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Walking on Water: A 21-Day Devotional on Faith
Walking on Water: A 21-Day Devotional on Faith
Walking on Water: A 21-Day Devotional on Faith
Ebook73 pages35 minutes

Walking on Water: A 21-Day Devotional on Faith

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"I'm pregnant." Author Brieanna Lightfoot Smith never actually said those words to her husband. She just walked through the kitchen, shell-shocked, and handed him the pregnancy test. It shouldn't have come as a surprise. They were not using birth control and many of her recent, seemingly random encounters involved children-couples with children already or couples planning to have them. Nevertheless, the possibility of a life-changing event happening versus staring at the proof that it has in fact happened evokes a different set of emotions. In this twenty-one-day devotional, Lightfoot Smith shares her journey from fear to faith and how one unexpected pregnancy would forever empower both her and others to do bold and scary things.

Release dateAug 14, 2018
Walking on Water: A 21-Day Devotional on Faith

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    Book preview

    Walking on Water - Brieanna Lightfoot Smith

    Does God Exist?

    Now without faith it is impossible to please God for the one who draws near to God must believe He exists and rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

    Married at the age of twenty-five, I’d somehow decided that twenty-eight was the perfect year to start raising kids. By then, Geordan and I would have three years to just exist with one another, to learn each other’s habits and preferences and grow deeper in love. But here I am, fresh off turning twenty-six with just one month to go until our son’s due date, and to my surprise, the timing has been perfect.

    During the first few months of my pregnancy, I cried and prayed more than I ever had before because I knew if I was going to get out of this that which the Lord designed for me I was going to need to stick close to the author of my story.

    I spent lots of time studying scripture and Hebrews 11 became my new best friend. This Faith Hall of Fame highlights men and women such as Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Noah, and Rahab who allowed their faith and trust in God to guide all of their decisions.

    In my moments of doubt when feelings worked in direct contrast with my faith, I asked myself, Does God exist? I knew the answer was yes, and knowing so meant, like Moses, Abraham, Sarah, Noah, and Rahab, I, too, had to trust Him. So I let my faith drown my feelings, and when they’d rear their ugly heads again, I’d reread this scripture and continue to drown them. Because God does exist and He rewards those who seek Him.

    Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to be confident in your existence in the midst of uncertain situations.

    Action: Write out some of the highlights from your faith hall of fame, notate how God rewarded your

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