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Spiritual Truths
Spiritual Truths
Spiritual Truths
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Spiritual Truths

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This book has been inspired by readings received from Jesus starting in 1932, by two ladies that were living in England who were suffering through hard times. Jesus came to the ladies each day for a year with messages of encouragement. Each reading has been compressed into a shorter version, a thought that can be carried through a normal work day that helps you focus on Jesus and the love that He has for you. Each reading is up to your own interpretation and belief. Read one thought a day, think about its meaning, and remember He was counseling these ladies. His guidance is such that you too can use it.

Release dateSep 8, 2017
Spiritual Truths

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    Spiritual Truths - Brother Bob

    Brother Bob

    Spiritual Truths

    ISBN 978-1-64028-204-9 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64028-205-6 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2017 by Brother Bob

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

    296 Chestnut Street

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to my wife, Grethe, a kind and caring, loyal wife—one who has learned to put with me over the years.

    My brothers and sisters, life on earth can be very complicated, but if you can understand God’s purpose and plan for you, your outlook and demeanor will change. Our earth life is but a short interlude until we reach the spirit world, and it is here where our real life will begin.

    When God created the soul, it was omnipresent and had no form or identity. It was made in His image, and was placed into the mortal’s body so it could receive these two attributes.

    Once the mortal’s life ends, the soul returns to the spirit world, and it is here where the soul’s true existence begins. Our earth life is very important, and is but a prelude until our soul reaches the spirit world. In the spirit world, our soul is judged on sin, and the amount determines our final destination. Why, because God made the soul and considers all souls to be His children. He is sin free and only wants the soul to be like Him.

    When God sent Jesus to earth, it was only for one purpose, to bring God’s great gift of Divine Love back to man. This is the love from God soul to the mortal’s soul, and was first offered to our parents in the Garden of Eden, but rejected. By rejecting this love, the veil covering their eyes was removed; and with the veil, removed they were forced out of the Garden. God’s Divine Love is so important, because it is the only thing that can remove sin from your soul, and replace it with love. In the Bible it is referred to as being saved.

    In God’s time, Psalm 90:4 and 2 Peter 3:8, an eighty-year earth life equates to only two hours of His time. From this, we can see how short life is. God has given us a conscience, and it serves as our guide through life’s trials and errors. He only wants us to accept His will.

    In 1932 Jesus came to two ladies in England for one year with messages of hope. They were published in a book called God Calling, and after reading the messages I believe they were from Jesus. But again, this is up to the reader’s beliefs and interpretation.

    Both ladies were struggling financially, and were at wits end – so to speak. One lady was very religious, and her friend was a follower. For one year, each day, Jesus came to these ladies with messages of encouragement and hope teaching them how to live a just and rewarding life. He was helping then prepare for the spirit world. The messages were compiled in a book called God Calling and neither lady wanted to be identified, because they believed their interaction with Christ was a miracle.

    What I have done is read the book and compressed the readings into a shorter version (my interpretation), preferably one that can be read in the morning with the thought carried throughout the day. Each thought is like following a road map with final destination the spirit world. These thoughts are not intended to replace the Bible, but help you gain a deeper understanding of Jesus. I would recommend reading one a day, and keeping in mind that this inspiration is from Jesus.

    Jan 1

    As a sentinel, I stand between the years. My light is flung across the year to come; and back over the past year, my shadow hides my trouble, sorrow, and disappointment. Only dwell on the present because the past should be forgotten. Remember I hold the future in My hands. Do not see as the world sees.

    Jan 2

    Try each day to help save another. Reach out an arm of Love to someone outside your home—a note, a letter, a visit, and try and provide help in some way. Help lift them out of the sea of sin, or disease, or doubt into which they have fallen, and try and bring Me into their life.

    Jan 3

    Remake yourself. Everything must rest on Me. Love is the only conquering force. Only be a channel for love, because when my spirit flows through you, it will sweep away all the bitter past. Just act as a child and be taught through prayer. I love you.

    Jan 4

    Do not limit My power. Uproot self—the channel blocker. Do not plan ahead; spiritually, the way will open step by step. You should only expect to carry a little day share. Always pray daily for more faith and guidance.

    Jan 5

    Do My will and love Me, and no evil will befall you. Have no thought for tomorrow, only rest in My presence for I will help you. You will be taught. Continue to pray to Me, and do not be afraid of poverty. Let money flow freely, and only have what you need and use.

    Jan 6

    Always pray and the way will open. God cares just love and wait for His plans to unfold. Love is the Key. No door is too difficult for love to open. Be calm, calm in My power and know My power is there for you. Do not worry about others’ lives. Perfect yours first in My strength.

    Jan 7

    I give you Eternal Life. Silently, it comes. No man can judge when it enters the heart and soul of man. It can only be judged by results. Cultivate silence, God speaks in silences. My meaning will come spiritually to your heart. Be calm because My guidance will surely come.

    Jan 8

    When you follow Me, you are not immune from life’s difficulties. But you can find peace in difficulties. My guidance is often by shut doors, but my love will open the door. The lack of love will close that door. Joy is the result of faithful trusting and accepting My will because Joy brings calm.

    Jan 9

    Always remain calm, no matter what may befall you. Rest in Me and be patient. Never think things overwhelming. Do not feel the stain of life. Never strain yourself. It is only when you are serving another master, the world, fame or the good opinion of men. How can you be overwhelmed if I am with you?

    Jan 10

    When you come to me in prayer and believe in me, I will give you eternal life. It will alter your whole being, the words you speak, and the influences you have. Receiving Eternal Life is like finding a secret pearl, one that will affect the work of the soul. Use your minds and hearts to receive it.

    Jan 11

    Cry unto me when you are depressed, and I will hear and bless you. Seek my wonderful truths and you shall find your peace. At times, you may sit in silence, but you will have the consciousness of My presence. Oh! Listen to My Voice and never crowd

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