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Friends With Benefits: FWB
Friends With Benefits: FWB
Friends With Benefits: FWB
Ebook252 pages8 hours

Friends With Benefits: FWB

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Elaine Davis has been hurt by love before and has vowed to never be hurt again. She returns to her home church after a long absence and reconnects with a high school crush, Chad Clayton. When a chat session becomes sexually heated between them, Elaine propositions Chad to be her FWB, friend with benefits, for the duration of her weeklong school reunion. Things are going well until her ex-boyfriend, Eldrick Baxter, makes his presence known and makes it his business to get her back in his arms.

What happens when she learns that Eldrick is the same man he was years ago? When will she realize that her love for Chad is real?

Come along on this roller-coaster ride of ups and downs, twists and turns, and loop to loops that take place between Elaine, Chad, and Eldrick. Make sure to buckle up and hang on.

Release dateAug 10, 2021
Friends With Benefits: FWB

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    Friends With Benefits - Perdita Bradley


    Friends With Benefits


    Perdita Bradley

    Copyright © 2021 Perdita Bradley

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books, Inc.

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2021

    ISBN 978-1-63860-034-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63860-035-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    In memory of the following loved ones:

    To my loving mother, Mrs. Mary L. Bradley-Marshall, who has always supported and encouraged me to chase my dreams

    To both my dads, Mr. Andy Bradley Sr. and Mr. Johnny Marshall Sr.

    To my sisters, Ms. Clarice Bradley and Mrs. Essie Sturdivant

    To my brother, Mr. Oliver Marshall

    You all are greatly missed.

    I hope this makes you proud.

    Much love, until we meet again.


    Iwould like to thank God, first and foremost , for blessing me with the courage and the words to write this book.

    To my family for being so supportive of me stepping out of my comfort zone to write a book.

    To my friends for boosting me along the way.

    To my mentors, Mr. Clint Cullen and Mr. Jerein Harris, who have been down this road before by writing their own books, for being available whenever I needed guidance through this process.

    To my pastor, Dr. F. D. Scott, and First Lady LaShari Scott, for always being so supportive.

    To my high school English teacher, Mrs. Lilah Blackwood, who saw my potential over thirty years ago.

    Also, to the good people at the Tavern in East Lake, for the good food and drinks while I finalized my book in their spot.

    Thank you all for being a part of my first book-writing journey.

    It’s a warm Sunday morning, and Elaine is lying in bed, contemplating going to church. I haven’t been to church in so long. I may not recognize anyone. Elaine Davis, a preschool teacher, has attended the same church—First Baptist Church of Calvary—all her life but hasn’t been in a couple of years. Her father and grandmother passed a month apart; it was too painful. She fell into a deep depression, behind losing two of her favorite people. Her mom would often try to encourage them to go—her brother, Sydney, and herself—but they felt it mostly so she would have transportation to church. Sydney is a freelance photographer who travels around the world capturing the most stunning photos of nature and architectural structures with his camera. He sells many of his photos to office buildings and has even had pictures featured in art galleries around the country.

    Looking at the clock, she heads out the door to church dressed in a light-blue linen pantsuit. The sun is shining brightly; it’s the perfect day for her to renew her relationship with God. Traffic is light. She arrives at the church in ten minutes, sits in her car, wondering if she’ll remember anyone. Well, Elaine, you won’t know sitting here, she says to herself. Just as she’s getting out of her car, she hears her name being called.

    Elaine? Elaine Davis? Lord, have mercy! It’s Darlene Smith. She had a huge crush on Elaine’s brother, Sydney, when they were younger, but he wasn’t very fond of her. She used to call Elaine after choir rehearsals to talk to him through her. She extends her arms to hug.

    Hey, Darlene? It’s been a while! I was wondering if I would know anyone.

    Elaine, it’s been a while since you have been here, but not much has changed. I know one face you won’t forget.

    Elaine looks quizzically at Darlene. Whose is that? she asks.

    Darlene simply responds, Trust me, you’ll know when you see it. Elaine laughs and shakes her head. Darlene continues speaking, And speaking of unforgettable faces, how’s Sydney? He hasn’t been home in a long time.

    Elaine tells her, Sydney is Sydney. He’s doing good though. He’s traveling the world with his best friend, Cammie.

    Darlene looks a little hurt. So he’s traveling the world with his lady friend?

    Oh, no! I’m sorry. Cammie is his camera. He pursued his dream in photography.

    Darlene breathes a sigh of relief, then says, "I remember seeing an article about him in a photography magazine, Seasoned Photography."

    Elaine laughs and confirms by saying. Yes, my mom was so excited she bought all they had on the shelf at Walmart.

    Darlene adds, Well, he needs to come home sometime. I would love to see him, but I’m so happy to have you back! We have a lot of catching up to do. Wait till Pastor sees you! He’s going to get you, you know that. Are you still teaching? I’ve never been able to imagine how you could deal with so many little personalities.

    Elaine laughs. Yes, I’m still teaching. It’s been nearly six years now. Trust me, it’s never a dull moment.

    Elaine tries to sit toward the back of the church, but Darlene insists that she sit with her. Darlene sits on the fourth pew from the front. Elaine leans to her. Why so close to the front? Darlene laughs.

    Service starts. The choir begins to sing, All day, all night, the angels are watching over me… It was Elaine’s dad’s favorite song. Listening to the choir, she does her best to keep the tears at bay. Her father, Deacon John Davis, would sing that song during devotion. He was a very spiritual man, the kind a Christian woman would want to marry. Pastor Fred Walker, like most Baptist preachers, instructs everyone to speak to one another. He asks the organist to play something upbeat and tells everyone to walk around to fellowship.

    Let’s love on one another. Somebody didn’t feel like coming, but they’re here. So happy to see Sis Elaine Davis with us. It’s been a long time. Thank God for your presence. Elaine smiles, embarrassed, but nods to Pastor Walker. An older woman hugs Elaine and smiles. Just as she steps away from her, she steps directly in front of Chad Clayton. Chad is six feet tall, chestnut brown, with a chiseled body. The man makes any suit look grand. This man looks so good he could tuck an old dusty dishrag in his collared shirt, and everyone else would want to do the same. Elaine has always had a crush on Chad, but he never seemed to notice her when they were younger. Word around town, he was truly the ladies’ man, a playa. So Elaine’s high school love interest became a young man named Eldrick Baxter, Banks High School’s star basketball player. They were a rather serious item, until he joined the military. Eldrick, being three years older than Elaine, felt he had outgrown their six-year relationship. Although they had discussed marriage when she graduated college, Eldrick chose to end the relationship instead. It left Elaine feeling devastated, and she vowed to never allow her heart to be broken again. She guarded her heart in every relationship that followed.

    Chad flashes a million-dollar smile, and Elaine seems to be consumed by his presence. Chad opens his arms and pulls her into a tight hug. Elaine, it’s so good to see you. How have you been? Elaine hugs him back, taking in the masculine musk scent of his cologne.

    Chad. I’m good. You’re looking good, she answers. Elaine is smiling and looking in Chad’s face when the pastor calls order back to the service.

    Elaine returns to her seat next to Darlene, and Darlene is smiling like she’s won a lottery or something. She leans toward Elaine as she whispers, I saw that! You looked happy to see each other.

    Elaine shakes her head at Darlene. She waves Darlene’s comment off, Pay attention to Pastor. Then she turns her attention back to the pulpit to listen to Pastor Walker preach.

    As services ended, Elaine makes her rounds to greet different people she knew. She exchanges numbers with Darlene and heads to her car. She looks in the direction of her car and sees Chad standing close by. As she approaches him, he begins to speak, So, Elaine, it’s good to see you. I hope you’ll be back before another two years.

    Elaine laughs and responds, Well, Chad, we will just have to see. I felt like I hadn’t missed a Sunday. Silence falls between them; Chad seems to have something else he wants to say, but he doesn’t. Instead, he hugs Elaine and walks away. Elaine gets in the car, wondering what he was about to say. Her phone sounds. Looking at it, she sees she has a new friend request on Facebook. It’s Chad Clayton.

    Monday morning, Elaine arrives to work early and heads straight to Janice Moore’s room. Janice and Elaine began working together at the school Play Equals Learning Preschool at the same time and have been best friends ever since. Hey, Janice, do you have a moment?

    Janice looks up from her paperwork. Hey, sure. What’s up?

    She leans against Janice’s desk and says, So I went to church yesterday. Tell me why I was like a schoolgirl with a crush when I saw this guy named Chad?

    Janice smiles, leans forward, and asks, Do you like him, Elaine?

    Elaine laughs hysterically and says, No! But he is good-looking. It wouldn’t matter if I did anyways. Chad didn’t see me in high school, he won’t see me now. Besides, it was my first time seeing him since my grandmother passed two years, and I really don’t think I’m his type.

    Janice shakes her head, saying, Girl, who knows, and how do you know you’re not his type? Maybe he can convince you to move forward.

    Elaine rolls her eyes and replies, Whatever, heifer. Elaine and Janice laugh as the morning bell rings.

    Three months has passed, and Elaine is attending church on a regular basis. She’s even picking up her mother, Marilee Davis, for church. My baby, I’m so happy you’ve become active in church again. I wish your brother would come home and get back in church.

    Elaine looks at her mom and sighs. Mom…

    Her mom looks at her with concern, saying, What? I just want assurance that you two will be all right when I’m no longer with you. Who knows, maybe you can now find you a husband, a good God-fearing man to take care of you.

    Elaine lets out a loud sigh. Mom, I’m happy alone. And as far as Sydney is concerned, he’s probably on the other side of the world doing whatever it is that Sydney does. When was the last time he’s called? She is trying to throw the focus onto her brother because she hasn’t been in a serious relationship since Eldrick, her high school sweetheart. She has dated, but none compared to what she had with Eldrick. Elaine dare not speak of Chad and the fact he’s been messaging her through Facebook. If she did, her mom would never let her hear the end of it. She must admit, it has truly been good for her ego to receive the attention. Chad has asked for her number; Elaine skates right past the question each time. Chad doesn’t appear to be one who gives up easily. He continues to send her good morning messages, thinking of you messages, and messages to just chat, but Elaine refuses to believe it could lead to anything more.

    It’s a Thursday evening; Chad sends her a message.

    Chad: Hello, beautiful.

    Elaine: Good evening, sir.

    Chad: What are you doing?

    Elaine: Working on a lesson plan. We’re doing a month-long study on balls, and I need ideas for a project my students can do.

    Chad: I have a ball study you can do. I’m sure finding a project would be the least of our troubles.

    Elaine laughs. This isn’t the first time Chad has initiated a sexual conversation. Elaine would humor him, considering nothing would ever come of it. Besides, Chad proved to really be a good friend when Elaine needed a shoulder to lean on.

    Elaine: Really? I believe you would have to have balls worth studying. Besides, it wouldn’t take a month to study yours.

    Chad responded with a picture. Elaine was totally caught off guard with the picture of his penis. Although it wasn’t a bad-looking penis, Elaine didn’t know how to respond. It’s been three years since she’s had a sexual encounter. Finally, she messages him back.

    Elaine: Who’s dick is this?

    Chad: It’s mine! Why would I send you a picture of another man’s dick? Come on now, bae. Give me more credit than that.

    Elaine: Boy, bye! You are too funny.

    Chad: Send me a picture.

    Elaine: Good night, hon.

    Chad: You scared?

    Elaine didn’t respond. She kept looking at the picture of Chad’s penis. It’s one of the most beautiful dicks she’s seen. Just looking at the picture makes her blush. Looking at the picture, she can see every detail of his manhood. The head is shaped perfectly like a mushroom, with pulsating veins extending up and down the shaft. She begins to think, This man must have to adjust himself every time he sits down. My god, he is truly blessed. Did he really just send me his dick pic?

    Later that night, Elaine can’t get the image out of her mind. She begins to imagine what it will be like to share an intimate moment with Chad and his ten-inch penis. She falls asleep with Chad’s penis on her mind, and she begins to dream about it. She’s in her bed asleep when he enters her room. He slips into bed with her and begins to caress her. She moans while pushing her hips back to find he’s not wearing any underwear. His penis is poking her in her back. She reaches behind her to touch him, but he shifts his body under her. With her back against his chest, he places his hand on her clit and rubs it with just enough pressure to make her moan and weak with desire. He flips her again, so he’s on top of her, and she’s facedown. He pulls her hips back to him. She’s on her hands and knees, and he rubs his manhood over her wetness. The head of his penis is pressed into the folds of her wetness. Her phone rings.

    It’s morning, and Elaine is awakened from her steamy dream by the sound of her phone ringing. She looks at it and sees Darlene’s name. Hello, Darlene.

    Hey, girl. What are your plans for the day? Darlene asks cheerfully. Elaine is slow to respond, trying to come up with something. But before she could, Darlene quickly says with excitement, Nothing! If it’s taking that long to respond, you have nothing planned. It’s nine thirty a.m. Be dressed and ready by eleven a.m. I’ll pick you up.

    Elaine sits up in her king-size bed. Where are we going?

    Darlene responds, A group of us from the church are going to Coosa River for lunch on the riverboat. It’ll be fun. There will be plenty of single men there.

    Elaine groans. Darlene, for a nurse, you sure spend a lot of time trying to matchmake. I told you, I’m happy by myself. I don’t have to worry about messy breakups. I’ll pass.

    Darlene quickly interjects, No, ma’am! You’re still hung up on Eldrick Baxter. Let it go! He has moved on. When will you? Chad looks like he’s just waiting for you to throw him a bone, but you won’t give him the time of day. I just don’t get it. I’ll see you at eleven sharp. Darlene hangs up.

    Elaine gets out of bed thinking to herself, Am I really still hung up on Eldrick? Sure, I haven’t been in a serious relationship since him, but he’s not the reason. I just don’t want to be hurt again. Chad is probably the same player he has always been, and now I know why the women flocked to him. The man has a nice package, but I can’t tell Darlene about the nature of our texts. It means nothing. Besides, celibacy isn’t so bad.

    Elaine pads to her closet to find something to wear. With thoughts of her dream replaying in her head, she decides on an off-shoulder purple floral maxi halter dress. I may as well look good should Chad be there. Plus, this dress will be perfect to allow the wind off the waves to caress my skin on a warm day like today. Darlene is a woman of her word. She’s outside of Elaine’s apartment blowing her horn at eleven on the dot. Darlene has her radio blasting with Anita Baker playing. I love Anita!

    Fairy Tales begin to play, and they join in singing, The story ends, as stories do. Reality steps into view. No longer living life in paradise—or fairy tales—uh. No, uh-huh-mmm-mmm.

    Elaine laughs. Sister-girl was speaking some truth on this one. Love is a fairy tale.

    Darlene gives her a side-glance. Girl, in some cases, but don’t tell me you really believe you can’t have ‘a happily ever after.’ They arrive at the riverboat, and Darlene has wine coolers and snacks to add to the table of food being set up. As Elaine is arranging the cheddar cheese and buttery round crackers on a silver serving platter, she feels someone standing very close to her. She turns around, and to her surprise, it is Chad with a big smile on his already mesmerizing face.

    Hello, Elaine, he says in a deep tone and steps even closer. Elaine laughingly holds one hand to his chest and pushes him back.

    What’s up? she replies, then immediately thinks about the picture he sent her the previous night. Elaine fights the urge of looking down at his crotch. Chad follows the direction of her eyes and laughs incisively.

    Do you want to see it? Touch it? Ride it?

    Elaine laughs nervously. Chad, please don’t flatter yourself. I’m not impressed.

    Chad leans in and whispers in her ear, You may not be impressed, but I do believe you’re scared.

    Elaine looks at him. The only thing I’m scared of is you not knowing how to use it. A man with a package like that must have skills. Otherwise, it’s a waste.

    Chad looks Elaine in her brown eyes. Oh, I know how to use it. My skills are top-notch. I’m waiting on you. Elaine pats Chad on his left arm and walks away.

    The riverboat ride was fun, just like Darlene said, plenty of men—short ones, tall ones, slim ones, muscular ones, and even fat ones—were there. Some had hair; one even had on a front lace. Elaine seems to find the ones with clean-shaven heads more appealing.

    One of them approaches Elaine. Excuse me, miss. I hope you don’t mind me saying this, but I think you are a very attractive woman. Would you care to dance?

    She looks around, then points to herself. Are you talking to me?

    He laughs. Yes, I am. My name is Darrell, and you are? He extends his right hand for her to shake. She shakes his hand.

    Nice to meet you, Darrell. My name is Elaine. He continues to hold her hand. Elaine catches a glimpse of Chad watching them.

    Darrell continues, Well, how about that dance?

    She smiles as she bites her bottom lip. I don’t think so. I just came along to get some fresh air. Thank you for asking, Darrell. Another guy asked her to dance; she turned him down as well. Each time a man approaches her, she can feel Chad watching her. She will make eye contact with him throughout the afternoon and smile; they even make small talk with each other.

    Are you enjoying yourself, so far? he asks.

    She nods her head. I am. I’m glad Darlene called me. He flashes that million-dollar smile, which causes a warm feeling to pour into her core.

    He rubs her right arm. Would you like something to drink? The makeshift bar is set in a corner of the boat, which doesn’t provide space for many. She stares at his lips as he speaks, longer than necessary.

    Slowly, she responds, Sure, wine would be nice. He chuckles, then licks his lips. Elaine follows the movement of his tongue. A shiver goes up her spine as she wondered how it would feel to have his tongue on the most intimate parts of her body. You know what? On second thought, I think I’ll just grab a bottle of water instead. She quickly walks away as thoughts of her dream comes to mind. Nerves taking over, Elaine avoided being alone with him.

    On the ride home, Darlene is chatting away about the men on the boat. I think that was one of the best single mixers the church has done yet. Girl, I may have connected with Mr. Right back there. How did you like it? I noticed you were getting quite a bit of attention, especially from a certain someone. She looks over at Elaine, who’s not saying a word. Darlene turns the radio down low. Okay, spill it. I’ve been around you enough now to know when something’s up.

    Elaine turns her head toward the window and looks back at her wide-eyed. There’s nothing to spill! she says without thinking.

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