, what can you live without, a hand and an arm or your head?


    Here, there are two more things I want to teach you. Leaping into the air and hitting your opponent in the head with the right amount of force will cause a concussive blow and perhaps even knock them out cold. We call it the Superman Punch. Now, observe. Okay, now, try it.

    After a few mishaps in which I looked silly, I quickly picked it up.

    Good, now the final thing I want to show you is called Dragon Fist. When you have your enemy pinned against something solid, a punch from your back hand directly to the neck will result in instant death. However, it is called Dragon Fist because you must punch with enough force to go through your enemy’s body. Do this correctly, and you will not only crush the windpipe, but shatter the vertebrae. Enough training, you should go catch up with the others to eat and relax for a bit. Debriefing for your mission will start before you know it.

    I picked up my guns and put them all back on my body.

    General Noburu picked up my katana, took it out of its sheath, and then put it back in. Nice sword. It has been an honor sparring with you. He bowed and presented it to me, and I bowed and accepted it, and then I immediately hurried off to go join the others. Ian, one last thing.

    I stopped midstride as I was exiting the courtyard. Is there anything else I can do for you while you are gone?

    Yes, in fact, there is. All my soldiers need battle dress uniforms.

    Ah, okay, so what did you have in mind?

    I want half the men dressed in red tiger camo like me and the other half dressed in blue tiger camo.

    Hmm, very interesting choices, Commander, and what of your women?

    Pink camouflage, like what Mandy was wearing. Can you make it all happen, Noburu?

    Well, given the depth of Chinese desperation, I am sure they’d do just about anything for a job. I can have them put a rush on it.

    Thank you, General.

    "No, domo arigato and good luck." He turned and went back inside the palace.

    Upon regrouping with the others, I sat down and ate as Doc and the brothers snoozed. The traditional Japanese meal was delicious, as I had not enjoyed such a delicacy since well before the Takeover. It was late, almost midnight, and the only one awake was Mandy.

    "Well, what did you learn from Noburu? You were with

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