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Wisdom in Rhyme
Wisdom in Rhyme
Wisdom in Rhyme
Ebook253 pages2 hours

Wisdom in Rhyme

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About this ebook

Maxine "Maggie" became a follower of Christ more than twenty years ago. In awe of the glories of god's greatness, and his overwhelming and amazing love for mankind, her zeal for the Lord is insolvable.

Rhymes were a part of her youth. Sending a note to a friend; adding something more to a card; and a feasible attempt at song-writing, to eventually rhyming old journals, which served to navigate memories long hidden and brought to remembrance and unveiled in her rhymes.

Glorifying and honoring god is the foundation of this book, sharing her stories is an enlightenment to possibly inspire another to the saving love of Jesus Christ.

Release dateOct 14, 2022
Wisdom in Rhyme

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    Book preview

    Wisdom in Rhyme - Maxine Bryant-Neway










    Copyright © 2022 Maxine Bryant-Neway

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2022

    ISBN 978-1-63881-840-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63881-841-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Crucifixion and Resurrection

    Faith defined

    So I Just Imagine

    Why Do I Love Thee

    The Armor of God


    A God-Given Position

    Pastor Carlo Mendoza

    This Child

    Deity of Jesus—the Son of God

    Christmas Eve

    Love, the Most Excellent Way

    Ungodliness and Unrighteousness

    My Journey to Christ

    My Day of Salvation 2/20/2000

    My Testimony

    The Tent Tabernacle

    Free of God—Yes, Free Indeed!

    What Jesus Is to Me


    A Tribute to My Sister, My Friend

    Hi Sis, It’s Maggie

    Me Again

    Staying in Touch

    Quicken Me

    Last Night I Dreamed

    Lillian Thompson

    Dearest Friends

    In Awe of My Jesus

    Colossians 1:9–13

    Moving Day

    Walk by Faith

    Divorce and Peace

    To Him I Do Not Know


    My Dearest Friend Rosell

    Shelby (Poopie) Bryant

    Georgeann (Reese) Scott

    Our ABCs in Christ

    Dr. Ronald E. Roberts Sr.

    Appreciating Pastor Roberts

    Appreciating First Lady Inez

    I Realize

    Spiritually I See

    The Father and Son and Holy Spirit

    Holy Trinity

    O My Lord!


    The Ten Plagues

    In Recognition of Edna Anderson


    Loss of a Child

    Various Scriptures

    Worry and Anxiety

    For a Funeral

    Lead and Guide—Will and Way

    Before and After

    Did You Hear?

    Welcome to the Family

    I Am

    Crucifixion and Resurrection

    He’s the lamb of God

    The Son of Man never sinned

    Why then was he handed over

    For this mock of a trial to begin

    A charge of false accusations

    Though he uttered no words of deceit

    Amassed by the chief priest and elders

    With desire to keep their choice seats

    Betrayed with a kiss in the garden

    Arrested sheep scattered and fled

    The high priest now stood above him

    Is it true these things they have said?

    As sheep before the sheerer is silent

    He uttered not a word

    Didn’t part his mouth to speak

    For the truth would not be heard

    Yet, he is able to destroy the temple of God

    And rebuild it in just three days

    He submits to the will of the Father

    And fulfills it without delay

    "I charge you under oath by the living God

    These things they say—are they true

    Art thou the Christ, the son of the blessed?"

    Answerest thou, this ye do

    "I am, and you shall see the Son of Man

    Sitting at the right hand of power

    And coming in the clouds of heaven"

    Said he, though no one knows the hour

    Like a lamb, he was led to the slaughter

    Handed over to be crucified

    Washing hands of innocent blood, Pilate says

    Let it be on you that he dies

    Stripped and dressed in a scarlet robe

    A crown of thorns pierced his head

    A staff in his hands, mocked bowed-down heads

    hail king of the Jews they all said

    He was spit upon and insults were hurled

    Blindfolded he could not see

    With a staff he was struck over and over again

    And each blow that he took was for me

    Whips and chains whelped his skin

    Chunks of flesh tore from his body

    To his head and face crushing blow after blow

    So was he scourged, dragged, bludgeoned, and bloody

    His appearance became disfigured

    Jesus was beaten in such a way

    He was marred beyond human likeness

    As he carried our sins away

    He was misinterpreted and rejected

    A man of sorrow who was despised

    Grief became his acquaintance

    In speaking truth void of lies

    The humble suffering servant

    Had no beauty they were appalled

    A glorious conquering king was hailed

    Not this lowly man of God

    His importance—miscalculated

    His divine nature—overlooked

    Dubbed an ordinary man Christ our savior

    Was given the worst, and that he took

    Afflicted and oppressed, considered stricken by God

    Glorification was not sought

    Though he took up our infirmities

    Still we esteemed him not

    To the cross he carried our sorrows

    He was crushed for our iniquities

    Pierced for our transgressions

    His suffering brought us peace

    He was given wine to drink

    As he hung in the place of the skull

    After tasting, he refused it

    For it had been mixed with gall

    Insults did not cease on the cross

    Save thyself and us, if thou be the Christ

    Lord, remember me in your kingdom, said one

    He said, Today you will be with me in paradise

    He saved others…let him save himself

    As people watched, the rulers sneered

    His clothes were divided, cast by lot

    As soldiers laughed, ridiculed, and jeered

    Now from the sixth to the ninth hour

    Darkness covered the earth in awesome gloom

    Foes and followers alike fell silent

    Engrossed by encircling doom

    As he took on the sins of the world

    A deep expression of anguish he felt

    Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?

    (My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?)

    Though he did not mind the drinking

    He suffered greatly for the world’s shame

    It was the time of separation from the Father

    That distressed him all the same

    "father, forgive them

    For they know not what they do

    I’m thirsty…it is finished

    Into your hands I commit my spirit to you"

    As he spake the words it is finished

    He means that it’s paid in full

    Redemption had now been purchased

    By his hanging in the place of the skull

    When he yielded up the ghost

    His legs they were not broken

    His side pierced came blood and water

    Fulfilling all the prophets had spoken

    Those sleeping in Christ rose from the tombs

    The curtain rent, the earth did quake

    Those watching feared greatly

    But had fear come too late?

    With permission, joseph and others

    Wrapped him in linen and laid him to rest

    While some had rent their clothes

    While still others smote their breast

    God’s will was to crush and cause him to suffer

    And make his life a sin offering for you and for me

    To let him die a shameful criminal’s death

    For all the world to see

    For only Christ’s blood satisfied God’s requirement

    His blood was shed for the remission of sin

    And Father chose the sacrifice himself

    His son became the sacrificial lamb

    Hallelujah! On the third day

    Christ resurrected from the grave

    The hold on him, death could not keep

    He had only died to save

    The Lord God raised him up again

    And his flesh suffered no decay

    An end was put to the agony of death

    As the stone was rolled away

    He is not here, but he is risen

    Why seek the living among the dead

    Terrified, they bowed their faces

    Remembrance came to what Jesus had said

    "the Son of Man must be delivered

    Into the hands of sinful men

    Be crucified and on the third day

    Be raised to life again"

    No man took the life of Christ

    It wasn’t an execution or assassination

    But a willful sacrifice of himself

    The cross was ever his destination

    With the cross being the destination

    And the very reason for which he came

    The resurrection then was never in doubt

    It’s the glorious validation of his claim

    God in his omniscience knew

    He’d create man and man would fall

    And man would be redeemed by Christ

    At the cross, once and for all

    In his crucifixion and resurrection

    He struck the deathblow of Satan’s rule

    All power is given in heaven and earth

    Till his enemies become his footstool

    In his crucifixion and resurrection

    Is the foundation of our faith

    We are justified by faith through redemption

    As he intercedes pleading our case

    In his crucifixion and resurrection

    We too with assurance guaranteed

    Forever with Christ in eternity

    Beyond the grave life will exceed

    In his crucifixion and resurrection

    He absolved the destruction of God’s wrath

    We now have peace with God through him

    Sanctifying peace, to ever last

    The final and ultimate sacrifice for sin

    Why did Christ do this for you and for me

    Because it wasn’t the nails, but his love

    That held him on the tree

    They accused, arrested, and crucified

    And still could not thwart his hour

    He established credentials as lord and king

    Divine glory full of grace and power

    Only in the Son of God is salvation

    Be unto him that your heart yearn

    And for all who just do not believe

    You’ll see, when Christ returns.

    Faith defined

    (Hebrews 11:1–40)

    It is the substance of things hoped for

    The conviction of things not seen more

    But a good report men of old obtained

    Shows faith in God is not in vain

    The world did not simply arise from matter

    Thus the unbelievers chatter

    Believers see creation by God’s command

    This through faith we understand

    By faith:

    Able offered a more excellent sacrifice to God

    Cain was cursed and dwelt in nod

    By Enoch’s faith, he experienced no death

    Was transported to heaven without losing breath

    Noah, heir of righteousness, which is by faith

    Escaped the flood in obedience to grace

    Did as commanded in the sight of the Lord

    To him and his heirs, God said, Come aboard

    Abraham, the father of many nations

    Sojourned to a land without hesitation

    Though the promise of God made her laugh indeed

    Sara ovulated fertile seed

    In her nineties she had not yet conceived

    Bore him a son, because she believed

    He offered up Isaac as was told to do

    Abraham believed God’s promise was true

    Concerning things to come, Jacob and Esau were blessed

    Isaac blessed them both, faith looked beyond death

    Blessed the sons of Joseph, worshipped leaning on a staff

    Jacob did by faith in death’s immanent path

    By faith:

    Joseph made mention of the exodus to come

    Gave commandment of his bones what was to be done

    By faith they hid Moses, a proper child he was

    Did not fear punishment, by faith just because

    Moses forsook Egypt, fled the king’s wrath

    Instead suffered affliction with God’s people, alas

    Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater treasure

    Beyond any riches Egypt could measure

    The walls of Jericho fell down by faith

    As they compassed around them seven days

    Rahab the harlot, perished not in disbelief

    For receiving the spies to her in peace

    Gideon, as surly with you I am

    Shall defeat Midian as one man

    By faith his fleece a victory being

    Destroyed a gross idolatrous thing

    By faith Barak did as the prophetess said

    No honor to him, to a woman instead

    Still he slew the army, not one was left

    But Jael was chosen for Sisera’s death

    A Nazarite to God, no razor touched his head

    With a jawbone of an ass, a thousand lay dead

    By faith Samson cried, Let me avenge my eyes

    He slew three thousand in death, more than in life

    Valiant warrior, son of a harlot, disinherited of family

    Made a vow to the Lord for deliverance of the enemy

    Did according as he vowed, no man his daughter knew

    Jephthah, man of faith, desired God’s will through

    By faith he slew Goliath, right from the start

    David became a man after God’s own heart

    Anointed king of Judah—and Israel

    His covenant with God indeed prevail

    Ultimately his successor is the son of David

    Lord of lords, King of kings, Christ our savior

    First and last human name in the New Testament

    David, one of the great

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