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Tribulation to Triumph
Tribulation to Triumph
Tribulation to Triumph
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Tribulation to Triumph

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This book provides spiritual guidance and awareness to life situations as one encounters the move and call of God. Having an understanding that whatever life yields through a spirit of praise and meditation one can conqueror and move forward with a better outlook and understanding of His and/or her purpose in life. The spiritual motivation is not only how we see ourselves but how we can move beyond desires and walk into the fullness of God. Casting all of your cares on Him and know that whatever you face, there is a power of praise that can sustain you, as long as you give all of your desire to God and stand firmly on His Word.

Release dateJul 27, 2020
Tribulation to Triumph

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    Book preview

    Tribulation to Triumph - Cinda Feagan


    Tribulation to


    Cinda E. Feagan

    ISBN 978-1-0980-0814-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-0980-0815-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2020 by Cinda E. Feagan

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book provides spiritual guidance and awareness to life situations as one encounters the move and call of God. Having an understanding that whatever life yields through a spirit of praise and meditation, one can conquer and move forward with a better outlook and understanding of his and/or her purpose in life.

    Table of Contents


    The Rewards of Faith, Trust, and Diligence

    Prayer Changes Things

    The Battle Is Not Over

    Devastation in Alabama

    Always Know That You Can Make It

    Standing on His Word

    Blessings Come in Many Ways

    Faith Builds Character

    God’s Plan



    Sharpen Your Sword

    God’s Will for Me

    God’s Vegetable Garden

    To Be Transformed by God




    Tame the Tongue

    Damascus Road Experience

    Pain Is Real

    Success Is Given by God

    To Be Chosen by God

    What Is Your Legacy

    Living Life


    Lack of Empathy


    To God be the glory! I praise Him for this appointed time in my life. I have grown through hardships and disappointments. Nevertheless, I have been blessed with a beautiful and loving family.

    Bud, you are a blessed man of God! Your enthusiasm for the Word and willingness to share your gift with others is infectious. Cessalyn, you are truly a gift from God! You make me smile when I am down, and you lift my spirit just by the banner that you carry from day to day.

    Lastly, I praise God for an amazing opportunity to share my thoughts and insight to others who are seeking a spiritual walk with our savior.

    Tribulation to Triumph was birthed out of a time in my life when I didn’t understand what I was truly encountering by being frustrated, saddened, and tired of things bringing me down. I invested so much time in others until I lost track of what I truly wanted out of life. The Lord gave me a new opportunity in life, and I won’t allow the enemy to destroy what He has restored in me. I pray that others will be inspired by the book, and most of all, I pray that whatever you are going through, just know you are not alone. I pray that all who read this book are bountifully blessed. All these blessings I ask in Jesus’s name. Amen!

    The Rewards of Faith, Trust, and Diligence

    Trying to internalize the situations that one encounters on a daily basis can be mesmerizing and totally devastating, but to know who holds your future in the palm of His hands is comforting. Only one individual can determine their relationship with their Maker. The individual must have a course of action and plan of attack of mapping his/her way to a bigger and brighter path forward. Not having a road map or point of destination can lead someone to a location where there isn’t any spiritual guidance or awareness. To know that through all obstacles and paths of confusion and frustration is a path of joy and lifelong spiritual living. Tribulation to Triumph is a journal of spiritual poems and Bible facts taken from the actual scriptures while moving into my own path of spiritual guidance and lifelong happiness. To have a better understanding of others, one must know oneself.

    Taking the journey as a pure leap of faith has afforded me the opportunity to hear from the Lord who guides me through all situations. I now have a better understanding of the key principles of faith, which is to have a made-up mind to change and to have a hunger to know the Lord and to be willing to be obedient to His call. All Christians or believers of one’s individual faith must understand that the only common factor of moving forward in life is to have a road map or point of destination. Determine what it is that you want out of life and have faith by calling it forth daily through meditation, fasting, prayer, and song. To elevate one’s faith through these elements will enhance a hunger for the Word while a spiritual walk is taking place. As we study the book of Psalms, we understand that the Lord allows us to encounter various obstacles, but it is only to make us strong. Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright (Psalms 33:1). Learning how to praise our way through these difficult times will reinforce our faith and understanding of the Word. We also learn in Ezekiel 10:11: When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as they went, but to the place whither the head looked they followed it; they turned not as they went.

    My prayer is that the reader who obtains this journal understands that he/she isn’t alone with their thoughts and decisions because it isn’t an accident or coincident that you selected this journal for your step into a spiritual awareness and understanding of what lies ahead. As you read the journal, I pray that you will incorporate the following daily scriptures that will strengthen your faith and understanding of the Word, Psalm 23:1–6, Philippians 3:14, Ephesian 6:10, and John 14:3. The scriptures throughout the journal will be used as a means of assisting each reader with an opportunity to grow closer in the Word while meditating and believing that each of us are born with a purpose. Always pray, and the encouragement will come, and growth will be developed as the soul begins to prosper.

    Letting go of junk and releasing a spirit of praise is the ultimate way of moving forward while trying to understand the obstacles that one encounters through their daily life. It isn’t impossible to move forward, but it takes an attitude of praise and worship before the spirit can begin to heal from life’s encounters. Having a will to change one’s attitude will indulge the spirit to change before the healing can take place. Listen to your heart, remember your dreams, and don’t let go of your vision. If the Lord put it into your spirit, cultivate it, and your dreams will be brought into fruition. Start today and watch how your life will be fulfilled with a joy like you’ve never experienced in the past. God is waiting for you to open up your heart and allow Him to minister to your spirit and bring joy into your life. You will receive the richness of His blessings if you will only allow Him to come into your life.

    I always knew from my childhood that I would one day obtain the goals that I had dreamed. I didn’t have the basis of understanding how to cultivate the dreams, but I knew that through the scriptures and meditation, I was able to hear from the Lord. In the course of me hearing from Him, I knew that the key factor for me was to always have an attitude of praise. I didn’t share my dream with many people because I knew that everyone wouldn’t understand or even be happy for me. Therefore, I observed the spiritual awareness of others who were like-minded and shared the same level of faith with me. A few times, I did make the mistake of venturing off while talking with others about the Lord, and as I begin to minister to them, I noticed how their attitude would suddenly change. I immediately felt the Holy Spirit nudging me to retreat and just minister to them the Word and not so much my personal experiences with what the Lord has done for me. Some

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