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Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You!
Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You!
Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You!
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Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You!

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Inspiration can be a powerful tool for your mind. Inspiration can aid in you achieving what you wish to achieve in your life. This book includes daily doses of inspiration to help and inspire you. People, places, and things are described here to share the inspiration that can be discovered all around us. The 365 daily doses of inspiration can lead to inspiration and bright days for you!

Release dateJan 2, 2018
Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You!

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    Got Inspiration? 365 Days of Inspiration for You! - Lisa Head

    Day 1

    June 1

    Inspiration guides, leads, creates. Inspiration guides us in big and small directions. Inspiration leads us to decisions in our lives. Inspiration creates lasting impressions on us, our loved ones, and society. Inspiration results in action that can create art or a vast array of things that can change lives. What has inspiration done for you?

    We are all affected daily by things we see and do. For some people, the song on the alarm clock or the sunlight streaming through the window starts our day off in a positive direction. Things, both large and small, inspire us in how we conduct ourselves. They can also change the direction in which we were heading. Just as seemingly small things can affect us, what we do and the way we conduct ourselves can have the same effect on someone else.

    People often think about how their actions matter to their family members, friends, and coworkers. How we conduct ourselves has a larger impact than what many people realize though. The ripples in a pond make a good analogy here. The water in the pond is most affected at the spot the pebbles hits. A large splash can be the result. Depending on the pebble’s size it can even result in some water hitting you. Further away from the point of impact, results lessen. Depending on the size of both the pond and the pebble, the opposite bank may have not been affected at all.

    People need to remember their own impact is felt by those closest, but can even be felt by someone in their vicinity. Just as the pebble may have affected the fish swimming by, a frown or rudely ordered breakfast can affect people. The people treated poorly may then carry that with them to their next interaction with someone else.

    Kindness counts and does spread kindness. Just as negative actions can spread, so can positive actions. Every positive action you take can result in more positive actions. Inspire a smile. Inspire a good-feeling laugh. Inspire helpful action. You will see good results. And importantly, you will feel them as well.

    My goal is to spread some positive inspiration. I hope that my thoughts here can lead to good things for you, your loved ones, coworkers, and others. Maybe you can create some lasting testament to your personal inspiration. Good luck and blessings to you. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 2

    Family often is and often deserves to be our first source of inspiration. Our parents are our first contacts. Were you lucky enough to have parents that were and/or are worthy of your personal inspiration? Mine are worthy, I’m happy to say. They inspire me in different ways, and love and admiration have evolved throughout my life.

    Think back to your earliest memories. Along with brothers, sisters, and other family members, parents are our earliest influences. Hopefully, like mine, your parents and primary caregivers inspired you to take a path that resulted in many good decisions and an overall positive path for your life. Bad things happen. The hope is that your mistakes become fewer as you age. You learn to talk and walk just as you learn from your mistakes as you age. You also learn consequences for mistakes and ways to avoid them. Staying positive and following rules and laws can help you to follow your inspiration and become what you decide you want to be.

    For me, it led to good grades and eventually to becoming a teacher, wife, and mother. My mother was the oldest daughter of six children raised on a farm with lots of love and responsibility. My father was one child of three raised in a city by small business owners who served as a young man in our military, then went to college and became a financial manager for a large corporation. They taught me many things, including ways to be smart with money and how to cook meals my family would love.

    Over the years, I’ve been aware of and exposed to mistakes that family members have made. These occurrences were discussed just as other family decisions were applauded. There is good and bad everywhere. Focusing on the good and its results can lead to more good. Inspiration has ripple effects for people. Many people in my family have inspired me and continue to inspire me. We all need to focus on positive inspiration. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 3

    How do you feel about art? Does art inspire you? Do you create art? The answers to these questions are most likely just as complicated for you as the definition of art. Art is many things and is created in many ways.

    You may think of something you find in a museum. You may think of something you watch. You may think of something you listen to. You may think of something you smell or taste or read. Art is many things, and people have lots of reactions to art.

    Does art inspire you to create? Does art bring forth strong feelings for you? I encourage you to think about art. Let that you feel good about allow you to feel positive. Let art inspire you. Even if your positive feelings simply let you have a better day or turn to your next experience with a better outlook. Be inspired.

    Personally, I appreciate, notice, and enjoy many forms of art. What inspires an artist is as complicated or vast as trying to define art. Seeing or visiting works of art is a source. However, sources can also be all around us. I enjoy nature and art that reflects nature. I enjoy history and learning. Many forms of art align with things I enjoy. Music, cooking, and loved ones inspire me. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 4

    How does music make you feel? You probably have a lot of answers to that question. There are a lot of answers to that question. Music can and does make us feel many things. People often have an instant reaction to music. Just as a favorite song waking you on your alarm can start your day positively, so can hearing music on your car radio you enjoy or even catching something you like in an elevator. Music often sets a tone. It can inspire you. It can motivate you. Music often gets people moving. People dance and work out to music. Music can be good for our bodies as well as our souls. People often run on the treadmill to their favorite music. Benefits to health and psychology are evident.

    Music may be even more to you. Music is art. Many people are inspired by music and make making music and sharing music their life’s work. Of course, music has made many people rich. Other people may be part of a choir or orchestra. Whether music helps you make your living or helps you on the treadmill, music is all around us.

    Music is often motivation and inspiration. Music can be found all around us. There are many songs and much music made naturally. Going outside, visiting a zoo, watching animals, and listening to insects can all be musical. Some music is associated with certain times of the year or certain activities.

    Music elicits emotions. Emotions result in action. My wish to everyone is positive feelings and action. Of course, in movies or on stages music can be used to elicit suspense, fear, or another emotion that is part of the story. The power of music at these times can be evident. Music is art. Art motivates and inspires.

    Take music with you. Listen for, appreciate, and relish in the music around you. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 5

    Reflect on nature a moment. Chances are many things come to mind. What nature is, what it means to you, how you experience/interact with it, and how it inspires you are all important. Nature inspires art, music, literature, and many other things.

    Some of my best vacation memories are tied to incredible natural settings. Sweet memories I have of my children’s early years are tied with animals. Going to the zoo and walking our dog are two. Planting flowers at home or going on my brother’s pontoon boat are memories to cherish. Even sitting curled up on the couch, watching and listening to a storm can be a fond way to experience nature.

    While nature can be devastating, it can also be amazing. Many people are inspired by our natural world, and it leads to their career. Protecting or conserving nature can be where their inspiration leads. Supporting groups that care for places you love is something everyone can do. People can also try to protect our earth by not being wasteful. People can visit natural landmarks. People can recycle. People can share their love of nature with others.

    Of course, the enormity of this topic can be compared to the enormity of our place in the universe. Be inspired by the views around you. Be inspired by natural landmarks. Be inspired by animals. Be inspired by vegetation. Be inspired by nature! Have a bright day!

    Day 6

    How do you feel when you learn something new? What do you do next when you learn something new? Sometimes you probably don’t feel much of anything in particular when you learn something. You may not do anything. Learning is a part of life. It is constantly occurring.

    Most of the time, learning something does have a consequence, be it physical or emotional. We usually use our new knowledge in some way. We may use it by doing something we have learned how to do. As the saying goes, Practice makes perfect. We may use it by sharing our new knowledge with others. Many times we hear a story or fact we find interesting or compelling, and we tell someone else.

    Like the ripples in a pond, our learning spreads out. It changes or lessens the further it goes. Chances are if the ripples are caused by someone skipping stones there are multiple sots in the pond where ripples result. People use and pass on what they learn.

    Learning inspires. Learning may inspire you to learn more about a topic. Chances are everyone has learned something in school that becomes part of their life outside of school. Not only do we read or use math in our daily lives, we use all kinds of facts and skills. You may become a chef because you became inspired in a home economics class. You may become a doctor because you became inspired in a science or physical education class. You may become a designer because you became inspired in an art class. You may become a musician because a music class inspired you. You may become a politician because a history or government class inspired you. You may become an author because language arts inspired you.

    Just as many things in school can inspire you, many people can inspire you. Maybe someone in your family taught you something. Maybe a friend, celebrity, or even a stranger taught you something or inspired you to learn something. Learning changes lives.

    Cherish your knowledge. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 7

    How did you become what you are today? What started you on the career path you took? Thinking back on that for a minute may help you today. Were you inspired by someone in your family? Did an event or need inspire you? Was there another important person who shaped your future?

    I, for instance, was inspired in multiple ways to become a teacher. My teachers influenced me. There were those that told stories. Stories about history or other curricular topics influenced me. My mother was the librarian at my elementary school, and that made me feel more connected to my elementary school. I babysat as a teenager and had younger cousins. These things and so much more inspired me to become a teacher.

    Once working as a teacher in an elementary school, I continued to be inspired. Other teachers and professionals working in the district inspired me. Stories about children learning new things or overcoming hurdles inspired me. I loved my career. For those that may wonder, I was in a bicycle accident and am currently on medical leave. I am inspired now to do my physical therapy and everything I can do to get back to my teaching job.

    Maybe a hobby or something you enjoyed doing shaped your career path. Whatever it was, try to remember it. Sometimes the day-to-day can wear us all down. Getting better and doing therapy can wear me down at times. Hope, future vision, reading, writing, socializing when I can, and even television all help me with the day-to-day circumstances I am currently living with. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 8

    Do you enjoy working out? Are you one of those people that feel off if you haven’t completed your daily run or laps in the pool? There are many people that just build physical fitness into their daily routine. Others enjoy the gym, but visiting it is an extra. Some people go when there is nothing else to do.

    Whatever place physical fitness takes in your life, it is important. Any doctor or health-care professional will explain or extoll the benefits of a healthy weight and level of fitness. Being physically fit often benefits other health conditions you may be living with. Having experienced an accident that put me in a wheelchair and physical therapy, I am sure my level of fitness has impacted my recovery. Had I been as fit as a trainer at my gym, I would be further along I’m sure. Had I skipped the gym more often and relished in dessert more often, I would be further behind. Now I’m keeping fitness in perspective with everything else I am dealing with. I hope, and I try.

    I have learned inspirational stories that help me at this time. One woman in a wheelchair is a ballroom dancer. Another, an ex-Olympic swimmer and medalist, has made remarkable strides. She can now walk, as can a man who made one of his first walks down the aisle to marry the love of his life.

    Maybe you motivation comes from looking at others or your trainer at the gym. One gentleman I attended high school with now owns a gym, trains others, and has inspirational hobbies. He sells healthy food and takes and sells amazing photographs of nature.

    Working out has many benefits and not only on our bodies. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 9

    Do you believe in a higher power? God? A goddess? Something else? I believe in God and do attend church. There are many people in my congregation that inspire me. People that do wonderful things for others and the community. People that have served in the military. People that have achieved many things.

    Yesterday I was inspired by the subject of my amazing pastor’s sermon. The sermon reminded listeners that church can occur anywhere. My pastor spoke about a man that was heralded as a remarkable leader of his church. He was being interviewed and arranged that the interview take place at a local truck stop diner.

    Once there, the man was approached by person after person. He spoke to and helped each of these people. The interviewer grew impatient. The man later explained that they had attended his church over the course of their meal. Church can happen anywhere. Listening to and helping others is what church is all about. Each of us can be a healer in this way.

    Think about your beliefs and the teachings of your church. Think about the ways you have helped others. Think about what you can do to help someone. Anything from a smile to some money to doing someone a favor, all of these things can be helpful to someone else. Helping others can help yourself. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 10

    Are you lucky enough to have turned a hobby into how you make your living? Most of us enjoy our hobbies and have different reasons for developing them. Few of us are lucky enough to have turned a hobby into a career. If you have, count yourself lucky, and if you need to, revisit your passion or love or enjoyment that led to your career. Perhaps it’s a side job or passion.

    We do enjoy our hobbies. Perhaps inspiration led you to your hobby or one of them anyway. People often do not need a reminder to enjoy a hobby, but I want to do that for you today. Our lives get busy, and that can lead us away from enjoying our hobbies. This can lead to unhappiness. This kind of unhappiness can lead to more unhappiness. Do not allow this to happen to you and your loved ones. Give yourself a break; you need to enjoy your hobbies. Happiness can lead to more happiness for you and your loved ones.

    Inspiration for hobbies often comes from loved ones. I enjoy reading and cooking just as my mother does. I enjoy reading and golfing just as my father does. I am hopeful that I will be out of my wheelchair and back on the golf course one day. Both of my kids love to read. My daughter has started to cook. One of my uncles enjoys photography. My cousin inherited his love. Examples go on and on. Sharing your love or enjoyment of something not only adds benefits to your own life, but spread it to others as well.

    Let a hobby add to your physical, emotional, and even social well-being. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 11

    Think about who inspires you. This is more likely a complicated request. Over the years, your inspiration has most likely changed. People you are inspired by can change yearly, and learning an inspiring story can even happen daily in good times.

    There are deplorable people that we hear stories about almost daily or more than one a day. Thinking of one of those people can inspire us to combat an issue or help someone. There are people that are in our lives or just known to us that are worthy of inspiration as well. Each of us can feel comfort and, of course, inspiration in this fact.

    Thinking of loved ones is a good place to start. Your nuclear family started you on your path. Family was important to my parents. Most of my earliest memories include the five of us. Many of them are events or vacations with extended family as well. Members of my neighborhood and school also come into my mind. Members of my family, as well as, a firefighter and nurses from my neighborhood come to mind as early sources of my inspiration.

    Growing up many people came into and out of your life. Hopefully, there are many people that you admired, loved, and were inspired by. Maybe you took the school or career path you took because of these people. Maybe something else inspired you path. However, if you are reading this, inspiration can still have a positive impact on your life. Believe it! Follow the good! Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 12

    People are often a source of inspiration. We should all feel grateful some people are in our lives. Yesterday to feel inspired you may have thought of someone you have known or loved. Have you known or felt inspired by someone in our armed forces? We all may have at one time. You, most likely, have known someone to have served our country. These fine individuals have served and protected our country.

    There are many things we may feel when we think of individuals in our military. Gratitude, admiration, and inspiration may come to mind. We have heard stories, read accounts of service, or even saw movies or television programs about individuals experiencing or that have experienced service to the United States. Respect, admiration, inspiration all can be felt.

    Family tradition can be motivation for individual service. There are many reasons individuals serve. Whether someone joins the military to escape their current life or as a stepping stone on their career path, we can all feel grateful to each of them.

    You may feel inspired to express gratitude. You may feel inspired to help someone else. You may feel inspired to do something. Enjoy your daily tasks, knowing there are fine individuals serving and protecting our country. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 13

    Are you an Olympic trivia buff? Some people know books of facts about the Olympics—past Olympic athletes, cities, events, matches, winners, etc. Other people enjoy the Olympics and watch the opening ceremonies and their favorite events. Wherever you interest/involvement falls, everyone must admit the athletes are impressive.

    Dedication and training are paramount. Stories of past competitors may help spur individuals on. There are many emotions behind each athlete, I am sure. Every event, every win, every person evokes strong feelings.

    Each of us watching the Olympics or being part of an event has some reaction to the Olympics. Are you inspired to take a walk or hit the gym? Many people are inspired to improve their own physical health. Are you inspired to share facts, events, or viewing matches with others? Maybe the games inspire you to strengthen bonds you have with others. Maybe your family has traditions that you help to carry on.

    Depending on many things, you may or may not be familiar with Amy Van Dyken-Rouen. This incredible athlete is a six-time Olympic gold medalist. She is a swimmer. Swimming happens to be a love of mine. I do look forward to swimming races/events during the Summer Olympics. Many people may feel inspired by her due to her participation and winning in the Olympics. You may or may not know more about her. In 2014, she was paralyzed and suffered a severe spinal cord injury in an ATV crash. Now she has walked again! Hard work, physical therapy, and assistive devices have helped her to get to this point. Support from loved ones is a big part of her recovery.

    She is inspirational! I am inspired by her as I am working on getting out of my wheelchair. I have been in a pool again at therapy and with family. I am thankful and inspired. We all have limitations or just plain different abilities to work with. Feel inspired and work with what you have. You really can be your best self! Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 14

    What kind of news watcher are you? When you’re home, do you try to catch the news morning, noon, evening, and night? There are multiple purposes of news programs and many channels you can find news on. The public gets information, breaking stories, weather, traffic, and more on news programs. You can learn about events and stories occurring around you or watch world news programs.

    Newscasters and reporters have many reasons for following the career path that results in them being on television news programs you watch. Of course, the same could be said for print and other media news sources. You, most likely, have favorite newscasters. Perhaps they seem to have good personalities, seem trustworthy, and/or seem intelligent.

    What I wish to focus on here are the inspirational stories. Many newscasters seem to relish in relating inspirational stories to their audience. The act of relating these stories to the audience has impact. They may have audience members donating money to a cause they find worthwhile. They may have audience members their day on a positive note. They may have audience members helping others. Inspirational stories have positive results.

    Whether the story’s purposes are to inform, caution, or inspire, we all can in some way feel the results of news programs and newscasters. I am glad for and thankful to newscasters. Newscasters inform as well as inspire. Continue to learn about and care for your area. You may see results on the news! Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 15

    Have you always adhered to the old adage to never argue religion or politics? At times, everyone has perhaps held back on a few comments on these subjects. People hold back so they don’t offend and for other reasons as well.

    Today, I want to highlight politicians. As socially awkward as it can be to talk politics at times, the individuals do it for a living. We need them. They work for issues and proposals that move our local, state, and national selves forward. It is the role of adults to listen, investigate, and consider. Vote. They have these tasks as well.

    In high school and college, a dear friend of mine studied, strived, and worked. He became a politician. We had many spirited discussions over the years. We respected each other, I believe, but we almost always disagreed. Although we disagreed, I believe he is a good man and will continue to work for what he believes in.

    Passion, belief, and inspiration are all vital. Yesterday I spoke with a cousin in college. Although her studies are science, not politics, she is very politically active at her school. She believes she is helping others and her actions are what needs to be done. We can all take part. We can think about our beliefs, our inspiration, and take an active role in our society. With respect, conversations can be had. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 16

    Do you have a family doctor you visit? Everyone is advised to see a doctor at least yearly. Some of us have to see doctors more often. As a child there are visits that are supposed to be scheduled. Whatever your medical history, you have probably seen doctors you have liked or connected with more than one time.

    Just like any profession, doctors have many reasons for following their path. There are years of schooling and ongoing education, so doctors are and need to be committed to their profession. You, most likely, like and respect your doctor.

    Since my accident, I have seen many doctors and individuals in the medical field. Emergency room physicians and staff, neurologists, sports medicine physicians, physical/occupational/speech therapists, and many more are due my gratitude, appreciation, and inspiration. Thank you.

    Coincidence? Inspiration? I have been told many stories since waking from the coma that had me for a while. One is about a young doctor.

    My roommate at one time in the hospital was a woman whose daughter has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to a bicycle accident (which is how I had mine). My mother and this woman spent hours talking. This woman worked hard to recover from her accident, but she also worked hard and did very well in school. She went on in school to become a doctor herself. She is inspiration for my mother and myself; however, she can also be inspiration for you. She proves what belief in yourself and hard work can do.

    Think about your inspiration, follow it, and believe in yourself! Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 17

    Missionaries? Missionaries are often inspired by their religious faith to do inspirational deeds for those in need. Oftentimes missionaries spread the teaching of their church or faith while educating and tending to the health and care of a community in need. The help they provide is inspirational.

    Many people disagree with the work missionaries do. Part of their mission is to spread their faith. This, coupled with the lack of medical data resulting from or related to their work, troubles many individuals and groups. These concerns can be understood; however, people do need help. If you find yourself in a situation where you can help someone, doing so can be inspiring. Each person is left with choices and carry on as missionaries leave their homeland.

    A dear friend of decades and her husband went on a mission trip with her church. They worked as construction, kitchen, and spiritual workers. She came home with pictures and stories. Important memories were made that will last a lifetime. She is motivated to do this kind of trip again and with her entire immediate family.

    This morning on the news was a story about a homeless mother of three that was given a home in Detroit. She has breast cancer and works full-time as a waitress. She fainted at work. Her story gained so much attention that people wanted to help her and her children. They gave her a furnished home and several items her children needed.

    Whether you help abroad or locally, helping others is inspirational. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 18

    Hey, sports fans! What kind of sports fan are you? Some are casual, and some are obsessed. For some people, their favorite sport evokes fond childhood memories. They follow the sport on television and when possible in person. It continues to be a family affair for some. When they are around their parents, the discussion often is about the sport. This type of fan takes their own children to games. Other people read and watch everything they can. They even make bets or play games based on their sports results.

    Some sports fans play sports as well. Maybe at one time you played your sport for your school. Maybe as you grew up you entered local games or tournaments. Becoming or being a professional athlete may even have been part of your dream or maybe has been part of your life. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, you can admit professional athletes are talented, dedicated individuals that evoke a lot of emotion.

    There are many inspirational stories in the realm of professional athletics. From Jackie Robinson breaking the color-barrier and breaking records to an athlete dedicating a game to a cause such as childhood cancer. Skill and fortitude can be admired without a doubt; however, there are many individuals that do what they do for others as well as themselves. Don’t get me wrong; if an athlete plays for themselves, it is okay. There are many though that feel inspired themselves to do something more. Giving back or helping others is a way that many athletes inspire us.

    From becoming humanitarians to actors or broadcasters, professional athletes impact our lives/society. Professional athletes can inspire positive change. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 19

    Think about your experience with teachers. For most of us, our first teachers were our parents, and then we went through a series of professional teachers. Perhaps your path took you to university professors or on the job trainers. Whatever your experiences, teachers have been or are a part of your life.

    If you’re similar to me, you’ve probably had a wide range of experiences. From the junior high teacher who had memorized and enjoyed reciting the back of the toothpaste label to the wonderful man by the same first name as Michael Jackson who as a youngster I argued about how to spell Michael. In my defense, I had read it wrong because it was in cursive, and I thought the e was an i. As someone who became a teacher, I have many stories about inspirational teachers (and children!) as well. I believe everyone has at least one inspirational story.

    Teachers spend many hours outside of the school day working. Many of us also spend a lot of our money, not classroom money, on our rooms and students. For the marking period, semester, or year, we have them many teachers feel these little angels are ours. We care about them and feel responsible for them. For their learning, of course, but more than that as well.

    I could tell many stories, from the fabulous teacher who made a classic movie come alive in her room to the student that excelled on the playground, stage, and classroom with one arm. However, I feel every one of us could tell a wide range of stories. Think about your stories and what you could teach others. I hope to get back to the classroom one day, but until then, I will still be a teacher and do all I can.

    Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 20

    Negativity spreads negativity. Positive thoughts, feelings, and action spread positive thoughts, feelings, and action. Think about playing cops and robbers as a child. It was clear who the good guys and bad guys were. It is still today!

    Police officers have gotten a bad rap lately. Yes, some horrible things have happened. Most police officers would agree. Examples of bad individuals or acts by individuals can be found in every profession. A bad apple can spoil the whole bunch is the saying. However, removing the bad apple can keep the rest safe as well. We need to think of negative press this way as well. Police officers are worthy of respect, admiration, and inspiration. The vast majority of police officers feel negatively about bad examples on the news as well. Bad apples do get removed. The vast majority are there for us.

    Police officers swear to protect and serve. They have sworn to protect and serve civilians. Each day of their job, police officers protect and serve us. This fact alone is inspiring. Inspirational individuals and stories are there. Telling or sharing these stories help to spread positive thoughts, feelings, and action.

    I know I feel good to have a police officer as a close neighbor. He had to enter my home when my family was out of town and an upstairs toilet caused a flood that shorted out and opened our garage door. I never thought negatively about his action. I was glad and grateful. Thank you buddy Steve!

    Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 21

    Who runs into burning buildings when most people are running out of them? Firefighters, of course! Firefighters are worthy of everyone’s gratitude, admiration, and yes, inspiration. These men and women dedicate themselves to helping others. There are a variety of classifications. Many firefighters, especially in rural areas, are volunteer. Many are full-time inner-city firefighters. Many are paramedics, as well as full-time firefighters. Whatever their classification, firefighters are hard-working, dedicated, caring individuals.

    This morning on the news, a couple of gentlemen with a touring exhibit of September 11 were on. The exhibit is one of remembrance of that day’s tragic events and also of the heroism and hard work of the firefighters and other first responders involved. Not only does the exhibit memorialize and educate, it also supports and thanks veterans. They collect funds that help amputees from the United States Armed Forces. This is another example of hard work, dedication, and caring.

    My husband is a paramedic firefighter. At one time, he worked in an inner city. Today, he is working in a nearby suburban community. They have a dozen or more calls each twenty-four-hour shift he works. They respond to car accidents, medical calls from homes and businesses, downed trees, and fires among other things.

    His department does a lot for their community as well. From special events to sports leagues, members of fire departments are involved. They make the communities in which they work better places to be and live.

    Part of the reason I am here writing this today is thanks to a paramedic firefighter. My bicycle accident was witnessed by an angel who called for help. My husband happened to call while I was receiving emergency medical treatment from a firefighter he had gone to school with. Thank you.

    Please support your local police and fire departments. Whether you attend an event they sponsor or help in another way, your help is appreciated. Let your inspiration guide you.

    Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 22

    Who is the person you most likely first see when you go to the doctor? Your child’s doctor? The hospital? More than likely, it’s a nurse. Many times we see more of nurses than we do doctors. As thankful as we are for doctors and as much as we need them, oftentimes nurses really make or break (emotionally) the experience for us. Their job is important. Like doctors, they have to be very careful and think on their feet. If a practice or clientele is to be built, nurses need to be good.

    If you think about nurses you’ve known throughout your life, their hard work and dedication can inspire you. I grew up with two nurses as neighbors and close family friends. A dear friend and a family member became nurses. Wonderful people. They are smart, helpful, thoughtful, fun, caring people.

    After my bicycle accident and my time spent in a coma, family members have told me many stories about nurses that cared for me. Not only did they chitchat and tell stories with my loved ones, they also told me stories and did my hair even though I would not know this if I was not told. They did these things, among other things, to try to make sure I was comfortable and cared for. I have spent a lot of time with nurses and feel an enormous amount of gratitude and appreciation for them.

    Let the nurses in your life know your gratitude and appreciation. Let them inspire you to care for or help someone else today. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 23

    Who inspires you? What jobs do people have that inspire you? People can form connections or be inspired by a variety of occupations. Did your inspiration lead to your job or a hobby you enjoy? I hope that you have or can benefit from inspiration. Of course inspiration can come from nature, music, religion, education, a variety of things. If, however, it comes from a person in a particular occupation, recognizing it can inspire you more.

    Perhaps a chef inspired you to try to cook something new. We all have to eat. Everyone who works in a restaurant plays a part in your experience. Maybe you take a recommendation on what to order. Or if you have some food allergies like my mother does, someone makes sure that your food is safe. Whatever your case, your restaurant experience is affected by every member of the staff in some way.

    Perhaps a technician inspired you to build or fix something. Perhaps an artist inspired you to create something. There are vast sources and benefits to inspiration. From jobs that we have on your path to our professions or careers, each person is a part of a bigger picture. I hope that your benefits make your life and those around you more successful in many ways.

    Take some time to explore your thinking about inspirational occupations. Let this exploratory thinking benefit you and those around you. Good wishes and thoughts to all. Be inspired! Have a bright day!

    Day 24

    Who from our history inspires you? Rosa Parks? Helen Keller? Ruby Bridges? Abraham Lincoln? Someone from our more recent history? Someone that’s making history today? There are many sources of inspiration in history books.

    Rosa Parks, as a black woman, became famous for not giving up her seat on a bus so a white passenger could sit down. She was arrested for this because it was a time in our history when racial segregation was the law. Whites had the law and police officers favoring/supporting them. Rosa Parks was not the first black person to do this, but she became a face of the civil rights movement. Rosa Parks worked as a seamstress and for the NAACP. She lost her job as a seamstress and moved from Alabama to Detroit, Michigan. She found work in Detroit and continued to work with the NAACP. The Montgomery Bus Boycott and Rosa Parks became two of the symbols of the civil rights movement. She later worked for John Conyers, an African-American US representative.


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