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Intimate with the Infinite
Intimate with the Infinite
Intimate with the Infinite
Ebook275 pages2 hours

Intimate with the Infinite

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About this ebook

A newborn baby cries. Once separated from the womb, the newborn's immediate desire is to find intimacy. There is no greater human intimacy than a mother's womb. That separation from intimacy defines us. We crave intimacy for the duration of our lives.

We are finite. We are mortal. We want to belong. We want to be a part of a family, a community, a group, and a nation. We want to be defined as not just who we are but to whom we belong. That is our desire to be intimate.

Human relationships are finite and all end in separation, either by choice or circumstance. Most of us seek to hold on to as many people as possible for the sake of feeling loved and giving love. Intimacy defines us. Ultimately, there is only one relationship that outlasts our mortality. That relationship is with our Creator. That relationship is timeless and endless and can only be described as being "intimate with the Infinite."

This collection of poems reflects my growth in seeking intimacy with the Infinite. As a son, brother, grandson, husband, father, and grandfather, I have learned to appreciate the multiple layers of intimacy in the family. These are all important links that help define who I am. I depend upon these relationships to give me peace, direction, and encouragement. I am reminded, however, that only one person can give me all that I need eternally and forever. Those are redundant terms but serve to emphasize this pursuit as extending timelessly.

Peruse this collection for a personal assessment of what the Holy Spirit will tell you about yourself and why eternal life is not about living forever. Instead, it is about knowing Christ intimately and infinitely.

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (Jn 17:3)

Release dateNov 18, 2022
Intimate with the Infinite

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    Book preview

    Intimate with the Infinite - Michael D. Johnson M.D.


    Intimate with the Infinite

    Michael D. Johnson M.D.

    ISBN 978-1-68570-456-8 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68570-457-5 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Michael D. Johnson M.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents


    Come Die with Me

    Appealing or Appalling

    I Want It All

    The Next Breath

    Makes Sense

    The Enemy Is Dead

    Delightful Deprivation

    Three Visits, One Visitor

    Sharing with My Lover

    A Kind Word

    Break My Heart

    Not Bright

    Buy God a Watch

    Careful Spending

    Come and Eat

    Damaged Goods

    Did It in the Dark

    Fall Asleep in My Arms

    Far Beyond

    Forgetful Father

    God's Party Tricks

    Growing My Grudges

    Help Me to Die

    I Hid in My Bed

    I Hid in the Shadows

    I Went Dark on Jesus

    I Would Rather Be Lonely

    Loosen My Belt

    My Enemy's Pain

    My Lover Called

    Never Forgive You

    Never Gets Easy

    No Rest for You

    Out of the Closet


    Only One Way Out

    Send Someone

    So Safe, So Warm

    Surrender to Me

    The Gift I Want Is You

    The Other Cheek

    Magic Prayer

    Have It Your Way

    Take Him for Granted

    The Same Every Year

    The Same Stuff

    This Time I Travel Naked

    If You'd Prayed

    I Make You God!

    You Are My Best

    Your Doormat

    Pimples and Dimples

    You Won't See Me

    Band-Aid on Cancer

    Feeding on Froth

    Deny Him

    Not Happy, Not Healthy, but Holy

    Turn Invisible Moo into Meat

    Break Them Again

    Silly Poor Man

    Swallowing Time

    My Enemies' Peace

    The Vine

    The Best You Can Do?

    Submission, Not Permission

    Me or You

    He Always Celebrates You

    Amend It


    Shake Hands with the Devil

    The One Thing She Could Do

    Default to Self

    I Rebuild

    He Listens

    Just Twenty-Six Hours

    Just Nod

    Next Shiny Thing


    Tit for Tat

    My Short List

    A Pretty Bauble

    What's Next

    I Will Never Forgive You

    Help Someone Today

    Imagine This Imagine That

    Live in Your Past

    Stand Naked, My Child

    Another Chance

    Would I

    I Withheld My Love

    A Better World

    Make the Devil Smile

    Afraid to Abide

    I Have a Secret

    I Don't Want Holiness

    Easy to Love

    How Do I Know

    Loved, Not Led

    I Wish You Away

    Closer to You

    I Am Worthy

    A Fresh Fight

    I Hated the Sound

    I Know How to Want!

    A Little Pruning

    I Don't Remember That

    You Really Won't Need Me

    Dirty Sheep

    Give Me Power and Wealth

    Please, God, No Miracle

    Bits and Pieces

    Favor and Fault

    God Sees Differently

    Give Me Your Body

    Loving You

    I Looked At Your Sin

    Never Dine with the Atheist

    He Calls You His

    Always Here

    Does Jesus Do Voice Mail?

    Enjoy the Ride

    In Whom You Abide

    Like Me

    Your Substance

    Into the Hole

    My Enemy Is God

    Hide Here

    Wealthless Are Worthless

    More Mercy and Grace

    You Did Stink

    Thrill or Habit

    Do My Best

    He Remembers, Not Reminds

    Who I Am

    I Pretend to Care

    Only Bread

    Lying Down with Fleas

    Lead with a Limp

    No Measure, Mention, or Merit

    When Nobody Heard

    Take One

    Whom to Hate

    Every Soul Matters



    Wasted Mercy and Grace

    Both Lion and Lamb

    Stop and Start

    New Laws

    Black Outrage

    I Will Figure This One Out

    Sleep Peaceful

    Breathe Again

    A This for My That

    Hurt or Harm

    Cleaning Fish

    My Bride

    The Helm

    Sweet Sleep

    I Have Complaints



    Grown-Up Jesus

    Leftovers to Jesus

    How Far

    Somebody Has to Die

    End with Love

    No Worth in You

    Never and Always

    Feed the Roots


    Having Less

    What's Eating You

    God Lowers Standards

    Those Other People

    Kill All the Evil People

    Just a Smidgen

    A Dry Cough

    Feel Safer—He's Dead

    Lord, Make Me Rich

    The Same List, Lord

    A Passion for Lepers and Whores

    Fate, Fear, and Faith

    Another Pharaoh

    Your Own Dirt

    Vilify the Vulnerable

    About the Author

    To the five most important people in my life. They all happen to be women: first, my grandmother, affectionately known as Nannie, who taught me how to love the word of God and memorize scriptures; my mother, Helen, who taught me the love of reading and creating and the importance of poetry; my aunt Roberta, who taught me to never settle for less than my best; my mother-in-law, Susie Mae, who has lived a godly life, making it possible for me to have a godly wife; and of course, my godly wife, Sandra Kay, who was used by God to protect me and help me mature in my faith. Together these five women taught me to be sensitive and desire to be a man who honors God, seeking integrity in professional and personal life. Intimacy with the Infinite is what I have seen in the lives of these five women. Them modeling Christ before me is the true inspiration for me to model Him before others.


    These days, many professing Christians think only of their personal relationship with one another and consequently wander loosely without regard for their relationship with Christ. This book from beginning to its end addresses closeness to our Savior and a walk with Him that reaches levels of love beyond belief.

    God has designed that we be joined not only to each other but to Him as well. The New Testament metaphors that depict Christ are richly instructive in carrying the weight of this great challenge. A challenge to be, intimate with the infinite.

    God calls us to be—intimate with Him and joins in the joy of love by loving us unconditionally.

    What is intimacy with God?

    A holy and royal priesthood offering spiritual sacrifices to God

    A chosen race belonging to God

    A spiritual nation whose king is the eternal God

    A temple indwelt by the spirit of God

    A set of branches connected to Jesus as the vine

    A body of which the Lord Jesus is Head

    All these metaphors feature the common characteristics of intimacy with God

    Believers compose of the priesthood, one nation, one race, one temple, one plant, one flock, one family, and one body. We have all been made one spiritually, and we belong together in intimacy with God.

    This helpful book lays out the crucial pattern for conduct in the fellowship that leads to the fulfillment of love. Love God with a blood-sealed love, born out of His blood He gave for us on the cross. Love Him with all your heart.

    —Pastor James A. Lovett II

    Tasker Street Missionary Baptist Church

    Come Die with Me

    My sweet savior bid

    Your life is no good

    'Till in Me it's hid

    Die to your pleasures

    Die to your pain

    To your earthly treasures

    The things you count gain

    Die to your pride

    Die to your rights

    In Me fully abide

    On Me set your sights

    For too long you contest

    For too long you strive

    Give in to this death

    Submit and come alive

    Lose yourself in My will

    Lose yourself to My way

    If you are dead, just be still

    I will indwell you that day

    Come die, My sweet child

    Take your last selfish breath

    Let My spirit inside

    Let My life give you rest

    For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Phil 1:21)

    For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Col 3:3)

    Appealing or Appalling

    I find it revealing

    As I hear my God calling

    What I find appealing

    My God finds appalling

    So comfortable with sin

    When I should be groaning

    I strike a big grin

    While my God is moaning

    The world says it's right

    Feed the flesh with all pleasures

    So to end this flesh fight

    Know that I'm His true treasure

    He has placed His own sealing

    He is continually drawing

    God makes me appealing

    So I could avoid the appalling

    Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

    For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. (1 Jn 2:15–16 King James Version [KJV])

    I Want It All

    I want it all, not what you can spare

    Not the remnants you don't want

    I am not asking you to share

    I want it all—don't tease and don't taunt

    I am jealous, and I will not take some

    You attempt to placate, appease

    I find it offensive, not worthy of notice

    Bend your heart and not your knees

    Not the prayer position or posture

    Not the appearance that others might see

    I consider half measures, you impostor

    I want it all; it all belongs to Me

    You keep some aside for your just in case

    You squander; you hoard and collect

    Your giving is not sacrifice; it's a disgrace

    Your generous offering I do reject

    I gave you all without measure or merit

    I poured My life's blood; I suffered and died

    I withheld nothing so you could have heaven

    You withhold and give less; you have lied

    I want it all, and the promise I give

    Is you will have even more; this is true

    Give Me all; that is how My child must live

    All that I am I give freely to you

    He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Rom 8:32, emphasis added)

    Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. (Mt 13:45–46)

    The Next Breath

    Am I worthy of the next breath?

    Will I just abuse this air?

    Will I squander the grace You gave me,

    Or will I generously share?

    Will I seek the purpose You have?

    Will I lift up those who've fallen,

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