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Orcus: Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1
Orcus: Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1
Orcus: Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1
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Orcus: Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1

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I know that by reading the title you think there is no such thing as zombies.

The question remains: if this was true, why are stories revealed of them worldwide?

The old saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” applies to this chronicle.

Think of this: in today’s world, we have experiments of (1) cloning, (2) DNA and RNA manipulations, (3) human test trails concerning drugs and lab assignments, (4) vaccines, (5) subliminal brainwashing techniques through the devices (2 Cor. 2:11).

The atrocities go on and on of what fellow man is doing to fellow man and woman.

This is not just a story of Sandman, a man society loves to hate, but an adventure into the practice of Nihilism, as the destruction of existing political and/or social institutions that are instituted to improve the future of humans by zealots who also follow the footprints of the origins of death and resurrection to create an Orcus type of world.

So the question is, who is equipped to go beyond when the reanimated becomes meek?

Sandman’s survival through his eyes is a fictional adventure, or is it?

Fact or fiction: you make the call. So sit back and enjoy! “In those days shall men seek death and shall not find it, death shall flee from them” (Rev. 9:6). Zombie!


S. Muddy H2O

Release dateFeb 3, 2022
Orcus: Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1

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    Orcus - S. Muddy H2O



    Chronicles of a Zombie: Vol. 1

    S. Muddy H2O

    Copyright © 2021 S. Muddy H2O

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2021

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6466-9 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-6467-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Lost At Dawn

    Hot Mic

    Enter Manaus

    Tower Hike

    Over the Top


    Tour De Negro

    Discover Dusk

    Bicoastal Turn

    Angry Rage



    Ibasically wrote this story being a major fan of vampires and zombies. I wanted to lay out a believable story of zombies with more than enough action in great detail. You see, a lot of zombie books are lacking certain elements to them, and I am sure that I’ll hit on every point that’s missing. So beware, it’s a journey!


    Iwould first like to pay homage to the greatest writer of fiction herself, Ms. Anne Rice, without whose magnificent ways of storytelling I wouldn’t have known how to bravely delve into the minds of the wildly imaginative.

    Also, I would like to show love to all the people of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, South America, Hawaii, and Japan. Lastly, a big thanks and one love to my brother from SE DC P-Dogg.

    Peace and One Love


    Man, I’ve been running fast past four at least five minutes now, and these creatures were on my every move. I leaped over fallen trees with swiftness. I dived through tangled walls of thick jungle vines with ease. I tucked and rolled, jumped and dashed, tumbled down hills, and sprinted back up the opposite sides. All in all, they or at least three of them things were high on my ass. At moments of this fast-paced panicking type of chase, I could even say that I felt the rage’s tensity grasping at my heads.

    Chapter 1

    Lost At Dawn

    Ohhh… My head is fucking killing me… It feels like my heart is pounding up inside of it and is very close to bursting open. Man, I must’ve really overdone myself at that party last night. What the fuck! Did I pass out in the park or something? And where in the fuck is my knuckleheaded-ass bodyguards at? Oww, my head… What part of the park am I at, with all these crazy-ass animal sounds? Aw man, look at my damn clothes. I can’t even remember what in the hell happened last night!

    As I looked down toward my legs to check out my clothes, it was only then (ten minutes after I woke up) that this so-called park, from what little bit of it that I can make out through the densely thick vines, was indeed not of any inside of Baltimore City…unless I’ve wandered into the zoo exhibits? The sun was midways in the sky and peered through the wood-clustered skyline. Or so I would very much like to believe. That’s when it hit me to check for my money and jewels. All gone! Except for my wristwatch, which read 12:30 p.m. and wasn’t originally mine. It was an athletic watch by Casio. A fully equipped G-Shock. But how did it get on my wrist? And where in the fuck is my $25,000 watch at? And I just know this ain’t a goddamn dog coming straight toward me!

    Its silhouette was very dark in color, so it must be a… Grrrowl! Now, with this being my first time seeing a black panther in real life, I had always thought that this moment wouldn’t have had me shitting bricks! A fully grown black panther was what came face-to-face with me. Give or take, sixteen feet. This massive beast seemed pissed but was hesitant at attacking me. Why? I was scared shitless of it, so I’ll be damned if I’ll move first. All in a matter of ten seconds, the clamorous harmony of these woods turned back on, as if I was suspended in time watching my life pass before me. But within that long span of ten seconds, I took half a step back. The creature leaped up at me and was tackled out of midair. It seemed like a freakish type of divine-intervention lapse of time.

    Wha… What the fuck! I quickly thought, because it had appeared to have been three tattered-clothed men who snatched the big black beast from out of the air and were ripping it to shreds. Hey! I angrily yelled out. Boy, was that a big-ass mistake. Now I can defend myself very well, but when my instincts decided to interrupt these three wild hobo type of men, I disturbed what little peace I was having—or thought that I was having. Not intelligent at all! I thought to myself.

    I now became their focus of attention, and it startled me even worse than what the panther had done. Blood smeared faces by the gallons. All six eyes, a bright yellow. And to top it off (besides me being with no gun and outside my realm), these fuckers were emitting the most terrifying growls that were even possible for humans. Man, you already know what I did next. Now I’ve seen a lot of horror flicks to know that screaming, fainting, or pleading just doesn’t work. So I thought I’d ease back for better leverage but turned face-to-face smack dead into the fourth of these maniacs who had quietly joined the party late. At this time, I had to snatch up my bones, because my skin and muscles didn’t even think twice to run. Pure reflexes… I figured without even taking another second to calculate what is reality or not, where I was even located at, or what’s my next move. Then I broke fast of this man-things violent grasp at my expensive Louis Vuitton shirt and hauled ass.

    What’s that? What’s that? What’s that? I kept asking myself as I ran blindly into these thick and noisy woods. Noisy woods! Nawww, I don’t think so! All my pains and wariness seemed to have completely vanished or traded places with an all-new pain—that of my heart and lungs. My heart seems to have been in sync with the flight of the bumble bee. Too rapid for human consumption to endure. And my lungs? Well, let’s just put it this way: thank goodness that I played basketball for it makes haste of B-more’s finest, because busting would be an understatement. At this point, they all would’ve exploded.

    Man, I’ve been running fast pace for at least five minutes now, and these creatures were on my every move. I leaped over fallen trees with swiftness. I dived through tangled walls of thick jungle vines with ease. I tucked and rolled, jumped and dashed, tumbled down hills, and sprinted back up the opposite sides. All in all, they or at least three of them things were high on my ass. At moments of this fast-paced panicking type of chase, I could even say that I felt the rage’s tensity grasping at my heels.

    "Oh shit, nooo!" I was trying to mouth because my voice box wouldn’t work right without oxygen. And it’s not like they would’ve come to a mere lapse of understanding and straight up stopped from trying to do to me the same thing that they had done to that cat. But it was all I could try to say while running for my life. Me, Loki, running for my life! I can’t believe that this is what life has boiled down to…or better yet, how my life is gonna end. Damn! I thought. This shit here is very bad and then some. You know how people complain and say that it could always be worse? Well, welcome to worst. One of them seems to be a bit more anxious than all the rest at trying to catch me. So I tried some old peewee football league moves that I was taught called jukes. They’re the crucial head bobs and body jerks that make it seem as though I were turning this way and going that way and vice versa. But this creature was damn near like the Great Deion Sanders. With every move, shake, and bake maneuver that I performed, he was still glued to my ass.

    But to my delight, there was a break of sunrays within the woods just ahead, about fifty yards, forty yards, thirty yards, twenty. Oh nooo! My legs were close to buckling from under me. Ten yards…he was clawing at my shirt, growling like the mother of a grizzly cub or pit bull terrier. Nine, eight, seven yards… My head was in the sky, and feet were barely touching the moist forest floor. Six yards, five, four… I was too close to quit! I said to myself in my panic voice, Pleeease don’t let it get me! Roar!" Three yards, two yards, one… I was right; it was a break in the woods, and it was a river of some sorts, with about another fifty or so yards across.

    Just as this manlike creature grabbed hold of my loosely draped shirt that was blowing in the wind, I instantly flung my arms backward, releasing the garment, and did an Olympic-style diving posture and leap, all in the same motion. Woosh! Splash! The creature went thrusting his arms in midair and just flopped into the water completely submerged. As for me, I hit the water like an astroplane. I was twenty feet away from the embankment, before the creature could even break the surface. I did a few twists and turns during my mad dash across what seemed to be the James River of Virginia, USA. Then I noticed that the creature was still fighting, but in that very same spot that it fell in. Hold on a sec! What was that, that flopped from out of the water around him? Holy shit! I yelled while gagging water. It was a piranha. A fucking piranha. Oh shit! I said.

    I spun back over and continued my sprint very hastily across what I would now love to believe is the Amazon River of Brazil. When I reached the opposite bank, my adrenaline forced me to leap up out of the water on some ole Aquaman shit. I only think that was only possible because of my fright of piranhas (being completely ignorant of how they operate and all, but it’s better to be safe than sorry). Being spent of air, I quickly turned around to speculate and was greeted by awe. Blood seemed to have completely taken the place of that beast in this small arm of the Amazon. Not long after, three other manlike beast type of creatures had finally caught up to the river. One by one, they plopped into its murk, becoming devoured by an even more vicious predator. Da… Da… Damn… Ha, huuu… Ha huuu… Ha huuu! My breath! I tried to say. I couldn’t catch my breath. Ha huu, ha huu! My body broke down, and I collapsed on a muddy embankment of the Amazon River in Brazil, South America. Fucking South America… Now imagine that! I said. These were my last words just before I had passed out.

    When I came through, it was six hours later and probably about an hour until sunset. The many haunting sounds of this jungle were muffled by my own fear and loneliness. And it was kinda hard for me to fully grasp the idea of someone kidnapping me from off my turf and right up out of my security team…unless they were in on it? Nawww, im-fucking-possible. I blessed those dudes with many spoils of the good life. So they wouldn’t do this shit to me, would they? Damn, how could they cross me like this? Hold up! These boots aren’t mine that I have on. But I likey a lot. They fit like a glove of O. J. Simpson’s! Ha ha ha! Poor fella. What the… Check me out. I’m at the most trying experience of my life, and believe me, I’ve been through the worst of all worst turmoils of being the FBI’s most wanted. And I still show sympathy for The Juice! Ohh mannn. What the fuck’s going on?

    My nerves were shot, my hands started trembling bad, and my fear or paranoia of those beings kept my neck on a swivel with eyes as wide as can be. Better identified in street slang, as being on point. However, the theory of my arrival of this place is totally sketchy. I mean, I would love to accept the fact that they have finally captured me, which is my own delusions because I would be dead and still in the US. Shit, I’m not even gonna lie. I’m considered to be the fucking devil—or was considered up until I became short of a pussy cat. Ha ha ha! I nervously began to chuckle, then corrected myself. A big-ass, man-eating pussy cat. Then I came face-to-face with a ravaging group of psychopaths with faces similar to Linda Blair in The Exorcist, but covered in blood. That shit there was a crazy-ass scene that would’ve made even Lucifer defecate in his pants. It makes me wanna reevaluate my personal perspectives.

    I spent the next ten minutes trying to figure out who, what, when, where, and how in hell I got here from the giddyap. Hold on a minute. This G-Shock says Tuesday. The last I remember, it was Thursday night, on Halloween to be exact. The whole first week of November damn near passed by. So you’re telling me that I was out of commission for five days and wound up being chased by infected animalistic type of people in Brazil. That’s damn near a four-thousand-mile kidnapping. But how? I need a phone, and now! Oh man. I need help. There ain’t nobody around for days. Fuck miles, because traveling by foot in miles (or what’s considered probable of man to hike) is about fifty to eighty miles flat. Give or take a few dozen Shit, it stopped being any type of effort when those miles accumulated way up into the hundreds. So all in all, help would be days away, depending on where the fuck I was at. Damn!

    Okay! Okay! Okay! I repeated to myself, as if I were trying to boost my confidence back up about this nightmare. A nightmare? Who am I kidding here? This reality, or what appears to be one, would scare the balls off even the Boogie Monsters nightmare. But I won’t panic! I won’t panic! What was that! My mind is all jittery now, so I froze in place to listen with all of my body’s senses. Poised and suspended in a wrestler’s stance, it was amazing how long I stood like this. But now was not the best time to be acting brolic—or was it? Because I truly felt like The Ghost and Mr. Chicken. It was just that my nerves were overshocked at this point. Shit, I can’t even relax enough to try enjoying the Brazilian sunset. Nawww, maybe later, but don’t hold me to that!

    That was when I went straight to survival mode and started memorizing the dangers that lurked upon the Amazon floor at night: centipedes, scorpions, spiders, leeches, ants, frogs—and those are only the venomous animals on the small scale. You also have boars, snakes, leopards, and jags—and I’m not talking about the XJ type either. A lot of these creatures hunt at night or attack to protect themselves at any cost. I fucked up and lost one of my shirts, so all I have left is a pair of blue denim jeans, a thermal set, which consists of top and bottoms, neither of which I could use in this region’s climate, and a black tank top to finish. The only thing I can afford to truly dispose of is the thermal bottoms. Well, not fully dispose of, because if there’s anything that those nature survival shows of the Discovery Channel have taught me, it’s that every item you come in contact with is useful.

    Okay, so a shelter is a must-build, but first I need to find some form of bug repellent like mud! Oh. Okay! Mud from the riverbank will work just fine. I scooped up large quantities of the stuff, first by bathing in it, then by filling up my thermals with it. I specifically wanted to bathe in it, to lessen the bite of the infamous Amazonian mosquito. Shiiit, I’m not a complete dumbass! Then I walked very cautiously with every single step, in search of one of those big, bulky types of trees, the kind that’s only built for rain forest. "Ahh, there you go right there! I whispered. And I’m sure glad to meet you, Mr. Tree!" It took me about a good ten to twenty minutes to find it, especially one of such a great size. The kinda size I may be able to lie in like a large cat from…you know, with my body on the branch and my arms and legs hanging down. Yeah, I’ll probably lose the feeling in my limbs from it. But hopefully not terminally. And how I figure it, at the least. I won’t be on the ground.

    Before, I proceeded to climb up high inside the tree. I coated a nice seven-inched wide strip of mud around the base, hoping for the possibility to hold off a million or two ants and the sorts, or at least until the break of dawn. So being too nervous to sleep at first, I tore the thermals in strips and braided them into a nice-enough nine-foot rope. Shit. I didn’t know why. It’s just that I saw that shit on TV, and who knows if I’ll need it or not! Then after keeping myself busy for the next hour of doing that, I sat up with my back against the body of the tree to listen to the abyss of darkness from the Amazon forest—or jungle, that is!

    Soon after, I nodded off with my hands cuffed by my rope made of thermal to this massive tree. "Ahh!" That should keep me to stay suspended thirty feet up and off of the ground. And only then did I fall fast asleep.

    I woke the second morning of this living nightmare thinking, I am truly in an unfathomable dream. All the way following up to me being disturbingly watched by some monkeys. Fucking monkeys! If I’m not too sure, I do believe that they’re marmosets or something of the like. A whole family of them. And I think I was inside their tree house, but it seemed as if they were at peace with it. Well, until one of them sounded a screeching alarm that sent the tribe scattering up much higher in the vine-plagued branches.

    At first, I thought my ruggedness repulsed them and even got a good chuckle out of the idea. But that’s when I heard in great volume just what exactly they were afraid of. Mmmrrr! Mrrr! My alertness shot up my spine

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