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The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史
The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史
The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史
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The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史

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In its invasion, Japan ripped away all the land and the sea, leaving only the sky of Korea behind. More than even Hitler's record, 7 million Koreans died--Unit 731 biopsy, arson of the great east earthquake, the rape of Queen Myeongseong, the cutting out of court ladies' breasts with knives, the keeping of the Church of Jeam-ri and the villagers in the fire, the raping and killing of two hundred thousand virgins, and the abandoning of draftees on the Pacific Island. And on the altar of blood, Japan became an advanced country. Animals mate and leave quietly, but Japanese soldiers raped and killed and left. Until when are you going to keep the scarlet letter around your neck? Will the day come when mugunghwa and sakura bloom together?

Since the Sino-Japanese War again 10 years later, it occupied Korea and inflicted tremendous pain on our people. Unlike Germany, Japan has never repented and apologized for their atrocities. "Japan's Evil Master" will serve as a way of understanding the brutal history of Japan's imperialism. The problem is not knowing their past, but I believe it will be an important guide in preventing Japan's ambition to repeat its militaristic atrocities again. (Han Wan-sang, a former deputy prime minister / professor at Seoul National University)

Japanese colonial era signals the importance of the scars of Koreans, and Dr. Choe Young, are vividly displayed. Based on outstanding historical data and clear analytical skills. One of this insights will make a valuable contribution to the future peace of Northeast Asia. (Alexis Dudden, professor and author of Japan's Colonization of Korea, University of Connecticut)

There is no book that is more persuasively written about Japan's brutal history, especially the human rights of women who have suffered irrevocable injuries due to the war, centering on the vast data. This book is Japanese military sexual slavery problem for the past and present and really understand what was going on in the direction of solving future problems offer a big role. I would like to strongly recommend modern women who are adapting to rapidly changing social environments and dream of a fair future amid accurate historical perceptions. (Professor Kim Hyun-sook, Sookmyung Women's University)

Japan is famous for technology development, but the process is a criminal country achieved through invasion and conquest. Japan can be a companion to the march of mankind if it seeks forgiveness from Korea and other affected countries. This book is recommended as a textbook of the people who can understand and cope with Japan as a crucial guide to Japan's new path of change. (Professor Cho Jin-ho, Illinois State University)

Release dateDec 28, 2022
The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史

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    Book preview

    The Criminal History of Japan in Korea 日本の 罪惡史 - Young J. Choe


    The Criminal History of Japan in Korea ae--Y=aeoe!a(r) c 1/2 aaef!a2

    Young J. Choe, PhD

    ISBN 978-1-68517-228-2 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68517-229-9 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Young J. Choe, PhD

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    The cover picture is designed to symbolize the lady who was abused sextually by Japanese solders in colonial war time.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    A Summary of This Book (The Front Page)

    A Letter of Recommendation



    Why Does Japan Like Invasion and War?

    The Country of Historical Manipulation and Distortion

    Attempting to Exterminate Roots in Korea

    Imjin War Killed 3 Million People

    Slaves Taken Away and Korean Girls Crushed by Japan

    The Crime of Japan by the Ambition of Conquest

    Hashima, an Island of Forced Labor and Hell

    The Legacy of the Industrial Revolution and Forced Labor

    Death of Empress Myeongseong

    The Politics of Violence and Looting

    Japanese Demons in Photographs

    The Dokdo Islands Meet a Real-Life Burglar

    Church of Jeam-ri, Burned by Bullets

    71 Crimes of Japan

    What Is Japan Thinking?

    The World Complains about Japan

    After the Joseon Dynasty, When Japan Collapsed

    The Scarlet Letter on Japanese Neck

    The Day When Mugunghwa and Sakura Bloom Together

    Silence to Evil Is on the Side of Evil

    Bibliography: the Criminal History of Japan in Korea

    The List of the Sponsors

    About the Author

    A Summary of This Book (The Front Page)

    This book is

    The Japanese people are saying that Koreans are

    the fact that he trampled mercilessly.

    That you don't know.

    That you're trying to deceive that fact.

    have a purpose in making known


    How much Koreans themselves can do.

    The fact that they were trampled by the Japanese.

    I'd like to let you know that I don't know.

    set one's purpose

    this book

    taken away by the Japanese

    The souls who were raped, forced to serve, executed and buried,

    I still can't get to that world.

    To the souls of sympathy that haunt in this world


    A Letter of Recommendation

    This picture is about Professor Alexis Dudden, who blames Professor Ramsyer, who manipulates Korean sexual slavery women as prostitutes in Japanese wartime. It was introduced in Korean TV in February 2021.

    Professor Young Choe with his advisor Dr. Chan-sun Cho have made a passionate and important contribution to understanding why Korean collective memory of the Japanese occupation remains raw. Their lucid observations backed by thoughtfully analyzed historical materials make this book valuable to all interested in a peaceful future in Northeast Asia. (Alexis Dudden, University of Connecticut, author of Japan's Colonization of Korea)

    Recommended: Professor Alexis Dudden, University of Connecticut

    Consulted: Chan-sun Cho, PhD


    Japan occupied Korea by force in the past and recorded a history of vicious and brutal aggression for forty years through completely unparalleled colonial rule on the planet. It gave Koreans an immeasurable amount of misery, pain, and death. The biggest sin among them was the fact that they committed crimes against humanity while treating Koreans as animals. Japan's murderous crimes were the most barbaric human rights abuse on earth. It could not be traced back to any aggression and war history in its scale and brutality. It committed the sin of human slaughter.

    After Terauchi Masuda, the first governor-general since Japan occupied Joseon (Yi dynasty), took office, he boasted, I will carry out the policy of ending it, and said, Koreans are a people who should swallow their seeds. Koreans will have to choose to either obey Japanese rule or to die. Since this brutal first governor, all governors have competitively followed the policy of exterminating Koreans while increasing its brutality. After declaring this extermination policy, the government implemented a killing extermination policy to kill Japan unconditionally if it did not obey. Such a capricious murder probably comes from the spirit of a samurai. A samurai must kill himself first. Otherwise, he has to die.

    The massacre of Koreans in Japan began in the thirteenth century. Japanese pirates in the southern coast of a tribal town looted the property and carried out arson and murder and raped women and girls. Due to such cruelty, Koreans spent their time in fear. In the sixteenth century, the two invasions of Toyotomi Hideyoshi led to the destruction of Joseon's land by murderous arson. In 1910, the forced annexation of the Joseon dynasty days due to all the resources and cultural assets and after hitting each and pulling it into Japanese military sexual slavery, as a student soldier, the conscription, as drafted. Starve somebody to death and consumables like Japan's decided to write this book to write of the devil.

    The Japanese government ruled Joseon by deceiving its people. They only let them know what they thought was good and hid what was bad. Therefore, the Japanese people thought that Korea was a country blessed by Japan. As I watched the scene at that time, I decided to let the Japanese people know about the sin of the Japanese people until my life stopped. However, I spent many years realizing this resolution until the age of 104 due to various life circumstances. I met my fellow worker Dr. Young Choe, and I am grateful that the book was completed through his hands and academic wisdom.

    Chan-sun Cho, PhD

    Los Angeles


    I am neither an expert on Japan nor on history. As a theologian, I met Professor Cho Chan-sun on the phone while looking for a book on space religion beyond earth's religions. At that time, he was ninety-eight years old and confirmed that he was alive in LA. Professor Cho talked about his dreams and ideas about Japanese sinners and asked me to study it at an advanced age.

    However, relations between the two countries in 2015, Japanese military sexual slavery, and tough issues as the important interests of our lives began to be noticed. South Korea and the international community media projected their anger toward the Japanese government with Japanese military sexual slavery and citizens. It looked like waves of rain and snow in front of the Japanese embassy in Korea. Clamor for an apology and compensation hit. On top of that, the international community, led by the US, also joined in making noise.

    In this situation, a voice came to my heart as I traveled between the US and South Korea, and my friends around me stimulated me to write a book. When I returned to the United States, I decided to join in writing a book and rushed to Los Angeles in July 2015 to meet Professor Cho. Professor Cho was ninety-eight years old. However, he was in good condition and looked like a machine that still worked properly. He even drove all the way to a highway to treat me and drove with a thrill.

    This book has been accomplished by talking on the phone every day and reaching the completion of both agreements. When I call him, his voice is full of life. You are like an airplane flying back from the runway with dreams and challenges, I would say. It became more than just writing a book. I became fascinated by the mystery of the life of an old scholar. It took two and a half years to finish the manuscript.

    I hope this book will be a festival song to solve the grudge of Koreans, and a cello's wailing grief for Japanese military sexual slavery and for dying under false accusations and without a sack of rice and a name. Go on to that world alive and as far away from the soul and from Japan and from a bad time in a strange land. I dedicate this book to those who are still floating around the world, to the people with unhealed bitterness.

    Finally, I hope that this book will serve as a road map for the Korean government and for Koreans to guide them in dealing with Japan at a slightly higher level and that the Japanese people will be reborn. I hope they will see how inhuman Japanese imperialism was, and I hope that people around the world, especially the US, will know the truth about Japan's manipulation.

    Author Young J. Choe, PhD


    Chapter 1

    Why Does Japan Like Invasion and War?

    의회 싸우는사진

    The scene of a rare physical fight between the Japanese parliament and the ruling party lawmakers is scrambling to block the special committee chairman, Yoshitada Konoike, from pushing ahead with a vote on the security-related bill at a special committee on the peace and security legislation at the upper house of Japan on Thursday afternoon. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is only looking forward to the back of the tangled lawmakers, is seen. (AP News [This is an article written by Chosun Daily News])

    Japan Thinking Again

    Invasion is the infiltration of another's land and trampling on it and taking it away, and war is the violent act of fighting another country. Aside from the war of justice, these two acts, aggression or war, first occur when you turn from human behavior to animal demons, trampling on your conscience, morals, and character. Following the invasion of Joseon and Asia, Japan began to give up becoming a human being, participating in World War I and World War II and the Pacific War. I really want to ask why Japan has often produced such devilish aggression and wars. Is Japan a war-loving country by nature? So why on earth is that?

    This book is not intended to present answers to questions to the Japanese themselves. First, I want the Japanese to answer the question. This is because Japan has a scarlet letter name tag on its war criminals in Korea, Southeast Asia, and the world and is obliged to heal the wounds it has left on mankind. Second, I want to teach you that it is a nation that apologizes for the inhumane atrocities it has done and the lives it has taken and that it is responsible for payback.

    Do you really know Japan? How they themselves invaded other people's territory and robbed them and scratched them like lions, cruel as demons! Try it! A Japanese man should rape his mother and his daughter. After pouring out all their beastly sexual desires in their comfort zone and in the fields, they should try beating and killing again. If they can't do that to their mother and daughter, why would they break into someone else's land and do such a thing? Japan must answer first before apologizing. Avoiding answers is despicable, and being unwilling to apologize is cowardly and inhumane, and it would mean giving up on being a normal state in the international community.

    Ask the Japanese these: Did you know that your army invaded Changdeokgung Palace in Joseon and killed Queen Myeongseong, who was sleeping, and raped the body, and did you know the barbarism that burned the body of the queen and wiped out all traces of her? Did the Japanese dump the bodies and remains of their ancestors or parents into the garbage? If the Koreans did so, would they be silent with only forgiveness and tolerance?

    Silence about Crime Is a Partner in Crime

    Lee Eu-Ryeong, Korea's leading cultural commentator, calls for Japan and China to be embraced. And Sunwoo Jung, the international director of the Chosun Ilbo, says, Learn the merits of Japan rather than remembering the past. Their orders are interpreted in broad terms. This means that Korea, China, and Japan should be a peace regime because they are the main players in East Asia. However, we cannot forget about Japan easily. You can't always unconditionally get along with a bad neighbor. Would your mother tell you to forget the past if your daughter were taken away, raped, beaten, and thrown into a well, her body not even found in a faraway land? And will you ask them to bear the criminals?

    Korea remembers the past, and Japan tries to erase it. How are memories and the erasing of the past different? Memories are for learning. Erasing is an act of cheating to exterminate. Japan's memory of the past is not revenge but a study of history to get to know the other side and the enemy properly and a preparation for the future. To bury an unjust past is a self-destructive silence. That same ignorance and incompetence leads the devil to rebuild his house. Japan is trying to erase the past. They are not trying to erase it for Korea but to cover up their misdeeds and wrongdoings without apologizing. Conviction of a crime is another crime. It is evil to be silent about evil. To acquiesce to past crimes is to be a partner in the same crime.

    Was It a Country Born to Kill Korea?

    Anger at Japan, who ruthlessly trampled on human beings, should be the first ethical act for Koreans. Anger is not hatred. It is an act of just judgment on evil deeds. Japan is a country that has plagued others for a long time. Cho Chan-sun, advisor, defined, The Japanese are people who were born to bully the Korean people. Yes, the Japanese are the people who have plagued the Korean people for the longest time. But out there, I define Japan as a nation born to kill Joseon (Yi dynasty in Korean history). Rather than try to correct its viciousness, Japan tries to win, so it is a very dangerous neighbor. Rather than apologize and ask for forgiveness, Japan has yet to abandon its delusion of aggression and war again. That is why we should watch even if we eat and do business together. When we meet the Japanese, we hold out our hands, but they put out a knife.

    Japan is a country of sex crimes. It is a country of murder and has killed millions of Koreans and Asians. What has Japan done for the world? They make a lot of money, but few are willing to offer money for the world, except to pay membership fees to the United Nations. Again, it is dangerous for a crime country to walk around the international community.

    Japan opened early and learned technology from the West and is now the world's third-largest economy. It has led the so-called twentieth century, and now it is even realizing the so-called extension into space, laying Toyota on the highway. It is, so to speak, a rich and abundant country. Therefore, if you become a neighbor who apologizes, begs forgiveness, and pays back debts, you can forget about their past. But Japan is still a dangerous country that cannot be a true friend if it deceives, hides, denies, and dreams of invasion and war. A guilty criminal feels no forgiveness or guilt. Japan, who still apologizes and does not pay back its debts, is like a malicious criminal without remorse. I don't know when it's going to pull out the hidden knife.

    This book is not just a record of history. It is not another historical book that records the history of the past. We want to diagnose past events committed by Japan as ethics and morality, conscience and justice, and theology and social psychology in today's situation. Such reasons are an effort to erase the delusions and illusions and the remnants of consciousness about imperialism and militarism with the primary purpose of making it a true neighbor of the global community by making deep repentance for the past.

    We have agreed never to diminish the anger of the Japanese over their atrocities in this book. I have made up my mind to tell the truth eloquently if I could. Anger isn't hatred; it's a challenge to evil. It's a referee. As Bonhoeffer said, It's evil to be silent on evil. The Japanese will raise their voices of anger until they repent and beg for forgiveness.

    We are not trying to provoke the biased anger of Koreans, because we are Koreans ourselves. Rather, it is a priority to be angered by the ravages of human dignity and human rights that have been savagely broken by the Japanese. And if you wish, please resent the Japanese themselves for doing such cruel things. I hope that the Japanese are not mentally challenged with moral insensitivity that they would shut their eyes and straighten their heads after committing such barbarism.

    The Inhospitable Cruelty of Japan

    We listen to Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart from one hundred or two hundred years ago here today. They sing an angry song to prevent such tragedies from happening again by rethinking Japan's past, which is cruel to the Korean people, as the music of the past sings now. One of the foremost purposes of this book is to acknowledge that the Japanese are unaware of the atrocities they have committed against the Korean people and that Koreans want to know that they have been brutally punished and have not been aware of what has been done to them.

    Japan is an international war criminal who is still on trial. It's like a country still in prison after being prosecuted. The crimes of rape, murder, arson, theft, extortion, aggression, war, etc. are bad; but they are active, and they go around like normal countries do. A criminal walking around the street is like letting a violent sex offender loose in the village. The international community should treat Japan as a criminal state until it apologizes, forgives, and asks for forgiveness.

    I stress that the book urges Japan to raise its anger as much as possible and to decide not to hide its mistakes in order to get it to go out and conduct moral repentance, so this is a book full of criticism and reproach. However, if the Japanese or readers negatively evaluate the book as an overly critical and rancorous one, we will consider it a success. We don't hate the Japanese, but I hate Japanese evil. Is it wrong to be angry with the devil? Why should Japan enjoy the freedom to commit barbarous atrocities against the Korean people, and why should Koreans remain silent, even after being subjected to them? Is there any obligation if it is self-inflicted? How can human beings do such cruel and demonic acts to a nation?

    I couldn't hide my tears and anger while writing this book. I am now ashamed of myself for being ignorant of Japanese misdeeds. But this book is expected to conclude with a statement of repentance, self-reflection, reconciliation, and peace.

    The Japanese map below shows an ailing picture of the entire Japanese territory, which was contaminated by the atomic bomb detonated by Sun. Japan enjoyed conquest in Korea, Asia, and the world but lost many lives due to atomic bomb baptism and nuclear pollution in Japanese history. Will violence and aggression return to a returning arrow again?

    Chapter 2

    The Country of Historical Manipulation and Distortion

    The royal tomb of King Gwanggaeto and the maneuver

    One of the horrible crimes Japan has committed is fabricating and distorting the history of other countries. Japan is based on falsifying history to erase or justify its own criminal traces, including aggression. So when did Japan's invasion of Korea and its manipulation of history begin? It is generally known to have started during the Japanese invasions of Korea during the Joseon dynasty. However, experts say that Japan's invasion and history fabrication began much earlier than that of Dangun and Goguryeo during the period of the Three Kingdoms.

    Goguryeo (37 BCE–668 CE), which was one of the ancient kingdoms of the Three Kingdoms, along with Baekje and Silla, was a region that ruled the present Manchuria and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula for about seven hundred years. Goguryeo, which later reigned as the loser of Northeast Asia due to its continued expansion, took on vast territories across Manchuria and the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and formed a powerful nation complete with its political system, competing with China's empires, almost on par.

    As such, King Gwanggaeto's achievements are significant in the development of Goguryeo as an ancient country and a great power in Northeast Asia. King Gwanggaeto was the reason behind the great longevity of the vast Manchurian plain and was simply the great king. He called himself Yeongnak. It is interpreted as a show-off that Goguryeo is a country of equal relations with China. His son, King Jangsu, built a monument to honor his father's achievements in 414, the third year of his term: the tombstone of the great Gwanggaeto.¹

    The inscription on the tombstone erected by King Jangsu, the son of King Gwanggaeto, in memory of his father's achievements has been studied so far, and it has been revealed that 150 of the 1,775 letters left today were not naturally blurred in the landscape of time but damaged while burning the moss of the inscription in modern times.² If so, then why did anyone undermine and manipulate the inscription? It is Japan. The following is an excerpt from a communication from ancient times.

    Lee Jin-hee, a Korean Japanese historian, is said to be the first person to reveal that Japan damaged the tombstone of King Gwanggaeto and fabricated it in the process of interpreting the inscription. He published his book The Study of Queen Gwanggaeto and announced that the Japanese army's headquarters had tampered with the tomb. According to the report, in 1880, Japan sent Lt. Sakuo Quan to China to learn Chinese and then hid his identity and conducted secret missions around North China and Manchuria. Sakuo, who entered the family province around April and July of 1883, discovered the great tomb of King Gwanggaeto.

    Knowing that it was worth a lot, he hired a local assistant to make a rubbing, of which he modified twenty-five characters, including the so-called New Year's article, to favor Japan. Sakuo returned to Korea in October 1883 and submitted the rubbing to the army's headquarters, which conducted a secret research in 1889, claiming that the New Year's article was based on the Imnail Headquarters theory, which was established by Japan to dominate Korea.³

    Japan is teaching its descendants history distorted by history-fabricated textbooks due to the lack of such arbitrary manipulation of the history of other countries. The idea of manipulating the history of other countries to teach them a historical lesson is quite extraordinary. This is not a gift to posterity but a poison.

    We see Japan's vicious atrocities in the manipulation and destruction of the tombstone of King Gwanggaeto. To try to teach manipulated history to future generations is sad. It is like a thief trying to teach his son to steal, not how to live an honest life. Although Japan damaged and manipulated the precious heritage of other people, it could not hide the fact that it was defeated by Goguryeo. And in the end, its shameful and evil deeds are coming to light. What foolishness. What folly! This lack of history of Japan also comes from a study by foreign scholars who prove that Japan's roots are in Korea.

    Tourists stand at the tomb of King Gwanggaeto

    A Fabricated Ancestor of Japan

    Every country has an identity for its ancestors. The work of identity building begins with ensuring the root source of where they come from. Japan, however, is an insecure and uncertain nation about its roots. Therefore, we are forced to teach our descendants that they are descendants of the emperor. As a single nation, the emperor believes that he is the root of the people. Emperor Akihito is the 125th emperor of Japan. However, there is doubt that the emperor's roots are being introduced, nor does he even teach about the founding fathers.

    Meanwhile, after Japan lost the Pacific War, the emperor was demoted to ordinary citizen. General MacArthur demoted him because the deification of the emperor serves as the source of collective madness that drives the Japanese people into war.⁴ Even as they manipulate the history of other countries, they are more comfortable manipulating their own history. Despite the

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