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The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma
The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma
The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma
Ebook81 pages1 hour

The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma

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The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma takes the reader on a journey from victim to victor. The method used changes the old, negative, ingrained tapes in an abused person's mind into self-directed statements of positive affirmations about oneself. In effect, we throw out the thoughts that do us harm, creating victims of us, and put in the positive things that we find in each person, thus creating our true, wonderful selves.

In this book, we find at the beginning support for the reader. We all need support when we are caught up in an abusive or traumatizing situation. The words take the reader's hand, asking them to follow into the book. Gently, the readers follow the guide of working on and with positive affirmations, creating their own positive affirmations for themselves. The readers are taught how to form positive affirmations that suit who they really are.

This book talks about childhood through adult sexual abuse, trauma, rape (of all ages), and the mental difficulties from such an upbringing and more. It discusses how to change the negative tapes that have been programmed into the minds of the abused and traumatized into positive statements that help them to move toward a more positive life and thoughts. In this way, the reader goes from an abuse victim to a warrior who has fought to gain freedom from their respective pasts. They are then victorious and become who they were meant to be before the abuse and trauma.

My own recovery, using, above all else, positive affirmations, has helped me greatly. I would suggest this strategy to any broken, abused, traumatized, or hurting person out there.

Release dateOct 17, 2022
The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma

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    The Power of Positive Affirmations in Overcoming Abuse and Trauma - Jacalyn Marie




    Book and Workbook


    Copyright © 2022 Jacalyn Marie

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2022

    ISBN 979-8-88505-719-6 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88505-720-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is dedicated to all trauma and abuse victims; may they find direction, comfort, and the knowledge that they are not alone in their pain. I will show that there is a light at the end of the tunnel as you leave your trauma and abuse behind.

    The following poem is written about a survivor of abuse. This can be you too. May you find freedom away from your abuser(s).

    Through My Eyes

    I wish my friend, that you could see

    Yourself through my eyes

    I see a butterfly fresh from its cocoon

    flitting about gaily as she drops in on those she loves

    I hear the sound of your heart

    As you swirl around to your own beat

    I see the dance of your soul

    As you express yourself

    I hear the waves of the crashing sea

    As you get ready for yet another day

    I see a fresh and loving person

    Who each day gives of herself

    There you are loving so sweetly

    Talking so endearingly

    To one who needs your kind and soft words

    I see you hold them within your tender embrace

    As they settle in, nestled in your arms

    I see a person so selflessly giving every day

    As she listens to the stories of those in pain

    I see the expressions on those faces

    As you gently let them go.

    All of us are trapped at first by our trauma and abuse. Yet we can all emerge from the hell of trauma and abuse when we were victims of another’s pleasure, like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. We can spread our wings and fly toward freedom from the horrors of our past lives. Each one of us is capable. This can be your future, too.




    Chapter 1: Trauma, Complex Trauma, PTSD, Complex PTSD, and Positive Affirmations

    Chapter 2: The Interviews and Definitions

    Chapter 3: Your Toolbox of Coping Skills and How They Need to Change with Your Growth

    Chapter 4: Giving Oneself Permission

    Chapter 5: What Positive Affirmations and Hard Work May Do for the Abuse or Trauma Victim

    Chapter 6: Changing Perspective through Therapy and Positive Affirmations

    Chapter 7: Conquering Trauma with Positive Affirmations

    Chapter 8: Surviving Childhood Trauma through Positive Affirmations

    Chapter 9: Recovery and Positive Affirmations




    First, I would like to thank the Good Lord for putting the idea of writing this book in my heart.

    Next, I would like to thank my therapist, Dr. Bradley Nevins, for his guidance, cheering on, and general help. I can honestly say without him, there would not have been a book because he’s the one that taught me all about positive affirmations. As I wrote more and more, Dr. Nevins said that maybe I could write about abuse and positive affirmations. It didn’t take me long to decide to write the book. His support has taken me from 6,800 words to over 20,000 words. He has read all that I have written, offering advice where needed and telling me how proud he is of me and my achievement. It is a big thing to write a book.

    Next, I would like to thank my two sisters for their unending support and patience and for listening to each new page or chapter. They, too, gave advice on some words to use to make the paragraph read better. Without their support and love, I would have floundered more often. I thank them with all my heart.

    I would also like to thank my friend Joan for her love and nonjudgmental stance throughout. She made me laugh at times when all I wanted was to cry.

    Lastly a very special thank-you to my friend Christina, who held me up and supported me all the time. Her input for some of the words was just what the book needed. She also helped when I thought I would not be able to go on and finish the book. Beautiful.


    Abuse comes in many forms. Conquering it can take different therapies. Therapies come from or are introduced by different therapists. Abuse does not discriminate. It takes whatever victim looks right or is available to them. The victim is never at fault. I choose to write about positive affirmations and how they can support someone and help them through troublesome times because they have helped me immensely. I hope that you, my reader, will find help in these pages.

    First, let us take some time to figure out where we are now. Many of us are still in full victim mode, having an abusive person(s) in our lives, being hurt/abused by those closest to us, or even falling prey to trauma that is unspeakable. Those nearest to us, who are supposed to love, take care of, and be kind to us, are not doing so. Instead, they speak lies about who we are, attack us in our sleep, torture us while we try not to utter a sound for fear of worse punishment, and break our spirit, making us compliant to their will! Plus much more. We feel no sense of self for they have taken it away.

    It is time to reclaim ourselves and free ourselves from the abuser(s) in our lives! How do we do this? We start by deciding to seek help. Seeking help can be a daunting ordeal as we try to find the right therapist or psychologist that fits our needs. When you talk to a therapist, you need to find out if they are the right fit for you. This means that you can communicate with them about your abuse and trauma, telling them your story. Some therapists do not believe that anyone could go through what you have gone through. Having your life filled with abuse and trauma is a difficult

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