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Prose from many shores: Heaven's Echo
Prose from many shores: Heaven's Echo
Prose from many shores: Heaven's Echo
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Prose from many shores: Heaven's Echo

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Prose from many shores knocks on the door of the reality of our daily lives in stanzas that give the reader a broader spectrum of the spiritual world in psalms and songs.

The author authentically decrees that most of the contents within these pages came in the form of an otherworldly muse most definitely from the light.

From broken hearts that never heal, to war that leaves scars unseen, to history long forgotten, to a World War II marine who encountered a talking dog that saved his life--all these are compiled within these pages, speaking to our world today. Far from being a self-help book, it speaks to the child within us all, to the adolescent we used to be, and the adult and seniors we will all become.

Here, in this unique collection, you will be much devoted to the Divine and psalms that came about during early morning prayers or, as the title, Prose from many shores.

In this lyrical expression of love, loss, war, and early morning visits by the muse (Prose from many shores), it is this writer's fervent hope and prayer that reading these words will inspire and encourage the readers to be aware that it is never too late to pursue your dreams in whatever category you have chosen.

I love being a writer of Christian psalms and praise poetry that inspire and all-around history much from the greatest generation (World War II).

As much as having written concerning Christian genres and motivational words of inspiration that have, in some ways, lifted the spirits of our cohort, every writer wants to make a difference with her/his contribution.

Today I have become a firm believer in the presence of God and Jesus Christ working in my life. It's my experience that prayer and meditation daily can not only change our lives and lead us to a more fulfilling existence but also change our world for the better.

It has been said and documented in millions of testimonies that belief in God is one of the most formidable tools of reliability one may have.

Within these pages, the reader will find story poems and short stories that will hopefully inspire them to move in the direction of unfulfilled dreams and ambitions. Hopefully, that may include the arts, creativity, performing arts, and writing.

God stands as the master creator of all that is or ever will be (you and me not excluded). What then is more devoted to his likeness and image than to recreate on our own level?

It is my fervent hope that reading Prose from many shores may inspire you to build and expand your own relationship with God through prayer and praise.

In the ever-holy name of Jesus Christ, I leave my blessing on this work and all who read it. God be with you, and perhaps we will be destined to meet in person along life's path.

"For grace is given not because we have done good works, but in order that we may be able to do them" (Saint Augustine of Hippo).

Release dateMar 9, 2022
Prose from many shores: Heaven's Echo

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    Book preview

    Prose from many shores - Bud Simmons


    Prose from

    many shores

    Heaven’s Echo

    Bud Simmons

    ISBN 978-1-63903-218-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-63903-219-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2022 by Bud Simmons

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents




    Prose from many shores: Heaven’s Echo


    A Horse Named Destiny (1836)

    Memories of a Republic

    Broken Hallelujah

    Butt-Scratchin’ Encounter

    Echo of a Broken Covenant

    El Degüello Rising

    Tennessee Echo

    Gabriel’s Call

    Small Texas Town

    King of Kings

    The Road to Nacogdoches

    Price for a Republic

    Ride Like the Wind

    William Travis (Revisited)

    Ruby the Alamo Cat

    Sacred Echo

    Son of 1941

    But in My Dreams

    Childhood Days


    The Beast of Battle

    Dawn Dance

    Deferred Honor

    Dixie Dew

    Doctor’s Visit

    Don’t Kill the Swan

    Embarrassing Echo

    Enduring Wind

    But for the Memory of Essie

    Camelot Echo (1960)

    Closing of the Door

    Clydesdales in the Snow

    Boss Cat (Revisited)

    Brave Echo

    Echo of Lost Love

    Fleeting Remembrances

    Flowing Destiny

    For Allen

    Forget Me Not

    Forgotten Longing

    Forgotten Streams, Fields, and You

    Forgotten Texas Echo

    Gentlemen, When We Are No More

    Ghost of a Gray Cat

    Gluten Rising

    Go Not Willingly, My Love

    Grandpa and Me

    Heartbreak Blues Express

    In My Slumberland of Dreams

    Is It Fact or Is It History?

    Rise Up, Rise Up

    School Day Memory

    Song of Life

    Song of the Warrior

    Ode to the Passage of Time

    The Bellevue House

    The Diner at Newstead

    My Visitor

    Ode to a Lady Poet

    Ode to Annie Oller

    Ode to Joyce Kilmer

    Odyssey Lost

    Places In My Heart

    Raven’s Echo

    Redneck Lesbian

    Restless Heart

    Legend in Our Time

    Desperate Echo

    Spirit Chimes

    Broken Sayonara

    Covenant of Blood

    Day after Infamy

    Faro Friend

    Mirrored Image

    Ode to a World War II Marine

    The Travelers

    Rain and Leaves

    Sings the Happy Soul

    Where My Heart Has Been

    Short Stories

    A Short Story of Love and War

    Dysfunctional Illusion


    Devil or Angel

    Each New Dawn

    Feline Echo (A Texas Tale)

    First Taste of Texas


    The Only Death Worth Dying

    Interview with American Former POW Bataan Survivor

    Funny Remembrance

    The Friendly Goose

    The Human Makeup

    Life’s Lessons

    Come You Back

    Greetings to All My Sisters and Bros

    Cave Dweller

    Faith Overcomes Fear

    Is Stillness the Mother of Peace?

    To Mark Walkingstick, who was and remains a loyal dedicated friend and mentor.

    come away my beloved and be like the gazelle or like a young stag on the spice laden mountains.

    —song of songs 8:6


    So many years ago, I read my first poem The Ballad of William Sycamore by Steven Vincent Benet from whence a fire began inside me to chase words and connect them to what I saw and felt. I began carrying a spiral notebook and BIC pen, scribbling down what I observed in life.

    A profound awareness came over me. The magic of life itself could be transformed into words that could feed the soul. The presence of the muse was one that dazed me at first as I found myself writing at the end or beginning of each day.

    I researched my curiosity and came up with many answers or suggestions—God speaking to us, souls who ask their stories to be told, the Divine awareness that you are not alone when writing—and these are not your words.

    Writing of my own experience of encounters (there are no chance encounters) for when we meet another person is meant to be.

    Here in this unique collection, you will find much devoted to the Divine and psalms that came to me during early morning prayers or, as I titled this book, Prose from many shores: Heaven’s Echo.

    In this lyrical expression of love, loss, war, and early morning visits by the muse (heaven’s echo), it is my fervent hope and prayer that reading these words will inspire and encourage the reader’s awareness that it is never too late to pursue your dreams in whatever category you have chosen.

    Remember to invite God into all your endeavors and that prayer and love remain the strongest force in the Universe, for he created us with worthiness and value.

    Wishing you love and light on your reading of Prose from many shores: Heaven’s Echo.


    I wish to thank Mark Walkingstick, who was and remains a loyal and dedicated friend and mentor. I would also like to thank Dr. Leslie Worthington.

    Also, thanks to Derek Disney, Bill Hall, Peggy Morris, and John Bartlow.

    Thank you to the members of my Thursday evening writers’ group as follows: Douglas Polk, Karen Greco, and Patty Williams.

    Special thanks Christian Faith Publishing and my Publication Specalist, Karen Franz, for all that they do.

    Without all of the above people this book never would have been written.

    To those wonderful otherworldly whispers of heaven’s echo that led to the title of this book and to its now publication.


    I am drawn to writing every morning as though a fish to water. The muse whispers to me from many guises and genres many times. It’s like some otherworldly voices are dictating the story of what you will read on these pages.

    Herein are many stories. Most are Christian based. Many are psalm-like poetry, and others include history stories of someone’s life struggles, loss, growth, the road to recovery and change, salvation, and redemption.

    Within these pages are essays written in stanzas from the muse, who is always present during my prayer and meditation time; hence, the words come.

    It is my hope you will be inspired by the reading Prose from many shores: Heaven’s Echo and pursue your own dreams in life to the fullest.

    Prose from many shores: Heaven’s Echo

    Herein is an assortment of inspirational writings and words of encouragement. It is a mixture of spiritual poetry and stories. Some are modern-day psalms that came to me during prayer and meditation. It is meant to inspire tired souls and encourage those of us who desire to follow our dreams.

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