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In the Shadows
In the Shadows
In the Shadows
Ebook138 pages1 hour

In the Shadows

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About this ebook

This study was written to bring insight into God's love and redemption brought into this world by Christ Jesus. It tells stories of faith, suffering, healing, and lessons to be learned. Many of the people we will read about were people mankind put "in the shadows" due to disease, social status, profession, or uncontrollable circumstances. It is not unlike today's society. I want us to look at all people as Jesus did, regardless of their condition or who they are in society.

No person is too lowly to be loved by our Lord. We are all created the same and should think of ourselves as loved in the eyes of God. Hopefully, this study will provide introspection to each of us. Are we the problem or solution in bringing all people into the light of Christ? The miracles discussed are only a few of those recorded. The people we will study were either healed or redeemed. By that circumstance, they were no longer "in the shadows." Some were no longer in the shadows of society.

Many were put in the redeeming light of the Lord. From this study, we will learn scripture and the insight it brings. We don't need headlines to bring to our attention those struggling in this world. We do, however, need to open our eyes to those struggling around us. No matter the circumstances, we are all neighbors in this world we inhabit together. This study will teach us what happens when the love of Christ enters our lives. The hope, love, and faithfulness of our God are always within our reach.

Release dateOct 12, 2022
In the Shadows

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    Book preview

    In the Shadows - Beth Marie Hawley


    In the Shadows

    Beth Marie Hawley

    ISBN 979-8-88540-781-6 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88540-782-3 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Beth Marie Hawley

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All quoted scriptures are from the NIV.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    In the Shadows: Introduction

    For This Study

    Emerging from the Shadows

    The Elderly

    Raising the Dead

    Men of Faith

    The Tax Collectors

    Faithful Women

    Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

    Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

    Poor Widow Gives All

    Sinful Women

    The Lepers

    Jesus Heals the Blind

    Driving Out Demons

    Simon of Cyrene

    Walk to Emmaus

    Jesus Heals the Masses

    Shadows in the Book of Acts


    Beggar Healed

    Ananias and Sapphira

    Healing Continues

    The Ethiopian

    The Conversion of Saul

    Aeneas and Tabitha


    Final Thoughts

    In the Shadows (Poem)

    Answer Key


    About the Author

    Idedicate this book to my mother and father, Annabelle and Richard Reelhorn. My three brothers and I were raised by parents who taught us that all people have worth. Because of how they lived that belief, our lives were richer. Diversity enriched my life and made me a better nurse, loving all people without prejudice. Thank you, Mom and Dad, for blessing us with such godly wisdom.

    In the Shadows: Introduction

    As per my usual pattern, this title came to me after my nightly prayers. It is in that quiet time when titles come to me. I have never asked for inspiration, but it continues to come. I am hoping that with this study, someone will see just how treasured they are, as were the people who were in the shadows. The foundation of this study is the discussion of people who had an amazing effect on others. Many of these people, however, were not famous and were often overlooked in the community of mankind. Some were the recipients of miracles. Others were in the right place at the right time, choosing to answer their heart and faith. Some of these people you may already recognize. I want to look at how their circumstances were so far-reaching. It also is important for us all to draw from the examples for inspiration. There is nothing our Lord can't do.

    I am the recipient of healing that is so rarely seen with my disease. I had lupus of the brain and the central nervous system. Other areas were affected for the sixteen to seventeen years I dealt with this. I was unable to read or comprehend anything other than the Bible. I am so grateful for having been drawn closer to God. The healing is still difficult to comprehend.

    So many in our family have been touched by our Lord. Some were healings, and some circumstances were facilitated to allow growth in other areas. Too often we are quick to give credit to the wrong one. We are so ready to place the credit on the things of this world. Hopefully, it will become more evident in this study the extent we are affected by our Lord's intervention.

    Many people aren't healed. Many suffer unimaginable loss and pain. I have seen it all too often. In that time, it is human nature to feel abandoned by God. Many in this study felt less of a person due to their circumstances. Often, they felt they weren't worthy to be noticed, let alone healed. Some of these people got little recognition, if any, but their actions had far-reaching implications. Some made mistakes that became lessons for us all.

    I want these people to emerge from the shadows and be the inspiration they were meant to be. Your actions, your life, and your response to trials may already have given inspiration to others without your knowledge. I hope we can truly find value in these stories. Personal value, faith, and inspiration are just some of my hopes and wishes for you.

    Thank you for taking this journey with me.

    —Beth Marie Hawley

    For This Study

    In this study, I have titled each section with subtitles below. After the subtitles, listed will be the chapters and verses to be read. Some readings will have verses from more than one book of the Bible. It is important to compare the readings of each book. We will often see the same words. There are times we will see a variation in the verses. What is nice about this study is how short the readings are. It leaves more time for contemplation. I also hope you will become more familiar with the gospels and book of Acts.

    Another important purpose is to remind us of the people, then and now, that society puts in the shadows. After doing this study, I am hoping we will all take away an enhanced insight into how it is so easy to be too busy to see, what some would say, are the least of us. God proves how much value we each have. We should also gain a greater appreciation of how very compassionate and merciful our Lord is and always has been.

    When we look

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